TommyInnit meets jschlatt for the first time.

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no idea what to put in them i don't know i don't know what they can be full of buy me you idiot you ran right by me where are you oh by the chickens who the hell is this guy i think it's schled oh oh i've heard of that guy hey come here what's up man right now yeah no i'm on my way he's just sitting here and you're going right behind me it's one of the two oh yeah who's this that's where is everyone going why is everyone leaving my bull house i don't know but you should wilbur wilbur you gotta tell me what the hell is going on because i am so goddamn confused do you like bullsh you you know i like balls do you like houses shot of course i do i've just i'm actually prejudiced against homeless people really that's good that's good i'm not one of those you should be the last homeless person i saw on the streets in new york city i don't know if i could i don't think i could stomach it i don't think i could go honestly yeah no he he couldn't stomach it either that's because that's because there was poison in the food i gave him why did you give him food why did you poison him why did you poison him wilbur where the hell are you i'm coming to you i think i don't really know where you are we're on the wooden plank yeah follow follow the child the child no i'm not i don't know whoa who's this child that keeps following me nah he's like five years old i no i think you're not talking about you're following me right now he's like he's like seven tops if i had to wager i guess how are you guy i'm all right i'm i'm trying to find my friend wilbur i don't know where he is though oh he's he's up here near his ball follow me i'm here i'm in my ball i'm actually looking out on the direction this is this is my house if you look to your right yeah just yeah no you're not you're not look um i don't know yeah you know you want to come this way oh you'll see some balls you'll see symbols in no time so yeah you can see a very very nice thing i see a ball right there oh my god did you see me did you see me inside oh my god holy [ __ ] oh watch out i'll be honest with you although although you know our our um what's the word our meetings are very sparse and far between now i still did have you in mind when building this ball i know exactly what you would say and i'll tell you what it does line up with what you actually said hey why is this oh hey watch out what the hell yeah yeah no those are phantoms yeah after you never seen that in my life yeah i know this george fellow just gave me some chicken you can put it in another barrel george george do you want to take a screenshot together and then and then get another 100 000 likes on twitter someone take a picture someone's taking it hey i will i will i've got a picture there you go do you want your name tags in or not in [Music] give me those liars give me those like who took my letters i got them i got them okay thank you thank you welcome to my ball uh i've already tell me what the hell is going on here wilbur i thought i thought it would be just you and me in this ball but instead we have uh we have like a fifth grader we've got no sap nap george not found and this guy in a fursuit i don't even know okay yeah this guy's fine this guy this guy no no let me give you the grand tour let me give you that can you stop what are you he's be he's getting taller than me and it's not let me give you the grand torch if you don't mind it's quite a walk but this is this is the table uh i don't know what the hell this thing is in the plant pot but i put it in there because it's delightfully square and i do really like that i'm a big fan of it i don't know what it is but i like it yeah this is so this is where this is where the crafting happens right over here it's where i sleep oh you see i've got the the best view can you be quiet tommy sorry i'm i'm i'm this is the this is the best view in the house i'd say i'd say just untapped land you know yeah yeah and then this is this is where i take the ladies this is my line of three furnaces against a wall oh i heard they're do you mind if i like mind if i i'm a big i'm a big fan of symmetry in this ball you see what i mean it's like there we go there we go okay yeah that's fine i'll just i'll light something in this one let's just there we go and now it's symmetrical and and this is my viewing point uh ironically the only view i have is of the child of me of my house it's it's a location location location kind of thing hopefully he'll move and the property value will go up significantly so i'm ready for that it's like a long-term investment yeah yeah and there you go that's the grand tour i hope it didn't take too long uh these are my barrels uh it's like those tick tocks i see sometimes where it's like five things in my japanese house that just makes sense right right yeah this just means sorry what i don't use i don't use tiktok it's like no am i not getting through is my mic cutting off no i'm i'm hearing you i just don't i just don't like tick-tock oh okay well i'm not a fan i don't know about you wilbur but i love sending my information to the chinese government and i think that if there's a place that i'm gonna send it to that just makes sense quite like uh the japanese houses i see on tick tock it's the it's the ccp yeah i don't think are they still in power is it still the ccp oh of course they are have they been doing any more of those sparrow sides recently i'm a big fan when they did that i don't know you know i haven't caught up with them in a while but i'm sure they're not still on their wacky hijacks yeah last time i tuned out they had like that now guy no no well he's gone he's gone what he was the best character no the d guys is in now and and you know don't don't tell anybody this but he really hates it when you call him winnie the pooh like oh my god anybody who's broadcasting this conversation just got banned in china like oh [ __ ] do not say do not say z jinping and winnie the pooh in the same sentence yeah yeah that's correct that is correct what's your other what's your other favorite bit of chinese propaganda i mean don't you mean facts it depends what you're going to talk about if you're going to talk about that if you're going to talk about the um 1973 uh the word the revolution the protest you know the one i can't play i can't exactly that's a propaganda that's not fact is it no exactly no that's what they put in the american textbooks but i don't read those yeah no no so tell me what's your favorite chinese fact my favorite chinese fact um i don't this goddamn child keeps sorry sorry i'll stand with you i'll stand with tubbo just stand on the other side of the room yeah yeah yeah let's blow this ball honestly i think we should blow the ball you want to blow this ball i want to blow this ball i want to blow this ball i think we should go and rebuild china you want to hang gliding out of this out of this loser emporium i i've decided that the dream was taken earns enough money and i want him to get banned in china you want to uh you want to skateboard out of this jive turkey farm yeah dude tubbo give us a skateboard okay keep those keep those children down there yeah they can just throw it up they can just throw it up uh the the the furry he's like 26 so you could you could he can come up here can i are you good with me come in can i okay this is now too many why is he looking at me okay so i was just uh okay are you good with me hey man i think i re ah right can we have can we have some sort of skateboarding apparatus taboo looks like the kind of guy would have that i have emeralds you can go buy stuff it's just it's just skateboards not yet sadly i'll give you a tour of the server this is this is actually my first day but i feel like i've gotten quite accustomed to it already [ __ ] furry guy can't like code something in that'll help us roll around i'll work on it i coded in a uh impossible no no no no no no no no so i made a skateboard in minecraft so i made a skateboard in minecraft that's a good idea that's it that's amazing it sounds like i i can probably pull off a million views with that one so it's like the funny thing about this server is it's actually an anarchy server so if you see anything in a chest that you want you can just take it this is um this is tommy's home i actually was already in a house that i had labeled tommy in it and i took a bunch of stuff oh [ __ ] me i gotta go all the way back and i walk everywhere so this is gonna take a while i know i know that why did i why did i decide that i was going to do that why is the child telling me to be quiet i you know i just thought you know because i don't know yeah i'm just that i don't think you should have that no no no no no no no okay yeah yeah no no fundy funny not with the schlong not now not now pl wait what that is that's so inappropriate that's so inappropriate that is funny that's it's so inappropriate man how come he's a child and you're like i want to start i'm more on the young adult what are that jesus christ eight-year-old furry yeah like jesus just pick a pick a struggle dude not for nothing but there's something going on there right so this is this is tommy yeah it's not schlong i got one of those yeah i got it i like that i like that so this is this is basically so the way this stuff was remember you though oh oh you and your yellow cape [ __ ] i fell i have a yellow cape there you go you got it so do you remember do you remember smb live slot uh yeah i do do you remember how towards the end we just used to always walk back and forth on the same like stretch of five blocks yeah yeah so this server nothing really happened anymore towards the end of this we just kind of walk this server is already on that stage and they just walk back and forth on the same wooden path over and over again and they get thousands of viewers you can't hold it against them i've seen i've seen some people uh on this wooden path sometimes i think that i think i was watching that kid a couple days ago and he was like uh we're gonna we're gonna kill some somebody in minecraft and he had a funny accent and i just like couldn't i honestly i couldn't i couldn't keep it on for more than like five seconds before i wanted to before i wanted to blow my [ __ ] brains out wait in a video game obviously in a video game yeah yeah like which your accent wilbur it's it's nice and velvety kind of like mac and cheese but that kid over there he just the way he says certain words just gets [ __ ] i'll just tune into his stream sometimes and it'll just be completely silent and then all of a sudden i'll hear pog jump well that's what that's no that's what happens listen buddy that does not sound like me all right that i don't all he [ __ ] says it's like half them it's like half the words he knows it's just like stupid emotes and [ __ ] that's a bit weird jump jump that's what he says over and over again god damn i don't know whose house this is this is i don't know whose house this is this is this is from towers oh look we have free stuff looks like oh really oh my god that's fantastic ah let me take some of that this um this is stealing what uh you are you you'll stick you're stealing go on to the anarchy don't worry who who is this goddamn british person trying to tell me there's but this this is who how [ __ ] many are of you guys are there this is [ __ ] weird this should not be a it's like there's like 9 million of us just in london what britain you know why did i say that let's pronounce british british british british british it sounds like it sounds like you're struggling with the word british british hey say uh can you say mathematics um what mathematics mathematics what why do you speak so [ __ ] what are you talking about up you speak i speak the right way you know what you know what we did back in the 1700s when we separated from all you know we decided the right way to speak yeah and then and then an even more correct dialect was started in new york city and this that's the one i have can you say alex and then he made a sh you should you made a [ __ ] musical about it yeah i don't know what that was all about i i had no part in that say aluminum you sound like a idiot okay okay tommy in it hey let me let me look through these chests see if there's any crayons i can give you that's not it's not but stop laughing so don't let tubbo don't laugh at that don't laugh at that silence it's not just not even don't you need that what the bamboo yeah you need the bamboo juicer oh no that was last week i'm uh i am looking like a twig right now i i i need all the carbs i can get you need to bulk now you are you know okay okay so you see you see this that's put a spring in my step honestly knowing hearing hearing you berate the child that's i'm yeah dude i feel like i'm wearing nike vapor maxes now running sneaker yeah no i don't know i know look i don't know what this place is oh [ __ ] yeah i'm actually stuck it's sucking me down okay oh up i go oh were you going with the the ufo yeah i can't go any higher yeah it keeps breaking oh yeah hello oh there we go there we go i i also can't but yeah you can see you can see the content path and all its glory now it's a good power look at this thing it's bloody long it's bloody long in it how in any way is this necessary should we leave yeah hey have you ever considered um have you ever heard of minecraft championships no it's uh it's like minecraft monday but not run by keemstar how the hell do you get down i think i don't know is it just well it's just swapper you bounce we broke it up don't go down there can't beat them i really don't this video this video game is low quality i'd give it like very low quality two star maybe what what the swedish made that's worth its salt why don't you play minecraft anymore me yeah it's because i got tired of it because all because all we oh well there there goes another one it's fur guy yeah it's not for this guy it's kind of funny i just got tired of it thomas look all you do once you build your house is you just go back and forth on some stupid wooden path and i mean sure you get you get a lot of viewers and a lot of money but just call me comments i was just i was just looking for something that that would fulfill me not drive me [ __ ] insane i mean you must be when you turn off that stream jesus christ you must you must really hate yourself on the inside you must turn off that stream and take a deep breath the tears start welling up in your eyes and you say you say to yourself oh my god how much longer can i do this [ __ ] for i'm at my wit's end i can't stand minecraft anymore those are you no i just usually but you know what all the money i'm making just kind of makes up for the fact that i want to die every day is that what you is that what you say to yourself you guys say to yourself especially fur guy over there with his what do you mean why especially making millions off of uh is he making millions yeah i forget how much you guys make price probably oh [ __ ] i'm i'm gonna keep it short i will oh all right you clutched yeah there we go we're coming down i don't hate myself that much like if it makes you feel any better neither do i yeah well wilbur that's because you can look in the mirror and just like get an overwhelming sense of pleasure no one else here can do that i don't know have you have you seen the fursuit guy when he takes his hat off his helmet hey all right i'm gonna put it back on all right how family friendly is this server like can i talk about uh jacking off and stuff like that yeah sure how it was just a question but of course you've got to keep why specifically why specifically that fantasy there is there is a 14 year old here and you're talking about that i'm 16 by the way i'm a young man no no i'm a young man i mean turned 14. that's [ __ ] i am so strong do you miss your crayons that's not are you sad because he couldn't get him uh anybody remember when you'd go to like applebee's and they'd uh they'd set up a table and it'd just be like the paper will be the the tablecloth would be made out of paper and then you get this you get the crayons and then that's how you know sweater spoons for americans okay dinner is just going to be fantastic because you could just spend a drawing on the table you wouldn't have to eat yeah anyway we spent a lot of time stood on cobble come there's much more to see there's more to see more to do treasure abound this is like i said this server has been going for a long time how long has it been gone for i think it's i think it's like middle age it's almost reached the time when most smps end it's been up for like a week now two weeks oh yeah nine days nine yeah nine days there you go uh i don't know what this is this is where they put the uh the signs for people who've donated oh i don't i don't do this this is like stampy's stampy's garden it's that you don't want to stamp your logo you kids make so much money this place would be filled up in like half a half a minute probably yeah no but i i yeah wilbur pulls how many views now fifteen thousand fifteen thousand people on a goddamn screen i never did that it's mainly they come to what you laugh you lose though they don't really care about mine you people are a new breed and then you turn off the stream and then you go oh god i can't watch out man i oh remember the path shut up yeah this is where do you know about dream schlep do you know who dream is um no i don't actually uh he's a youtuber last week uh last week he hit four million subscribers and he's about to hit five million like in the coming days oh good for him yeah he's he's he's a big deal he's the he's the next big thing dude does he uh does he make videos like i hacked minecraft and made an impossible difficulty no that's the guy over there it's not the same principle no he's he's far more successful than the third guy dream dream makes videos where he and his friends come down relevant i would say i mean you know i feel like i'm doing a good not on youtube success is just the number surely well i mean arguable anyways do you see the nether sure that's kind of the last thing on the list i think really yeah i don't think there's much else have you seen the new update um so yeah sometimes i've i've seen it i i i'm still pretty um i have no idea what's going on with it i just see all these new blocks and i like them i don't really know what any of it does yeah i saw the i saw the basalt but that wasn't tickets so it's not what the [ __ ] is that what is that oh you can put saddles on them and walk on lava what oh hey george that wasn't you want me to go down and make blocks where you were wilbur who did that it was george it was john oh oh george it's the less successful george not found i got it yeah you take him out you want somebody is george british too yeah he is he is oh my god he's like 27. you want to take him out 27 yeah 27. okay so who who here's from america where's fur guy from um netherlands europeans what the hell what's this place so everybody everybody here is from europe i'm from america said that [Laughter] you're all speaking guys that's not your teacher you can you don't have to hide [Laughter] your stuff is gone okay hey you could make me a bridge because i just fell i don't know what you're talking about we've had the tour now um i do would you like to rebuild china it's been a great tour wilbur thank you you got to give me a second though because i i got to get some fruit snacks that's no problem i'll be right back oh hey sam now why did you like yeah who is he what is this what what what do you do i mean i mean his voice is like molasses i just wanna i just got butt why don't you punch me into the void zap now why did you throw me look i'm dead now and i had all my [ __ ] on me it doesn't really matter it does matter to me well i don't i don't know yeah well you've i mean he's his voice is like it's like just smooth as butter but i don't know who the [ __ ] he is and he's just he's just vibes yeah getting undressed i know i'm not no i'm not oh god i'm not going to he's excited for a second hey schlatt hey [Music] what's up i got some fruits there's only one there's only one goddamn packet of fruit snacks i've left eating too many of them well what comes to you is a fruit snack you don't know what a fruit snack is oh wait yeah tell me about fruit tonight they're uh they're like chewy fruit flavored things oh yeah what kind of what kind of fruits um uh orange this is anything any others you know what this reminds me of what's this remind you of i had a great meal yesterday what did you have i am i had this uh this chicken bacon and cheese melt surrounded entirely by bread oh yeah outside oh a sandwich wow it's a good sandwich yeah the bread was oh i mean wilbur i can't lie i can't tell a lie it was it was pretzel bread that doesn't sound like a sandwich that sounds like something else not well i mean it's kind of it's kind of up in the air whether or not they're sandwiches like a hot dog it's a hot dog a sandwich i don't know i'd say it's not i'd say there are some things in life that kept a mystery that's very fair it's very fair um tell me about this what this pretzel pretzel breaded this food you had yeah it had some uh i mean heated heated just the perfection right oh yeah i had that there's some chicken inside some cheese some bacon oh okay yeah and that's like white meat red meat that's if you're bulking that's that's what you need i mean after a clear cleanse yeah anything with two or more feet just i mean that goes right in my mouth i i'm not a nutritionist but like i can't imagine that you know negating the salt and that's probably going to be pretty good for you like protein wise yeah i know i love getting protein i get it wilbur i'm not gonna lie i get i get protein in any way i can you give you give me an option to get some protein in my system yeah i'll take it no holds barred no hands down i mean that's that's how you keep up your physique yeah it's like you know when you're in quarantine when you can't go to the gym you just gotta start doing push-ups you know and yeah when you and when you can't get your protein intake he's gonna get whatever you can you know anyway i did a push-up once any way you can get that so tell me about what how long did you cook this um uh this pretzel oh [ __ ] watch out oh my god sorry we're getting shooting [ __ ] at me a ghost yeah no don't worry i'll i'll protect okay we're gonna hear about it it's a flying dirigible what it's like to hindenburg yeah no don't worry just go in the box or yeah just i mean i fear for you i gotta get a closer look at that thing oh no don't no no seriously man you're not gonna yeah you want to let's go this way okay yeah this will be safer i mean did we all just decide we're gonna follow the the seven-year-old but you know what man all right you are the same age no no it's a little older yeah by the time you know what dude i swear tell me you told me you were 14. i i'm seven times dad's now his dad's calling for him pogchamp [Laughter] i look i'm aware of the poor timing of that but you know father i found my gcses no no father [Laughter] what's your favorite crayola color ah dude i i stray can you tell sam not to stop shooting me come come on we're gonna go on a little trip uh there's nothing up there just let him let him go [ __ ] dude i'm trying to i'm trying to do something funny man just let him do oh my god all the sand again i have to mine all the sand again and start from yeah you'll be fine you'll be alright it's terrible what i hate can you protect me from this mag oh don't worry it's been oh my god no i forgot some sand down there there's sand i missed back here god i [ __ ] hate minecraft get me out of this cold hell okay kkk him come on sapnap oh that was not as cool as i thought it would be i think if you jump it's gonna be really cool like as you right click oh you missed oh no you almost got me oh wait you don't know hey hey hey that's not no i think you got the wrong i think i figured out what i have to do yeah no i don't i missed where we were just in my ball i missed the ball as well yeah do you think we could go back to the ball one day we're in the nethers why has anyone ever told you has anyone ever told you you're a bit you're a bit um you're a bit weird champ what does that mean why why am i weird champ you just i don't know the past few times of yeah am i not fam anymore i say you're you're heading into bro territory oh my god and that's just not uber elite [ __ ] damn it my fishing rod broke yeah are you gonna be all right going down there do you want some blocks yeah i'll do it goddammit i'm just reminded how much i actually hate minecraft why it's just awful it's like the it's like it's like when you have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxes to the us government i don't have to pay taxes i heard that was recently on july 15 2020 yesterday a pig man jumping at you oh no he's going to the ferry remember the [ __ ] shed yeah i do that was pretty i definitely do that was funny oh that was a good time how many people did you couch with that thing a whole lot oh yeah i bet i i bet i'd catch fur guy yeah yeah i bet i'd catch him in it [Music] hey fundy yeah because that's my name do you reckon you would have fallen for the cockshed depends how does it how does it go what's the procedure with the cook shed well we can we can simulate it now if you want i mean we're on the right game yeah yeah yeah let's do it at my house actually let's do it at my base okay yeah sure cool cool yeah let's go cool i was gonna say i mean this is getting a bit boring hey well yeah we're not on the wooden path at the moment so it's all right right yeah that's where the donuts happen what's the what's the uh blueprints for the cockshed it's like it's like two two blocks inwards yeah two blocks and we're i can build it i can do it all right all right all right we'll we'll trust you on this yeah if you follow you just need some cards hey hey jay schlatt yeah yeah yeah you want to follow me i'm no not turbo that's the wrong yeah yeah so how's how's the wii treating you how's the wii yeah i haven't turned that thing on in months it's all just pre-recorded you know i've just been sitting at home dick in hand okay mate yeah where do you want to put it uh in my base all right you don't do enough business at the moment ah well i mean i beg to differ after the exorbitant amount of money i sent my government yesterday see i don't i don't pay you'll learn you're learning like i have to start soon you know i've because i've started my company with my dad yeah and and you're and you're raking it in though yeah i make so much you guys should not you guys should i should try and figure out how much money tommy makes so much i mean everybody here everybody here just probably makes bank does i'm gonna tell you a secret listen the whole the whole stream for the past week all we've been doing is just walk back and forth on this path yeah what donate people you had a you had a you've had a massive court case yeah that happens but what happens the majority of the string i mean seven hours a day like okay man i think well i think i think this this is the best smp going at the moment i think you guys have you guys have caught on to something here you've done a really good job how many s ps are going on at the moment well you'd be surprised tommy i gotta say i gotta say to you tommy you're you your chat's being so mean to me yeah like they want you bad all the all the like 11 year olds that are in your chat are just being so goddamn mean to me and it's it's really ruining my day i felt like i had to make that known i feel like if i didn't quit twitter they'd be also quite angry at you they don't like you no they don't and none of them are okay it's okay i mean i like i get that they're the kind of crowd who it's like eat the rich and all that and it's fine you are quite rich they do say you're quite rich yeah they do say so let's let's get that cockshed going come on yeah give me the blocks and the pickaxe no um no please yeah i'll give it to you we need come with me jay schlatt all right we can go mining if i'll trade it to you i need is there any like tissue apparatus in the server that i can wipe my tears away with because i'm so upset why are you upset because of how absolutely toxic your chat is being to me oh yeah no they're a little less sensitive god you'd think i was uh some kind of leader in the 1940s yeah let's go mining man let's go no you're going mining the you're staring at the fur guy it's he's just kind of i can kill him no there's no need to do that i have a nice sight that's all hey i yeah let's follow me no that's not the come with me yeah it's down here wait what's down here so we had a mob spawner and then uh honk destroyed it who yeah it's just just another god i don't know i don't know kids punks and they're all they're all they're all very angry wow me at me they're angry at me yeah why because i angry because because i said that george was the less successful dream as a joke they don't understand the fact that you know the fact that i i do know george i hung out with him for like a day like it's not it wasn't in that circumstance that just gets completely ignored any any social interaction you've had with them it's it's it's like those singular if only chet knew how bad it really was how yeah you've stopped all your idols are terrible people and you should never give them your money but yet you do here you are george jordan he said tommy in it pogchamp it's fine there's a reason there's a reason i don't go on twitter they don't they don't like much and they're always mean to everyone no one's mean to me well i mean they're just upset that they don't understand this yeah you like earlier today their teachers like trying to tell them about the pythagorean theorem and they're like no i don't i don't get it can you drop me some iron please all right who left the satnav here you can take some yeah we just yeah we just did business it's fine oh the the american left yeah [ __ ] it's it's just me now i mean fundies in a fursuit how how is that that makes no sense that has nothing to do with being american sorry i mean this is there's no british twang but i mean it is i'll say this i'll still take that as a comment how is it can you give us an impression that you say you can do the british trying i've heard you do tommy in it can you do my accent no i'd i'd never i'd never yeah i i wouldn't take offense to i'd enjoy it i didn't i don't i i genuinely don't know how to do the wilbur sid accent it's just it's just too uh dude i'd love to hear it i'd love to hear that i love them tommy i love your chat this is really funny yeah no they've really gone you've sent them off the rails i'm glad oh my god oh my god oh yeah no i look to my right it's a mix of we love schlatt and just i can't read that out loud um yeah why don't we make the cook shed over here everything you think about me is completely true the the okay i just i just refreshed twitter i just i just i just refreshed twitter and they've gone from being angry at me for a joke that me and george were okay about to now just telling me other bad things that i'm doing trying to justify fighters i'm oh no i haven't been on it in like a week that was my first time playing build it hey let's die here we go let's do it looks like this i actually need two uh tube trap doors oh i'm on it don't worry should they have to be spruce on i need some water as well i'm on the wall i have a fish it's in the back give give me the fish maybe some lava yeah you may okay this was a really good idea of testing me on the cockshed up until the point that you said lava was involved hey do you know what uh you know what we signed in 1791 i i did a fun thing called the bill of rights laid out a bunch of uh a bunch of different rights that the american people had that uh you guys just don't have it's fun sorry i just picked up anyways let's go ready let's go five minutes i've got water but it has a fish on how many magma don't we magma too yeah oh yeah i can get you something i've got you some magma yeah yeah just put the water one up turbo your fish is gonna die no not my finger pick it up sorry everyone why would you no you're gonna put it one up but why not well i can't because the fish is gonna die on the magma no oh i forgot about that oh okay get out for to get tubby's fishing yeah nah i'm trying you just like get him in the bucket get me out of this get me out of here man oh wait go down a block fun fun funny what are you doing stop just making him more and less wet man how do you pick up a fish on him he doesn't work just he's gone no he wants to put him out of his misery just just put him out just just let it happen just let it happen yeah just let him die why is he making anything don't even don't make it your fault don't make it just well done glad you did it wow yes you're a bad guy is it it's going to mess up what was his name tubber what was his name [ __ ] swimmy shot [Laughter] you've completely ruined any god you've emotions everything holy [ __ ] [ __ ] swimmy get off the property for the cuck [ __ ] god damn it so i'll get you some more water can you drop me the bucket fundy i'll got you thanks man check that out how many bookish you need slap you want me i think this is it i i mean that's that's it now you need a sign you need a sign hold on wait all right i've got a sign spruce trap doors anyone got spruce i actually have spruce i've got some spruce logs on it it's got it's got to be spruce you can't see through it and and you lose the you lose the hook i don't think you have yeah yeah look hook hold on wait a minute oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] friend smile friend smile you're about to you're about to dive in a whole game yeah yeah take the where'd i get spruce yeah okay give me the magnet what god damn you're saying give me the micro on the wall you're so jeez yeah what oh my god i i don't even have words here's the magazine i remember that face like paired up with a much better looking set of clothing yeah give me a minute give me a minute okay what's up [Applause] can we hey come can we get a screenshot you want a little screen yeah yeah hey will can you can you move please i don't like i don't want you i stop now you're in my screenshot it's it's almost like you wanted to photoshop and just like took my chopped off the head no yeah yeah you know why don't we take the screenshot now uh yeah dude you're looking a bit too high i want can you look thanks this makes this makes me so happy yeah awesome thanks i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna edit you out of that photo i just took [Laughter] why i don't know okay philip put some water in here slam some water in there i mean it's on it bus man it's just what my favorite people used to do right okay here we go here we go now now now uh everyone everyone cleared the scene everyone cleared the scene it's just fun d and j slat let's go let's go ah okay do you remember your lines remember your lines here we go am i getting paid for this or or what uh do i get some form of kick you get some emotes about spam will someone uh buy me a sub to tommy in its twitch channel i think they already have yeah i know that i'll buy you one you wanna sub to turbo please do i'll yeah i'll be on it don't you worry after the stream not you know not now anyway so you continue i want i want to participate in the in the spam that's going on that put me in it i want to be able to use the emotes i've all right hey hey hey we're going to do it we're going to do it i'm going to put on content right content yeah yeah finally i'm going to finally put on the content could you use your your mic yeah you know the one oh god okay all right here we all right here we go here we go everybody set set the stage i i i want to let you guys know that i haven't i haven't been trying to like be funny or anything today but now now i'm going to be funny this is where the this is where the entertainment begins all right here we go here we go we're on it all those although clip clip champs get those get those clip buttons ready this this is about to make minecraft history oh my god are you ready more fun day you can do it too i believe in you oh friend smile go go go wait oh [ __ ] my uh my microphone isn't plugged in it's not that's right everything is set up anyway i can't do the funny mic but it's not going to be funny i can't do the funny like hold on it won't be where is it it's not the same without the funny it's not going to be funny without the footage trying to do it won't be funny and we need if i don't have the [ __ ] funny mic it's not i mean there's no hope for this bit being funny yeah unless unless loud can equal funny what are we gonna do you know what the [ __ ] where's the where's the [ __ ] cord for the funny mic is this it holy [ __ ] no that's the goddamn power to the monitor oh my monitor just shut off now you're right awesome i'm looking for the [ __ ] look tommy it's been so goddamn long since since i had to pull out the funny mic you know you know the last time i played minecraft was goddamn 2019 you're making me pull out my goddamn funny mic for this [ __ ] you man yay i know loud equals funny but look i just sometimes sometimes i don't have the capacities to to do this [ __ ] anymore you know i'm an old man you are old and you're an old man it's okay just confused too i wake up i've got it's like i've got dementia and multiple sclerosis and all other diseases that afflict old people arthritis arthritis i'm getting bored my brain is losing viewers to this what's happening i'm gonna have to start walking up and down the path if you don't start getting funny i'm just i don't have this i don't have it i can see my funny mic oh just just push your current mic like into your mouth just like eat it i'm gonna do i got one last chance to make this one last chance i found it i found the plug yeah back on the plug it's gone is this gonna be funny it's gone in boys hold on i have to on i'm out of usb ports so i have to unplug something this it might i might unplug the mouse i don't i don't be able to move after this i can give you a nudge does this work i mean it's not funny but no it's not it's not it yet um pog no it's not working yawning man i wanna i wanna do this bit i wanna re-enact whatever i understand you you do i know there's nothing you you probably want more than to get inside the cuck shed but it really depends on whatever we'll just do it without funny mic we can do it without funny moments my brain's losing viewers will go up and down and back here on the path oh okay you'll get offline you're gonna drop all your viewers if you don't yeah there you go there you go will i get offline subs if i do this yeah yeah yeah here we go i think i played oh not funny you're not funny yet windows just let me know hold on hold on this is like a bit funny but not he's gonna be eating oh oh hey it's funny sorry anyway go on go on go on fundy hey you're you like minecraft don't you do you like minecraft do you make videos on mine on minecraft i do yeah it must it must get really hot and sweaty and humid inside that fursuit that you wear all the time why don't you why don't you come into my [ __ ] shed uh i why don't you step inside my cockshed look hey look you don't even have to look i'll go in first i you might be a little bit a little bit nervous i'm sure you're nervous look completely fine all right okay completely fine nothing to be afraid of right guys right yeah yeah right uh right now right right wilbur yeah tubbo completely fine completely fine i trust them goddamn all burst people sound the same uh oh okay funny it's your turn to get inside the cup shed everybody caught up we're going to clap let's go all right now we count down from 10 yeah nine nine eight seven six five four three two one yeah we need you to do something for me i need you to take a step forward so that you're in the middle of the two spruce trap doors hey four three oh [Music] yeah oh nice cool tommy did you like that that was the best tommy i want you to walk with me i'm on a bus man i want you to come down you're second in command now so tommy can i can i take you into a private call just for a minute i'm gonna i'm afraid i'm going to afraid i'm going to go to the shops boys so have a good rest of your time i'll be back soon okay i'm sure we'll meet again yeah you guys can bond for a minute okay oh yeah i'll just be a minute hey tommy you know yeah what's up can we add flat to the cup for too long no no just i'm just going to quickly say i'm you know from the day i met you you know you remember how on the first day we met you told me how much you loved the wilbridge flat content and how you know and you you since then every time every time you talk to me about the funniest people you know you always stay schlatt true and that's that's not i don't think that's important i think that's just you know that's that's that's good i like that you have a uh i'd say you know uh there's a lot of there's a lot of contention derived nowadays in in like online media and youtube and stuff that like you know that it's just it's just youtube isn't it it's just youtubers i seem to think but but i think i think i think you know kids are getting a lot of their heroes from youtube and i i don't know if this is true but from what i've gathered from you schlatt is pretty much the closest thing to your hero in terms of youtube and like as much as as much as people think that this is some kind of that this whole event today has been some sort of some sort of weird awkward like like s p live taking away from the dream team server it really hasn't been it really hasn't been this was this was all for you tommy to be honest wasn't it this was this was this was to this was to this is the highlight of your month probably and i'm i'm happy for you man i just wanna let you know whatever people are saying about you on twitter and whatever people are complaining about just ignore them man you you keep dream you keep living your dream you keep having fun and they don't they don't they don't know you they don't know me they don't know schlatt just ignore them all right you're doing a great thing you're doing well you're being very funny and you're holding your own really well and i'm really proud of you tommy thank you very much uh this is probably gonna be my last time on the server so i will i will log out in this house can i have your ball you can have my ball my ball is for you now thank you farewell that meant a lot thank you goodbye goodbye the like accessory packs for the wiimotes and stuff and so oh and and a whole bunch of plastics just dead dinosaurs really yeah you need to have the plastic or no no you don't need them no it's plastic enhances the game experience that's why yeah oh nice what did i miss like just like wearing supreme you don't need it to be but you know oh my god you're speaking my language i dude it sounds like you've been getting those that adsense money huh you talking about supreme jesus christ i think you guys are on [Laughter] if he's allowed to buy that from his parents yeah if his parents let him buy it yeah you know you wanna you wanna hear and i mean and i'm because and you want to know how much money i spent on a keyboard today you want to know how much money i spent on a on a keyboard yeah a hacking keyboard for a three year free imagine needing to hack for minecraft for a youtube video my god i've spent so much money on keyboards in my lifetime yeah i've i've seen you break some keyboards in the past i've broken some there's a box but this is two boxes full of keyboards behind me right now i've seen some uh some shows where uh you tend to break some keyboards every now and then you know it happens you know it happens yeah how old would you actually to go on one of them shows uh usually you're not you're not there yet tommy give it a couple years and then then you'll you'll be able to go on there and find some love do you have a girlfriend tommy no or or a boyfriend i don't know no i don't know i don't no no no i just i just yeah i just buy keyboards right yeah do you have a boyfriend fondy i uh i don't have a boyfriend now oh okay do you want one i mean let's uh let's let's not really put an answer to that just yet okay you know this happened with with with with dream and and wilbur like three days ago really yeah no they're they're dating now are they yeah wow that's great well that's some competition on it i love that anyways tommy if you go on one of those dating shows you gotta you gotta be careful man twitch girls are a whole nother breed what do you mean you can't trust them that's what i'm saying i saw a video of uh i saw a video on youtube that was like schlatt predicted two major controversies and it was just me jokingly saying that i that i hated kate and that i hated uh fed and like and like it just turns out that that they did what they did and uh i just became a uh clairvoyant that's fun so one two three predict any any for further things that are happening in you know these times what uh what other person do you hate or is there's no one else who's minks is it endear or who is minx because every time i go and i get schlatten minks arguing with tension for 12 minutes and 69 seconds and i can't sled uh schlatt facetimes minx for 11 minutes and 34 seconds you wanna know you wanna know what i watched this morning was you speaking to minx's parents and you swear at her mother and it just won't leave my recommended i can't like i you know yeah i tried that video too every time one of those videos pops up on my recommended i always hit the three buttons and i say not interested but it they just keep they just keep popping up i don't know and that it was such a terrible terrible awful moment as well like she calls me all the time because she's clingy and just annoying yeah and so i i've gotten into the routine of just picking up and saying you know what the [ __ ] do you want right yeah as you do kind of as like women you know it's kind of a joke but it's kind of not uh and then and then this one time i pick up and i say what the [ __ ] do you want and i shout it and this old lady's in front of me instead of minx and apparently it's her mother and what am i supposed to do i just cursed out her mother i mean what what would you do in that situation thomas apologize i i don't really know how to do that i'm not i mean it's kind of awkward right yeah yeah no i wouldn't i just you kind of you kind of just have to own it i'd stand my ground stand your ground yeah yeah yeah it depends if i believed it i'd stand my ground and i go minx's mother and then i'd just start swearing uncontrollably yeah yeah well that's what you have to do that's pretty awesome i was a little nervous so i i kind of just hit the hang up button and so it it was really kind of an awkward situation and i don't think i handled it too well um yeah hey apparently you've gone on trending what do you mean uh apparently a hashtag that you know you know you know my chat j schlatt do you go by schlatt or jay schlatt uh you people call me schlatt yeah i'll call you i'll call you schlatt well anyway yeah no apparently you've uh you're i don't know i mean i'm just going off what my chat says and you know there's a lot of them and all of them are saying uh apparently no i i don't actually give a [ __ ] i i check twitter like like once a week or so and that's when i need to meet my reply quota but um usually i'll just schedule some tweets and they'll fire off and check uh how do i make more money likes i get huh how do you make more money i'm not making enough no you're not making enough money you got like 10 000 people watching you telling me you haven't oh my god you've only got 2 000 subs don't i mean he's not he's not walking the path right now you know yeah that is true right i'd be on about 15 000 if i was walking down this path you can we walk and talk because i know i don't know my viewership get back on the path yeah i would double my view i'm going to need some food to buy soon not not just that tell me but you're also wearing the suit you know yeah no i expect him no when people come into the game they're like damn he means business he knows what he's doing i don't know i like the way it looks on you i don't know how you did that whole trick where you went behind the [ __ ] shed and it just kind of appeared i don't understand how any of that [ __ ] worked but it was really cool every business man has his own own technique you know whoever can do that too and i i have absolutely no idea how it works you want me to teach me are you yeah are you willing to why don't you stand still for it well let's not walk if you click options and then skin customization click on the on the things and what happens so like turn off left sleeve and uh jacket does anything change i think i think for j he sued his skin to his you know suits i think i don't think oh there's nothing under that suit oh my god got it too oh yeah i know yeah yeah but that's just because we we have to have it yeah no i don't i don't have it i may not know this is what i have this is what i have he got like 20 times funnier he was wearing he can do that but it's worrying and it causes people to say things in chat which i don't want to talk about yeah keep those clothes on yeah exactly i agree yeah i see you yeah let's keep walking okay i'll keep going yeah so anyway as i was what were we talking about i don't know it's women where are we talking about women i just want to let you know you were talking about money that's that's why we can talk about women though if we who's your favorite woman um i like the queen i think i think she's a nice i mean if i had to pick she'd probably be up there and i'm not even about you know your mum i'm not even british oh my mother yeah yeah she's probably up there too but i mean in terms of in terms of like women with status i'd probably say the queen is the queen is up there yeah she just you know the fact that she just doesn't die uh yeah just yeah it's really impressive you know when she dies i get three days off school i know it's like a national thing yeah so everybody goes into crisis mode but i i hate to break it to you tommy but uh you know on on september 23rd you might have three days off wait what [Music] september 23rd you might have three days off oh yeah yeah yeah no yeah september 23rd uh-oh yeah turbo's got turbo's a man of combat that's good we're gonna have to turn around once we're hitting this fence by the way we haven't really done it you ready yep yeah okay this place i might stay here forever really yeah uh no definitely not oh well you know i i knew you were joking what do you think about technoblade and dream i don't really know who dream is i can't tell why i am i i've never spoken to the guy technoblade i respect the amount of sweat he puts into the game it could never be me but you something respectable about how many potatoes that guy's farmed yeah dream is dead the percent subscribed he's cool you know dream right uh no i don't i just said i don't i've never spoken to the guy yeah oh yeah who else don't you know um well i mean it was my first time speaking to this funny guy i mean everybody here really not me not you we've spoken we've spoken about many years yeah we speak all the time yeah oh i'm sorry we gotta keep walking yeah no i saw the view account yeah anyway i wonder how many highlights people are going to make out of this oh probably a lot probably a lot i'm probably going to see a video of this in my sub feed i'm going to hit not interested on it but it's just still going to keep popping up jay schlatt walking on a path for 17 minutes see i'd be interested in that it's the kind of country people want to see you know minecraft is you guys are making you guys are making minecraft a thing again and oh is this is this yeah no this is where you think it's great okay i mean you guys are making minecraft big again i'm sure that the audience might not be what it was last time don't fall off you wanna hey you wanna listen to a music disc whilst the sun rises on those things sure i'd love to what's your okay i'll tell you what we've got i'm now i'm proud of these discs dreams been stealing them from me now i'll run through what we've got i know what my favorite one is but i'll all right blocks cats wait mellow hype what are you seeing [ __ ] in here hey you know it's there's nothing in there blocks cap weight mala high 13 wards 11 far and more why do you want it what do you want to listen to schlatt um my favorite is blocks that's my favorite desk yeah okay so you could have listened to weight i think that one would have been but uh well wait is kind of it's good it's got weird things at the beginning i don't really like wait kind of reminds me of tick tock clock from mario kart ds yeah i don't know no but um well yeah we'll go hey turbo you mind getting off my bench yeah yeah we got a bench yeah oh the sun's oh we're gonna see this is gonna be awkward because we're gonna have to turn around this way oh geez you you really didn't think that through oh and two about you just stopped me i think yeah we can go in wilbur's big hot ball yeah yeah you wanna has anyone got an axe i haven't uh no idea no is that gonna okay yeah let's go to the ball oh will the ball's mine now by the way let's go to my ball j shot tenants rights am i right i don't know what that means you figure it out when you have to uh start living you know i don't pay taxes as opposed to him not living yet well i mean he's hardly living yeah sir he's only seven after all he's only seven what how you i'm well wow this is a really cool i joined wilbur's around one time and there was something almost exactly like this i guess he was practicing for for this smp where he would actually build it all right kind of funny for like the second time because he built it all in the exact same way we can go we'll stand on wilbur's bed and look out the window oh yeah you want us i don't think it's going to rise i don't know if i'm gonna i mean those are clean sheets okay okay i'll i won't stand up you can have the bed all right i'll take the bed i'll take the bed just play the disc yeah okay it's starting to rise i think you you i i mean the whole point was we were sap nap get you oh [ __ ] wait i can't rest anymore there we go this is really weird ah [ __ ] that that does look weird yeah yeah no that looks pretty pretty weird [Music] i used to have a minecraft xbox 360 edition channel where i like going to depth about the update videos 4g studios would post i'd do trailer analyses and stuff and i'd always play blocks yeah yeah no can you make another tribute to minecraft because i no definitely not why not why it's a notorious video make it more because i already made the thing what am i going to do again if i come back to it you know let's make it about dream just make it another truth another tribute i've set my peace on this game oh you can do it again and every time i come back to it it's just upsetting the children just get younger and younger [Music] what's your opinion about that tummy i'm just getting older and older [Music] yeah well it's been it's been nice spending time with you wow right on this bed why is it is there a piece of wood in my hands yeah no you're you're holding a button who put who put goddamn wood in my hands i think it was turbo wait what that was what sorry it's like sorry yeah it's something you would do stop giving him no no i'm not gonna finish that silence we're going to look out the window you know the sun's kind of oh it's almost rising but you can't see because you've decided to sleep i think he's passed away i can't i can't see [ __ ] yeah why don't you stop jumping on his face seven-year-old wasn't the last thing i'm ever going to see [Laughter] because i might not wake up from this sleep [Music] maybe i'll just drift away into the into the graveyard from yugioh [Music] they're putting signs on oh wow what does it say i don't it's just it was just going through oh this is the good bit this is the bass drop let's all be quiet part of the song oh yeah me too sure i'm glad my ears still work i mean they work a little less good than they used to but oh it's rising it's this window is tinting the vision sorry wilbur we can replace it later you might wanna there is you're being impaled hey samnap you you reckon you want to go make some more minecraft but i didn't tell you to why is there a [ __ ] piece of wood in my mouth [Music] it happens to the best of us oh can you can you stan can you wake up can you stand up no stop now i see the s i see the sunrise out of my periphery yeah but that's not that's not the same thing look we're trying sam that moves in the way don't oh he's holding up not as fun you know he doesn't make jokes he just you know yeah but he's american it's puns oh wow it's another person i woke up wow there we go wow look at that's it that's a sight to behold and i can't [ __ ] see it four men are blocking the sunrise well enough too many not a bad problem to have it's yeah i mean not you don't hear me complaining you get along more than [Music] yay and that it's pretty yeah i think now is a good time for us yeah that's all hey oh can i have my disc what the hell tubo has anyone got the disc no i yeah that was a terrible ending who who's got the disc how did you get so i went for like three seconds have you got the disc hey no no where's that oh [ __ ] okay who's got to have you got the disc uh no yeah the laws are not really set up yet laws are a working program i really want that disc back hey again jay schlapp hey hey hey let's stop that all right oh no god let's stop this beast you're a good guy i'm gonna watch from a safe distance holy [ __ ] that's a smart thing to do with this one burning doesn't even care look at what you've done look behind you look at what you've done what he's in the tree now oh okay we're safe it's like i've got the disc everyone don't yeah he's in a better position look how is that a better it was better being on the ground you guys are idiots hey can i kill you please well i'm gonna god damn it no stop it how do i get away from this kid no please don't kill me oh hell yeah dude no thank you no one's ever said that phrase before i swim up oh did you never learn how to swim well i could do it in real life where are you i'm in wilbur's bed oh yeah that's you ever seen those videos of uh i'm coming up you ever seen those videos of of people throwing babies into the in the water are we talking real life or yeah yeah it's not the thing where it's like where's the money i remember i remember the videos being a little bit less aggressive than what i think at the moment no no they literally throw babies into water because it's like look look go on youtube no i'm no i won't i'm not gonna feel like i feel like that's not yeah no i'm not sure twitch is gonna i don't hate no no no no no hey man i don't think that's gonna be the thing that we want to it's a swimming class because it's it's why would it be a religion thing i thought it was a religion it's going to scar tommy he's still at the age of that yeah he's still it could potentially [Music] i just need to borrow that sword for just a minute i i do not want you to wait no i just gave you my chest plate he's still eligible i just give me the sword for a minute today i mean for us it's like you saying hey look at this cool video for tommy it's more of like a threat really all right that was unnecessary yeah he needs it for the thumbnail i mean he is the bestest man after all i killed jay schlitz okay listen [ __ ] stop calling stop making fun of you you say aluminum [Music] oh my god well i say we call it a day here what do you say we we get the hell out of here fundy i feel like that's right this definitely isn't i want to get the hell out of here but even though we're maybe not live i still want some money so let's go to the you know i feel like it's the right thing to go back to the path and walk up and down oh yeah yeah okay i'm gonna go uh send all my [ __ ] j schlatt that's what they're spamming well they were until sub mode boys over to turbo so uh why don't you raid my channel i can raid you if you like sorry trouble yeah no no i'll rage you jay schlatt it already happened once you can prove it again mod me [ __ ] what in your chat no no in yours no well you're an idiot not going to the vip vip you're a [ __ ] idiot all right okay great he left the server he's gone i'm dead yeah i know i'm i'm raiding you anymore jesus i mean you could be funny for turbo so now she like we can actually talk business here's the thing hey you know what actually tommy i i don't think i want your people in my twitch chat you don't have to raid me really are you sure yeah yeah yeah they can go [ __ ] themselves oh yeah yeah i'll write about yeah turbo will convert them into spamming the word ah connor said lmfa hey connor you should hey everyone oh yeah all right hey turbo enjoy the they're probably they're probably not even paying customers no no they're not poor they just aren't allowed my twitch channel is in sub only only only the richest people on the planet would sub to me only the wealthy men well i'll send you uh six thousand viewers it's just thank you thanks wow thank you all for watching
Channel: TommyVODS
Views: 701,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, tommyinnit skyblock, tommy, innit, tommyinit, init, tommyvods, skyblock, hypixel skyblock, business, hypixel, dream, dreamwastaken, george, georgenotfound, sapnap, dreamsmp, smp, smpe, smpearth, smpdream, dream team, manhunt, speedrunner, vs, hunter, speedrun, wr, world record, fastest, tubbo, jschlattvods, callmecarsonvods, tubbo_, war, battle, fight, 1v1, disc, scam, wilbur, soot, date, pizza hut, fundy, coded, code, difficulty, wilbursoot, jschlatt, schlatt, coin, smplive, jschlattlive, stream, livestream, vod, vods
Id: mHZtwRhh79s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 34sec (5494 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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