Top 10 BEST Fruits For BOUNTY HUNTING In Blox Fruits!

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blockx fruits has a total of 38 fruits some of them are good for farming some for PVP but a few of them are on a different League especially for bouncy hunting so in today's video I'll be talking about the top 10 best fruits for bouncy hunting in bloxs fruits let's begin starting off at number 10 we have the Venom fruit this fruit has super high damage which can be very useful in fighting other people and also if we talk about combos yes you can easily do combos with the Venom fruit and to be honest I think the Venom fruit is very easy to learn so if you guys are starting to bouncy hunt I would recommend you guys to use this fruit and lastly this fruit is not really that hard to get so you guys could trade for it or you know wait for it to come in stock and get it pretty easily but yes some fruits later in the list are a lot more better than the Venom fruit so stay tuned swiftly moving on into number nine we have the new sound fruit this is actually such an underrated fruit and especially for bounty hunting it is op first of all it is very very easy to get you can easily get it by doing one or two trades which is you know very good for a fruit secondly for your opponent this fruit is very confusing me myself I have gotten destroyed by a lot of sound users because you don't know what move they are actually doing or about to do and here comes the next point that it is extremely like I mean extremely annoying for your opponents like they would not be able to counter you and even if they do you can easily counter them back and defeat them in the fight so I would highly suggest you guys to use the sound fruit for bounty hunting but keep in mind you should get race V4 before you should try to use this fruit because I think that will make a huge difference okay let's move on into number eight the sand fruit this is quite a common fruit and you guys can get it it pretty easily but it has one of the best combo Potentials in the entire game if you like to do Combos and you want to finish the fight in a couple of seconds the sand fruit is the perfect fruit for you and the best part is it is one of the most easiest fruits to learn in the entire game whether you are a noob or you are a pro you can easily use this fruit for bounty hunting and I would highly recommend you to do so as well swiftly moving on into number seven we have the ice fruit a lots of you guys would have expected this fruit to be on this list and yes it deserves to be on this list no doubt the ice fruit has one of the best combo Potentials in the game and personally I think it is one of the most easiest fruits to use and it has very easy Combos and if you want to get this fruit yeah that's going to be such an easy job for you so don't even worry about that but currently the ice fruit is getting out of metal because everybody has been using very very strong fruits and very fast fruits so for you to stun them and do a very good combo on them that has very low chances so for that reason I would recommend you guys to watch till the end to find a better fruit but of course you can use this one as well next up at number six we have the portal fruit hands down this is my favorite fruits in the game first of all it is extremely difficult to use because you don't really have a move with stuns your opponent or deals a lot of damage and to be honest the moves are very confusing to understand but once you do you can use this fruit and it will literally be such a big help especially for sword users me myself as a sword main I use this fruit on a regular basis and I literally love it it is one of the best fruits in the game and lastly I would like to mention that portal fruit is very good for chasing people you know in Blox fruits when you guys get somebody low and they just book it they literally just run you can easily catch them by using the portal fruits so yeah let's move on into the top five best fruits now at number five we have the dragon fruit a lot of you guys would have expected this fruit to be on this list and yes it is the dragon fruit has insanely high damage like trust me it has super super super super super high damage but there is one issue right now it is actually getting quite hard to get this fruit because the dragon fruit is getting a rework pretty soon so everybody has been hyping it up and for that reason the value of dragon fruit has increased tremendously so for you to get your hands on this fruit it is actually quite difficult right now but if you have it yes it is one of the best fruits for bouncy hunting if you guys have made it this far into the video please consider subscribing that would be such a big help to the channel now at number four we have the rumble fruit this is by far the best best fruits for sword means if you guys are using a sword you guys should always be using the portal or the rumble fruit it is very good for Combos and also is extremely easy to use so if you guys are a new player or you are a pro you can easily use this fruit and get lots and lots of bounty and lastly the rumble fruit has three different teleports you can use these whenever you want after a combo before for a combo or to chase down your enemy which is of course such a big help for bounty hunters so for that reason I will be ranking it at number four now let's move on into the top three best fruits for bounty hunting at number three we have the leopard fruit this is such an annoying fruit for your opponents and trust me a lots of people run away if they see a leopard user since you know it's very hard to deal with but there's one issue that it is actually quite difficult to OB as well because its value is 5 million belly and in trading people often give game passes for this fruit so yeah you can tell how many people want this fruit but anyways if you have the leopard fruit it is one of the most easiest fruits to use and also one of the best fruits for bounty hunting so yeah good luck with earning Bounty and annoying your opponent now at number two we have the dough fruit this fruit was once at number one on my list but now we have a new Contender but first let's talk about the do fruit it is known for its combos especially one short combos like literally if you practice with the do fruit you can easily get over 10 million Bounty and to be honest it will only take you like a vehicle or two so yeah and plus it's very easy to use so if you are a beginner you can learn it and use it very efficiently and lastly I have to mention this that it is kind of difficult to get it's not really hard to get like the leopard fruits or the dragon fruits but yeah it's kind of hard to get so just keep that in mind but yes it is one of the best fruits in the game and now here we have the moment you all have been waiting for the best fruit for bounty hunting currently is the Kitsune fruit yes the Kitsune fruit is the best fruit for bounty hunting and hands down it is the most hardest fruit to get as well it is worth around three leopards and plus ads which means that it is nearly impossible to get this fruit well not really impossible but it would take you a lot of time but keep in mind this fruit is very fast like extremely fast also has very low cooldowns and is very annoying for your opponents basically it's like a upgraded version of the leopard fruit and you know how annoying it is to fight leopard users so yeah the katune fruit is definitely on number one in my list so with that being said that wraps up the video thank you guys so much for watching this video and if you guys enjoyed this or found it helpful please let me know in the comments below and while you're at it let me know what fruits you guys are using in bounty hunting so with that being said please hit that subscribe button and also join my Discord server down in the description and hopefully I will see you guys in my next video peace
Channel: Goto.
Views: 84,517
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Keywords: blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, roblox, blox fruits update, blox fruits roblox, update 20, blox fruit, blox fruits update 20, top 10, 1st sea, 2nd sea, 3rd sea, blox fruits 1st sea, blox fruits 2nd sea, blox fruits 3rd sea, blox fruits top 10, top 10 blox fruits, blox fruits guide, blox fruits noob guide, first sea, second sea, third sea, bounty hunting, blox fruits best fruits, best fruit for bounty hunting, best fruit blox fruit, best fruit bounty hunting blox fruits
Id: adbVhf2SEDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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