'Too Useless to be attractive to anyone' Jordan Peterson on Rejection

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that's what all this is that's that's the story man and it's a it's a major story it's the story of human transformation and growth it's the evil evolution of mankind it's like it's a major story and we've been working on the damn thing for like god only knows how long you know snakes and primates co-evolve and our vision are sharp sharp sharp vision seems to have been an evolutionary adaptation forced on us by the presence of predatory snakes and we're talking tens of millions of years ago and human beings have unbelievably sharp eyesight the only thing that can out see us is birds of prey and they have eyes like an eagle a bald eagle has eyes as big as ours and it has two phobias that phobia is the central part of the vision so an eagle is all eyes man and so but human beings we're kind of like that too and like half our brain is devoted to visual processing we have acute vision in Madagascar where there are primates with no predatory snakes they're lemurs they can't see worth a damn and a anthropologist named Lynne Isabel did a comprehensive study worldwide trying to account for the acuity of primate vision and what she found was that the more predatory snakes in the vicinity the sharper the eyesight of the primates and so we have a really sharp eyesight so that means a lot of us are eaten by snakes and none of your ancestors fortunately because otherwise you wouldn't be here but a lot of those who fell by the wayside were snake snack and you know when you're little and living in a tree a snake is no damn joke and even now lots of people get bitten by snakes and people are phobic of snakes at quite a rate and some of that actually seems innate there's arguments about cycle between psychologists about this but even the ones who don't accept the fact that it's innate accept the fact that you can make someone afraid of a snake by conditioning just like that we're trying to make them afraid of a flower by conditioning is really really hard so we're at least at minimum prepared to be afraid of snakes minimum and I believe it's I don't I believe this fear is actually an eight although you can learn to control it so anyway so that's that story and like what story round so an amazing amazing story you see the den of the dragon here is littered with skulls and bones that's what that is only the thing is no joke it's like look the hell out and that's this you know and look it up at the top right hand corner there you know that's from Peter Pan right well you remember Captain Hook we talked about him already he's a tyrant and he's a tyrant because he's afraid of death and that's all he sees in life and so it makes him cruel and better and death has already taken part of it right that's why you're the hook not damn crocodiles chasing them tick tick all the time of course that's the same situation you're all in man there's a crocodile with a clock at its stomach chasing you and it could easily turn you into a tyrant it can turn you into a tyrant or a cowering victim or a hero those are the auctions fundamentally so and that's the Gorgon looking at her own the Medusa looking at her own reflection you know mother nature with the head full of snakes you know a terrifying vision and that's actually to some degree an archetype that men get confused with women and you know that's the witchy part of women and that's the part that's attractive attractive attractive but rejecting rejecting rejecting it so many men are petrified by women they won't approach them at all they have no idea how to talk to them they're just petrified into immobility and that's way more common than you think and so that breeds resentment like you wouldn't believe you know you hear the guy who shot up like Dawson College it's like what the hell do you think motivated him it's like he that's what he saw and and it was because well he was my opinion is he was too goddamn useless to be attractive to anyone and so that's a hell of a place to be in you know it's then that's the problem too if you're chronically rejected by people it's often because of your own insufficiencies you know whether that's cowardice or lack of social skills or whatever it is it's like you can't just brush it off as oh well you know no one likes me but really I'm okay it's like no no wrong if everyone rejects you there's probably something wrong and it's probably deep and difficult and it's going to be horrible to fix and so it's this isn't a trivial problem it's not a trivial problem at all and so you know that's mother nature for man too because from from the sexual selection point of view if they if they're not selected as a mate Nature has taken them out of the game right and so you know people don't really like that they're not that happy with that and so but getting all whiny about it and then getting violent is like that's just not all not really very helpful although it's very common
Channel: TheArchangel911
Views: 297,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: psychology, personality, philosophy, jordan, peterson, university, college, school, lecture, class, physiology, self, course
Id: lZOTeq0hIPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2017
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