Toot toot Hide and Seek with Baby Shark | Stories Compilation for Kids | Pinkfong Baby Shark

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ping pong toys [Music] today ping pong is taking delicious cookies to the shark family ping pong swims into the sea huh the shark family is nowhere in sight where is everyone [Music] sorry we're late Ping Fong and the problem is Mommy shark daddy shark and baby shark are still all in the bathroom they're stuck in the bathroom because there's no toilet paper pinkfong could you bring some toilet paper friends would you help pink Fung bring some toilet paper shall we look for mommy shark together have you ever seen mommy shark pigtail mommy shark have you ever seen mommy shark pigtail mommy shark a pink tail is it mommy shark pinkfong friends hi are you waiting in line to use the bathroom you can go first if you're in a hurry oh it's mermaid no that's all right thank you huh I think I heard a fart over here who could it be if you need to use the bathroom you gotta wait a little longer oh it smells okay turtle is this mommy shark you're right it's me mommy shark friends can you give me the pink toilet paper whew thank you friends thanks to you I'm all wiped and clean after going potty great job guys but mommy shark aren't you forgetting something you need to wash your hands mommy shark nice and clean wash your hands wow let's look for Daddy shark next have you ever seen daddy shark blue tail daddy shark have you ever seen daddy shark blue tail daddy shark I found a blue tail it's Daddy shark right I'm not Daddy shark I'm blue mommy whale oh sorry Mommy whale there are two blue Tails which one belongs to Daddy shark here let's call Daddy shark together daddy shark are you here you're right friends now can you give me the blue toilet paper phew thanks to you I'm all wiped and clean thank you friends nice and clean wash your hands wow lastly let's look for baby shark have you ever seen baby shark Yellow Tail baby shark have you ever seen baby shark Yellow Tail baby shark oh Brooklyn is here of course quack quack my tummy hurts let's talk later where's baby shark one of these two has to be baby shark baby shark has big sharp teeth friends which one is baby shark we found baby shark You Found Me friends thank you I'm a yellow dolphin friends can you give me yellow toilet paper [Music] to you friends I'm all wiped and clean let's go home now wow [Music] mommy shark daddy shark baby shark everyone washed their hands wow so clean friends thanks to you we were able to leave the bathroom thank you thank you friends when you need to use the bathroom don't hold it in shall we eat some delicious cookies now huh ping pong doesn't look too good what's wrong pinkfong [Music] pinkfong Car Town [Music] where should we go today let's go scaredy cat yellow Buzz good morning the yellow bus is going to give some friends a ride today let's go [Music] the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round and round the wheels on the bus go round and round all through the town [Music] oh it's baby shark hi baby shark [Music] all through the town [Music] it's red dinosaur Rex come on in rex on the bus go stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp rex on the bus go stop stop all through the town our friends like the yellow buzz and the yellow bus likes to drive around with friends but [Music] oh why did you suddenly stop yellow bus Oh I thought I saw a monster but it was a small rock hey sorry the yellow bus is the biggest scaredy cat in town and is startled by the smallest things yellow bus if you get scared so easily your friends riding in the back could get hurt I know I'm sorry from now on I'll be brave and won't get scared will the yellow bus be able to drive without getting scared the yellow bus is happily giving friends a ride through town again today [Music] oh it's suddenly rainy and very windy where are we I think we came a little too far let's go back the yellow bus looks a little scared the bus is trembling [Music] tremble tremble [Music] we need to cross this bridge to get back to town will you be okay yellow bus let's go together slowly [Music] too high no I can do this slowly slowly slowly the yellow bus bravely crosses the bridge the yellow bus goes over the bridge nice and slow nice and slow wait I think the bridge is wobbling I I'm going to cross quickly the yellow bus is suddenly going really fast the bus goes faster bus goes faster faster [Music] it's too fast slow down yellow bus save me the yellow bus drove very fast and bumped into an oncoming bus foreign [Music] the yellow bus fell into the mud under the bridge oh no the yellow bus is dirty now ow where did all my friends go yellow bus are you okay wow zombies Save Me [Music] save me they're zombies huh what's all this noise about a police car appeared after hearing the yellow bus screens what's wrong yellow bus Mr police car zombies are behind me help me zombies um they're not zombies aren't they your friends [Music] the yellow bus mistook all its mud-covered friends for zombies [Music] yellow Buzz we all fell into the mud because of you yeah I was so startled when we fell off the bridge that I have hiccups we could have been badly hurt oh hey hey I wanna go home [Music] yellow bus you're driving your friends around so you need to be safe and be brave if not everyone can get badly hurt yes I'm sorry I'm sorry everyone oh I want to keep driving with my friends but I get scared so easily oh the yellow bus was feeling down ping pong saw this and suddenly came up with a great idea I have an idea Hoy POI pink Fong [Music] when you're feeling scared turn on a song then you'll be able to drive bravely wow that's awesome thanks pinkfong sorry everyone I'll drive bravely from now on sorry for the trouble Mr police car it won't happen again the yellow bus is happily giving friends a ride through town again today hi Rex you're in a good mood today yeah I just bought a bunch of delicious fruit foreign oh there's a small rock up ahead will the yellow bus get scared again oh it's okay I'm not a scaredy cat anymore [Music] should we sing a song together foreign [Music] How brave of the yellow bus the yellow bus still gets a little scared once in a while but sings and drives bravely for all its friends foreign [Music] police ping pong is here what's the problem there were thieves here all of my money is gone my golden pearls are all gone my books are gone my food too and my toys all my toys are gone hmm I'm sure this was done by the thief shark family reef shark family yes the thief shark family escaped from jail last night the thief shark family members are the worst villains in the sea we must catch and put them in jail the thief shark family looks like this hmm they look a little similar to our family don't they nonsense the colors are similar but they seem very mean you're right and they have stripes like this we need to remember that in order to find them friends why don't you come and catch the thief shark family with me bad thief sharks I don't know where you're hiding but I'm going to catch you friends let's find Thief mommy shark first remember she has pink and black stripes have you ever seen Thief shark striped tail beep shark have you ever seen peep shark striped tail shark [Music] like catch oh pink thong it's me mommy shark I'm looking for thief mommy shark too let's look together again it was the real mommy shark I'm sorry let's try again where is Thief mommy shark oh here she is free Steve mommy shark oh no I've been caught please let me go I won't do it again I'll return all the money I stole I don't like being in jail foreign I hear Thief daddy shark shows up here often let's take a good look together remember he has blue and black stripes have you ever see you Thief shark striped tail beep shark have you ever seen peep shark striped tailed Thief shark I'll take a look with a telescope [Music] is he here [Music] I only see striped fish here what about over there [Music] whale octopus and a dolphin I don't see see Daddy shark here either [Music] I don't think Thief daddy shark is here let's look somewhere else huh you see Thief daddy shark oh that's a lie I don't see him what you really see Thief daddy shark where I found you Thief daddy shark great job friends open this door right now I'm sick of being in jail [Music] something seems fishy I'm sure there's a beef shark hiding here somewhere don't you think so friends let's look for thief Grandma shark here she has orange and black stripes okay have you ever seen deep shark striped tail beep shark have you ever seen deep shark striped tailed pink shark I found you orange and black stripes do I look like a thief to you ah no sorry tiger one more time there's a tail moving over there orange and black stripes I'm sure that's Thief Grandma shark I found you Thief Grandma shark doll You Found Me you had it easy this time you would have never found me if I did a better job of hiding [Music] I think the baby shark is hiding here somewhere let's find Thief baby shark we need to look for yellow and black stripes have you ever seen peep sharks striped tail beep shark have you ever seen peep shark striped tail shark huh ice cream no I don't want to eat ice cream foreign you want to lure a thief baby shark with ice cream okay great idea friends mmm yummy ice cream I'm going to eat it all ah ice cream the ice cream is mine get out of my way I got you oh no [Music] hey Mommy Daddy [Music] thank you so much friends we caught Thief baby shark thanks to you pinkfong pinkfong oh pig farm there were some strange things floating in the ocean here come check it out okay I'll go right now huh what's all this I think Thief grandpa shark is hiding here somewhere pinkfong friends please take a good look okay we will have you ever seen deep shark striped tail beep shark have you ever seen deep sharp striped tail Thief shark wait someone dumped trash on the beach and it ended up here you shouldn't throw trash anywhere let's pick it up hmm I don't think Thief grandpa shark is here let's move carefully [Music] let's catch on the count of three one two three I got you see if grandpa shark has been caught oh I say leave me alone [Music] is this because I stole a few things there wasn't even much to steal why are you doing this open this door [Music] let us go I tried to take our precious belongings you deserve this punishment yes you baby shark family I'm going to lock you in a stronger jail cell so you can't escape again thank you police pink Funk yes thank you pinkfong thanks to you we got all our stuff back no problem I was just doing my job huh what these people catch the beef paintball [Music] foreign [Music] hi friends what fun activity should we do today oh wow look there is a treasure box I wonder what's inside let's open it [Music] wow so many colorful eggs hmm I wonder who these eggs belong to [Music] let's take a look at this egg first [Music] wow it seems to have been a dinosaur egg if it's a dinosaur with a yellow comb like a chicken [Music] aha akali mimas wow you're really fast foreign [Music] [Applause] these must all be dinosaur eggs which egg should we take a look at next [Music] wow there are three strong sharp horns friends do you know which dinosaur this is you're right it's the strong and mighty Triceratops [Music] Triceratops Triceratops Triceratops Triceratops baby shark has only been eating grass since turning into a Triceratops it's because they are herbivores is it yummy which dinosaur should we turn into next [Music] which dinosaur has a thick hard skull that's right ahead buddy Pachycephalosaurus [Music] Packy says hello pack yourself alone the skull is so hard amazing we're down to the last dinosaur egg you don't think it's a scary dinosaur do you I'm scared [Music] roar roar it's T-Rex the king of all dinosaurs everyone run away [Music] T-Rex T-Rex T-Rex T-Rex the T-Rex shark is chasing after the fish [Music] Triceratops pack yourself alone [Music] baby shark how was it transforming into dinosaurs did you have fun let's transform into more fun things next time bye foreign [Music] I hear there's a great treasure hidden in this jungle let's go on a jungle adventure to find the treasure together Brooklyn wait the neighbor's baby also wants to go on the jungle Adventure can you take little baby with you Brooklyn of course cute little baby it's so nice to see you again [Music] a jungle adventure with little baby I'm so excited we're on our way to find the treasure now have a safe trip wow it's an elephant with a long nose hi elephant hi baby shark I'm just about to have lunch would you like to join me sure hello cute little baby [Music] oh I think the baby was surprised hey elephant gorilla can you sing the peekaboo song for the baby [Music] where are you [Music] peekaboo [Music] here we are beautiful I'm glad baby is feeling better yeah it's making me so happy elephant gorilla thank you so much we'll be on our way now to find the treasure goodbye let's explore the ninja uncle [Music] let's go find the treasure e-i-e-i-o [Music] hi Jaguar what are you doing hi baby shark I'm trying to catch some fish with my tail wow your tail is like a fishing rod huh what's that [Music] ouch oh this wasn't a fish it was Jaguar's tail I'm sorry Jaguar a little baby don't cry oh what should we do friends will you sing the peekaboo song to comfort the baby okay [Music] Jaguar crocodile where are you [Music] here we are peekaboo I'm so happy because little baby is laughing I don't think my tail hurts anymore I'm so glad how let's go find that treasure hey crocodile we need to cross the river can you give us a ride of course thanks crocodile bye Jaguar jungle exploring is so fun over there [Music] let's go find the treasure e-i-e-i-o [Music] wow there is treasure over there there's a scary tiger what should we do we need to get the treasure [Music] I'm the greatest Thief toucan in the jungle all the treasure in the world belongs to me [Music] oh no if the baby cries the tiger will wake up aha that's it I'll comfort the baby with a song [Music] jungle fave two and where are you be careful [Music] peekaboo here I am no no [Music] no no no save the toucan wow thanks to the little baby the tiger and Thief 2 can't have gone all the way over there that's amazing now how about we open this Treasure Chest [Music] wow it's so pretty now that we've found the treasure let's go home oh I don't know the way back I think we're lost [Music] baby shark little baby are you okay Mommy and Daddy shark are looking for you come with us ah thank you jungle friends crocodiles [Music] [Music] Brooklyn did you have a good trip we were getting worried hey little baby and I are both okay and we found the treasure chest wow that's amazing Brooklyn what's that sound I think everyone's hungry we thought you'd be hungry so we brought some fruit wow thank you for the food baby sharks bus play Let's Ride the yellow bus today the shark family is going to cool Mr Wales birthday party friends shall we go to the party with the shark family hi friends nice to see you I have the invitation and map let's take a look together [Music] wow it's going to be so much fun we can get there quickly and safely by riding The Yellow Shark Buzz let's get on the bus [Music] the shark family all got on the bus let's go now oh my God oh no the tires popped because the bus was too heavy the bus can't move at all that's it friends how about we put new Wheels on the Bus hmm what kind of wheels will help the bus drive fast aha I know some round red tomatoes that roll [Music] the wheels on the bus go [Music] up the wheels on the bus go plop flop flop all three town oh no the tomatoes burst because they were too soft and ripe what about some Square Wheels the wheels on the bus go Thum Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump the wheels on the bus go Thump Thump Thump [Music] all through the town oh we can't go anywhere with square Wheels friends do you know which one to choose now ah I found it round Wheels [Music] the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round and round the wheels on the bus go round and round all through the town foreign there's a problem the birthday party starts soon but it'll take them a long time to get there the bus would go much faster if bus driver ping pong was driving that's a great idea friends let's find driver pinkfong this time bus driver ping pong is here somewhere let's find pinkfong together oh it's pink pink Fong are you here [Music] door on the bus goes open and shut open and shut open and shut the door on the bus goes up and then shut all through the town yeah I'm going to eat you all phew friends are you okay aha here you are we found you pinkfong [Music] the door on the bus goes open and shut open and shut up open and shut the door on the bus goes open and shut all through the town [Music] hi friends did everyone fasten their seat belts I'm going to drive quickly and safely let's go oh baby turtles are taking a nap oh how cute but we can't move forward because of the baby turtles should we wake the baby turtles with our horn um friends the horn on the bus is gone I think a dinosaur from earlier stole it [Music] oh no did you hear that friends let's find the horn together foreign what kind of sound did the horn on the fuss make was it the toot-toot farting sound when you poop [Music] the horn on the bus goes [Music] the horn on the bus goes [Music] all through the town [Music] oh that's that fart is so stinky stink let's find another horn to wake the baby turtles oh I know this is the bus's horn [Music] the horn on the bus goes beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep the horn on the bus goes beep beep beep all through the town okay please help a jealous octopus squirted ink at the bus having fun without me I don't think so take that [Music] don't worry if we have wipers we can clean the windows let's go friends which ones are the wipers let's think together huh it's this one colorful and delicious popsicles [Music] the wipers on the bus are colorful colorful colorful the wipers on the bus are colorful all through the town but it's still hard to see out the window friends shall we look one more time oh here are the wipers for The Buzz [Music] the wipers on the bus go swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish the wipers on the bus go swish swish swish all through the town foreign [Music] s thanks to you we were able to arrive at the party on time then how about we go eat some delicious birthday cake [Music] hi friends I'm dressed up as a zombie shark for Halloween how do you like it shall we go see our Halloween friends now oh hi Brooklyn perfect timing can you take care of this baby for a little bit I have some urgent business to take care of in the neighboring town hi shark Buzz I see okay then have a safe trip hello little baby you're younger than I am nice to meet you don't cry what should I do aha I'll sing a peekaboo song baby shark baby shark where are you peekaboo peekaboo here I am peekaboo [Music] wow the baby stopped crying little baby let's go for a walk together foreign [Music] I am the most terrifying vampire in the world oh the baby must have been scared what should I do I know vampire can you sing a peekaboo song to the baby terrifying vampire where are you peekaboo peekaboo peek-a-boo here I am [Music] baby you must be hungry I'll mix you your formula foreign formula for the baby [Music] hungry thank you vampire let's go somewhere else now creepy and scary Halloween okay crying little baby which can you sing a peekaboo song for the baby [Music] language cackling witch where are you peekaboo peekaboo peekaboo here I am peekaboo laughs whew it smells I think you need a diaper change little baby the poopy diaper goes in the trash you have to fold the new diaper and put it on the baby [Music] thank you witch we'll be on our way now let's go little baby what do you think oh a baby oh a shark bus asked me to watch the little baby for a bit oh don't cry little baby we'll sing you a peek-a-boo song zombie shark zombie shark where are you peekaboo peekaboo here I am [Music] [Music] oh so cute [Music] oh hello thank you all for taking such good care of the baby we'll be on our way home now goodbye come visit again [Applause] good morning baby shark mommy shark and daddy shark are gathered together Brooklyn do you know what you want to be when you grow up hmm there are so many great jobs out there [Music] what should baby shark be in the future oh what's this [Music] serious boxes have appeared in front of baby shark should we open them [Music] wow Brooklyn has become a doctor baby shark is a doctor now Dr shark oh I see a patient over there quick let's go help the patient are you okay turtle don't worry Brooklyn is going to help you feel better all right amazing Brooklyn Turtle says thank you what job should we try next [Music] wow baby shark has become a police officer let's go help our friends shark oh I see a naughty pirate octopus over there pirate octopus stop right there you're under arrest well Brooklyn has rescued some friends thanks Brooklyn both doctor and police officer suit you well baby shark huh but what's this [Music] wow a ballet dancer shark super fancy baby shark [Music] ballet sharks belly shark foreign where is Brooklyn [Music] wow Brooklyn you are the fanciest most graceful shark in the sea I wonder what is in this last box [Music] aha last but not least a brave firefighter [Music] firefighter sharks [Music] oh our friends are in danger Brooklyn put out the fire you must have been so scared but you were so courageous baby shark Dr shark police shark ballet dancer shark firefighter shark all such wonderful jobs so which job is your favorite whatever you choose I'm sure you'll do great that's right baby shark will be great at anything see you again next time bye hi friends my family came to a fun amusement park today let's go on some rides and have lots of fun [Music] honey Brooklyn there's a problem I think little baby shark has lost her mommy [Music] little baby was it scary being alone we'll help you find your mommy ma mama [Music] what should we do oh how about we sing a peekable song for the little baby [Music] shark family shark family where are you [Music] peekaboo [Music] here we are yeah I'm glad the baby is feeling better but the baby has lost her mommy what should we do we should take little baby shark to The Lost Child Center so she can meet her mommy again that sounds great foreign [Music] [Music] wow pretty balloons [Music] hello Mr clown can we have some balloons please hi kids oh no I'm all out of round balloons I'll make you something cool with a long balloon instead [Laughter] Little Baby Don't Cry oh no I think little baby was surprised Mr clown can you please sing a peek-a-boo song to calm the baby dandy man Mr clown where are you [Music] peekaboo [Music] peek-a-boo peekaboo here I am peekaboo I'm so glad the baby is smiling again a cute balloon puppy and a cool balloon crown wow thank you Mr clown [Music] let's blow up a pretty ball Luke wash wash [Music] wow an amazing parade how exciting hi kids welcome to Happy Fun Land hello I'm a magic fairy that lives here in magic land I do magic to make lovely children like you happy wow show us some magic please then I'll make this balloon puppy bigger abracadabra oh no my mistake little baby I'm so sorry don't worry there is a magical song that will make little baby laugh huh oh magic fairy will you please sing a peekaboo song for the baby aha okay [Music] magical fairy where are you [Music] peekaboo peekaboo here I am so happy the little baby is laughing now I'll show you some real magic Abracadabra [Music] wow it's a pretty octopus hat Brooklyn should we go to The Lost Child center now okay let me give you a ride there oh thank you we are making caramel apples one two three ding ding ding crunchy crunchy we're here little baby just wait here and you'll see your mommy again [Music] oh it's my baby [Music] this is my baby the baby's bright eyes look just like mine no no this is my baby look at this long leg just like mine right [Music] I think the baby got scared mommy octopus let's sing a peek-a-boo song for the baby okay [Music] little baby's mommy where are you [Music] peekaboo here I am peekaboo the baby is happy again is there a mommy octopus here oh my that's my baby my baby were you scared I'm so sorry little baby sharks Mommy [Music] little baby shark I've been looking all over for you there's no way I won't recognize my baby I'm so sorry for losing you yeah little baby don't lose your mommy again baby shark thank you for bringing the little baby all the way here Brooklyn we're so proud of you great job Brooklyn [Music] [Music] hi friends today is spooky Halloween we turned into a scary zombie shark scary right oh here you are today I'm making Halloween soup and I need shark fins I'm sorry but I need to use your fence no no I don't need the little ones fins shall we go back to my castle now hello mommy daddy grandma grandpa that's it I'll go to the witch's castle and rescue my family friends can you help me [Music] then let's go to the witch's castle you little rascal if you keep bothering me I'll take you too I have no choice but to use this special magic yeah huh where am I oh friends watch your wheel [Music] s do you want to pass through I'll let you cross the bridge if you transform into a skeleton just like ours but it'll be really hard friends we have to turn into a skeleton bus in order to cross the bridge which one is a skeleton let's guess together a round face and square teeth is that a skeleton [Music] this is a bunny bus the skeletons are trying to eat us hurry we need to transform into a skeleton bus yeah I know the skeleton with creaky bones this one [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I can't believe they passed through the skeleton cliffs never catch me this time foreign [Music] lava this time wolf is hard enough to melt rocks but I can't move forward because of the hot lava friends what should I do hello cute friends if you transform yourselves to look like me you'll be able to fly across the lava foreign if we transform into a vampire bus we can fly then we can cross the lava safely oh it's shiny this must be the answer [Music] oh no we turned into a spider Buzz there are eight legs I feel like the hot lava will get on these legs let's transform again I found it let's turn into a vampire and fly [Music] the vampire bus goes [Music] oh what they crossed the hot lava then what about this bomb [Music] give me candy [Music] if the scary zombies catch me I can't get to the witch's castle that's it if we transform ourselves into zombies they won't attack us that's because zombies don't bite each other [Music] friends let's transform into a zombie bus and get out of here the zombies are attacking from behind oh was it this [Music] is dinosaur Buzz dinosaurs are scary too but you can't fool the zombies let's look for the zombie one more time ah founded a scary zombie [Music] okay [Music] we're finally at the witch's castle where are mommy and daddy mommy daddy eight peekaboo [Music] be careful baby shark if you're too loud you'll be in big trouble by the witch how about you turn into ghosts like us and quietly sneak past the ridge your family's locked up in the room at the end of the hallway oh really did you hear that friends let's transform into a ghostbust and quietly sneak by [Music] my family's locked in the room at the end of the hallway right let's turn into a ghost bus and sneak past the witch it's round like the ghosts we saw earlier is it this [Music] is why is it so loud who is it oh hurry let's transform into another bus [Music] oh there are only ghosts [Music] the Ghostbusters quietly [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] thanks to you my family will safely rescued thank you so much thank you so much foreign today we're having my birthday party but why aren't any of my friends here everyone said they would come I guess I'll play with the alphabet puzzle by myself oh no no my alphabet's floated away friends let's go catch my letters [Music] dad have you seen some alphabets by any chance take a look at the tray over there maybe they're with the cake decorations oh let's take a look at the tree hmm just clams and some starfish where are the letters aha I found them letters a b and c foreign [Music] [Music] wow I found it the letter D was on the donut let's go put these letters in the puzzle a b c d wow we got it right let's go to the living room next thank you [Music] wow I found it letter e [Music] oh I found another one letter f the next letter is G can you see where it is I don't see it huh whose tail is this foreign Brooklyn letter G is here given to you by Grandma shark wow I found it thank you Grandma shark hmm the next letter is H but I don't think it's here I'll have to look somewhere else Brooklyn if you answer my quiz correctly I'll give you age what is another word for house another word for house oh oh I know h o m e home right wow that's correct Brooklyn you're so smart here's letter rage thank you Mommy friends let's go put our alphabets in place e f g h all right where should we look next that's right let's go to my room [Music] now we need to find i j k l I don't see any letters oh whose tail is this a green shark's tail [Music] it's me grandpa shark Brooklyn I've prepared some ice cream for you and your friends would you like to try one of course oh it's letter I it's on top of the ice cream oh Brooklyn what's that jumping over there aha it's liturgy [Music] now where could letters k and l b hmm dogs have you seen the letters k and l wow we found it the koala doll gave me the letter K and the lion dog gave me the letter L that was fun i j k l oh we didn't check the bathroom yet I'm sure there's something in the bathroom too [Music] oh I already found one letter m we need to find letter N next where could it be oh the letter N fell from the newspaper but who's that behind the newspaper [Music] oh no someone's farting and running away let's find letter O first hmm where could it be well here it is letter oh oh let's put this on the puzzle board [Music] um oh huh that sounds like my friends let's hurry [Music] oh a tail but whose tail is it Tada were you surprised I'm baby shark's older brother Bruno I'm baby shark's older sister said and I'm baby shark's best friend William Bruno Sid William I thought you forgot my birthday how could we forget Brooklyn why don't you pick up that letter p foreign wow I found it letter p but what's this this is called a pinata and you hit it with a stick to break it then a surprise will appear whoa so much delicious candy and I found some ladders q r s let's go eat our candy together [Music] Brooklyn I think I see something down there oh what could it be wow balloons and there are some alphabets inside let's go pop the balloons and get the Letters Out letter t [Music] then letter u ah and finally letter v oh Brooklyn there are some friends hiding here you're right I found you friends [Music] happy birthday baby shark thank you so much for coming now let's go and party yay q r s t u v now that everyone's here let's start the party happy birthday dear baby shark happy birthday to you yay happy birthday Franklin thank you so much baby shark we got you some presents would you like to open them of course w x y Z [Music] wow we got all the alphabets [Music] wow it's the game that I wanted thank you so much thank you [Music] hi friends today is spooky Halloween [Music] baby shark has found this huge mirror let's go and take a look foreign that's not yellow baby shark in the mirror but a ghost baby shark [Music] ghost baby shark has come out of the mirror oh let's run away baby shark [Music] oh ghost baby shark gave us some gifts foreign [Music] let's open them together friends let's start with this one baby shark has transformed into a wedge well a broom we go flying on this broom [Music] shark are you mocking me yep yep don't you think about mocking me again do you want to open the next box let's do it this time baby shark has transformed into a skeleton do you like it foreign oh another skeleton shark nice to meet you wow a yummy looking skeleton shark help [Music] phew that was really scary I'm glad you're okay [Music] huh you want to open the third box are you sure baby shark [Music] whoa a vampire shark with sharp teeth look at that fancy cave vampire shark [Music] whoa this must be the vampire's Castle [Music] it's good to see would you like to come in and join me for dinner um that's a bit scary uh no thanks Mr vampire it's all right no no I won't take no for an answer let's go oh please let baby shark go ouch stop right there baby shark [Music] wow great job baby shark that was really smart and brave of you to use your teeth you really scared Mr vampire away hmm But Where did the fourth box go huh what's that a bunch of Zombies run away baby shark [Music] oh [Music] oh baby shark has become a zombie is everything okay [Music] zombies zombie shark which shark skeleton shark vampire shark zombie shark who is the spookiest ghost baby shark your back is everything okay foreign [Music] hi friends if you're sick we'll make you strong again this is the baby shark Hospital let's work together today to help some sick friends feel better oh I wonder who came to the hospital today [Music] it's Predator friends I'm scared but they all look like they need help everyone please come inside the hospital [Music] first patient lion please come in foreign [Music] I'll make you better quickly huh friends will you help me I'm the nurse again today foreign are a big mess you'll get better soon once we treat the wound let's wipe your face first okay your face is nice and clean yep such a good looking face shall we take a look at the wounds huh where is the magnifying glass and ointment is this it that's yummy oh it wasn't a magnifying glass it was a snack huh there are so many germs oh oh you did so well you're almost all better now we need to put on a Band-Aid to prevent germs from coming back in okay you won't be in pain anymore [Music] whoa thank you for treating me now I'm off to have some fun I'm so happy you're all better from now on don't fight with your friends you need to get along where are you hurting what brings you here I hurt my tail while I was fishing [Music] oh your tail was bitten by piranhas [Music] it really stings oh that looks really painful we'll help you get better [Music] so we need to get rid of the terrifying piranhas how should we do that ow that really hurts hang in there the nurse is going to take care of you soon one two three done good job friends we got rid of all the piranhas let's put some medicine on the wall to get rid of the germs huh there are two medicines we can use which one should we choose okay let's choose the second tube what is this please treat me quickly oh no this wasn't medicine it was paint I'm sorry I'll apply some medicine quickly it stings huh it'll be over soon [Music] we just need to wrap the wound with bandages so it doesn't get worse what color bandage should we use okay let's try purple wow friends thanks to you Jaguar is all better Jaguars my wonderful tail is back doctor nurse and friends thank you all so much where are you hurting what brings you here alone under my foot hurts a lot [Music] you've got a splinter under your foot oh we owe it really is [Music] that must hurt a lot we'll treat you right away [Music] we have to remove the Splinter first friends let's pull it off slowly and carefully the Splinter is in really deep oh just a little bit more friends that's it that was great oh it hurts it's all removed that must have hurt so much but you did so well now let's put on some medicine we got rid of all the germs nurse you're amazing with the medicine your wound should heal in no time we're almost done we just need to put on some bandages your treatment is all done you're going to be okay what a relief bear is laughing again [Music] be careful when walking the street don't forget to check the streets everyone you need to stay healthy and strong thank you doctor and nurse Phil [Music] thanks to you we were able to treat Our Sick friends let's help them together again next time bye bye laughs foreign I slept well hi friends yesterday was Halloween so I went to get candy with my family look I got lots of colorful candies and chocolates I'll save this for later and I'm going to eat this today oh you scared me Halloween was yesterday please stop now [Music] oh Mommy Daddy what are you doing [Music] friends I think my family turned into real zombies I need to ask for help ping pong please help my family turned into zombies Brooklyn I heard the zombie virus is spreading throughout the sea I have four medicine pills let me send these to you I'll send you more as soon as I can stay safe okay thanks people it's the medicine pinkfong scent I need to feed this to my family so they can return back to normal friends can you help me [Music] mommy [Music] I'm too scared mommy's favorite room is the bedroom so I'll look for her here have you ever seen mommy shark pigtail mommy sharks oh a pink tail is it mommy don't touch me oh if a mermaid has turned into a zombie let's look for mommy again huh I see a pink tail here too Mommy please snap out of it here have some medicine oh oh Brooklyn what happened our whole family has turned into zombies because of the zombie virus you just turned back thanks to some medicine oh thank you Brooklyn let's go rescue our other family members [Music] Brooklyn I'm going to check the restroom if you find the other family members call out to me okay okay Mommy [Music] hmm now where could daddy be Daddy two friends I think Daddy shark is here somewhere let's find him together have you ever seen daddy shark blue tail daddy shark have you ever seen daddy shark blue tail daddy shark Daddy are you here I'm hungry eat this oh that scared me but where is Daddy huh I found him are you daddy shark no Brooklyn step back Brooklyn throw the medicine [Music] honey can you hear me oh oh did I have a dream why am I here our whole family was infected with a zombie virus Brooklyn saved us with some medicine oh my thank you so much Brooklyn it's thanks to the medicine pinkfong gave me but I need to help bring back the other sea animals friends huh I think someone's going outside I think it's Grandma and Grandpa shark quick let's follow them grandma grandpa [Music] where did they go grandma is hiding behind the pumpkins friends please help us let us know if you see Grandma's shark have you ever seen Grandma shark or his tail from a shark have you ever seen Grandma shark orange tail Grandma sharks foreign [Music] oh I don't think she's here then what about here not here where could she be Brooklyn throw the medicine [Music] oh my head Grandma are you okay oh what's going on here our whole family was infected with the zombie virus and Brooklyn saved us oh dear thank you Brooklyn but where is grandpa shark [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] that's Grandpa's voice we'll go check please stay here no I will find grandpa shark Brooklyn come with me okay Grandma [Music] Brooklyn let's find grandpa shark and bring him back to normal okay let's look for him have you ever seen grandpa shark green tail grab a shark have you ever seen grumper shark green tail Grandpa shorts foreign are you here how dare you knock on my door no that mean old Captain Hook still mean as ever oh I think it's Grandpa oh where over here [Applause] [Music] Grandpa please snap out of it Brooklyn throw the medicine okay oh no I threw it too far too broken mommy daddy where should I do I lost the medicine oh no I think we should calm down grandpa shark first snap out of it Grandpa it's us the shark family oh no my grandpa what should I do oh yeah [Music] yeah hey Grandpa shark please take this [Music] Grandpa Grandpa why don't you recognize US ah I'm sorry is everyone okay yes we're all okay by the way pinkfong has found a lot of medicine yes I quickly found some medicine to help my friends in the sea thank you so much pinkfong shall we go and help all our sea animal friends yes that sounds great um is everyone ready let's throw on the count of three one two three [Music] everyone is back to normal I'm so glad everyone is back safely you've all been through so much let's all go home to rest and eat something delicious that sounds great friends you worked so hard today let's go in and get some rest [Music] hi friends this is an exciting dinosaur theme park where dinosaurs live I came to see dinosaurs with little baby shark I can't wait to see which dinosaurs will me huh what's going on a scary Tyrannosaurus hell that was really close [Music] oh what's this wow it's a pretty rainbow egg it's so cute yeah I wonder what kind of dinosaur is in here a colorful herbivorous cute as this egg or it could be a mysterious unicorn instead of a dinosaur but the rainbow egg is alone I think you lost its mommy little baby should we help the rainbow egg find its Mommy huh where did the rainbow egg go oh [Music] where is the egg the rainbow egg is a trickster yeah now let's go find the rainbow eggs Mommy ouch oh he stepped on my tail foreign nice to meet you brachiosauruses are the tallest dinosaurs in the world they're small now but they'll grow really tall when they're older hello kids Little Baby Don't Cry my tall height must have scared you what should I do mommy Brachiosaurus can you please sing a peekaboo song to calm the baby okay foreign [Music] [Music] I'm so glad the baby is feeling better again oh Mommy Brachiosaurus did you happen to lose this rainbow egg oh I've never seen this egg before are you trying to find the eggs family yes I think the dinosaur who lost the egg will be sad how kind of you I'll let you ride on my long neck like a slide you can get to where other dinosaurs live in an instant whoosh wow thank you so much [Music] wow it's a myosaura myasauras are known to take great care of babies hi nice to meet you hello what are you doing I am waiting for the babies to hatch from these eggs oh my my here's another cute little baby are you hungry have some yummy snacks oh the baby must have been scared oh no I didn't mean to scare you I'm sorry little baby I'll sing you a peekaboo song [Music] where are you [Music] foreign [Music] I'm so glad the baby is smiling again mommy Maya Sora did you happen to lose this egg oh what a pretty egg but it's not mine [Music] hi baby then we're going to keep looking for the eggs Mommy look there's an empty nest over there it might be this rainbow egg's nest ah I think it's a scary dinosaur let's hide [Music] oh my red egg is gone who took my egg wait something smells familiar [Music] if you bring my egg back now I won't eat you you still won't come out huh oh well then [Music] tyrannos red egg where are you peekaboo peekaboo [Music] peekaboo [Music] give me back my egg oh there's a red egg over there [Music] wow oh my baby you are very brave just like me I'm sorry for mistaking you as egg thieves and scaring you will you accept my apology we were really scared but we're okay now thanks to your sincere apology thank you so much so whose egg is this huh rainbow egg where are you going wow I think the egg is hatching [Music] wow it's a strange looking baby dinosaur foreign [Music] [Music] hi friends if you're sick we'll make you strong again this is the baby shark Hospital oh doctor please help us hello it's scary Halloween monsters they're terrified but let's be brave and treat them together there's patient vampire please come in [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here something hard broke my teeth [Music] it looks like your things are broken I can't chew it hurts so much please heal me so I can drink blood again I'll treat you right away [Music] I'll take an x-ray to see how much your fangs are broken here I go oh no your fangs are completely broken leaving them like this is dangerous friends let's pull out the broken things oh oh all done finally I'll put in some new things I'm a terrifying vampire so please make them pointy [Music] wow your new things look really great foreign [Music] doctor nurse would you like to drink a hot cup of blood with me we're okay where are you hurting what brings you here I was dancing way too much oh that's weird creep your bones are getting weak I really want to dance please help me oh no we have an emergency let's get to the treatment room [Music] now one at a time let's put the bones back in place this one looks like a bird cage that's right it's the rib cage this round one looks like the hip bone all right yay the head too great job let's match the foot now [Music] are you doing it correctly doctor oh you scared me this isn't the foot it's the hand I made a mistake the hand goes at the end of the arm [Music] if I put this on the foot all done [Music] the bones are moving again [Music] in time wow now you can have fun dancing again thank you next patient oh werewolf where are you hurting what brings you here I bumped my head on to a sharp Branch oh that hurts oh it looks like you have a wound on your head it stings a lot can you please help me please calm down it must hurt a lot let's treat him quickly [Music] hmm we need to clear the cobwebs first [Music] you must have been in lots of pain I'll clean your wound so it doesn't get worse this will sting a little oh all done hmm I think you need four stitches hang in there this will be over quickly one two three [Music] four who the stitches were done nicely I'll put on a Band-Aid now if you put a Band-Aid on the wound treatment done you did great Mr werewolf [Music] [Music] thank you so much you're welcome [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here magic potion splashed on my face you have a pimple on your face prickle prickle it really hurts ow that stings hang in there a little bit I'll take a quick look friends let's pop the pimple oh first take the sharp point and poke oh done now let's squeeze off the Bad potion that's in the pimple two [Music] all done now let's apply ointment so it doesn't leave a scar huh [Music] wow your face is clean again [Music] oh thank you so so much I'll give you a present yeah it's my precious bat eyeball oh thank you I'll be on my way now everyone please get home safely thank you so very much today was a rewarding day all things to you friends let's help our friends again next time [Laughter] [Music] wow I finished it I made a sand castle oh I'm really hungry I should go home now I'm home did you have fun yeah I built a sand castle and made a tunnel wow it's my favorite fish cookies let me try some wait Brooklyn wash your hands before you eat your hands are full of germs but I don't want to I want to eat just one please come on I'll go with you no I don't want to wash my hands [Music] baby shark where are you I'm certain I saw you come in here have you ever seen baby shark Yellow Tail baby shark have you ever seen baby shark Yellow Tail baby shark is this baby shark oh it's toothpaste hmm is baby shark hiding here oh it's a hair dryer that blows air hmm where did baby shark go I found you baby shark I don't want to wash my hands Brooklyn if you don't wash your hands the bad germs can go into your body and make you sick let's sing together and have fun while washing our hands wash your hands with some soap nice and clean wash your hands wow hey Mommy this is fun and my hands are so clean now see doesn't it feel nice when your hands are clean [Music] oh Brooklyn I think you need to wash your face too wash my face no I don't want to wash my face oh Brooklyn [Music] can you come out for a second huh I'm sure Brooklyn's here somewhere have you ever seen baby shark baby shark have you ever seen baby shark Yellow Tail baby shark I can find Brooklyn easily here you are oh it was a yellow duck I found you my Brooklyn flooded so refreshing to wash your face I'll help you wash your face nice and clean wash your face wow how does that feel Brooklyn refreshing right yes my friend my feet fall hey why don't you shower now to be even cleaner you have a ton of dirt on your body too I really don't like taking showers [Music] oh my all right sorry Grandpa it wasn't on purpose Brooklyn you've got a lot of dirt on your body as soon as you entered the water became muddy why don't you wash your body with some soap oh I don't like taking showers Brooklyn come follow me [Music] wow where are we why we're in the bathtub oh here's my last loofah Brooklyn let's scrub with some soap here let's go shower squeaky clean let's go shower Brooklyn you look so much cleaner I feel so refreshed that was fun oh no Brooklyn I think you need to brush your teeth let's swim over there [Music] Grandma Brooklyn's here oh where did Grandma shark go let's go find Grandma shark together [Music] grandma [Music] grab a shark I'm over here huh where I don't see you I'm here oh Grandma where have you been honey what is this outfit I've turned into the Tooth Fairy what do you think Brooklyn have you come to brush your teeth grandma do I really have to brush my teeth of course Brooklyn look here use a toothbrush to brush brush brush our teeth and get rid of germs then our teeth will be stronger and More Beautiful do you understand how about we brush our teeth together wow thank you wow Brooklyn you look so clean really ah so refreshing wash your hands [Music] wash your hands wash your face [Music] wash your face [Music] foreign Brooklyn you look so much cleaner you can have cookies now that your hands are clean [Music] I'm going to eat a delicious cookie and brush my teeth again later [Music] what a mess it's bath time soak your body soak your hair it is fun [Music] look I'm a beard rinse your body rinse your hair splash splash it is [Music] don't forget to rinse your face [Music] mommy shark Brooklyn our neighbors asked us to look after little baby shark for a while we looked after this baby before right let's take good care of little baby together okay little baby you want to decorate the tree together [Applause] okay [Music] oh what should we do let's not waste time little baby we'll sing you a song that's right let's sing a peek-a-boo song [Music] family where are you peekaboo [Music] peekaboo here we are peekaboo little baby try the Christmas cookies we made yeah yeah okay I'm glad you're feeling better little baby we'll go out to have some fun all right have a safe trip laughs hi fish elves hi Brooklyn hi Brooklyn hi Brooklyn little baby shark came along too oh no the baby the baby is crying friend can you sing a peek-a-boo song for the little baby okay okay okay [Music] where are you [Music] thank you [Music] hearing a little baby shark laugh makes me happy me too me too oh let's load the presents and go oh oh it's Santa shark let's go over there thanks fishelves [Music] hi Santa shark oh Merry Christmas Brooklyn oh little baby shark is here too would you like to help me deliver presents on my sleigh now we'd love to you can see the whole town it's so cool [Music] there's nothing to be afraid of little baby shark I'll sing you a peek-a-boo song [Music] Santa's Hawk Santa soft where are you [Music] peekaboo [Music] here I am [Music] huh Santa shark all the presents have disappeared oh no I'm certain it was the octopus Thief let's go over there [Music] the octopus deep is over there ha you you can catch me not a chance where's my responsible for Steve where are you peekaboo [Music] Take a Bow peekaboo I got you you naughty octopus Thief save me hey [Music] what bro go ahead why are you coming out of the chimney ah Santa shark is here too oh Merry Christmas thanks to Brooklyn and little baby shark I found my lost presents thank you so much wow thanks Santa shark [Laughter] thank you [Music] oh today baby shark looks a bit exhausted ah you're hungry right baby shark is there any food we can give to baby shark [Music] huh something fell from the ship wow look at all these fruits friends how about we help baby shark eat these yummy fruits in order to feel better [Music] these are red strawberries they look delicious baby shark are you ready [Music] red strawberry red strawberry red strawberry red strawberry baby shark has turned into a strawberry shark from eating all the strawberries was it yummy baby shark which fruit should we try next foreign [Music] smells sweet [Music] blue blueberries blue blueberry laughs this time baby shark has transformed into a blueberry shark you look great foreign I wonder what this citrusy fruit is [Music] oh it's a pink grapefruit so refreshing looking at them makes my mouth water [Music] pink grapefruit pink grapefruit foreign has transformed into a grapefruit so sweet and tart this fruit is green and has squiggly Stripes what fruit could it be aha this last fruit is watermelon looks fresh and sweet foreign [Music] [Music] baby shark where are you there you are look baby shark has watermelon Stripes it kind of looks like seaweed [Music] green watermelon [Music] baby shark Are You full from all the fruits it's so much fun transforming into different fruits let's do some more Transformations next time bye thank you [Music] baby shark is swimming through the sea what should baby shark do today huh what's that foreign baby shark are you okay friends let's go follow together wow if that looks interesting I've never seen it before what could it be [Music] well baby shark has black spots like a cheetah you look great [Music] cheetah shark cheetahs are faster than lions and tigers [Applause] wow it's so fast I can't even see it cheetahs are super cool animals which animal should we turn into next foreign [Music] baby shark has black and white stripes like a zebra [Music] zebra sharks zebra shark [Music] hi zebra nice to meet you have you seen a zebra shark before oh we scared the zebra so sorry [Music] huh whose pattern is this [Music] wow baby shark has brown spots like a giraffe [Music] giraffe shark shark giraffes have really long necks so they can reach food from way up high that's right Brooklyn you don't have a long neck but you're a great hunter because you swim so well hmm what could be in this last box [Music] wow baby shark has fancy peacock feathers [Music] peacock shark [Music] wow it looks like there's a colorful fan on baby shark's tail so beautiful [Music] cheetah sharks [Music] peacock shark thank you [Music] transforming into animal prints was so fun what should we turn into next time I can't wait see you next time bye foreign [Applause] hi friends good morning good morning baby shark uh friends there's a problem can you help me out oh something must have happened to Baby Shark should we go help baby shark together [Music] huh the shark family does not look very happy what's the matter friends which of these do you think is the best color without a doubt pink is the best see wouldn't you agree [Music] oh the sea has turned pink see the sea looks much better in pink peace [Music] no way blue is the best [Music] the sea has always been blue and it looks the best that way [Music] the sea is blue this time [Music] no no orange sea is the most beautiful just wait and see how amazing oranges [Music] friends look the sea has turned Orange [Music] you're him no matter what you say green is the best [Music] I think you have all been mistaken there is no color like green [Music] the sea has turned green just like grandpa shark cream [Music] all right pink is the most beautiful blue is the greatest color not orange is the best hmm let's decide on the greatest color once and for all oh no looks like the shark family is having an argument foreign [Music] the sea is changing into all sorts of colors starfish octopus they've all changed colors too the sea is turning into a strange color [Music] huh oh no a little fish is crying what's wrong little fish oh you want to go back to your original color I'm sorry little purple fish we only thought about our own colors but it looks like purple really suits you best [Music] well the shark family is cleaning up the sea the sea is most beautiful just the way it is just like all the colors of the shark family [Music] shark family shark family shark family shark family [Music] the shark family looks great swimming all together you've all made up now right thank you for making the sea clean again see you next time bye friends [Applause] hi friends huh baby shark is looking for something what are you looking for baby shark [Music] oh baby shark is so bored Brooklyn is looking for something to play with oh look starfish but where are they all going let's go follow them wow the starry C is filled with starfish it's so sparkly and beautiful huh you want a star pattern too baby shark hmm how can we put stars on baby shark [Music] wow colorful paints and cute stickers with these we can transform baby shark in no time should we try this Navy paint first [Music] now let's add star stickers wow so sparkly baby shark you're the best looking star shark in the sea [Music] star sharks star shark [Music] wow you're even shinier than the Stars what is that rolling thing over there let's follow it [Music] wow it's a lovely sea of hearts oh baby shark do you want a heart pattern too we can transform you again [Music] let's paint with pink [Music] and add heart stickers too foreign you're so lovely baby shark [Music] s shark whoa something is moving over there should we go over there [Music] wow a sea filled with clouds it looks like everyone is resting on the clouds this time let's give you a cloud pattern [Applause] let's use sky blue how about we add fluffy Cloud stickers [Music] oh look a fluffy Cloud shark all done whoosh baby shark is as light as a cloud shark [Music] [Music] huh what's that swaying over there let's go have a closer look wow look at all these pretty flowers it smells so nice here under the sea baby shark how about a floral pattern this time [Music] [Applause] let's paint you green don't forget the flower stickers [Music] wow flower shark is all done [Music] you smell really sweet oh no the bees think baby shark is a real flower quick let's hide over there [Music] flower shark [Music] star shark heart shark Cloud shark flower shark which one is your favorite friends you can choose a pattern and we can transform baby shark again see you again next time bye all right oh baby shark is so bored is there anything fun to do oh it looks like the fish are having a great time can we join you foreign [Music] scared all the fish away what should baby shark do now oh what are these they are boxes with strange patterns should we open them [Music] well a basketball and baby shark has transformed into a basketball player let's go basketball bounce bounce basketball bounce bounce basketball bounce bounce basketball [Applause] wow baby shark is the winner oh great job baby shark [Applause] let's open this box next I wonder which ball is inside foreign baby shark has transformed into a soccer player let's start the game soccer ball shoot shoot soccer ball plus pass soccer ball shoot shoot soccer ball wow a goal baby shark has scored a goal I'm so proud of you baby shark that was so much fun let's open another box [Music] wow a tennis ball I really like tennis should we give it a go ten is fall [Music] hmm don't you worry baby shark with a little practice you'll be better than me in no time it's our last box I wonder what's inside open it baby shark wow a baseball quick let's play a baseball game [Applause] baseball baseball [Music] home run [Applause] wow a home run baby shark is the best baseball player ever bounce bounce basketball shoot shoot soccer ball boing boing tennis ball Home Run Baseball what is your favorite ball friends is all this playing making you hungry let's go home and eat something yummy we'll see you again next time bye [Music] all right foreign [Music] oh look all the baby shark's favorite toys are over there friends let's follow baby shark [Music] I think we're in a magical land of toys there are so many fun toys I am so excited [Music] I wonder what this toy is [Music] wow baby shark has transformed into a fluffy teddy bear how cute [Music] teddy bear teddy bear teddy bear teddy bear [Music] foreign [Music] fluffy you can hug Teddy whenever you feel sad or scared [Music] which toy should we transform into next [Music] wow it's a strong and brave robot beep beep boop [Music] robots robots [Music] friends let's do the robot dance with baby shark Hmm this toy has wheels what could it be foreign [Music] baby shark has transformed into a giant monster truck toy room room off we go [Music] monster trucks monster truck monster truck monster truck [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow this is the fastest monster truck I've ever seen so cool [Applause] foreign could be in this last box I'm so curious ah baby shark has gone into the Video Game World how about we play a game with baby shark woohoo [Music] baby shark it is so exciting so much fun games [Music] baby shark has made it to the end of the game great job baby shark [Music] teddy bear monster trucks video game [Music] baby shark playing with toys is so much fun but transforming into them is even better right huh you want to do more transforming all right we can do more Transformations next time see you again bye [Applause] [Music] hi baby shark Hello friends oh I see bunny rabbits and colorful eggs too what's the occasion [Music] aha today is Easter it looks like baby shark wants to hand out Easter eggs [Music] friends let's help baby shark decorate all the eggs hmm which color should we pick great let's use orange now what shapes should we draw you drew round bubble shapes great job baby shark oh the eggs suddenly flew away quick let's go find them friends here they are you found all three orange bubble print eggs [Music] what color should we use for the next eggs purple great friends this time let's use a heart print well the eggs look adorable with all these hearts oh the eggs flew away again hurry let's go find them find the eggs here they are great you found all three Purple Heart print eggs good job friends [Music] hmm should we paint these eggs green friends let's leave this one up to baby shark what print will you draw baby shark wow the green eggs now have stripes where did the eggs go this time off we go find the eggs here they are three green striped eggs one two three we found them all we have come to our last eggs after we decorate these eggs we can finally hand them out to our friends oh it looks like baby shark wants to use three different colors this time I wonder what the eggs will look like foreign [Music] s look like the shark family yellow for baby shark pink for mommy shark and blue for Daddy shark it looks just like them awesome job baby shark foreign off we go to find the shark family eggs [Music] here they are here they are baby shark egg mommy shark egg daddy shark egg we found them all now should we go hand out our lovely eggs [Music] also colorful you have made your friends so happy baby shark we are so proud of you I wonder what transformation will be waiting for us next I'm already excited see you next time bye guys did you like our video don't forget to click subscribe subscribe search for ping pong on YouTube
Channel: Baby Shark - Pinkfong Kids’ Songs & Stories
Views: 7,313,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: babies, baby, baby shark, baby shark challenge, baby shark dance, baby shark for kids, baby shark remix, baby shark song, collaboration, dance for kids, family, fun song, kids, kids animation, kids education, kpop, kpop remix, nursery rhymes, pinkfong, play baby shark, shark song, songs, songs for children, songs for kids, toddlers, videos, videos for kids
Id: B2iEwh9VUpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 30sec (10650 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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