My 1st PREGNANCY vlog ♡ xxo Kat

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I got knocked up I got not see Brian's reaction when I surprised him I shouldn't be like oh my god yeah but he's a cow and I'm like do you need me to explain to you how that happened [Music] [Applause] hi girls today is my official first pregnancy vlog and I'm so excited to share this journey with so many of you just yesterday i released a survey to hear from any of you that are planning and pregnant and postnatal and over 8,000 of you are pregnant right now with me which makes me feel less alone and like i'm going through all these different bodily things by myself like i have all of you and we're in this together bodily things it's like i mean that's the only way to describe it right and i'm just so excited to be able to do the bikini series with you girls and be able to start doing a lot of the prenatal stuff because when i went to college for health science one of my favorite part of my studies was actually praying post natal and it's just it's such a joy to be able to share this with so many of you and so thank you for being on this journey with me and it's very bright i'm not crying um the pregnancy hormones have had me i mean i'm so emotional and everything makes me tear up but it is very bright so if you see tears it could be either/or like i don't know it's a toss-up so i'm gonna go through how i am doing the bikini series i would love to hear advice from all of you of how your also going to do the entire challenge and if you have any advice please share with me i'm this is just such an exciting time because we get to do this together and congratulations to all of you that are pregnant and for all of you that just had your baby - I was looking and I was like ah so exciting and for all of you that are planning it's such a beautiful beautiful time so first things first number one question can I do the bikini series if I'm pregnant yes we're doing this and I'm gonna go through what I'm doing for my workouts and what I'm eating and any other thing that I'm kind of modifying right now to feel as healthy as I can feel for me and my baby and a lot of you were asking to if I know if it's a boy or girl yet I don't know I have dreams that it's a girl I have these feelings that it's a boy I hope for a boy for Brian but he I feel like wants a girl like so it's will be happy with anything it's it's actually the number one thing that everyone keeps asking about what do you think it is and be really cute to have a little tone it up girl but there's so much female energy going around it could be really keep to have a little boy he would just love it because who doesn't love to tone up community um so first thing what I'm doing for my workouts first trimester I feel like I was so so exhausted that all I really did was long walks actually they were quite short absolute exaggeration it's more like around the block or sometimes up to the kitchen to get something in the back which is fine you have to listen your body and then I was doing the daily toning moves and if I didn't feel like I could do a second or third set or something like that I would just reel it back own it down pun intended so you definitely have to do what feels right for you and your body so first trimester if you're in your first trimester right now definitely I know it I was also like I don't know I think I'm not afraid but I was just taking it easy it was the first time I was going through all these different feelings and I was just you know being super super gentle and it's just what I felt like I I personally wanted and needed walks are amazing but definitely bring a snack because all of a sudden I would just be starving like 15 minutes into the walk and I had eaten when I left so the hunger happens and it's real eat more often and always have snacks with you I also loved having like you know like a little coconut water with me or something to help with that daily moves you can always modify any of the daily moves and that's what I'm gonna be doing throughout the entire bikini series I'm gonna be providing modifications for moves and then christina studio turn up Christina who's also pregnant right now but a lot of you know she's my friend of a very long time or it's so exciting that we're pregnant at the same time it's wild that it worked out like this and I'm so she's gonna be providing modifications to so make sure you follow her and it's little things like if if it's something with twists you don't want to do a lot of twisting right now I would just do everything in a frontal plane so if if we're doing like a V set twist just do it straight on and hold it and isolate anything for ABS on your back even if your first trimester you could start practicing those modifications start doing plank work in side plank work I'm going to be posting booty workouts and ab workouts that are pregnancy safe and that you can do but anything that is on your back I recommend doing it in a plank doing some kind of side plank or standing up and actually doing it like that so if it's bicycle crunch you can actually do it standing and instead of twisting lifting up your knees and bring them to your elbows drop your knees to your elbows but little things like that and of course you know in between making sure you're resting and drinking enough water and then going at your own pace and it's funny how you'll know you'll know what your body feels and what it needs I was not running before I got pregnant I was just walking a lot and so I'm not gonna take up running now that I'm pregnant so I've been going on long walks but if you have been jogging before you could consult your doctor and see if you continue running it all has to do with your fitness level and your heart rate I feel like if I tried to go for around my heart rate would be way too high so I'm gonna put tips below too if you want to wear a heart rate monitor and make sure your heart rate stays lower also avoiding hot classes so hot yoga I haven't been going to any hot classes but I do go to yoga which is really nice and I'm not going to prenatal yoga yet I've actually just been going into yoga classes and modifying anything twisting staying straight on I'm sharing with the instructor that I'm pregnant and she'll also come over and provide me modifications so for all of your workouts just kind of simplify it if it's the daily moves modify with the modifications that I'm going to provide for you if it's something like a burpee go down in a plank and then stand back up and do a squat if it's something that is too intense for your body or laying on your back then I would recommend doing something else I'm gonna give you a whole breakdown of great modifications to make but you got it and the biggest thing is to just keep it simple because your body you just want to be moving right now and feel healthy and then the other things that you want to focus on right now is keeping your back really strong because a lot of the weight will be right here so a lot of the postural muscles that you want to work on are with Rose your arm muscles and then your lower back in your booty whenever you work your booty you're actually working those lumbar muscles so when it is an arm day or a booty day it is your jam it is time for you to tone up so when you check the daily workout you'll be really excited when you see an arm and booty day because you know I probably put that in there because I was like I need this right now and then you also want your legs to be really strong and prepare you for birth and then also bicep curls you're gonna be holding a baby which is so amazing and so cool so right now is the time to get strong and I'm doing it with you girls we've got this for nutrition I think it's crazy because you know you have all these cravings right now I do not want chocolate and usually I am crazy about chocolate so that's probably the most bizarre thing that has happened I'm not craving coffee I actually cut out coffee and a lot of times you can have a cup of coffee while you're pregnant but anything like coffee cacao or chocolate I don't know why I don't want it right now and usually when you're craving something it's your body telling you that you need that so I've been craving a lot of yogurt so I'm kind of thinking that my body wants calcium so I've actually been having a lot of yogurt like two a day sometimes for dessert too Corina will bring me yogurt at work she's like what do you want in like yogurt and then I'm also craving a lot of citrus fruits I've never eaten so many clementines in my life like of clementines and those oh and when I was go on a walk I should have just gotten a fanny pack for my pregnancy I would bring like two clementines and I just start eating them as soon as I got hungry so just always remember to have a snack on you and that's the best thing about bringing a comment on is that you can throw it in your purse or in your bag and peel it whenever you're hungry I also love the tone about protein bars they're perfect right now when you are craving something like I know like fried food or something like that but you also want to be healthy so you're kind of like I don't know what I want I think with a fried food you're probably craving something that's really salty so we're constantly dehydrating yourself and I don't know about you I am peeing a lot like every 10 minutes I'll pee before I go out for a walk and right as I leave the house I'm like I try to go over time just in case like I it's out of control so think about that your body is actually just dehydrating constantly so make sure you're drinking water it's your body probably telling you that you need potassium and electrolytes so it's kind of crazy if you are craving some kind of salty food a banana and peanut butter would be perfect so I'm also gonna put together foods of your craving and things that you can have that will actually help with those cravings where you don't feel super unhealthy after you eat it and then there's times where I've been like I really need a burger and I've had the burger or I've been like I really just want sweet potato fries and ketchup and that's what I order so it's also you know treating yourself taking a moment and just enjoying feeding you maybe whatever it is that you're craving and don't feel bad about having a little something film because you deserve it baby the other thing that you want to be doing is eating a lot of foods that are rich in folic acid so you're probably taking your prenatal vitamin every single day with DHA as well and also think about filling your plate with dark leafy vegetables asparagus Brussels sprouts are really good right now citrus fruits maybe why I'm actually craving a lot of citrus fruits because the folic acid and beans and like a lentil soup would be really really good for you right now I'll put together an entire post about foods that are amazing for you during pregnancy because there are so many things and I love it because when you know that you're feeding your body really really healthy it's not even about your body anymore and it's not about it's not about you it's actually about making this a little human that's hungry and so that's the nicest thing about eating healthy right now it's so rewarding knowing that you're helping a baby develop something that week I mean I don't know if you read what you develop each week but I'm like oh my gosh it's gonna develop hearing in the next two weeks I mean that's so wild so I'll put together a bunch of healthy meals that you can have and nice dinners and right now I really love salmon so like a salmon with like a spinach salad is perfect and then the things to avoid I actually made a list so I wouldn't forget any of these things remember that this is all preference and what you feel is best for your body you can always consult with your doctor a lot of my friends when I talk to them they're having a lot of these things on the list because they feel like it's fine for them so everything is just a complete preference like I said I'm not craving any coffee or caffeine so I cut out coffee no sushi [Music] no sprouts they actually can be really hard to wash so they can carry bacteria no deli meat at this time soft cheeses I'm not a cheese girl I usually was like uh sweets like chocolate girl and you can always ask if the cheese is pasteurized no unpasteurized juices so that's like if a juice is bottled and on the Shelf I wouldn't drink it but I have been getting fresh fresh juices from places that I love and trust and they make it right then in their most devastating thing that I had to skip out not the wine I think I'm actually more upset about the no kombucha because I love kombucha like a ginger lemon sparkly kombucha that was my jam so health aide I literally have so much health aid at my house still right now I need to need to give it to a girlfriend cuz every day I look at it like wow it's crazy but I'm excited to have kombucha after and speaking of that kind of similar no apple cider vinegar at this time unless you get the pasteurized kind so on the nutrition plan bombshell spell your meta D you can make it with pasteurized apple cider vinegar or you can skip it and I'm not having any wine right now it's so crazy too if I smell red wine and what glue but I went to a bachelorette party recently and I had like a you know a third of a glass of champagne and I felt super special you can like cut it with a little sparkling water but again whatever your preference is and I also made a note here no cleaning that kitty litter box Brian's gonna see this video and be like you never did so it's not like you had to change that at all so he still has to clean it oh and I definitely want to share my go-to smoothie that I've been having and it's packed with folic acid it's delicious it's amazing I will put it below a link to it on Turner comm all of it is just such an exciting time and a few other tips right now journal I know it takes a few minutes it can just be like a short little paragraph and I journaled with Brian the first time that we saw our baby's heartbeat and I journal the first time that it looked more like a human through the first five it does we didn't right now just journaling the little the little things that happen along the way and all the little celebrations so just taking a moment and really being present and I don't know and just celebrating those first little picks and little moves and everything some of you were asking me on my Instagram oh and that's where I'm gonna be providing a lot of modifications on my Instagram so make sure you check me out I'll put my link to my instagram below and i'll be doing the bikini series with you a lot of you are asking like what are the funniest things that i've experienced so far i keep wearing like bigger shirts because i keep unbuttoning my jeans and then one day we had a meeting at the office and I had my jeans unbuttoned and someone came in to meet me and I literally stood up with my jeans completely open and shook their hand talked to them and then sat back down and I looked down I'm like oh okay like no one told me that my pants are just off me and I just met this person so if you're watching sorry about that that was weird I have put ice cream I put coconut ice cream in the fridge and then I open the freezer the next night have a little more and I actually was like Brian did you eat my coke and ice cream and he's like no I'm like I didn't eat all of it and I blamed him and then like he was getting something out of the fridge later and he's like hey and held it like this like liquid soup and I was like shoot I didn't mean to do that I have locked myself out of the house twice so pregnancy brain is Duffee a thing which I feel like I always had something going on before that that I've just forget things all the time so another thing that happens is there's so much going on and indigestion is really common when you're pregnant and so when I eat something I tend to burp a little more than usual after and yesterday we're about to vlog and I burped and I was like and right before we started and created took a deep breath and she was like oh so that happens I felt really bad about that oh I'm running into everything I think like my spatial awareness is off or like maybe my hips are going but I'm literally I ran into the side of the island was like my hip the other day I was getting into the shower and I like hit the side just things like every day the same walking through the house in the same places where you think that I would be aware and I'm just like tripping just knocking into things I'm dropping a lot of things to like my coordination I don't know it's pretty crazy it's fine oh and I'm having like the weirdest craziest dreams and in all my dreams I'm pregnant so I don't know if that's really common but it doesn't matter what I'm doing I could be you know on a boat somewhere and with whoever and whatever it is but I'm pregnant and first trimester I couldn't get a massage so now I'm gonna treat myself to my first prenatal massage oh my gosh first trimester I was falling asleep like I literally I fell asleep just sitting at my desk and I had like lines from my desk like the wood on my forehead and I'm like and I have no idea how long I was sleeping there and no one woke me up and no one said anything and I've asked like did anyone see me that day like fall asleep going to bed like eight some days I would got home from the office and literally crawl it about it like 7:45 and then sleep until 7:45 but you just have to listen to your body but oh and I'm being really goofy I feel like everything's funny someone of the office just said the like of just being like super silly so maybe I don't know I don't know what that means I think it's all just like hormones I'm crying everything I'm like wait like I think they have everything super sentimental like Brian just gave us this sign what you tone it up established in 2009 and I'm like balls just bawling my eyes anyway I would love to hear your funny pregnancy stories comment below and thank you again so much if you haven't taken the survey that I put out I would love to hear from you click below let me know and this is just such a cool cool thing I think the best thing about the terminal community is we're all on you know unique journeys that are our own and so many of us can always connect on those journey you know for so long so many of you that were already moms we're already connecting and that's so beautiful and a lot of you that are in college are connecting I think that's the most beautiful thing about this community it's that we couldn't have asked for anything more it's like creating a Fitness community but we are never alone like none of us are ever ever alone in anything that we're experiencing anything that we're going through any of our struggle struggles challenges and when an exciting things come you know we celebrate each other when we go through things were there for each other so I'm just I'm really really grateful for all of you so thank you so much and I love you and I will see you again soon with an with a bump update I'll leave you with some bump pictures right now because they're really fun to take oh yeah take lots of pictures don't forget to take lots of pics okay love you girls [Music] I know this is crazy a few I got I used to the children noises huh children screaming children mommy's trying to film so mommy's done filming and then we can have playtime it's gonna be wild speaking of wild cheesy wild salmon can drink wine time to get wild and have some salmon kind of think about like some other funny things man those farts okay it's a way to end it [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tone It Up
Views: 82,841
Rating: 4.9623017 out of 5
Keywords: Karena, Katrina, Tone, It, Up
Id: 4mtgK0xWs3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Sun May 06 2018
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