Tom's Tips and Tricks #2 - Power Feed for the Compound Rest

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[Music] welcome to the second installment of the new times tips and tricks videos judging by the amount of positive feedback I received this past week it looks like you guys are content with a new format so we'll stick with it for a while I have a pretty good list of topics to work on probably enough to do at least least one a week so I'll see if I can keep up that at schedule and also on I'm ready and willing to do a video on any subject you guys want to recommend if you have any ideas something you like to see something you're puzzled by you want to see me work you know see how I would do it just drop me a line on my website down STEC nice calm you know I'll see what I can do I had originally intended on doing a video tonight on grinding a tool bit for a fly cutter but after thinking about a bit I had a couple requests for that after thinking about it I figured either I already did a video on that so you guys before you request something look through the the my videos it's probably easier on the websites and it is on the YouTube channel it's a little better organized over there and make sure I haven't already done it so one instead I'm going to do a video on sort of a poor man's power feed for the compound rest on the waist and you guys have ever tried turning up on angle on a part using the compound rest you know how difficult it is to get it nice even finish on it or a good finish every time you you stop turning the crank or speed it up or slow it down you know break the chip it's going to leave a mark on the work usually end up with a little pretty crummy looking finish so what what I did what I figured out how to get around that as I sort of made sort of for manpower feed using my cordless drill so let's switch over to the lathes and now I'll show you how to do it okay so here have a set up for machining and angular surface on a part using the compound rest and the compound set up and 35 degrees and basically the machine that angle all you do is crank tool bit across the surface you want to cut okay pretty simple but as I mentioned it's tough you can't maintain a nice even feed rate return you the staff subscriber get a new hold hold on the crank or slow down or speed up break the chip whatever return you do that it leave the mark in your work basically makes it difficult to get a good finish so what I've done or what has came up with in the past we're making a better finish situation like this is it made a little tool to make a lot of tools you know a few minutes spent spent on a tool or fish you can save you hours or greatly improve your work so I make a lot of tools all this is is a little socket it's a piece of aluminum with a hole drilled in the end of it and a knotch built flashlight and a little staff turned on one end and the socket then fits over the crank like a compound risk it's pretty sloppy and they just purposely sloppy so you don't have to line it up real well and then just take your trusty cordless drill now it's a socket in the cordless drill and you've got a instant color feed take a little deeper cuts in there it gives you a nice even feed rate there's no mark from stopping the tool in the word so from varying the feed gives you a really nice surface thing in [Music] three simple to make bed just piece of aluminum you'll have to adjust yours to suit whatever crank you have on your late I'm sure it's not the same as this one you'll have to know how much I made just think the hole is about a sixteenth oversize and the slots above 18 silver size this gives it plenty of freedom so you don't have to stay perfectly lined up on the crank it works real well in compounds not the only thing you can use this technique I also use it with a similar socket type thing on my rotary table on the milk dividing head he things we tell you have to crank my hand this thing works great because even heard of guys using it on the knee of their the meat Bank under mill for painting the table up and down you know what this you have a color feed on matter and I know they make them but they're kind of expensive you can just use your cordless drill to do that so anyway good project simple project greatly increases the surface finish on the park machine like this and give it a try so I have for this week's table we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Toms Techniques
Views: 61,369
Rating: 4.9396501 out of 5
Keywords: machining, machinist, processes, techniques, how to, turning, milling, lathe, mill, threading, thread cutting, South Bend, Logan, Clausing, Delta, Sheldon, Atlas, Bridgeport, Starrett, Lufkin, Mitutoyo, instructional, tutorial, educational, metal, metalworking, shop, machinery, tubalcain, millwork, facing, drilling, grinding, grinder, Harrison, Hardinge
Id: Iyce7mVT3Zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2017
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