Tom's Tips & Tricks #3 - Plunge Milling

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[Music] so most of you probably don't realize that my humble little machine shop here was originally put together by me in the mid 80s and they had an operating machine shop you know I actually searched outside jobs and you know helping it help pay for the machines make a little extra money on the side I bought all these machines new just loaned out on them and you can work them to paint paper themselves the weight I think was to cost almost as much as my first house and it ate herself out I think it's five years it's at that five year no data so it continues to be an operating after this game most of the work I do out here is for his for a company and currently employed at IU mechanical design for him and I prototype a lot of the parts where most of the parts that I design here so that's best you know we're saying most of my time today is working for somebody else hopefully that will change soon and I can spend more time out here making subjects for ourselves such done now the only still it's still making the money um so anyway that's why it's so dirty now easy it's all cleaned up so that was using a pretty heavy yesterday what we're doing so I thought it would share a little technique that I used to rough out on clean parts well there's a lot of metal to be removed but make it some fairly large part excavator required a lot of materiality remove and I thought I'd use them even though there's an example to demonstrate technique as for removing a lot of metal fast so let me let me show you so here's the part I was working on it's uh it's just an assembly fixture for product we make and it's uh it's made out of a 2-inch thick piece of cat6 light which is pretty fun stuff the machine and as you can see there's a lot of metals that needed to be removed out of it normally if I had a larger bandsaw I would saw this out okay much as I could anyway but my dad wants to rule on the white side or cut that big and was afraid those who blade wondering size blocks step in adults so I decided just machine enough but anyways if there's a well I guess I got most of the big stuff rolled out now I'm just putting this pocket in the back and it dawned on me there's a machining a milling techniques it I'd like to share with you guys stays long time moving a lot of metals I'll plunge Miller so first of all if you wanted to mill a pocket like this or a frame in this case it's not on fences it's all the way through if you think you just go around the inside of the of the frame with a cutter offset like diameter right now you can do that but like I said this is half big plate is real gummy stuff and when you're the depth of your cut gets approaches the diameter the end mill it's hard to clear chips unless you use what's called a high helix all right so that noisemaker off anyway as I was saying when you've certainly sliced as decent as they are wide it gets hard to clear the chip and I'll show you how that works with just just mill like a normal in my side yo you'll see we just start to accumulate behind the cutter and we generate a lot of heat but actually a little bit start loading up so a better way to do something like this is called plunge milling how you do it just move over like a third the diameter the cutter and quite through my stove when you do this because you can go check if the fiscal careless when you you want young risk of breaking in an email directly the decide notices in federal heat up to the point where the ship still stick into the sea any old breakers are not paying attention this way you can understate take control and you can just go forever blows up about the same rate and Miller in mobile as you would cycle maybe even little faster once you've just remembers you want to clean all around the inside of the frame within I'm moving in that direction and the rotation of cutter is forcing the cutter away from my face life if I'm going the other way the location of cutter would send the poor edge of the line you're letting risk of cutting CP you want to climb mill around the inside the pocket like that now once you get you get it roughed out like that then you can go around the inside send your up [Applause] usually like to take one rock and cut around on the inside first [Applause] get rid of all the roughness from the punch head and you can go back and take five or ten dollars across very fast long form feed rate see they were seeing tested think you thought kind of sign invisible stuff to see it's real opening that notes on porous surface for the gummy I said it six window rail what easily no you have to be a little bit careful in the machining it took subtly when you're pushing taking a lot of metal off when you start generating heat then you run the risk to the ship sticker another thing you can take the pool and I highly to keep a spray bottle here sometimes I see work that helps too [Applause] and that's all there is to it that's that fungible fun cutting this works really well for for long in those two if you try it sighs man with a long manual will break them every time you got to do is climb around the inside of the pocket because if you're going to pocket we're deep with a long end mill deposit it's fine mill around the inside the pocket punch cutting your way around you don't say exciting I want to take it is an old roughed out you want a little bit less human material left to remove so it's all it's all I have today DX [Music]
Channel: Toms Techniques
Views: 104,495
Rating: 4.9387755 out of 5
Keywords: machining, machinist, processes, techniques, how to, turning, milling, lathe, mill, threading, thread cutting, South Bend, Logan, Clausing, Delta, Sheldon, Atlas, Bridgeport, Starrett, Lufkin, Mitutoyo, instructional, tutorial, educational, metal, metalworking, shop, machinery, tubalcain, millwork, facing, drilling, grinding, grinder, Harrison, Hardinge, Plunge
Id: SSY-0hrWlho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2017
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