Tool - You Lied [HD]
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: iBongbarian
Views: 4,762,559
Rating: 4.8677592 out of 5
Keywords: Tool, You, Lied, Salival, HQ, HD, 720P, Cover, Peach, Lyrics, Info, Album, Art, Live, High, Quality, Definition, got, sick, of, low, quality, bullshit, from, uneducated, fucktards
Id: jmkRHo4Vca4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2011
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Love this version.
For any of today's lucky 10,000 that isn't aware, Justin (Tool's second bassist from AEnima onward) had a band before called Peach that released this song. Hear the original here.
One of my favorite Tool songs that's not a Tool song. So good. Salival really is a gem.
O yea, this cover is epic. Thanks for making me remember
Recently I think Salival might be my favorite Tool release. Half of it is incoherent noises, but the combo of Third Eye, Pushit, You Lied, and No Quarter is incredible.
Seeing em tonight!!!!
Anything from tool is amazing