[ALL] Hogi's Space Exploration | Booksplore: Planet Exploration Cartoon | Learn with Hogi & Pinkfong

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ping pong [Music] subscribe and like [Music] froggy [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] space [Music] let's explore space [Music] what just passed by [Music] now it's quiet hi there okay just a minute i'll give you an autograph a picture too no that's okay uh where are we where are we this is twinkle twinkle outer space twinkle twinkle outer space is this really outer space my wish was to see a star in space i'm gonna go see some stars right right now you're leaving me venus to go see some stars oh hey do you want to join wait hold on it's your first time in outer space so i think you're a bit confused it's me venus superstar venus oh so you're venus yeah you know venus right i'm prettier in person so you couldn't tell huh i understand oh hey but why are you hiding a bright and beautiful planet like me always has fans everywhere i just wanted to be alone today aha i like reading alone too by the way isn't it hot oh it's the heat coming from me hot hot i'm wearing a very thick atmosphere all right venus is a hot planet [Music] oh no my dazzling beauty is so hard to hide [Music] there is venus wow awesome fabulous look at that amazing [Music] greatest of all penis planets don't need a lamp you may think i am just a pretty little star but did you know that i am fiery fiery hot inside i am so hot i bet you can't even come i am so cloudy won't show you what's inside i am venus hottest of all planets if you come to venus [Music] i bet you can live with me venus you are so shiny brightest of all planets now i know why you have so many fans you won't be able to escape my charm we'll end here today bye everyone bye-bye it's hot from the thick atmosphere and it's hot once more from the fans excitement it was really hot i think i can live now oh my oh did something just pass by oh save me [Music] hoagie entered the space book what is the super speedy object that made hoagie spin round and round hoagy will be fine right [Music] let's book space [Music] let's explore space gee you scared me so sorry i couldn't see because i was running so fast that's okay you're really fast [Music] right i'm mercury king of speed oh you're mercury you know my name of course i read it in a book mercury [Music] you're the smallest planet in the solar system right you're really small oh yeah why am i so small i'm just a speck of dust in the universe no i like things that are small and cute like uh i like a small and cute ants uh baby squirrels and and also mayan really and i like small and cute mercury wow i like honey too it's cold i like mercury i like who i like both where are you going again so silly well what's your name you're fast like mercury what hoagy it's me mercury huh mercury yeah king of speed mercury yeah really oh so hot you were cold just a moment ago ah my body is really cold at night and really hot during the day really i don't wear an atmosphere so in the sunlight i become extremely hot and without it i become extremely cold yeah and you're right next to the sun when you're hot you get hot hot hot you're so smart hoagy before this heat cools off mercury go [Music] mercury mercury mercury i'm the closest planet to our hot hot sun won't i feel so hot hot i'm the closest planet to our hot hot sun i am freezing cold at night mercury green mercury i'm the smallest planet going around the sun won't i feel so small small small i'm the smallest planet going around the sun oh i'm so small here oh [Music] [Music] so cool small and swift mercury king of speed you frozen in the meantime so i guess it's night huh oh you know me very well i'm going to run now bye that's king of speed mercury for ya i'm the closest planet to our hot hot sun i'm gonna get going too what's that red yellow [Music] is that a rainbow there's a colorful rainbow in space what is this rainbow that made hoagy's eyes bulge i'll tell you in the next episode [Music] let's book space [Music] let's explore space what's that red yellow oh is that a rainbow i've never heard of a rainbow in space i gotta see this wow it wasn't a rainbow rainbow a rainbow we're so colorful you thought we were a rainbow we're a star family a star family wow i've always dreamed of meeting a star in space but are you all normally in different colors isn't it amazing because we're different colors just like hoagy's face and weight is different from your friends we stars are all different we're all different our size age and colors are all different especially we have different colors due to our temperatures temperatures hot stars are red like me stars way hotter are yellow and super super super hot stars shine blue giant blue oh from the hottest star blue yellow red blue yellow red star very good and now a pop quiz if you get it right i'll give you a star candy oh yay quizzes quickly quickly please please okay okay who is the hottest member in our star family oh from the hottest star blue yellow red [Music] the answer is it's blue oh you're all correct [Music] baby doo [Music] we grow fantastic [Music] [Music] gravity stay in place don't give up shape at last [Music] from the hottest star blue yellow red star blue yellow red star hey guys oh yes not just any star candy ta-da wow space store candy space store candy this star candy takes you on a candy journey when you eat it it'll take you to a super cool place in a split second here choose one each i want a cute blue one like me i want a pretty ringstar candy eat it together on the count of three one two three [Music] hoagies on a candy journey where did the mysterious ring candy take them it might be to a planet with rings let's book space [Music] let's explore space wow did i just teleport oh oh what's that spinning around oh oh that looks like my ring store candy hi hoagie i'm hula hula saturn you try it too hula don't just stay still like like this a bit bigger [Music] really would you like to try on this ring wow can i try it of course i have this many so bright and pretty these rings are made from rocks dust and ice crystals my brilliant shiny rings wow they're really shiny i made them specially for my hula dance it shines brightly when ice particles of different sizes reflect the sunlight your hula dance is cooler thanks to the rings wearing them on your waist kind of makes them look like swimming tubes tubes i don't need tubes oh you must be good at swimming my body is super duper light so i float on water float float what really even when you're this big you're light yep i may be large but my body is full of gas so i don't sink in water aha like a big balloon on top of the water correct like a big yet light balloon you're able to hula so easily because you're so light you're right lawlana [Music] [Music] go around saturn [Music] [Music] floating white yeah [Music] [Music] the rings make dancing more fun right right thanks for teaching me how to hula today saturn thanks for hula dancing with me hoagie let's play in a big pool together next time okay bye oh boy oh it's raining in space oh so cold i'm a wet oh hoagy got drenched in space where did this sudden downpour on hoagie come from i don't think i've heard of water in space [Music] let's book space [Music] let's explore space it's raining in space oh so cold oh i know what playing with water oh i can't miss out on this [Applause] sorry calm down sorry i got excited i'm a planet with lots of water splash huh hold on you're a blue planet with lots of water you must be earth correct well now that i see you have so much water right do you want another cool shower ee sorry i'll stop oh wait something's moving oh wow it's animals you're right in my body there are animals plants it's full of life ah it must be because you have so much water and so much life yes animals and plants need water friends who need water come to earth gather here earth has lots of water and lots of air so it's perfect for living things huh hey earth i think your face is getting darker ah my favorite night time has come when the sun's not shining it becomes dark night time aha when the sun sets and the moon and stars come out here the dark knights highlight ta-dah wow when every house turns on its light it twinkles like this oh it's so beautiful wow isn't it pretty it's my favorite time well it looks like a galaxy from far away it's so pretty up close and even prettier from the phone [Music] wow you look like a beautiful blue marble who are you oh hi i am home of life going around the hot hot sun only one with water and life that's why planets envy me i am earth i am i am [Music] wow amazing [Music] i am earth green and blue green mountain and blue blue sea homes light up like stars [Music] yes [Music] lots of water lots of air full of animals and plants and hedgehogs too you and your friends live on earth too right yup little fox ping pong and baby bunny jenny till if you and your friends ever want to play with water call me anytime goodbye now oh [Music] what's this this time it's not water but a shower of rocks where did these rocks falling on hoagie come from hoagy run away [Music] space [Music] what's this are you okay what happened oh no oh no i'm gonna disappear soon what what are you talking about disappear i ran into a comet again i have another big hole in my body oh you mean this hole oh don't come close if you touch me i might get another hole okay sorry if i keep getting holes in my body i'm gonna end up disappearing who are you and why are you so fragile i'm the moon truth is i don't have an atmosphere armor [Music] atmosphere armor yeah an atmosphere armor to protect me from comets and such there are rocks and space to be flying around in space i don't have an armor so when i bump into rocks i get scars ah this is the whole ping-pong was talking about whoa you know ping phong yep ping pong is my best friend really really pink funk bragged about how fun it was sliding on the moon oh you're right crater slides that was really fun wow you can ride the craters like slides sounds like craters are actually exciting yeah they are exciting i like craters i really like them and ping pong said there was something else that was super fun bouncing and jumping oh yeah bouncy and jumping that's the highlight of this moon trip on the moon you're very light so when you jump your body floats up wow like a moon bounce bounce yeah bounce and float bounce and float it'll be more fun if you try it well it sounds fun [Music] feels nothing like on earth [Music] wow look at the holes they're craters slide slides slide they're rolling into holes climb climb fly we're gliding through the halls [Music] so amazing moon bouncing sliding in a crater i'll make a super big crater slide come visit me next time hoagie where are you going now i'm gonna go bump into a bigger rock oh my i don't think the moon's afraid of getting holes anymore oh what now oh why do strange things keep happening what happened this time boom boom is there an earthquake in space stay safe hoagy [Music] let's book space [Music] let's explore space why do strange things keep happening best in size best in weight i am the best looks like someone's been attracted to the universe's number one charm let me go sorry i'm too strong phew i'm alive you're really strong yep my pulling force is really strong that's why lots of moons follow me if you're a planet this big and strong must be jupiter oh you're right i'm super duper jupiter well you're so big by force or by size i'm the best who are you cute little one i'm hoagy from earth earth you live on that tiny planet the earth is tiny no it's not the earth is so big there are many places i haven't seen yet you say the earth is big even 1300 earths would be smaller than me what 1300 yeah and i'm heavier than 300 earths combined whoa 300 earths that's amazing by size or by weight no one can follow me so cool your striped clothes are so pretty oh you have some good eyes i'm not just big and heavy i also have a great sense of style i'm super duper jupiter you're so cool judging on your fashion i think you might be good at singing of course i'm not jupiter without singing music cute woohoo [Music] [Applause] super the largest planet of all [Music] as big as 1 300 earth i have 67 [Music] [Music] the largest planet of all everybody [Music] [Music] did you see my singing skills wow jupiter you're really good at singing best in size best in weight what's my name super duper jupiter i also have enormous strength what's my name super [Music] i can't control my overflowing strength then i'm gonna go find where my strength is needed that friend is really strong [Music] what was that emergency emergency a strange intruder has appeared where did this beeping extraterrestrial life come from hoagie over there follow it over there [Music] let's book space [Music] let's book space [Music] an intruder a space intruder go get it [Music] how far did the intruder go let's see who's so tired huh hi my cute friend why are you so tired i saw a strange intruder and ran after it but i can't see where it went maybe you saw beep bop beep bop oh no no no you don't know beep bop the martian cute beep bop who likes hide and seek martian bebop lives on mars [Music] nobody knows not even me oh so you're mars you're right i'm mars oh i see you have red rusty dusty land and dry valleys too oh my you know so much about me then do you know what color the sky is on mars [Music] what do you take me hoagie for of course the sky is blue that's when you're looking up from earth on mars the sky looks pink wow like the sunset sky it must be so pretty it is so pretty did you know there's a huge volcano on mars well mars has a volcano of course it's much bigger than the volcanoes on earth more more tell me more please mars tell me more calm down here i'll tell you one by one [Music] space shuttle pathfinder pathfinder prepare pathfinder prepare for landing on mars landing landing we are on mars open pathfinder [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] high high volcanoes on mars look at dry dry valleys on mars over here over there is that water on the ground i wonder if water flowed on mars [Music] mars [Music] wow the more i know you're a really fun planet i hear that a lot i bet i really wonder if there's water or living things oh there's supposed to be a new space rover coming today like the mars pathfinder yup i need to go greet my guests have you heard mr sun disappeared oh mr sun disappeared oh what do we do our solar system planets are in trouble come on let's go [Music] huh what's going on breaking news the center of our solar system mr sun has disappeared if we don't find him soon our solar system planets will be in danger where has he gone [Music] let's book space what's going on huh what's that sound oh friend are you hurting i think you have a fever oh hot be careful oh no you're burning up i always have a high fever no this is not a normal hut you're really really really hot i'm the sun that's why huh you're mr sun oh mr sun's usually very bright no not anymore i decided not to shine anymore it's no use no matter how hard i shine well wait are you really mr sun center of the solar system mr sun [Music] santa i'm just one of many stars i'll get going now where are you going mr sun everyone's looking for you that's impossible i'm useless what are you talking about do you know how long i waited for you when i was on earth me why why i wanted to see your bright and warm sunlight bright and warm yeah without the sun it'll be dark all day long right it'll be dark without me and without your warm sunshine it'll be too cold you're right i provide warmth animals and plants won't be able to live without you right right you can't make delicious snacks without plants oh yeah and we can eat snacks thanks to you ha ha then shall we see some more powerful sunlight [Music] thanks so much mr sun thank you thank you [Music] we gotta tell you every day will be night night night everywhere will it be dark dark dark all the time it'll be freezing cold oh no oh mr sun [Music] oh [Music] no sweets not even tasty treats no puppies not even pretty kitties all the time it'll be bad and sad oh no oh mr sun the sun mystery [Music] [Applause] [Music] where have you been um [Music] everyone was looking for me of course without you mr sun all the plants and animals become weak without you i don't know where to run and i can't shine bright without mr sun mr sun can you please stay by our side please do us a favor okay okay i won't disappear anymore [Music] huh wait a second what happened were you guys normally in this order our order oh no we're all mixed out of order another emergency emergency mr sun is back but there's another problem will the planets be okay [Music] let's book space [Music] let's explore space huh wait a second what happened were you guys normally in this order our order huh oh no we're all mixed out of order oh no what do we do we're in trouble it's over now this is all my fault it's because i suddenly disappeared i'm no help at all oh mr sun wait i have an idea an idea do you remember who you're next to who i was next to me me mr sun was next to me right mr sun was next to mercury who was mercury next to mercury was next to me venus right mr sun next to mercury mercury next to venus if you remember who you were next to we can figure out the order to the end good job now again mr sun next to mercury mercury next to venus and then venus next to earth earth next to mars mars next to jupiter jupiter next to saturn saturn next to uranus lastly neptune wow we found everyone's order great job everyone okay once more starting with mercury mercury venus earth mars jupiter saturn uranus neptune [Music] we go up to the sky let's see our solar system [Music] mercury venus earth and mars jupiter and saturn wow they're big here it [Music] is small small so small mercury [Music] shiny [Music] [Music] super super duper bitter [Music] [Applause] mercury venus wow they're big uranus [Music] you must be tired hoagy do you think it's time to start heading back huh no i'm not tired at all [Music] i should probably go back and rest yeah you need to rest well to play well i'll tell you the spell to go home spell follow after me it's simple um i'm not done yet sorry now it's really simple maybe simple has a different meaning in space [Music] shoe wow that was one exciting adventure adorable mercury and colorful star family i'll never forget all my friends what book should i read next [Music] let's book space search for hoagie on youtube
Channel: Hogi! Pinkfong - Learn & Play
Views: 5,719,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: education for children, wonderstar, baby shark, videos for kids, kids, hogi, colores, rhymes, kids songs, cerita, babies, songs, pinkfong, kids stories, creativity, tarian, children, lagu anak anak, stories for kids, เบบี้ชาร์ค, kids animation, animation for kids, learning english, nhạc thiếu nhi, пинкфонг, education, pinkfong animation, canción infantil, preschoolers, nyanyi, toys, historia, kids education, kids videos, preschool learning, pinkfong friend, хоги, animación, animasi
Id: 7hGrnXqfTFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 27sec (3087 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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