Top 10 AFL Games of the Decade - 2010s

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good touch 10 goals in these past three games for the first of the praline final Jamie Eliot slider to Stevenson over the top brown work magnificent defend areas philips has been quiet inside 50 egos nest of giants at the back the deck be mr. Thornton little bumpy Hill he's got some tricks they tell us the hamburger Daniels was prob'ly the right option they're back this is 10 News he was a hero Williams taking the ground chill all around the body almost my check gets broken up inching ball forward is gonna ban so 50 the punch away Thomas Thomas Thomas [Applause] head over the footie we're going to get another stoppage here you sense the clock continues to tick we got 15 seconds left just extraordinary attention toby green can hardly stand up Kinnear Leo shakes his head lay on camera no you've got to get him back can the Magpies manufacture one here to lure circling Taylor Adam - circling Taranto Lloyd can't get it out they go back again we're down to 41 seconds extraordinary a straight kick your sense will win it for Collingwood can they get a look at goal Adams taken in the tackle pop up on top of the footy clock continues to tick down we're inside 30 seconds it takes desperation here but it takes discipline for the Giants cannot give away a free kick Collingwood they'll get number of flies on the move Mumford first hand on the ball look at big Mumy go back in after it I want to try and drag it in without giving away a free kick now that Cutlass seconds ticked off with the alto 18 seconds just an unbelievable game of football 18 seconds a spot in the grand final pains the quick kick it's going to end up with more tries to get around a cut does not to pump along we've got six seconds left fist from Tyler saurons gonna sound I think sirens gonna sound as Lord balls the game of football and for the second week in a row the Giants just hang out so more than half an hour suits are coming the god and Julie has been a blue got some spice click the go to man this will taste even get some I am gone because died he had the chance mr. target until my stats mistakes in that mistake in disposal correct the turnout here's what is created scoring opportunities in his son Titus is a lovely kick lived for gathering and gathering as a god and Tony we're gonna kick side the cola 54 hurts around them they've got a building from the back bill that is things inside [Applause] [Music] inside the walthaus still to be judging his last guy as for the mud cause swattin has other ideas most brilliant we are [Applause] run down the clock [Applause] you got one we always show the truck we like to say it someone released but that's what Thomas does so while the tri-state captain from the ha the numerous technical although he's mentally created they hadn't defended a premiership 275 healers to in 75 years if they run a flag the next year sixteen contested positions without Thomas out of his 20 Jacky's it's the best match of 2011 so far and Kali would win [Applause] you cities there he had West offensive we go duh they dropped it as well just trying to hack it out of the area Peyman gathers back in the side stepping it around his body creeping forward mr. shott a few moments ago steadies keeps it low and misses again thank you boy goal at the moment the sights straight to even leave it from outside 50 Watchers into it looking good off the burners harm [Applause] waits for the run of savage cheek it was to sit them up and he's away with the bouts and a second Shane's savvy seal off the bounce around the boundary line he goes through the for power pepper go with him he hooks it back to a dangerous spot looking for a target out the back Gresham whites except speck goons came on steps to go come on King to st. kilda stray they got Ryder in the rack they got their guns in the middle let's watch sights by four points oh hello Miller odd and knocks it danced in shuffled it up and Lancet pulling the power garden of 15 Dixon garage spoil right spoiled by Brown P dot followed up knocked it away boys meeting heart Sinclair was bucked almost hit hi like piling on top of the football we're gonna get a stop in a ball up never been it just thirty second now this is when you got to practice that say cuter got one player in there forward of the rest of their players are gone in the defense 30 seconds to go the ball in the palace board line rider slaps it wide to the side of pack Billings in there Robert and out a fumble Billings recovers Webster they can't rush it through here Karl just has to cleared it by a straight to the wallet to pay that delivery the frozen they've frozen at missile r3 19 seconds on the clock so much riding on this game for the two coaches Ken Hinckley and Alan Richardson I can't do anything more from here they have to just watch say as it plays here Ryder over the back that Robbie gray he's a superstar for the power he goes yes Robi guys keep the pink [Applause] dream [Applause] what a superstar individual performance the hit from rider in the space was awesome the connection and the timing absolutely superb and they missed out on the deliberate that was clearly the only option towel hat look at the clock the seven signal that hits the back price as you know what but I trust anyone else I'm down myself I've had no he's at nine despisers in the last quarter he is their best pie boy pull it out light fans and a half way across the footbridge some seconds to go out of the middle of the pouch trying to hold it up they look dead and buried what I'd like ten points down and come back to steal victory it's now how it was going to be and that's a beautiful way to keep the turnover results in a go 200th gallon AFL Footy Tom Hawkins it's a nice truck congratulations that so hold good of State Johnson look at him go he's Baby Jogger to stay the aim and mop is away with advance a little glance behind it so if you've got it Phil check the stadium applause done it and go to the right we go to step four that turn out of the course by Baptist that's a girl he made it to score he has the most convincing behind the lines stake it down the line no time to waste - microns going forward looking for the fly ball they went too far cold and hot Senate magnificently 45 seconds too long wanted bad wine they're gonna try in my tight position every man every hambo every cute side vital cellar down the line don't some Simpson the big man in place first we plays on to Cory again the guy [Applause] got himself in a difficult position yo and now black espresso is tomato the beds be handed down didn't tell me it was a great chick platform to Seder within 2 9 seconds [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so it says it's gonna come down - my god [Applause] this is better than a fairy tale he can't dream Lee scenarios Ashleigh McGraw his 200th game for the Heinz will create a draw McDow will give the lines an incredible victory as McGraw come soon it's on a toy the Brisbane laws have kicked Jones in the last quarter [Applause] one gram when he's on foot he and that coming through try spins to the fish gonna turning final I Spit delivers to the Bulldogs BBJ high ball inside Dixon falling back traveling attempt Amaya couldn't quite get it Rick Tyler birthday boy son at least one dinner keely against are they having trouble getting out of the face because of cake sensational breath is the hand from a steam would would it be bad as you say these on guys kept at cattle my tie on turn us down by one for the fresh area in the middle Johanneson he's a largely black he can run here he's got ones until they're seen Boulder bottom Valley but I'm telling no one get back and report to hit the front [Applause] they can come back to go to numbers back they must man up jws it's a risky one to go back and then they've got to keep it moving quickly they can't afford to get drafted out back and now that Lee has a man that now now it's not in the hands what the best kicker in their team that is for sure he comes down the line 40 seconds remaining up by fly if they don't start 15 at this tobacco [Applause] well secure them [Applause] I want to decide this for as long as I can remember photos guys throw a grand final can you believe it [Applause] my history the big dance with - Mitchell his 25th final back to Jack darling can he kick the fence too gonz the final hit key that was an era now made to win God handles out to Charlie he's been robbing a winner so far and he wins the game there's Trey for Dixon with Calvin on depression look at Charlie Dixon [Applause] to fire fire [Applause] here he comes again bad times cuz it's bad touch [Applause] goes away composer to Jenna [Applause] darling stand there go stop the loose [Applause] but you need ever Kevin 34 [Applause] suppression vote on Kennedy 36 seconds remaining can I stay to go shave [Applause] plus the five so it seven seconds remaining that kicked down the middle so that conquest offers huge in the contest that marking contest nothing the coaches can do fans can't bear to watch the season down to this extra time shy [Applause] [Music] still running to kick out to the siren to send the west coast in goes into the second week of the finals still in the clock is running shut up stop not sure assignment in extra time to set the West Coast angles in 2017 [Applause] fifteen halkans one-handed pushed off at Peshawar makers [Applause] Kristensen step jalan can't get clear then you built from that spot to keep the goal already tonight 33 for the season the hogs bath in kick is on the wall [Applause] to the test putting it Brunner Mike Ross has had 16 possessions tonight have no pain level since they bounce the ball the start of the game gets old Jordi's catched fast stepson 59 so long drive towards midfield safely taken bank [Applause] they decided to play and gives it to losers they scramble exhibit crayon [Applause] [Applause] Johnson Johnson isn't gonna carry [Applause] 17 seconds if he misses [Music] [Applause] in the case [Applause] the truth magnificent the corner so this is the tough kick look at the angle J it's good though it's really good anyway you came right now my mother pi syuh setting up my because I could get it to the galley not quite Adams done so massive needs to be they've got to kick in another another chance I'll go straight up the middle west coast's know that so points to coach you know exactly - Joey's back in the golf square I'm doing a minute thank you and she can take it's not realistic a dzongkha center square will [Applause] for the big barrel to draw something that the top part he's giving the we chose him to go sure he kicks the hi boo here comes Kennedy body and tongue couldn't hold on 25 seconds left in the game and Kennedy has the ball wrapped up [Applause] face and expression and mood says it all Grundy's tap the Eagles deep and their forward line now Shepard conceived the first five goals corners and what the bright victories that sinner bouncing goal they've got a brand new stadium a big one and they're going to put a big flag up there in a moment because the eagle Oh [Applause] trying to set up fight the ray-ban Bowl truly now the skipper gets them off to a lightning stop me to help and did really well initially pray to me gets away from Gibson hi Freddie it'll be a goal it'll be a goal he's in the right spot Tom's got bowled out of the way you're playing gives it to the lip butter Smith and he Rams it home Hawk on fifth goal of the corner was that port no the importance here is hail back through and does his own holic from 55 meters it's right there it's there David King doesn't waste any time brilliance mother Hodge walnut journalist Aaron Wallis mother from with hogs see that's a big thing by their good cards too captain they might adjust goodies claim into a grandfather with that second if it high school it gets into Mitchell they might just be able to hold on here hold thorn they're a little disorganized here they've lost the man on my end with the bear boy and he's free mid to not taking any risks and daring me and although he said the boundary line is where I want to be helped any timeouts they've got 25 seconds they've got a guard the rise out there they know how much they're gonna show this race they have Scholten ticket inside 50 he takes a bounce there will be a big kid damn times wrong phrase monfriez in life three DS 25 seconds to go [Applause] the Magpies were on the board chocolates it the dial-up takes him away from God things about the journal [Applause] [Music] lighten up from long range hated him most built-in forward cut minutes to play lynnie Hayes and locked it up [Applause] his word comes to go Santa 56 seconds the guy Clark's dachshund 54 Chris very brain this was almost this buddy get the trouble there was a bit that probably 40 minutes pleasure to go Senate inserted forward by scientists urge it forward who can get this kit ray belts at four swing chasing these Montaigne kicks to 20 meters anything will do for the sentence Kaczynski could McCoy or a broad noon still knew Johnson hanging on ha well done for still in the sphere to shore we had a journey 1948 1977 [Applause] blue and the shoe series by Bob Graham he lifts his opponent McCaffrey to make the numbers going under the truck the parts are why also too in schools have turned their that Katie made is that right defense but government can he ever spent two hours of mcg like this before service Montaigne and that was over the football game at fifteen seconds Collingwood by controlling the ball tennis to the wind jolly not the way back [Music] one last clearance one last choice can somebody get a clear Bowl here and kick it along in half the tap tell Santa it's going to be a draw it's unbelievable [Applause] the picture plates
Channel: Brodie Allen
Views: 101,129
Rating: 4.8919859 out of 5
Id: lnSsjVBh8-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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