Magic Giant Baby Chaos 🧸 | My Magic Pet Morphle | Morphle Dinosaurs 🦕 Cartoons for Kids

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[Music] hi I'm Mila in my magic pet more more to anything did you have fun at the fair MAA and Morel yes and I can't wait to play tea parties with our new baby doll prize Morel thinks baby no want te come on Morel let's make today magical anemi can you bring our baby doll to life then she can really join in hello Builder Mary hi there I need a magic pet to help me move some heavy bricks can anyone help a neimi could bring them to life and they could move themselves that would be great we'll be back soon Mila and Morel bye-bye no giant baby magic pet treats aren't baby food morph into a b uh-oh I don't think bringing baby to life was such a good idea let's take her to aimi so he can magic her back to a doll [Music] again oh no baby stop that you'll hurt Mr bander boo and Barky Morel morph into a kite to get the baby off the [Music] car oh no stop giant baby that's not real ice cream oh no my van sorry Geraldo we'll help you fix it later Morel Morphin to a dump truck to catch the baby Mor I've got an idea let's rock the baby to sleep twinkle twinkle little star how I want wonder what you are you did it Moro Ani please can you turn our baby doll back to normal Mora think baby awake please hurry [Music] aimi Mila what's going on sorry Daddy next time we can play tea parties without bringing the toys to life everyday is a magical day with a magic pack finished oh this is such a cool time machine thanks for the help Professor paa I can't wait to bring it to show and tell W I want that thing [Music] hey The Time Machine let's go to the Future Morel morph into a rocket so we can chase Winston and the bandits wa we're in the future there they are that robot dog is awesome give him to me bark bark if Winston wants a robot let's show him [Applause] [Music] one let go Winston get off it's [Music] mine [Music] W morphal morph into a triceratops and come and rescue us Mor more [Music] more [Music] Run cast Mor Winston press the button and open a portal I got rid of the T-Rex I got rid of the T-Rex but where did it go quick follow me hey over here Dino brains stay where you are don't move yet now where the button winon I don't want this anymore maybe we should give this back to Professor paa every day is a magical day with a magic pack morl Jordy shall we play a game yeah yay can great come on morl let's make a or plan yes I've got an idea you two be team oral and we'll be team morph yeah a magic pet tea come on Morel let's make today magical orful morph into a plane so we can speed away I for like horsey Wings Morel morph into a dragon so we can fly faster and tag them [Music] nothing like a nice clean suit huh Bary my nice clean suit Mo into a helicopter quick rocket fter T you're it oh my thank [Music] you huh Morel morph into a spacehopper and let's bounce over there morel [Music] Mor my nice clean suit again sorry [Music] or Mor into a race car space up oh come [Music] on uh-oh incoming Morel morph long arms and catch T Morel they're out of control [Music] slow down or we've got to save [Music] Jordy up I think that's enough tag for one day me too my nice clean suit was wait what's that noise as I was saying my nice clean suit oh moreful isn't it great that there's nothing weird going on in the animal sanctuary something weird is going on in the animal sanctuary [Music] the tiger thinks it's a penguin the monkeys think they're Tigers the Penguins think they're elephants oh these mixed up animals need our help quick morph into a tiger perfect now go show that confused tiger how it's supposed to act Morel help [Music] [Music] tiger elephant monkey morph into a crane and put that tree back come back monkey oh I mean elephant Professor paa what's happening Mila Morel the giraffe thought my hypn Ray was a snack and grabbed it when I wasn't looking giraffe tiger so that's why all the animals are acting cuu they think they're different animals morphal morph into a dragon and get that Hypno Ray back [Music] hurry [Music] moreful oh no what'll we do now we get that Ray before it gets us [Music] too around [Music] [Music] now let's help the other [Music] animals [Music] watch out for Hungry jffs next time Professor [Music] paa I told you we'd always catch you if you do mean things Bandits yeah thanks Mila and Morel if only we had our own morphing magic pet we could cause more trouble in the city look it's awful can you get us out of [Music] here oh no my cars how did you get out of jail not in my city oh no it's officer freeze quick orful morph into something big T-Rex I thought you'd be scarier ah a monkey hey give back my camera come and get [Music] it those Bandits used a robot to do this a robot H we'll catch them mechanic Joe the the bandits have a scary T-rex dinosaur a dinosaur and a robot how strange we'll catch them officer freeze those mean Bandits and their naughty monkey put my camera up there let's find those mean Bandits Morel a robot a dinosaur and a monkey I think those Bandits have oral with them we'll catch them April oh no it's Mila Morel quick orl morph into something big Morel morph into a T-Rex too Moro morph morph that's not big enough huh Morel morph into a robot too Morel morph I don't feel so good orful stop that [Music] okay or for tired now I told you we'd always catch you if you do mean things Bandits [Music] oh every day is a magical day with a magic pet hey Ma and Morel ready for our picnic yes Daddy Y picnic we're off to the park take good care of the magic pet center while we're gone bye-bye everyone come on moreel let's make today magical they've gone now we can steal atmo and use the Bandit mobile to channel his freezing powers not bad you gotcha now Atmos freezing powers can be Zapped through this tube well hello Madam is the hot weather bothering you yes terribly how nice of you to ask freeze her much better right this looks like the perfect place for a picnic W hey how did this ice get here it's the bandits they've got atmo and are using his freezing powers to make ice poor let's get them oh no they've Frozen morl Morel morph into something big to break the ice well done Morel now we got to catch those Bandits before they freeze the whole city huh freezing people not in my city freeze Bandits okay Officer free look out Moro let's get him more more thanks for meling the ice Moro now morph into a monster ice truck great job [Music] Moro how about this [Music] uhoh ah no my beautiful ice cream truck let's make this an ice cream picnic yay ice cream everyday is a magical day with a magic pack Mila Morel caregiver Kamal called he says he needs your help at the zoo okay Daddy Morel morph to a flying hat [Music] house Mila Morel great I need your help could you and Morel help bring this penguin camel and monkey to their new homes in the wild sure great we can all fly and morl the Flying House the desert is hot and dry it's the perfect home for a camel Mora look it's a dragon I think he wants to come with us I think we can find a new home for him right moreful yay uh-oh the South Pole is the perfect home for a penguin but it's way too cold for a dragon okay let's go to another place the rainforest is the perfect home for a monkey uh-oh but I think the rainforest might be too wet for Dragons It's Not Easy finding the perfect home for a dragon but we're not giving up look morl it's a volcano this is a perfect place for a dragon to live okay Dragon you seem very happy in your new home now it's time for Morel and me to go back home byebye Dragon oh now I get it you're a magic pet it doesn't matter where magic pets are in the world they won't feel at home without their human companion but I already have a magic pet Morel but I know where we can find you a great human companion [Music] what at the magic cut Center we'll find you a magic match in no time 7even 8 9 10 have fun playing hide and seek ready or not here we come I see a dino toy I wish we could see the whole town I've got an idea morphal morph into a pterodactyl so we can [Music] fly I see something when what are you and your uncle doing here bird [Music] watching there it is there it is when I get that key a fny have my own magic pet peekaboo we play hide and seek oh can we play too Winston I'm not playing goodbye we've got to keep an eye on the B Bandits and also find our friends what we do I know Moro morph into a brachiosaurus and you can stretch your neck All Around [Music] Town come out come out wherever you [Music] are he's TR trying to take Daddy's [Music] key the bandits are trying to steal the key to the magic pet center I haven't seen any Bandits and the key is safe bye [Music] MAA huh H woohoo I got it I got it I don't got it wait you're not playing hide and seek Jordy the key morph into a tall T-Rex hurry ah a T-Rex a T-Rex where I'm out wait Winston I didn't know you were playing too I'm not playing daddy you're key I knew it would be safe with you around morel Winston found all of us found it wi I said I'm not play wait I won what do I get to play again another magical day with a magic pet where other Bandit go hello anybody going to find me [Music] [Music] a huh oh no moreful I know what will cheer you [Music] up my invention is done I've invented a youth serum which I will demonstrate on my [Music] assistant oh that's so [Music] [Applause] [Music] cute I don't know how to take care of a a baby you have to take her to her daddy while I make an antidote to change her [Music] back [Music] [Applause] [Music] Dy uhoh mil not cry Mila [Music] hungry [Music] [Applause] MAA where are [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey morl boy am I glad to see you I had the strangest dream I dreamed that I was a baby isn't that silly huh here you go two small robots as ordered excellent what was that oh nothing thank you bye-bye huh have you brought everything [Music] yep perfect ooh look it's the Bandits look it's the bandits no o [Music] more where ball never mind the ball we're going now come with me okay Morel do you want want to play another game no okay do you want to go home no um do you have any ideas no Morel get those ice creams no P you're acting very strange Morel you don't even want a morph no all you you say is no no no Daddy morel's being weird now Mila that's not a nice thing to say hey Morel do you want some ice cream no no ice cream that can't be right what huh see this Morel isn't real the Bandit Morel you get the ball [Music] now hey Daddy over there oh no it's Mila's Daddy hey milela what are you doing uh you no girl stop morl over here well okay then you do that bye-bye Mila bye daddy no for some more Mischief morphle paint the wall no morph into a police car no a fire truck no an Al B [Music] [Laughter] [Music] no hey Daddy look at me I can't see you Mila look up hi Morel and Mila the superhero orful want to join h huh orful what are you doing orful super suit yay now we can all be superheroes let's make today magical oh I have an idea let's have a race Mor race orful orful race Mor first one to reach the Mountaintop wins ready set [Music] go orful wait w huh oh no now they're ahead let's jump wow oh yeah huh what orful that wasn't nice huh well done Morel I've never felt so strong woohoo I think I know a shortcut go that way Morel woohoo I think we're winning orl [Music] yay huh oral let's morph Wheels in a jetpack to jump over the [Music] river Moro morph wings so we can get up the mountain morph morph morph [Music] for too tired or for tired [Music] too mow one I think it's a tie yay or I no win we all won it's not about winning it's about having fun that really counts everyday is a magical day with a magic pet or two I have to go and do something now morl Morel come sorry it's a secret so you have to stay here it's okay I'll be back back soon [Applause] byebye oh what's wrong Morel where's mil I don't know but I'm sure she'll be back soon Mor Mor Mor mil m hello Morel oh dear what's wrong M here she's not here sorry Mor Mor [Music] Mor ah [Music] huh what no n's not here put me down [Music] morall [Music] wo here huh no Morel she's not [Music] here huh Lia here no Morel I'm sure she's around [Music] somewhere Mor crying not in my city come on morl dry those tears MAA is waiting for you at [Music] home not so fast Morel you haven't checked the backyard yet surprise we wanted to throw you a party to thank you for being such an awesome magic Pat everyday is a magical day with a magic Pat and good friends let's make today magical Morel Morphin 2 me now put these on and we can play PRS on Daddy and our friends you look exactly like me Morel is [Music] Mila oh oh it's you Mila I didn't see you come down that's because I'm still up here oh uh then you must be [Music] moreful hey Ma do you and Mora want to play Mora no here but MAA play great let's go hi Mila hi what shall we play MAA you're great at thinking of fun games uh uh T yeah okay MAA you're [Music] it tag [Music] whoa [Music] we fun wow wait a second you're not MAA you're morl look morl isn't with them so we can steal their toys great idea hey that's ours [Music] thanks for the hul hoop give it [Music] back MAA hey that's not nice what's going on get me down yeah there's two Milas hey come back Moro did you have fun being me yeah but M like being M best everyday is a magical day with a magic [Music] p Mila Morel geraldo's on the phone for you thanks Daddy hi Geraldo hello ASA thank you for always being so helpful I have created a special new ice cream flavor m m and Morel swirl ice cream it's so delicious I can't stop eating it and now there's only a bit left woo ice cream so you need to come quickly before I finish it all I'm on Jungle Island or I come too oh no it's oral if he gets there first he'll eat all the special ice cream morph into a super fast race car to catch orl morel come on morl let's make today magical [Music] oo watch out [Music] Morel a race car isn't so fast in the ocean or [Music] hey more help thanks morel well done morl we made it to Jungle Island let's go find Geraldo how will we get through all these trees Morel morph into a [Music] monkey a race car isn't so fast in the jungle Ora [Music] huh [Music] oh oh forget ice cream don't worry I just made some more now there's plenty for everyone M everyday is a magical day with a magic hat Daddy's going to love this cake we've made for him warle look tasty daddy works so hard looking after us he deserves a treat sometimes wo cake offer eat [Music] cake hey put that [Music] down we've got to get that cake back Morel morph into a spacehopper morel Mo M you give that cake back [Music] oral why you m sorry yeah orful no eat Daddy's cake Morel morph into a race car so we can catch oral Mor Mor [Music] [Applause] Mor not again [Music] so sorry Mr Vander boo we made that cake for Daddy coming [Music] Daddy orel's going to ruin Daddy's cake we have to get it back Morel morph into a robot we can still make today magical Mor Mor [Music] next the thir time to day [Music] sorry Maro catch that [Music] cake well done done morl you save the cake we'll bring you a nice slice later Mr Vander boo what [Music] about we made you this cake daddy oh thank you I hope you didn't go to any trouble no trouble daddy every day is a magical day with a magic [Laughter] pet good catch [Music] MAA it landed right in my hat Shar there's a shark oh no we have to help him Morel morph into a speed boat so we can get there fast morel we're coming to get you uh-oh Morel stuck you're trapped in seaweed I'll help you morle are you okay I'm okay but I didn't see where the shark went I guess itd swam away Morel you have to morph back into yourself to get free don't worry you'll be safe I promise we're with you and the silly shark isn't around anymore let's play how about Follow the Leader in the water follow me it's the shark again for for wait I know that k I think oral is just pretending to be a scary shark he's dranking us that's not very nice no it's not maybe we should show orl how his prank made us feel Morel please morph into a bigger shark than oral Mor we won't be mean Morel just swim around oral [Music] oral it's not really a shark it's Morel you pranked us so I wanted to show you how it feels offer sorry I'm sure you didn't mean to scared one offer play H why don't we all play a game together yeah you could play hide and soak or dolphin Polo morphal and orphal can morph into dolphins and we can ride them Morel and Oro more don't let the ball fall in the water sure it's just me it's not a shark it's a daddy wearing his shark finin hat Oh Daddy hey how about a daddy and Dolphins race yeah everyday is a magical day with a magic hatet PL no flywell atmo use your magic weather powers to blow this paper plane loop the loop do you want to do some Loops Moro and make today magical okay morle morph into a balloon Morel Mor atmo make a really strong wind so Morel can loop the loop [Applause] tooop [Music] Mor Mor find ma [Music] ma Morel Mor Morel Mor Oh Daddy it was all my fault that Morel got blown away you didn't know that was going to happen huh Morel where are you [Applause] morel mil morall this isn't loud enough Moro will never hear me we need to think of another way I've got it ice cream now wasn't the time for snacks no Daddy Morel loves ice cream he'll definitely stop here to get one there's no sign of morl rather than waiting for him to find us let's let him know where we are how are we going to do that like [Music] this Morel loves this music when he hears it he'll come and get an ice cream immediately good plan [Music] milela ice cream marle I missed you muff Miss mea too every day is a magical day with a magic pet these flowers look great Ma I think we need some more dirt around the yellow ones morl help Morel Mor morph wa thanks for helping Morel looks like the flowers could use some water [Music] now huh oh no Morel you're getting yourself and everything muddy Morel love mud you are one muddy Morel too muddy come on Morel let's make today magical and take a bath M this bath is so nice and warm and look I'm filling it with bubbl Morel no come on now Morel it's bath time Mar Mark [Music] Mark hold on Morel maybe he should morph into a ball but then he bounce away I got it morphal morph into a penguin so you can and dive into the pool Morel Mor I'll catch you [Music] Morel M slipping wow a Slip Sliding penguin hi Moro I'm coming to get you we have to stop this you're getting mud [Music] everywhere watch out for Mr bander boo more morph into a huge sponge to soak up the water so you can stop Mor morph Mor my ice cream yay ice cream watch out for now I'm wet mud I really don't like mud now go on boming take your mess with you so sorry Mr Vander Boo and Barky I will okay Morel you spongy sponge let's get you in the bath and all cleaned up well we finally got our muddy Morel into the bath I know now you're all clean Morel so you can come out of the bath M bath time M stay every day is a magical day with a magic pet welcome to pet port's annual super soccer match between the morel Reds Morel vaa and Jordan and Magic pets United Ani in and tel this is a super soccer match so you can't use your hands but you can use magic power W and the winning team will get this gold trophy let's score some goals and remember not to use your hands now use yeah go morles huh where did the bow go oh man woohoo come on woohoo that's one point for magic pets United ready [Music] [Music] Morel anemi you used your hands f for magic pits United free kick for Morel [Music] [Music] Reds half time there's no way we can win listen guys we may be down but we're not out it's not over till it's over we just have to work as a team now let's go win that trophy yeah more full Reds more full [Music] Reds the ball is alive a little help here [Music] moreful [Music] thanks amimi no goal play [Music] on go Morel you can do [Music] it Go Go W one all time the game's over who won it's a tie what tie M both teams Win w where is the other [Music] [Music] team this is going to be the best magic pet dance party yet oh I think the pets will love these balloons w W wo Cy sheep stop he's chasing after inra we must s there playing again Daddy we're back with more balloons H they're asleep more like sleepy sleepy and I know why a pink cloud can only mean one thing sheep we better stop him before he puts the whole town to sleep we're going to need some help to find him Morel morph into something tall to give us a better [Applause] view just go slow please counter sheep counter sheep look it's officer freeze counter sheep must have put him to sleep don't get too close marel yeah we don't want you to become a Rio snores there he is he's found ingra and seems to have calmed down let's go it's pretty high it's going to be okay Jordy sliding is so fun [Music] uhoh oh no C sheep's getting all excited [Music] again uhoh moreful morph into a plane morph are sleepy come on you can sleep in the [Applause] plane come on morle we need to get rid of the Sleep Cloud what help yay get ready anro and now welcome back normal size Cy now all we have to do is Wake everyone up and go to our dance party [Applause] [Music] help yay I'm glad everyone's [Music] wait
Channel: Morphle Dinosaurs
Views: 75,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Giant Baby Sitting, animals, anime, cartoon, cartoon dinosaurs, cartoons for kids, colors, dinosaur, dinosaurs, disney+, fun, hero, ice cream, kids adventures, kids cartoon, kids stories, kids vehicles, kids videos, magic, mila and morphle, morfal, morfo, morfol, morphle, morphle adventures, morphle and mila, morphle cartoon, morphle episodes, morphle t rex, morphle tv, morphle vs orphle, morphol, my magic pet morphle, orphle, super hero, superhero, trucks, vehicles for kids, videos for kids
Id: 2kLV1A3ScCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 18sec (3738 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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