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Being a girl and wanting to skateboard (Circa 2008) was very discouraging. You couldn’t go anywhere without someone harassing you in the street to show them tricks to prove you can skate, or singing Avril’s skater boi as you went by. Don’t give girls a hard time, we like to skate too!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Growing up in the eighties it went like this:

Big Wheel

Skate board


Ten speed

Driver's License.

If your were like 14 riding a skateboard, yes you would have been harassed as a "BABY"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Razzy194 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I remember

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dylan7homas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The chiclet keyboard sound was really over the top and totally pointless stupid.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Njall πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It’s refreshing to see someone of his stature in his respective lane possess such humility.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CodeOfKonami πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey what's up everybody I'm Tony Hawk and I am going undercover on the Internet it's actually me Twitter Chris Hagen cyber at cyber freak Chris asked Tony what is the scariest trick you have landed scariest trick I ever landed was probably doing the full loop ramp because no one had ever done it completely before I tried it and I didn't really even know if it was possible and so when I finally got the chance I wasn't as confident as I usually am with tricks boom at Wilson 0:06 said yo Tony what's your favorite skate game you've created well obviously the Tony Hawk pro skater series is the one I'm known for and I would say the second one of that series is the one I'm most proud of because it was everything we wanted the first one to be and it was also what put us on the map like what creates he pointing has a genre of video games and so that's the one I'm most proud of posted the most fun thing says given the incredible growth of rural skate parks how does the industry leverage this presence into legit growth or education that's a good question that's pretty lofty we try to educate people that want to get skate parks through our foundation in terms of giving kids a place to go a sense of self confidence a sense of belonging and a sense of purpose and I think that that can help kids grow quite a bit post it at cat ISM said why is skateboard in Olympic Games program it's gonna kill the culture and lifestyle around the sport when the money comes in the respect goes out as we say in Sweden well I think that it's funny to say when the money comes in skateboarding is already hugely popular in a lot of countries and professional skateboards already have huge corporate sponsors so the money has already come into skateboarding I would say if anything it's only allowed skateboarding to grow further internationally but at the core and the reason people skating the culture of it won't be affected at all I mean the Olympics will be another skateboard competition in that year of many but it's also just one facet of ski there's still a whole underground group that will continue to skate that will continue to hop fences to hit the biggest handrails and none of that will change if anything people be more interested in that aspect once they are introduced to skateboarding through the Olympics reply at Ben dot Watson so Tony Hawk was supposed to do skate jam now they're doing space gm2 and still no skate gym retweet free skate jam with Tony Hawk that's that's one of those ones that got away I mean I don't have you know my life has been incredible in terms of opportunity and success and things I never dreamed I'd get to do stuff like The Simpsons and stuff like doubling Will Ferrell in a movie but I feel like skate jam was the one thing that got away because that would have been super cool although who knows it could have been terrible memes the rest of my life reply Facebook Facebook's a little more scary sometimes I don't know why it's a different vibe out there Joe Kai Kendall says hero to so many what was the like behind the scenes with the Bones Brigade how about your time with peralta and hanging out with cab I think he means cab it was awesome we were a group of friends that got thrown together because we had the same sponsor we were all roughly the same age and suddenly we were thrust into the spotlight all of us were skating because we loved it skating was not a cool thing to do it was the furthest thing from cool you could do in my high school they used to have to hide my skateboard because I would get beat up literally bullied boom mark Alyn Leibowitz says you've probably done every trick in the book what trick challenge you the must Tony the trick that I never could do that I really wanted to make on a vert ramp at some point was a nollie 720 which means you come up backwards spin around twice on a vertical axis without grabbing the board and landing it I just could never get that last half a turn so that was the trick that had challenged me the most I've stopped trying it ever since so where Instagram here we go try Turtles Shana 11 says when you're on the ramp and you're with other people and crossing over and under each other do you prefer to be over or under person or does it Bend on who's out there with you this sounds like it could have a double entendre I am comfortable either going over or under people it all depends on what they're planning to do under me if I'm going over them and I'm not trying to turn this into some weird sex talk if they're gonna do something where their arms are raised up over their body is higher than the coping then I have to reconsider what type of aerial works going over that trick and if I know what they're going to do above me that gives me a sense of what I can do under them so I'm comfortable either way it's just a matter of what trick is that is the choice they're posted kay Badgers says what litt shook was the hardest for you to learn there is a trick I learned about ten years ago that I only did once and it's basically a 360 shuvit to backside lipslide I guess you'd call it a bigger spin back lip but it was super hard for me and it took me hundreds of tries I'm guessing because your question is so specific that you do skates you know how how scary back lips can be and to 360 shuvit in the back lip super scary a feather phantom I may not know how to skateboard but I love surfing Tony will you ever take up surfing that'd be cool as hell actually I have been surfing as long as I've been skating my older brother is the one who got me into skating because he was a surfer I'm not nearly as good at it in fact I'm not that confident in big waves people say like will you skate these big ramps why why don't you why don't you like to surf big waves because the ramp still come crashing behind me and make me drowned that's why posted I am dB nicknames Birdman grandpa those my nicknames in IMDB that's so sad Wow well Birdman I know that that's a name that ESPN bestowed on to me in the 90s and it's stuck and now I've just come to accept it but I'm not a grandpa yet all right if one of my kids has a kid then you can call me grandpa and you didn't spell it right anyway and submit father of Riley Hawke who helped Ashton Kutcher play a practical joke on Tony for Punk'd in 2003 the elder hawk grounded his son for the prank the first part of that is true we did do Punk'd and Riley did participate in a prank and they they kind of got me but I started to figure it out and I joked at the end that he was grounded in reality we were going to Disneyland that day and we were taking his brothers to Disneyland and he got to go to Disneyland so it was the exact opposite of being grounded he went to Disneyland that day boom ready what's Tony Hawk up to these days well I'm doing the same GQ right here right now that's what I'm up to and ride my skateboard and raising kids and in building C parts in low-income areas and stuff I posted Wikipedia oh man Wikipedia is such a bummer I've tried to change factual things in my bio and they're like the the hoops you have to jump through to get a photo approved and then to get it accepted in the Commons it's crazy like it would be easier to falsify a passport than to make a different photo in Wikipedia but you can write all kinds of and no accept it I don't get it it's just it's the Wild West I don't know I'm gonna skip it sorry we're moving on to Korra Ken Tony Hawk's don't compete with modern pro skateboarders I could if I wanted to I mean I could literally jump into a competition doesn't mean I would do well but I am able to I don't know I think if I were to enter a vert competition I'd be lucky to make the finals but I'd be happy with that it's 51 making the finals boom why is Tony Hawk considered the best skateboarder of all time maybe people see me as the most recognizable skateboarder but but skating is such an art form it's so subjective no one is the best at it it's not a race no one's the fastest runner no one's the highest jumper skating is just so diverse it's so eclectic not one person could be the best or represent all of it it's just a matter of what style you like and what's your flavor what is what is the most expensive car of Tony Hawk is that something people actually ask well I have a Tesla Model 100 P 100 D so it's it's pricey but it's not a Ferrari post it how does Tony Hawk stay in shape skateboarding plain and simple chasing kids too as an estimate how many hours of Tony Hawk's life has been sorry I can't read it as an estimate how many hours of Tony Hawk's life have been spent skateboarding Wow that is so hard to calculate all right let's say for the sake of argument like eight to ten hours a week at this point would be a pretty good average through my life so let's go ten hours a week I started skating 42 years ago ten times 52 times 42 all right let's go let's round it off 25,000 hours and submit who will be the next tony hawk that will push the prominence of skateboarding within pop culture I don't think that's for me to answer but I hope that skateboarding will continue to be recognized and will be prominent in pop culture and and that people will recognize the creativity and the positive effects it has on youth and I can only hope that someone who reaches some sort of level of fame or recognition or prominence will want to use that voice for the good of skateboarding in general and there are plenty of people that are doing it I mean I think that the most recognizable name these days is Nyjah Huston he's a powerhouse within Street skating he's an amazingly technical skater and I hope that he can turn that sort of Fame into a voice for skateboarding but someone else could do it I mean it's just a matter of you know there's there's a lot of right place right time I'd like to think I was in the right place at the right time but I had a lot of right place wrong time throughout my life I was in skateboarding but it was not the time for skateboarding but I never quit posted well that was it that was actually me and I'm signing off now we've reached the end of the Internet [Music]
Channel: GQ Sports
Views: 339,582
Rating: 4.9521441 out of 5
Keywords: actually me, gqactuallyme, tony hawk, tony hawk interview, undercover, goes undercover, undercover celebrity, tony hawk skating, celebrity goes undercover, undercover celeb, tony hawk 2019, tony hawk gq, tony hawk gq sports, tony hawk goes undercover, tony hawk undercover, tony hawk actually me, tony hawk reddit, tony hawk skating questions, pro skating, skateboard, pro skater, tony hawk instagram, tony hawk twitter, tony hawk facebook, tony hawk skater, sports, gq sports, gq
Id: 9Dj2SP5sbd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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