TOP 10 ANIME ORIGINAL Quirks! | My Hero Academia

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what's going on guys today we're going to be ranking the top 10 anime original quirks from micro academia as the title suggests these abilities are ones that did not originate from the manga like most quirks do but instead they only appear for the first time in filler episodes ovas and of course the movies as well before we get into it it should be said that the different pals in this video will be ranked from most interesting to least interesting in my opinion so the position isn't necessarily based on how powerful they might be also any anime original quirks that have already shown up in my previous top 10 videos won't be in this one but if you want to see those then my place featuring all my top tens is in the description below okay so starting in first place we have zombie virus which is an ability that first appeared in the training of the dead ova in that episode class one took part in a survival exercise alongside four students from another academy and among them was this bakago type character called fajumi who ended up clashing with the real back of go multiple times his zombie virus quirk was by far the most interesting out of his classmates as it enables him to produce a pink gas from his body that zombifies anyone who breathes it in for a period of time the people infected become indestructible but lose all brain activity to the point where they have no control over their quirks and have been shown to move in random ways the zombies can then pass the virus to other people through biting meaning it could easily be spread to areas where fujimi's gas didn't initially reach despite apparently having no brain activity many of the infected instinctively retained parts of their core personality with zombie moneta doing things that only he would do and the same was true for other characters as well this brings us to the downsides of the quirk which is that fujimi himself seemingly has no control over his creations as the affected are free to do whatever they want including biting him when this happens he transforms into a zombie like anyone else and he's also clearly not immune from the effects of his pink gas hence why his costume has a mask covering his mouth and nose show to imply that if fujimi's in his normal state then he's able to reverse the effects of the virus in other people however this was just an assumption and we don't know for sure what we do know is that in the ova the infected will return back to normal simultaneously when the time went out with throppy and fujiumi being zombies for a shorter period of time than other people this indicates that once the first zombie goes back to normal then all the others do as well regardless of when they were infected but again this is speculation based on what we've seen overall i think a power like this would be best in the hands of a villain who wants to cause widespread chaos but for a hero i am curious to see how this could be helpful in a normal situation next up is chimera who is a villain that had a quirk of the same name during the hero's rising movie and one of the things that makes this power great is that it's essentially a hybrid between the three main types of quirks those being mutant emitter and transformation types mutation quirks are ones where the owner has a permanent physical abnormality and chimera satisfies that requirement by having the head of a wolf the tail of what i assume is a dragon and his hands and feet resemble the cause of an eagle by contrast a transformation quirk is one that enables the user to temporarily change their body in some way and chimera meets that requirement too as he has a dragon ball style power up where his muscle mass drastically increases alongside his feathers his tail and pretty much everything else about him finally emitter quirks are powers that can be turned on and off and don't usually change the way the user looks and chimera being able to breathe fire is a classic example of that type of ability on top of that he has superhuman strength even when in his base form as shown when he broke the ground with a single step destroyed this vehicle with a shove and easily held of classman without much problem if we're being real his natural raw strength is probably higher than the number one hero as i can't imagine endeavour doing some of these things without the assistance of his fire speaking of fire when chimera does his transformation his flame breath turns into a more concentrated beam of energy that in my opinion only strengthens the dragon ball comparison i genuinely wouldn't be surprised if we had seen this guy in the tournament of power because you know in all honesty he just looks like a character from that series who was then brought into my academia in third place is the quirk known as eagle but the most interesting thing about this is not the power itself but rather the backstory surrounding the character the third person in question is called takahiro and according to rokoshi he was originally meant to be the number two hero in japan takihiro is technically an anime original character given that his first appearance in the universe came in the two heroes movie and to this day he's yet to make an appearance in the actual manga that being said in volume 20 harukoshi explained that this character is from a previous manga he had written called omagadoki zoo and he was 100 going to use this design for the character we now know as hawks according to him the reason this didn't happen is that when they were working on the two heroes movie one of the anime staff had raided magurokizu and asked if they could use takhiro in the film itself he said that he was incredibly moved that someone loved his previous work and gave his consent for takahiro to appear with a knock-on effect being that hawks now had to be redesigned while the full details of his eagle quirk are unknown it's safe for us to assume that had he not been used in the movie it would have been the exact same as hawks's fierce wings let me know in the comments if you think oriko she made the right decision by changing the design or do you think he should have stuck with hakuhiro so that tokyoyami could have had a mentor with a birdhead like him moving on we have the iq quirk used by saeko intelli who is a second year student that appeared during the provisional license exam intelli is from a hero academy that appears to be a female only school and her regular iq score is 150 which is way ahead of the average in japan which is 104 by drinking tea our quirk allows her to temporarily multiply her iq and according to president mike's description different brands of tea have different effects on how much smarter she becomes while this isn't the first intelligence related quote we've seen it is the first one that has a virtually unlimited potential because in theory with the right brand of tea her iq could keep multiplying to a level never reached before by any human when she came up against class a she devised a plan to make jira froppy and shoji useless with the intention being that momo would then be forced to exhaust her quirk until she had nothing left this particular plan didn't work since sayiko incorrectly thought that yayarosu wouldn't use her creation to attack so i'm going to assume the brand of teaching that day must have just been terrible on a separate note the name saeko is a reference to a similar word that means maximum or highest and when you combine that with her surname overall it means something like greatest intelligence in fifth place is the transformation quirk known as whole body lens that was used by this journalist who appeared in the filler in season 4. the power enables him to produce an unlimited amount of camera lenses anywhere on his body which as you would expect are able to take pictures the images taken are presumably stored in his brain like an sd card but when he wants to he can materialize the pictures by printing them out of his chest as we can see here the lenses are not all the same as they come in different shapes and sizes so if he really tried who knows how big they could actually go although this is purely my speculation i feel like whole body lens is a more limited version of momo's creation quirk where he can convert the lipids in his body into camera lenses and pictures but nothing else that's the way i prefer to think about it at least because i guess the alternative is that he has a bunch of camera lenses inside of him and uh yeah that would be pretty gross up next is spotted seal which is a quote used by selkie who is one of the few anime original characters to make multiple appearances and one of the few heroes that works almost exclusively on the water similar to chimera he has a superhuman level of strength compared to a normal person but the real reason he's on this list is because of his echolocation by making a clicking sound with his mouth the noise then reflects off nearby objects and comes back to him enabling him to know exactly how far away things are this was demonstrated in season 2 when he literally fought against this octopus man while being completely blinded and again in season 5 he was able to move freely despite there being a smoke screen blocking his vision the clicking noises he makes can then be used to send coded messages at a high frequency bringing us to the seventh anime original quirk on this list selkie's main psychic is a hero called sirius and her quirk allows her to hear high frequencies that normal people can't detect that means he can often send her detailed coded instructions that no one else can hear and what's most impressive is the distances over which they communicate on one occasion i say he was at least a couple hundred meters away from her but on the boat she could still hear his crits coming from underneath the water to me that's incredibly impressive however the plot twist is that her real ears just look like anyone else's ears and the things she has on her head are just radio devices in eighth place we have a quirk from the hero's rising movie again and this time we're talking about mummification by manipulating the bandages covering his body mommy can convert any inanimate object into a monster that he controls like a puppet master his creations grow limbs once they've been wrapped up and even super heavy objects can be converted and then lifted into the air without much effort the big downside is that they're not that durable and can be destroyed pretty easily but the villain makes up for this by having strength in numbers given that there's seemingly no limit to how many he can make at one time while these red bandages are unable to directly control people they can't control the unanimous objects that people wear such as clothes and hero support items this is why bakago was able to be restrained by this ability and he was only able to escape by blowing up one of his gauntlets showing that mummification can't prevent people from using their own power moving on to the penultimate quark on this list we have an unnamed one from the training of the dead ova that was used by dad and taran this guy is a student from isumi high school same as for jumi and because of his quirk he was constantly sweating from the moment he was introduced so much so that he carries around a handkerchief to wipe it away to me his design is very clearly inspired by tintin as his dotted eyes and ginger hair make him even more similar to the character than mirio while we never got a description of his quirk it's implied his sweat produces a flashbang effect and his mech suit produces rockets filled with that sweat that can be used to blind the enemy it's possible that like bakago is sweat has more applications than just the flashbang but until we get some new information about this character there's no confirmation either way i gotta say his hero costume is by far one of the biggest and most elaborate ones we've ever seen like not just students but pro heroes as well so you know it just goes to show that other schools besides ua and shigetsu have a big budget as well finally the last quirk belongs to electo plant who's a long-standing hero based in california that's been active for at least 40 years in two heroes he was seen working during all my time in america and then in chapter 303 his silhouette made its first official appearance in the manga confirming that he's yet to retire from what we've seen his quirk is a more refined version of kaminaris as he can generate electricity and shoot it out of his hand like a lightning bolt which is obviously more precise than anything denki is able to do without his support items if alexa plant does eventually come to japan i mean it would be pretty amazing if denki was able to intern with him but then again the last time i suggested a student in terms with the hero that person ended up dying during the war arc so uh maybe maybe electrical punch shouldn't come over to japan anyway guys if you enjoyed the video then be sure to hit that sub button if you haven't already and drop a like as it helps me out and let me know in the comments which anime original quirks are your personal favorites thanks for watching as always and until the next one peace out
Channel: Turtle Quirk
Views: 49,903
Rating: 4.9560976 out of 5
Keywords: my hero academia, mha ova, zombie quirk, saiko intelli, bnha, mha, boku no hero academia, romero fujimi, deku, two quirks, multiple quirks, heroes rising, high end nomu, Nine, wolfram, quirk, quirk enhancing drug, number 6, weather quirk, my hero academia vigilante, war arc, nana shimura, blackwhip, my hero academia two heroes, my hero academia ova, mha season 5, electoplant, hawks
Id: GXn4VsrXJrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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