Dabi's Reveal Was AMAZING

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normally when a lot of people think of a plot twist they think of something unexpected something they never would have seen coming in a million years this is an expectation that modern media has kind of built not that it's inherently wrong because really it isn't a plot twist can definitely catch your viewers off guard to be something they could have never foretold but it's also about this idea that a plot twist should never be expected a belief that predicting a story is a negative thing with people lobbing predictable as a pejorative towards media predictability however is not in my opinion A Bad Thing predictability of an idea means that the idea was correctly foreshadowed rationalized and built up towards with shoto's introduction in season 2 we learn about his past as an abused child and notice that he has some siblings while he rejects the Flames of his father in the following Arc we get introduced to a villainous fire user who stands outside of a hair salon in season 3 adabi particularly calls out to Shoto saying in the Pro Hero orc Dobby is the one to confront Endeavor yelling at him to not go dying on him season 5 gives us tons of info about The Lost todoriki Child and how they had a cork that injured themselves as we cut to Dabi covered in Burn scars with getting pointing out that his court harms him my hero Academia lever attempted to keep Dobby being Toya Todoroki a secret it of course never explicitly called out to it until the war orc but it gave the viewer the pieces to put together themselves to understand the idea of Dobby equals Toya but not how it might be executed as a viewer being left a trail of information to piece together yourself to theorize and Converse with the community builds really cool aspects of a community it can also reward the viewer and make them feel smart for putting effort and thought into your work helping build that author and viewer connection after they pretty much go hey you were right now enjoy Peak back before Dobby being Toya was explicitly confirmed there were a few contrarians who looked in the face of all this evidence and went but wouldn't it be cool if all this was a red herring and Dobby was actually just some random dude and while the idea of a red herring or misdirecting your viewers of course isn't always a bad thing in fact it's a pretty common literary tactic there is a point you reach where after a while it's just like why in the modern day where there are thousands of online spaces solely dedicated to discussing media at a certain point there's a limit where people will start guessing correctly the force awakens is a film that many people find to be obnoxious in the way it subverted expectations to some it was the embodiment of twists for the sake of twists whether that's true or not can be left your own interpretation but it's definitely hard to deny the sheer amount of hatred this film has even if some of it is absurdly dumb Westworld is a show that is often thought to have changed its plot because people on Reddit had guessed The Twist the validity of that statement is unknown but twists for the sake of twists or changing the story beats because people have paid attention to their story seems like the ultimate slap in the face to your fan base you know another fan favorite series that didn't try super hard to hide the Twist and instead gave the viewer hints of a trail to follow Armored Titan he's the Colossal the Derby reveal and the Rhino reveal are both some of my favorite reveals ever and oftentimes the attack on Titan reveal is considered to be one of the best in anime and yet both of them can be easily predicted not only does Reiner I don't know look exactly like the armored Titan but the biggest giveaway was when Reiner thought that Aaron was back in the right flank and the female Titan was after Aaron who coincidentally goes to the back right flank what makes these twists work isn't their secrecy but the execution of them what they do to the status quo of the story how our characters feel about them how this changes the world and what it does for the people involved in the twist of course Reiner and Berthold revealing they are Titans here does a lot for them and Jesus Christ is this scene awesome but I'm not here to talk about Attack on Titan I'm here to talk about my hero Academia and Toya Todoroki for the majority of my hero Academia you look at Dobby and think what does he even do no seriously this guy pretty much did nothing besides to get his ass kicked and lose fights but for some reason he was Dripping with Intrigue as to what he really is he refuses to give up his name to shigaraki and the heroes couldn't find anything about out him he has an incredible unique design and it seems he loves to do a little trolling following my hero academia's trend of villains however he was most certainly the odd one out each villain in mha serves a purpose thematically whether it be spinner being oppressed for being born the way he was toga being forced to suppress the natural urges that her Quirk wants her to express gentle feeling the social pressure of leaving her mark on the world shikaraki is suffering familial abuse due to multiple aspects of hero society and wanting to tear it all down and um Dobby however only had his mysterious background and his supposed Devotion to stain staying for those who for some reason might need a refresher prioritized heroism over the theatrics of the job the selfless Act of saving for the sake of it and denying pay or Glory the war orc reminds us of how Dobby feels about stain touting the Hawks that he will make stain's will a reality but his reveal is the first contradiction of the Man known as Toyota Roki but let's slow down a bit this isn't a video only about Toya but a video about the execution of an Open Secret plot twist I mentioned earlier that what makes a plot twist good isn't solely it being an unknown but what it does for the story which is something that should be obvious but you never know what does Dobby's dance do for the narrative let's examine it in a few separate ways number one what does it do for the status quo number two what does it do for Dobby and finally number three what does it do for other characters for number one Dobby's dance happens in the middle of a seemingly unprecedented scale of conflict within Japan but as we see as skeptic helps him hijack televisions around the world people far from conflict zone are moving on with their day-to-day the Dobby's reveal goes beyond the battlefield taking over every television or live stream in the nation taking advantage of the faith that has wavered over the past six seasons and capitalizing on the ongoing War to expose what Japan considers the inadequate replacement of the symbol of peace he shows to the world that the cracked pillar that is barely filling the void of all might isn't as pure as they thought but he's a child abusing wife-beating piece of that participated in Eugenics to create more Heroes Sharkboy correctly points out that Dobby is the first one to speak and no matter what Endeavor tries to do his damage control it doesn't really matter misinformation in the modern day spreads like wildfire and horikoshi has always done a great job showing us exactly how people gossip and spread narratives that they have heard not out of malice but out of genuine ignorance and as well as out of human communication he assisted in helping build endeavor's reputation by throwing things like the high end at him or people like ending and star servant so he could publicly tear him down right here right now and send out the narrative that Angie Todoroki is single-handedly responsible for the murders that Toya had commit not only that but he also plays footage of the number two hero breaking one of the foundational rules of hero Society not to kill not just that but to make matters worse he intentionally has Skeptics splice the footage and present it in a way that it seems like twice is saying he has to protect his friends running away from the cruel Hawks that stabs a fleeing villain in the back Dobby is well aware he is only presenting half of the story considering he brought a camera to the Hawks first twice encounter in the first place and that this is all part of the show Dobby yells out that he couldn't let the injustices of endeavor and Hawks stand and I think the manga presents this better so we're gonna show that off a little bit he yells out about how Heroes have skeletons in their closets that they cover up with their masks of Justice he wants people to stop and think about how these Heroes truly only protect themselves as we pan around a scene of a cityscape what we see is not heroism but advertisements upon advertisements of celebrities Dobby capitalizes on the momentum state had built to get people to look at their surroundings while the Hawks you see is in the center of town advertising a household product or an accessory the real Hawks is out there right now according to Dobby taking people's lives so this fundamental disconnect that had been brewing between hero and civilian is something that Dobby takes full advantage of completing the cataclysm between the two as stunned citizens look on as their top two heroes are abusers and murderers if anything this event right here will do more damage to the fabric of society than the war itself now for number two what does this do for Dobby you might go well it shows us that he's Toya duh but in my opinion it does a lot more than that it turns Dobby from a mystery into a fully established character of course the harsh expectations of a grown man being projected onto a child is bad but we do learn a bit more about who Toya is as a person here though Toya in season 2 and now season 6 espouses the ideals of stain but this Grand reveal shows us his true nature everything that Toya stands for is a direct spit in the face to stain Toya doesn't truly give a about true heroism what he instead seeks is pure Revenge something that stain had rebuked Edo for in the past he also desired to kill one of the few recognized by stain with his original plan to merge photo this is very in line with Toya's twisting of other people's ideas in season 4 we learn Endeavor can fly or well not fall and Dobby repurposes this in the war orc same with many of the Todoroki family signature moves like Flashfire fist this is something that kind of builds onto a small line and never had set to midoriya in the Endeavor agency arc when he tells him his Cork made him suffer too Midori and Toya had these sort of Twisted parallels how they were both being trained at her top heroes and how that ambition led to them destroying themselves physically and how they both adopt parts of other people to utilize them especially with Dobby's skin grafts however Toya bastardized the aspects of other people he takes not only does Toya seek pure Revenge rather than heroism not only does he Target someone stain had recognized but he also indulges himself in his own theatrics he puts on a national show clapping dancing and even having items prepared to give a performance to mock his father at his lowest moment Toya Todoroki as an entity is entirely opposite of stain's goals and ideals despite his frequent reference to him he is the example of somebody misunderstanding an ideology intentionally to fit his worldview Toya is a spiteful contradictory murderous bastard who unfortunately was failed by his family and for number three we see just how much this affects his family the Dobby reveal is earth-shattering to endeavor's Arc of atonement a man who has tried his best to not seek redemption or forgiveness but to instead do the right thing after years and years of hurt and neglect because it's the right thing to do right when he feels he's finally taking steps in the right direction to carve a path for the Next Generation that same generation comes and spits in his face drudging up Old Wounds and revealing his sins to the public that he himself did not reveal we had seen a multitude of perspectives on abusive familial situations and the Todoroki family plotline remains as one of the most nuanced and well thought out subplots of the entire series fuyumi represents the child who just wants their familial situation back together not that she doesn't understand the other kids but she just wants a family natsuo is someone who cannot forgive his father after witnessing the sins against Toya and never being able to build a relationship with Shoto and of course Shoto himself someone who resented his father for what he did to him but also noticing and understanding that he's trying to change for the better this is when the wrecking ball known as Dobby comes in who is an extreme response to the abuse of Angie despite what a lot of people say Toya's legitimate pain and suffering under his father does not justify the mass murder I know it's a shocker but it's also lazy to Simply rebuke him for that and not look at the overall message but the mistakes of Angie's past will never die that no matter how much he tries to better himself he must accept full and prompt responsibility for the life he had indirectly stuffed out as Toya looks down on him and essentially thrusts Shoto into his final role of my hero Academia the Dobby reveal was very predictable but that's okay it massively shakes up the world of my hero Academia it gives Toya a character that we can work with and analyze and it completely flips Angie's atonement on its head and carves out a path for sure to win the future there's a reason this out trended the U.S 2020 election and it remains even two years later a top five chapter of my hero Academia thank you so much for watching if you like this video please remember to like comment and subscribe for the funny YouTube algorithm you can check the description down below to follow me on Twitter where I'm objectively correct all the time uh you can also join my Discord where we talk about my hero Academia reviews and stuff like that and you can also now become a YouTube member which basically just gives you access to behind the scenes content a little badge on comments and live stream chats and access to some emotes only do so if you want to support the channel though but that's about it though thank you for watching see you
Channel: AsarathaHS
Views: 99,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: etCRgvuJn5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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