JGR drivers on the battle with Hendrick Motorsports, horsepower debate, and best Joe Gibbs stories!

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the worst buttt chewing I've tooken from my grandfather this day and it never equivalate as close as my dad's butt chewing that was different right that my D was way worse but the worst one out of any all the stupid stuff I've have done was shooting my brother with an airsoft gun with about the distance between me and you just wide open and I hold to him and that was the first time and the only time I've ever seen coach's teeth 5 4 3 2 1 Cali's Kevin right there you're the man hello I'm Kevin Harvick you're listening to Kevin Harvick's happy hour presented by NASCAR and fox you can follow us on YouTube or anywhere on social media at Harvick happppppy pod and download us anywhere that you get your podcast so today is an interview that I think was very fun uh gives us a little bit of insight into some of the personalities of all four drivers at Joe Gibbs Racing we had some great stories uh from The Young Tai Gibbs we had some jabs back and forth and in the end Christopher Bell took $100 from me in the putting in the chipping competition so follow along uh hope you enjoy this interview all right well they figured that I couldn't interview one person well so they brought four of you to see if I can actually uh figure out how to make this all flow correctly so pardon me if um if I screw this up but we we I wanted to make sure that we took you guys somewhere that that wasn't normal so we wound up at the golf course which I only think there's one of us that can actually golf here and that's probably probably you he claims not to be a good golfer I golf once a year you guys sound like about the same and you shoot golf balls T I'd like to yeah is that right I could that's how we that's how I started playing golf uh we we U we went and shot um went to the driving range to uh to do this and Horn day were like hor and I were like man we are not very good golfers so we went and got shotguns Earhart gave us our first shotgun and we started that sounds like way more fun Denny can chip him up in the air I'll shoot him hey I could do that that's what we should have done we're in Texas weing we should be blowing stuff up not not not trying to hit golf balls but I thought it was I thought it was um would be interesting to have you guys come as a group because right now I feel like it's you against Hendrick Motorsports and you guys came in with a new car new body new everything and with the short track stuff dominated kind of got your got your legs underneath you at the mile and a half um and I just I feel like you guys are in a spot to do things that is expected out of Joe Gibbs Racing so I guess my first question would be and I'm just going to go right to it is this a championship year because it feels like everybody's leading livs you're on the verge of winning your first race you you've been battling for wins You've Won races and you've you've been doing the exact same thing leading laps and doing everything you guys need to do so is this a Joe Gibbs Racing championship year am I starting it off you are I mean yeah it seems like we've got the we've got the resources to do it for sure and you know the last since the introduction of the nextg car we've had our strengths and our weaknesses uh but that year in 2022 it was the short track stuff the road course package wasn't good for our cars and so we put in a lot of effort into trying to increase our our performance on the road courses and the short track stuff which was Phoenix a big hole was Phoenix and then uh this new car seems like it's bridged the Gap a little bit and uh that was my best race to date so you've been through a number of these years Racing for championships won a championship how does it feel does it feel different this year compared to other years because from the outside looking in it it feels different to me yeah I mean I I would say it's hard to compare to like the championship year and and stuff with the old car right because whe whether we're better or or not it's the whole field still way tighter than it was then right so I feel similar in the fact that I feel like we're very well-rounded we can go anywhere and be fast one of us is going to be fast everywhere we go which we haven't really had that the last two years like Christopher mentioned we've had struggles at road courses struggles at short tracks one year it just has been not we haven't all felt like every single week we go to the racetrack we could win and I feel like this year from the way things have felt it's like one of us is going to have a chance yeah so I feel similar in that respect but the field is still way closer than it was in all those years we raced for championships you know how is it having all the experience around you I I know a little bit about you a lot of people don't know a little bit about you I know your work ethic and the things that you do behind the scenes so how much do you lean on these guys and how much of it is okay I take a little bit from him I take a little bit from from these two and and and has morphed into your own driving Style with with what you do yeah you know it's uh it's definitely you know really cool growing up in this in this time um you know with the generations are changing as well so we still got some of these guys I grew up watching these guys and then and then me and Christopher are you know roughly new so um it's it's definitely cool um it's it's and another aspect it's cool because I grew up kind of studying their data so then I end up kind of knowing about that more about how they drive and about their own personalities my whole life and until now so it's been cool um I've had a lot of a lot of great great help from and from my teammates and very blessed to be in a position I'm in and having having a great time so you've been here for a long time and been within Joe Gibbs Racing you've seen the ups and the downs and and I think for for the years that I've seen everything go on there seems to be somebody that has to be the leader of where the direction of the cars go uh do you need more rear down Force front downforce is that you is that all of you how would you explain the process of how you arrived with getting a car like you guys have because I feel like your car is really as Superior as it's been in a long time with what you guys designed and developed and so what's your you're you're the you're the one that's been here the longest what's the difference from where you were when you started as far as Joe Gibbs Racing to where you are now to how you developed this car and and how that's LED within the group and the organization from the driver standpoint we all know that there's engineers and people that are smarter than us well I I I would say that I'm probably the most vocal in the driver's meetings but it's because of the experience Martin is also you know we have seen different generations of different Camry's and we've seen the positives and the negatives when we go down a certain direction so I probably am the most vocal and then we go to kind of Martin to say do you feel the same way because we've been through so many generations of different cars that you know we're we're trying to send these guys in certain areas to to work on now they're kind of soaking things up they haven't been around as long Christopher is now starting to get to the point where he's driven now multiple generations of cars and knows when we've went down this path here's where's the positives we went down this path here's been the negatives and so I just try to kind of think of what I might think and see if they kind of agree with that I would say who's your driving style the most like of these three man I don't know I I think I'm on an island sort of with kind of how I use the pedals but um you mean that heartbeat yeah but I would say you know there's aspects that I would say that me and Martin on mile and a half are more similar um but really all of them I mean the great thing about having really fast teammates is that I'm not afraid to look at any of them information that's what's fun about this is that every week we're all fast and and there's some Corners that one is faster than the other and both are faster than me in this corner or that corner and I can just pick apart which ones that I want to kind of take from so it's really hard to compare nowadays unless you're driving the exact same thing as other drivers and so I've got teammates that have their own individual you know skill levels and expertise in certain things that I like to pull from all right don't give me a BS answer what's the what's been the hardest thing that you've had to learn coming from the Xfinity car to this this new style Cup car yeah you know I think the biggest thing is is how everybody's a lot quicker you know the field felds a lot lot tighter um as they said and then just the experience level has been the biggest thing for me you know it'sin I can I can get in and and of course it's a lot easier to make mistakes and still run well here it's h it'll bite you so that's been the biggest thing for me and and just gaining time at tracks um and and get more experience is is really important so you go through you go through Richmond and obviously you guys I mean you had the dominant car and I know that when I was when I was you have this Dynamic of a team and obviously you guys get along yeah it it's very apparent that you guys get along good enough to be to be decent humans to each other I've been on teams where it was hey we're going to do a group interview with each other and it'd be like no we're not we're not we're not going to to do a group interview so I think it's it was always interesting for me when you go through a situation like you guys went through at Richmond you know how fast your cars are and you know the situation you don't get these cars all the time and and I I live the frustration through you at Richmond tell tell tell the folks watching what it's like when you have to go back and say probably not my best moment and how you have to go about that how you guys go about it when you guys get into that situation as a team to go back and say okay I need to set this right that was wrong what's the process like on what day are your meetings Mondays Mondays Yeah Tuesday days are you there all the time uh no no I mean I'm there but are you a texter or a phoner I'm uh I'm generally a text her and and a call in okay so how do how do you go about that with with Denny on on a Monday when when you know that did you did you did you text him yeah he texted me first he texted you first yeah and I was like I don't what exactly I said I'm sorry I'm an idiot yeah I mean it's like you know basically we've been around each other long enough we've raced each other for so many wins and so many different things over the years it's a respect level right like no matter what happens on the racetrack I get it we're there to race we're there to win we're there to do the best for our team yeah in that moment and then you know it comes down to respect after the race when you do something stupid you you got to swallow your pride and say sorry I'm an idiot oh it's terrible you know God I hate it and it's it's one of the toughest things about this sport is the disappointments learning how to deal with those because there's so many you know I can think of five or six other times that same exact scenario happened at Richmond right yeah and it's like how do you keep your emotions in check that's the hardest part of this Sport and you know I think Tai as a young guy is learning that that it's so competitive it's so difficult and and you're you know you're judged on how many races you win when something happens that takes a win away from you that had nothing to do with you that's super hard to deal with but when you're talking to teammates like with Denny we you know I have so much respect for Denny I had so much respect for you guys you raced with for years yep we all lose our minds once in a while right and we understand that and you just have to pop the top it's guil of it as anybody yeah yeah for sure so that was it was a simple thing you know just whatever I'm an idiot sorry I knew how upset he was because I knew the history that this has happened to him five times like so I knew yeah like I was empathizing like and I said it after the race I says the guy has six times has dominated this race and not won it for various reasons I that's the maddest I understand why understand he why he is going off the rails I get it moments right yeah when so you've been very I would at another level for the last few years but to me it seems like you don't get the credit that you deserve for the performance that you guys have had in your car and and it seems like there's always something over here that's happening that doesn't include Christopher Bell and all the sudden bam there you are why do you think that why do you think that is because I I view you as a consistent weekly Contender uh week in and week out with the performance of your car and the things that you do as a race car driver and but it's not like you're out there trying to make headlines or uh anything along those lines of of dealing with it is that a choice that you make um I mean I I try to not be an idiot but uh you know I it it's interesting because you you look at Martin's wins right and the races that you won I think I saw an interview of like or maybe it was a mean tweet deal where people hate on you because you win the races you dominate right yeah and for whatever reason it hasn't happened for me yet like on out of the races that I've won I haven't really LED laps I think Lowden and Phoenix were two races that I led the most laps but even then I was you know mid pack the first half of the race in both of those scenarios so I I haven't gotten to the point yet to where we've put a put a whole race together where we qualify up front we lead laps win stages um you know have good pit stops and good restarts where I'm the guy up front and and it's good that we've been able to win races and be there at the end but on the on the flip side I think that's why I'm kind of this Underdog is because I'm not the guy that's leading all the laps like Martin did at Richmond or uh you know just leading laps and and controlling the race we haven't been able to do that yet see I just I don't I don't picture you as that like I I I look at when I look down the when I look down the the list of lap times and all the things that happen on a weekly basis I'm always I always include the 20 car in that list and it just it amazes me what fans do or don't gravitate to as far as what's exciting or or what's not exciting but I want to talk about Joe I'll start with you okay because Joe has had some pretty incredible personalities as he's as he's gone through the years and and I look at you guys as pretty tame compared to the the Kyle Bush uh days I don't think all four of you could probably add up to the amount of work that it took to to keep Kyle under control come close I come close at times really what was what was the closest you know the whole thing that Christopher was saying about not being an idiot yeah I kind of cross so you're in a different position from a family perspective and I know he's he's probably just had to chew your butt what's the what's the worst butt chewing that you've taken from Joe the worst butt cheun I've taken from my grandfather this day and it never equivalate as close as my dad's butt cheun that was different right my dad's way worse but the worst one out of any all the stupid stuff I've done was shooting my brother with an airsoft gun with about the distance between me and you just wide open and I hold it to him and that was the first time and the only time I've ever seen coach's teeth I was really young so that one that that was probably got the top of the charts for what was the worst buttun your dad gave you over racing oh gosh handful of times um there's a couple of them I used to race bicycles um and we were uh in BMX so I uh was in lcq and they only took the top two out of the lcq and me being an idiot and being I think I was probably 10 I wrecked the guy the leader for the lcq I was second so we were going to make it in and I wrecked the leader uh com to the line so we both didn't make the transfer at all so my my dad just took the bike and flung it and then we went home and that was the only time we talked about that how I don't think we got the bike back how long did you race BMX bikes um for four years I think five years really yeah was that something you enjoyed yeah it was uh definitely the most out of anything I've ever competed in that was the most nous I was going to hit the fan if we didn't finish well what's the what's the what's the worst oh it's not even close butt chewing from Joe uh after uh practice for the Daytona 500 2019 he specifically told us do not practice in a in a in a group because he didn't want to risk tearing up the cars I practiced with my Toyota teammates and then there was a pack out there and I'm like I'm just going to I just need to see what it's going to to do at the very tail of this pack there was a crash someone came from behind me and got me into it wrecked the car and he says you are paying for that car every nickel he told me you're you're paying for it I'm not paying for this car you're paying for it and I says yes sir I mean he was really really mad he yelled at me he never really has yelled at me but he yelled at me do you remember that Mar we're all like what is Denny doing and so luckily for me a couple days later I won the Daytona 500 and he says I'm GNA let you slide on that car different car yes he said I'm going to let you slide on how about you honestly I I have never been yelled at by a coach really I mean we've had lots and lots of conversations and he has never yelled at me so I guess I'm doing okay what did he say to you on Pit Road when you're walking by him at Richmond it was the most classic reaction that I've ever seen have you watched it no oh my God I have know you walked by him you walked by him and and he was like you walked by and he was like he kicks well should have said something yeah yeah yeah how about you Christopher uh so I'm with Martin Knight I don't know if I haven't been around long enough yet but I will say we were here it was either 2020 or I think it was 2020 uh these guys I I didn't do good it was the spring the fall or the summer race because it was the co year you I know you guys will remember this we had two or three cars maybe running one two or one two three you were in the 95 I was in the 95 yeah so the yellow flag comes out and it's either a green white checkered or like three to go you remember this we all pitted everyone pitted everyone pitted and the two RCR car stayed out and ran one two yeah and Jo that was the mass I've ever we're basically a bunch of idiots that's for sure because they were running One Two Three or one two and they both came down Pit Road gave the lead up to guys who stayed out and they won the race so is this a is this a competition meeting competing yeah so Joe I thought Joe sat against the wall he told me he sat against the wall didn't sit at the table that's not the case that's not the case he's at the table he's at the table okay and every time we end our meetings with Joe is there anything you'd like to add so who starts the meetings uh uh not Joe not Joe not Joe is it typically you no he just kind of goes in order of kind of like whoever finishes the highest start there and then you go wise okay Jo but Joe always gets the final word yeah yeah yeah I'll never forget that Texas debrief though he it let everyone in the room have it so is this a situation like when Joe's mad does anybody fire back or do we just end the meeting pretty much stops there that's it the buck ends there yeah just listen to Joe and you move on yep who's the most aggressive if you had to pick out of these three like on track of you four yeah no who's the most aggressive in the meetings him uh I would say the experience of of Denny kind of leads the yeah leads the charge would you say that over the past couple years you've gotten more vocal in the meetings I've gotten more confident in what I'm saying yeah and and you know you show up as a as a kid in a rookie and you don't feel like anybody values your input so you know you go and and you fill out your sheet and you're talking about your car and you just don't want to waste time but then the more the better you do the the better races you have better results you get then you feel like you're a little bit more valuable to the group and you can speak up and and share your your information how much time do you spend in the shop during the week um for me you know I I really don't have a whole lot going on outside of it so as like about three or four day three days usually in the shop for me um you know I Monday is kind of a half day because we just have our meeting but Tuesday Wednesday Thursday I'm usually and are you are you at the point where you're just cup cars only or do you want to race more I want to race more for sure yeah I think who what's the what's the problem there why can't we race more well is there somebody putting a restrictor plate on this um yeah I think just we have uh who's put boss man doesn't I don't know me Christopher you can ask Christopher about that to be honest with you but I I get I get one expin race year man come on I I actually I went I chose you want run to go to four would you run yeah yeah I ran one a couple years ago I got to that point too I was like send this guy to Richmond yeah I'll take Richmond let him get back some of them wins he got cheated out of you're always mad in the exfinity races by the time it's over though yeah yeah I I backed myself down to four this year just four races R coures because you don't wants I'm not done you want to get you don't want to get in any more trouble I just yeah it's just doesn't help and the it's not fun racing so and you grew up racing all the time and you don't race near as much as I think you should yeah I run 36 races a year that's it that's it why I mean yeah be skipping now see you're going to get him in trouble where he's going to get yelled at okay time out let me rephrase that we don't want to get the goals to not get anybody in trouble so you run you run 36 races a year or 38 whatever the number 38 uh so we'll give you two weeks off you can run 36 absolutely what would you race uh doesn't have to we're going down the wrong path here oh God I don't even know something on dirt yeah yeah I be honest rather don't need to be run that all right well obviously the I would love to run expin races though all right I'd like to run some dirt races what kind of dirt RAC do it together who'd be the best dirt RAC of these three oh so Martin I'll be honest actually Tai did too we did a we did a I don't even know what it was these guys went and ran dirt midgets at Indie at Indie at the RAC track in Indie and Martin and I wait a second at the little track in build in thei yep 2021 you guys raced it was amazing it was just like a hot laap session or whatever oh okay I didn't get invited to that yeah but Martin did great he did amazing and Ty I don't think he got a fair Shake yeah but but Martin did great some excuses what so he flipped it too you did that's awesome yeah I tipped it over they they call it tipping it over run the cushion you ride the cushion you know right you're up the wall and it just kind of tipped over so you'd like to run dirt races love to dirt races all right I got some hard-hitting questions now tire wear or power which one both you can't have both okay tire wear we're not getting power so just say tire wear yeah as much as Bristol yeah like if we went back to BR well let me rephrase that the left sides didn't wear at all Bristol the right sides were gone so even that out and we could do 60 laps no problem tomorrow yep 100% so okay here here's here's my question for you you never once ran hard right at that race um I mean I I got close a few times late in the race call it 90% okay yeah so is that was that an U was that an experience difference at Bristol was that like experience experience inexperience inexperience is that I watched I was watching them and I knew they were going too hard no but I watched you getting sideways off the corner I'm like oh no so they're telling me you know take it easy I had a penro penalty and I came from the back to lead and I drove it three times as hard as I did the final stage this final stage when I cter me and Christopher cter retires probably within the same lap I drove it way easier so I have a conspiracy I don't I don't know think it matters it matters I drove it so hard I was like I was waiting for myself I'm like there I'm it's going to get me here in a second no problem came in did ran our last segment ran three times easier all the issues should have went five you should have went five times easier yeah bad set of tires yeah bad set of tires yeah there you go and did you have the same tires so I I don't know I just I I left Bristol frustrated because I felt like it was a crew chiefs race and and Denny drove the car properly Martin drove the car properly but like I'm following these guys running the same Paces these guys and way under the tire and he saw me slipping but at that point I was already cooked right yeah yeah so we're I'm looking at data and like all of our stuff is is pretty much line over line and you have some cars that make it and some cars that don't make it so I don't know Bristol was a little extreme there's no question about it you you want to have certain aspects where you can go 100% I agree it was at Max I probably was at a 90% like on any given lap um but again the the teams could make adjustments if nothing changed we went back to the same Tire same conditions I have full faith the teams would fix most of the problems that was as close to a late model stock races I've ever seen a cup race did you you've never run have you run a late model stock no but I've run supers and it was yeah the same way like you're just under the tire the leaders kind of sets the pace and everyone kind of Falls in line yeah it was just interesting at the end because we were just we were we were on the on the TV side we were on the experience cell and then it and it lined up you two you guys fell off and here comes Brad kind of poking along winds up winds up third that night trust me at the end it was I was I saw him in my mirror thinking which one's going to go off first me or him and it was like the same time like three or four to go I'm like oh I'm dying I'm like oh he's dying too yeah so it was crazy Championship four location final race has to rotate has to rotate it's got to move where back to Miami I mean Miami's fine but not every every year right yeah yeah where we where I don't know where else we're going to go because the weather we could in about we could in about a month and a half earlier you make that happen I can't I've learned I can't make anything happen but I've been trying to make stuff like that happen you you agree I agree yeah it needs to move for sure but I mean I love Homestead yeah but Homestead Phoenix there's only so many options like he said you if we're going to race in November a lot of places is too cold yeah you know so we yeah end it earlier that sounds good and we can move it wherever we want I think I think that'd be great not Daytona not Talladega yeah that can't happen it it can't it certainly cannot end at a super speedway race that's just that wouldn't be the right you're gonna have people saying Atlanta now too no not unless it's part of a championship round all right this is going to be the hardest question I've ever answered in your whole life who's I I'm going to let him go first I won't even make I'm going to let you have time to think about it who's the better driver Dell Jr or Chase Elliott that is wrong for you to ask me that I told you it was going to be the hardest question you ever had to answer in your whole life Chase Elliot well well it's hard it's definitely a hard question you have to pick though yeah you have to pick statistically I would say Chase Elliott right I don't know if that's right you don't think so well statistically I don't does have a championship yeah that's Cup Championship Chase yeah gotta go I'm gonna say Chase as well okay well that was you guys were way easier at that than I thought we answer to chase on the racetrack we don't have to answer D Jun on the track what's the when's this when's this airon again yeah what's the what's the what's the first track you'd tear down right across the street same Atlanta times I oh any day of the week that you can get that place out this one okay restart Zone here a second timing line or take the lines off the track uh if you're going to timing Loop or take you're going enforce the rule it needs to be enforced with timing lines yes whatever they set the rule as just it do you want to put a timing line in or take the lines off the track to give them more so that it's not a I mean we need a visual yeah you're saying open it up where you can go anywh keep keep the keep the signs on the wall but it gives them it's not a hard line I I just like turn four go and turn four yeah yeah I mean the leader should have an advantage I you know because right now it's just everyone's you just see everyone's timing their run to the leader and so I would the bigger the area the better but just agree whatever the all right call it whatever it is so he might have had he might have had the best car story I've ever heard I don't know if you guys heard it but tell them about your first car tell them tell them about your oh I have heard that oh yeah did you hear it I have heard Ford Ranger tell them about your first car tell why tell them why you wanted a Ford Ranger cuz I my goal in life was to be in mini trucking magazine yeah so I lowered this thing put airbags on it I mean just scraping the ground tubbed out the back pimped out they Tweed interior [Music] Tweed it was and and I finally got my my go my picture I got a little tiny picture from uh it was a car show in Charlotte called the booger bash the booger bash the booger bash I I finally bash yes booger bash booger bash yeah and uh so that was a big car show in Charlotte that used to happen and so I finally got in that magazine so my life was made I was working at Subway when I was driving that thing though now you got to you got to finish telling the story how did its life end how its life end how did the truck tell them keep going tell them what you ran into oh yeah I mean I ran in the back of a school bus what was your first call CD uh what I was actually grabbing a CD my first car was a Camaro Actually I don't even know if I should say this it's fine everybody lives a lifetime my dad's first car is a Camaro so he's like we'll do the same thing we'll keep it going so my first car is a Camaro I don't know how I what year 2018 a 2018 C I don't know how I didn't get myself killed just got his license five years ago yeah yeah that was that was it it was a good good time had a good run what happened to it uh it got sold didn't wreck it yeah didn't wreck it it got close burn a lot of rear tires off of it but how would you explain that uh just go look at the xinity shop parking lot you can just go look at that and be like oh that's my dad my dad had this we had this old brown 1981 Stepside Pickup and he had put like exhaust pipes and headers a whole exhaust system on the thing and I mean you could it sounded like a race car well he would we shared the truck because I couldn't afford to buy it so we would we would um we would take this truck I would take him to the firehouse and drop him off and then I got to drive it for two days but it was a similar situation like that it would burn the rear tires off so I would go pick my buddies up and we would go spin donuts and this thing and and just burn the rear tires off of it and I never did think about the fact that there we might have we would go clean the truck up polish it all up and I never thought about the fact that he would look in the wheel wells and see the rubber Caked Up on the back on the back of the of the wheel wells and that's how I got that's how I got caught doing all those donuts but you were doing them at the shop so I guess yeah late late nobody was there oh really they got cameras they have cameras I don't yeah didn't think about that part yeah I I want to go back and see what I can see on those things though for sure Martin what was your first what was your first car uh I had a Jeep so we had like a Woods jeep that we kept at the house for messing around and then uh when I was 16 to talk my dad into giving it to me so I could work on it and I went the opposite way of Denny I went up yeah big tires you know suspension put a put a V8 Chevrolet engine in there four-speed transmission all the whole nine yards so there was many days driving to school where i' blow the drive shaft out of it have to have to drive in front-wheel drive stop at Napa get a U joint like did you have like 38s or or uh 35 is when I started okay okay 44 is when it ended waa 44s 44 in tires you had mutters holy c yeah that's what we did like we just went and played in the woods you know and like whoever had the baddest truck could go through the biggest mud hole yeah that's kind of we did so uh yeah still fun left it in my dad's or left it in my parents house when I moved to Carolina um it pretty much rusted away and I brought everything down took all the good parts off it and built a new one so I still got a Jeep Christopher I don't have any cool stories well you you had to have a car yeah I probably had a 2003 or four Toyota Tacoma yeah that was it just a everyday driver just Cruis around everyday driver so chrisopher reell of you to and from the dirt track yeah yeah it did it went to a lot of dirt tracks fortnite or iRacing uh iRacing believe it or not I don't know if fortnite iRacing are you a gamer still um I get no like I get in streaks where all of a sudden I'll get on iRacing and I'll do it for like you know two or three nights a week for a month or two and then I won't do it for two years I'm on the two years right now I haven't done it so I'm with you yeah um I'm going to split the middle on this one honest with you I so if you're going into if you're going into your rig but in my house I don't have anything in the rig but in my house um it's 50/50 yeah do you stay up all night not anymore I've learned my lesson okay I'm getting older here you still I've never played fortnite and I haven't been on ey racing since Co you probably had an Atari right yes I'm that old I played Atari you had an Atari too I didn't own one I had I played it first one I had was Nintendo I was I was uh pre Atari in in television it's like a it had the little number pad on it with a little the little dial on it all right so last thing we got to do this is going to be right up your alley so closest to the pin out of you four 100 bucks which pin which pin this one the close one the yellow one one okay I got a chance yeah I got to of this we got some left we all bet 100 or just you no just me who you betting on I'm I'm just giving it to whoever's the closest oh okay yeah so all right well I hope you guys enjoyed that interview I know for for me that's a lot of fun to sit down with those four drivers and I can't believe that Ty Gibb Lo lost his bike over uh over a a last chance qualifying race but uh we encourage you to follow along at Harvick happy pod anywhere on social media follow us on on YouTube or anywhere else that you you get your podcast so uh we'll be back next Tuesday with another great episode of Kevin Harvick's happy hour presented by NASCAR Fox [Music]
Channel: NASCAR on FOX
Views: 42,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kevin Harvick, Happy Hour, FOX, FS1, sports podcast, NASCAR, racing, motorsports, interviews, athletes, sports commentary, Fox Sports, Kevin Harvick's podcast, talk show, entertainment, behind the scenes, latest sports news, Joe Gibbs, Joe Gibbs Racing, JGR Drivers, Denny Hamlin, Christopher Bell, sports show, sports talk, nascar show, nascar podcast, Martin Truex Jr, Ty Gibbs, Horsepower debate, sports, sports debate, nascar debate, nascar news, sports news, sports interview
Id: WtTtzRNCMo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 46sec (2206 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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