I Found A Super Rare Cast Iron Skillet at Estate Sale - Did I Buy It? Cast Iron Haul Results!

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hey guys Lady Liberty stacker it is Friday October 18 2019 and in this video I want to show you a couple of the finds that I made in an estate sale and the story behind that one of these is truly a rare piece and it was quite fortunate to find it so there's a cool story behind it I also wanted to give you guys an update on the skillets that I picked up around Labor Day weekend and remember I went on that haul and I bought all that cast iron well this is the result this is the number two it's actually closer to a size of a number three skillet this is the one made in Taiwan haven't cooked with it yet but now has three coats of seasoning on it and that's what it kind of looks like on the cooking surface very very smooth it's got some mill work on it actually these this doesn't really look like a bad skillet now it has a little bit of abuse in the back I'm not sure how old it is probably need to do a little research on it eight and a half inch skillet and hmm that's weird they call it eight and a half inch skillet and the nut Rinna's maybe that's six yeah it's six and a half inch okay so that is the one made in Taiwan and I pick that up for my own use so we'll go ahead and put that down over here and then next up is the this one is the one I picked up at an antique shop in close to Erie PA and this is the one that gave me such fits cleaning I had to go back and forth between the live tank in between the vinegar soap and just a note on that when you do that it will work but you have to be patient and when you take it out a lie it's got to be thoroughly rinsed really really well before it goes into vinegar once it comes out of vinegar you'll wash it down you can use soap at this stage of the game you're cleaning it up you got to get all that vinegar and all the old carbon off and if you think that what remains underneath needs to be softened again put it back into lye it'll soften what's left and then you back into vinegar but make sure you rinse real well each time wearing gloves you want to keep your hands safe and hands just you know gently clean when you do that so this was the skillet that gave me such a hard way to go I didn't know it had severe rust on it but it didn't know if there was fire damage to it or not you can see some of the carbon that would not come off it was so stubborn but you can see that it looks an awful lot better so that's what it looks like that is four cut four or five coats of seasoning now on there we're gonna flip it over and I did do a little bit of sanding on the surface to smooth it out a little bit but yeah it is very smooth I think it would be a good cooker it is holding the seasoning so they see fire damage skillets will not hold the seasoning but yeah that is the Wagner we're number eight so I would go ahead and put that down let me see I'll just go ahead and put it over here and then next up is the this one I picked up I think a little bit earlier I had a garage sale I think it was now I'm trying to member when I got this it was if it wasn't Labor Day it was a town garage sale I did show it on a recent video though this is the one that had a ghost mark to it you can see the W of Wagner looks just like that W and they meant to make this is from the Wagner mold these are both number eights you can see the handle on this unmarked over here you can see the handle on this marked and I've never found one like this so it's quite rare this one has a little bit of a warp to it but it is really really actually very well made this one here that gave me such a hard way to go do not have the milling in the pan this one here does so it makes quite an interesting specimen look at that it's just shiny it does tend to spin a little bit but there it is there you can see that very smooth surface very shiny you can see the the millwork all throughout and it was from the mold over there other than I don't know if they did milling on that one to the right but they certainly did on this one so that one when I paid all the five dollars for this one I paid a little too much it was like twenty two and an antique shop I thought I was getting a bargain because I didn't see all the rust underneath but at any rate that once it's completely fat flat there's no spin move my hot pad all the way if you push the handle there's no spin at all to that so that that would be a nice cooker let me just keep it but I think I may sell it I'm not sure this one here does have a little bit of a spin to it but it cleaned up really nice that's got about four or five coats of seasoning on too and it's nice and shiny I think the more coats they have the longer you bake them the quicker you're going to have the desired effect not sure what's wrong with my lens there and then finally this is the huge unmarked but it's a Wagner that's the maker's mark this is a number 10 it's 11 3/4 inch skillets got the same font there is no ghost marks on this it's just an unmarked Wagner but its telltale signs of Wagner you've got the side wall with the edge there and then you flip it over and you've got the fairly defined poor sports not quite as large as Griswold or the airy versions but you see the milling on that you see this one had a lot of use but got it done with that is about three three layers of seasoning I'm probably going to go back in for a fourth fourth or fifth I think to make it look the way I want that one I'm probably going to be selling it and this one was purchased for about $10 but I'm gonna give it a fourth coat of seasoning on this this is a number ten Wagner you can see from the handle and we go ahead and put that back and that is a nice the larger they are the more valuable they get just because of the time and effort and the fact is larger ones don't seem to survive as long as the smaller guys like the number three here okay now on four what I found at the estate sale the estate sale I went there and I got there a couple hours early because they had a pile of skillets off to the right in the basement area and I asked as soon as I got there I was number three to get in and I got there early because I wanted to have first dibs at this those skillets I said where are those skillets and he said downstairs I went down I checked one was a number one was actually a number 12 it was a little bit larger than this but it was a non marked Wagner and I there was a concrete floor in the basement a checked it and it was indeed a spinner and they wanted $25 for it I don't think so they had a little skillet like this but it was Griswald large logo Griswold and they won 235 for that and I'm thinking whoa these prices are high and then they had two other nondescript skillets and I don't need anymore nondescript skillets to deal with at the time so I started to look for other things that I could pick up I found a few other things I won't go into them in the video here I get into vintage paper vintage cookbooks etc but here I found these in the corner in the kitchen this one here I just left the price on so you guys could see and not a bad price for what this is this is actually a it's quite dirty but I want to dump I want to get it into the light a because what I'm doing the video now this is a BS and are number five it has the inset heat ring it's got this is one of the older ones I have one up just like this this is probably the old mountain I think it's called they're not the Red Mountain but the old mountain I can't remember exactly something mountain series makes it a little bit more valuable made back in the 30s and 40s but you can see all the crud that got onto this so we definitely need to get it softened in a light tank there is some rest here that we can see in the camera that I wasn't able to see before hopefully we can get that off in the vinegar bath it's patience back and forth I figured I'd pick it up just to have nothing else then another one to redo and once I get it looking great we will probably end up either gifting and or selling it so there we go that was a nice fine but my all no means nothing real rare but I don't find it find BSN are in my area all that much now this one also was at the bottom of the stack there was several other cheap skillets they're modern not valuable and I found this one priced at 12 and you see the handle and it looks like a number looks like an 8 but it's hard to tell a lot of crusty there a tear drop handle not like the Wagner not like the Wagner and then well-defined pour spouts very thin though very thin compared to the B SNR it's another good comparison we'll put a Wagner next to it look at the Wagner look at this one okay so we have that one now we're going to turn it over on the other side this is an old Erie skillet and nope there isn't any spin to it no spin there maybe a little bit of warping here but this skillet from my research you got the quotations around Erie you've got a star makers mark you've got a number 8 on the skillet with no number and OB for it and that looks like it could be a makers mark as well it's hard to say because it needs to be stripped it's got the outset heat ring so this is an Erie pre Griswold it is a Griswold but it's when they didn't call them Griswolds it's a pre Griswold Erie made by the same Griswold company from 1870 to 18 dear there abouts at Ceres number two it's got the very definitive handle on it as you can see there and twelve bucks I figured you know what I'm gonna take a chance on it to see how it cleans up because if this cleans up really nice there were a couple that sold on by auction on eBay for one hundred and sixty three one that sold closer to two hundred buy it now there's one on Etsy right now for two hundred and forty dollars so this was score score score we'll see how it did it turns out but it's going to go into the light tank as well we need to get it soaking it's starting to get warm out today so why works better when it's warm so we'll see how it goes guys but I wanted to at least give you an overview this is extremely rare extremely rare the one with the spider logo in the center is even more rare I've seen those sell for $400 up to probably 1500 they think crazy insane prices so anyway it's very light very easy to use it's just amazing so I'm gonna have a hard time selling it but I went there for my business so we'll see what happens okay guys so this is an eerie that's a psnr number five this is an unmarked Wagner number ten with three coats of layering a seasoning on it this is an unmarked go skillet number eight Wagner number two Taiwan for my collection and a number eight Wagner that's marked just had some issues going on but I probably can you know we'll see I'm either gonna keep this one and sell this one or vice versa I'm not sure because I can always use a number eight alright guys I've talked long enough I appreciate you watching please remember to leave a comment or question below give me a thumb up push the bell if you haven't already subscribed to subscribe and go make it a great day
Channel: LadyLibertyStacker
Views: 104,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lady liberty stacker, ladylibertystacker, cast iron skillet, Erie Cast Iron Series #2
Id: 60EWUdpG6ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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