Tools of the Trade | Making An Anvil Stand

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hi boys and girls today i'm going to teach you how to make a stand for your anvil some people say anvil i say and vol anvil let's do it [Music] pop that loose right there just like that without breaking it and then i got a bad habit of breaking stuff because i think i don't know how hard to push it there we go look at that that piece is no longer of use to me this is a safety instruction right here if you've got these on your hoodie i'll bet no one has ever tightened them so if you're making knives i'm going to show you what you do when you get a new hoodie first thing you do is you cut that side off don't don't do it you're not pull that out you don't need that just pull it out just pull it out just just pull it out see just pull it shut up uh-oh all right well if you can't do that then you just cut both ends off and then snuggly it up like this and then bam no more ends sticking out to hang up in the grinder because you know if you're grinding and you get that in there that sucks that's a bad day so make sure you cut those off you don't need those those are stupid okay back to this this is more important yeah it's a nice sound oh i don't want to do that again i like that sound that's a nice sound hope we caught that definitely got my fingerprints all over now we're gonna put it back into the it's pretty clear okay now oh boy i'm afraid of touching that part that's the nice part all right now this goes back just like that click click wonderful i've got all of the fingerprints all just inside of the glasses so what we got is some angle iron angle and angle looks like this i don't know it's quarter inch thick so i'm going to make the top part the shape of the bottom of the anvil like this so it'll be four pieces one a two a three a four and they have a little shelf in here and i'll cut them on angles and i don't know why i'll cut them like that but i probably will and i might change my mind i might just and then the anvil will sit in there and then we're going to make the anvil legs they are square tubing very thick walled square tubing and they're going to be on 23 and a half degree angle and that little piece is going to go right on top of here and then we'll run another couple of pieces across on three legs one a two a three triangle like that okay this is piece piece piece it all comes together and i'm gonna have to decide how tall these legs are based on how tall my anvil is now let's do that let's see what we need is this one 32 inches so all right a little calculating here so i'm just going to chop this into 45 angle 45 degree angles and we will proceed to weld them together and i hope that they work clean that out like that take this like this put that in there like that put this back on here like this where your safety glasses on your head where they're supposed to be not on your face remember these things aren't super accurate so here i'm gonna cut it over size and then grind it like i normally do [Applause] [Applause] hmm um i made a couple of these before but not exactly this way so my outside cut is a little over nine inches i made a little bit bigger so it's nine and a quarter where they're gonna meet because i got a quarter inch or a quarter inch is eight and uh three-quarter so for a three-quarter and that's because i got a quarter inch and a quarter inch so that makes it half just trying to figure it out i do have this cool thing here whenever i'm making stuff i'm not much into measuring i want to cut it and fit it and make it work and that's all i'm trying to do and that's all i'm suggesting anyone else do and don't make too many rules about it just get at it and do this is not a helicopter so it does not have to uh it doesn't have to be perfect perfect it could be a little off and you're still going to be fine [Music] pretty close i'm going to tune them up a little bit on the grinder so chop saw is not a precision instrument i'm just gonna clean these up just a little bit hmm so [Applause] i'm gonna just try to cut a little bit more off i'm gonna chop that off first and then i'll cut the angle on seems a lot easier this time i thought i'd be clever and make a frame which has 45 degree angles which is really tricky to cut accurately on this saw so i'm going to do it a little differently i'm going to finish this job on the um with some grinding and some chop sawy techniques which i think will work not chops off but um bandsaw and grinding i think that's going to be a little easier um [Music] [Applause] [Applause] um [Applause] [Music] that fits fits so so so um [Music] [Music] ah uh [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so okay so this is a way to do it and the biggest thing you want to remember is 23 and a half 24 degrees on these angles and there's three of them so let's pick this up and stick it on here and see how it works the whole purpose of having a three-legged metal stand is that it connects to the ground the dirt the rocks whatever and it makes your anvil more solid so we're going to lift the envelope set it in here i'm going to silicone the base and silicone the anvil to the base all right let's stick that in there ah nice so this is our anvil stand plenty bouncy nice height working height right here for me or anybody so that's it thank you for watching and be a maker
Channel: Jason Knight
Views: 15,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Lg32yMulNBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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