TOOL - Culling Voices (Audio)
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Views: 4,943,226
Rating: 4.8700399 out of 5
Keywords: Tool, Tool Culling Voices, Tool culling, Tool Fear Inoculum, Tool band, Tool Song, Fear Inoculum, Tool Fear, Tool Official, Danny Carey, Maynard, Maynard James Tool, Adam Jones, Justin Chancellor, Tool New Song, Culling Voices, RCA Records Label, Rock, TOOL
Id: rj3IbZV_YQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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Unpopular opinion but this is the best song on the album
I love MJK's vocals and the arrangement throughout most of the tune, but the heavy riffs towards the end are so stereotypically Tool that it's simply boring.
Now, if it built into something like Right Into Two, I could get down with that. But it doesn't. Sad.
This album rules, but Culling Voices is one of the weaker Tool songs IMO.
Great track from a great album
FI is probably the biggest grower album in Tool's discography. Repeated listens have drastically increased my likeability of songs on this record. Songs like this and Invincible have enormously grown on me over the last year.
I don't understand why people froth over this song, it has to be the most generic/uninspired track Tool has ever released.
This was the first from FE, and also the first to lose its luster. I enjoy the concept of the lyrics, making imaginary enemies of people from exchanges that never happened. But the buildup doesnβt pay off I feel, and the ending riff swells and repeats, dies down and ebbs, and swells again and repeats the same riff, only slightly altered.
Descending and Pneuma with a side of Invincible is what Iβve come away from this album with.
Scrolling through this thread as a really big Tool fan just makes my brain hurt.
The fact that this track is one of the 6 songs in Fear Inoculum is the main reason the album isn't as good as Γnima, Lateralus and 10,000 Days