Tom Snyder - Burt Reynolds and Dave Thomas

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the world and good evening everybody I'm Tom this is the color cast up and running now for Tuesday night it's the 18th of October 19 and 94 we have an all-star show tonight we are pleased to welcome to our stage mr. Burt Reynolds who has been one of America's great stars for nearly three decades now and the funny thing is is that during my career off and on I have seen Burt Reynolds in a variety of venues I've seen them at parties I've seen him outside of 30 Rockefeller Plaza in New York I've seen him walking the streets of Beverly Hills here in Southern California I saw him ridin by one time when I was in Jupiter Florida doing radio and I've never had the chance to sit down and talk with this man and I really look forward to this tonight and I hope that we can have a productive conversation about all the good things that have happened in Burt Reynolds life and all the good things he has brought to theater and Jupiter to people all across America and to his own life rather than some of the negative programs that have been done about Burt Reynolds on other talk venues recently if you know what I mean jeez I don't know what happened on The Tonight Show last night but I'm felling asleep and all of a sudden I hear Burt Reynolds saying something too to a guy from cable TV he was here I forget his name off the top of my head it's like 12:15 last night and I'm watching the Leno show because dave was in repeat and it was their salute to Kathy leave which we'll do here before we wind up and all of a sudden I like there are pies going through the air and stuff I don't know what that was all about and I don't want to get into it here I want calm and and peace and quiet on tonight's color cast so quiet you can hear the ratings dropping out there you know I bumped into Dave Thomas coming out of the men's room he was in the 58 Pontiac every day he was here tonight hey Dave's got chili at Wendy's now did you know that he's got baked potatoes and chili and cheese and hot sauce and he brought a whole bunch for us and this may be Belcher AMA tonight by the time we get through so reporting at Burt Reynolds and and Dave Thomas on tonight's color cast now today stage manager mark was out with the crew doing a report for money tonight is that correct on Monday night starring Janice Lieberman berry and apparently this was something called the Wonder Bra challenge have you heard about this thing folks this is called the Wonder Bra mark tells me it comes in a variety of decorator colors a variety of sizes and shapes to the sewer and and basically what the Wonder Bra does if I get the information correctly and if I don't correct me please it lifts and it shapes you are is that correct okay and from what mark tells me the before and after from women that sampled the Wonder Bra at our expense CNBC's expensive the results were truly amazing and cheaper than surgery is to use your words yes sir and what about the women who were they delighted with their appearance absolutely so you'll see this on money tonight on Monday night with Janis Lieberman at whatever time that thing comes on and do they have a wonder Jacque put a potato in your shorts right so anyway Michael Horowitz and I are so excited because tonight when we finish the color cast we're gonna go to the airport and take the overnight plane to NYC tomorrow night's show will feature Susan Lucci and Diahann Carroll from Fort Lee New Jersey and CNBC will also be in Fort Lee on Thursday and then on Friday I get to go back to NBC and be on the air with the Conan O'Brien there at 12:30 at night right and I'm gonna go to the theater in New York and I'm gonna see some friends and I'm gonna have some color teenies and I always love going back to the Big Apple and I hope everybody's given my regards to Broadway because tomorrow morning at 6:30 in the morning I'll be a Time Square signing pictures I don't think so anyway in the morning paper today there was a there was a joke they print this column of jokes and I thought that this woman was especially cute and when I tell it I know it'll it'll die out here like a sack full of dead babies but I'm gonna tell it anyway because I thought that it was a very very cute joke a man walks into a cocktail lounge and they're at the bar is a beautiful young lady dressed in a very tight there a form-fitting very alluring very revealing pantsuit and he walks over to the young lady he says excuse me he said you look absolutely wonderful in that form fitting pantsuit he said let me if I could just ask you a question um how does one even begin to get into a pantsuit like that and she said well a martini might be a good start fire up a collar teeny watch out for the gal in the pantsuit and watch the pictures as they fly through the air [Music] we are back and joined by Burt Reynolds you know in this business there are stars and there are superstars and by any definition of the word Burt Reynolds is a superstar from his early work on the television series like Gunsmoke and Dan August 2 blockbuster hit films like deliverance and Smokey and the Bandit series not to mention the headlines he made with his romances with some of the most fabulous women in Hollywood this man has captured audiences around the world for nearly three decades Burt is now an author and his newest work is called my life Burt Reynolds and it's a pleasure to have him here during Burt Reynolds week in America I've seen you want so many shows I'm on bowling for dollars right after I leave here you know I I think that that is the big mistake that you make when you do these things is it it has to be a lot of people out there who say I'd like to buy them but I'm so sick of him now after seeing them everywhere I turn on the television that you know you can turn people off but fortunately I have a change of clothes for every show and and a different story you know what's interesting about you is is you know that conning people doesn't work you're very smart to realize that by this time people have seen you with Jay Leno and with whomsoever else you've been on if I guess you were on the Marilu Henner show yesterday which will still come on tape and how much can you talk about before it becomes so repetitious that people say there's nothing more to hear you can what I but but fortunately you know I have this incredible photographic memory of things I've never done so I can talk about anything you said something one night about me someone was I think it was the fat guy in the skinny guy you had on you know the two reviewers and in New York and and they ran a clip of a movie and which they were as usual destroy I was it was the end and you and you said but he's funny he's funny and they said to subscribe the point I didn't think it was an accommodating yeah I thought that was important that's the purpose is to be mean you know it was it was the only movie ever done about death that ever made money they made about 40 million dollars and and I was rather proud of it but the fat guy is gonna go know who you're talking about it it's Siskel and Ebert yeah I never got their names because I didn't care see I just go on declare victory and move forward and look forward the family they don't like me they have no taste let me ask you a question here about what people might perceive as hostility hostility in Burt Reynolds no there is no hostility there's just honesty and sometimes maybe maybe a little bit I'm working here once in a while a once in a while a little but some people perceive as hostility is just me having somebody on having fun because years ago I used to lose my temper and it cost me so much money that I told I don't hit anybody anymore uh-huh I'm losing my voice I'm getting a hold I know I hit a guy once moves the director still you go nameless and and I felt so bad about it I went to the trailer I felt so bad I said I'm gonna go back and apologize that guy and when I got back into a body chucked him would you but would you like a glass of water are you okay I'm fine all right no you did you know the High Noon Heimlich maneuver I'm fine last night you were talking with Jay Leno sort of and yeah and you talked about the negatives a little bit but what touched me was when you talked about the people in America the country between Los Angeles in New York the country that lives in reality and Jupiter in South Florida from whence you come and where your family is and where you've done much to help people who want to do theater and I want you to talk to me about those people and that America because when we get away from the fat guy and the thin guy mm-hmm we get away from the from the sharpshooter's and the backstabbers and the jealous people in Hollywood of America loves Burt Reynolds America likes you a great deal and I and I would think he would take great pride in that and and and I do take great comfort and not more than pride it's it has sustained me but I had been away from that I hadn't been on a road in years Dinah Shore said something coming years and years ago that was so touching and and and everything she said to me I I wish that I I could remember sometimes when I do say something bad because there's a little voice up there that does tell me to say something else in her voice but she said you know you're you're always going to be Peck's bad boy and every five years you're gonna get spanked by the public too but that thing looks inside you and they like you they really like you and and that'll never go away and when I went out across the country having been down down in Jupiter for a long long time and having been in every rag sheet in the country for two and a half years accused of everything but smelling bicycle seats you know here I was know it's true it's what they do and I went across the country and people said things like I've been praying for you and I love you my whole family loves you I grew up with you or whatever and and you're you you never went away what is always talked about point you've always been way up here and I they thought I was nice to spend five and a half hours signing things I said you don't understand you're putting me back together and how touching this one okay and so for all those good things why do you let the little the the the chip shots from the fat guy in the thin guy or all lack I don't all that stuff my money I'm not even gonna dignify what they printed those weddings by even repeating it but why why even worse why even respond to it why even get upset about it I don't and it's an ally by the way you're not the first high-profile guy in this town whose who's gone crazy this place that you know know you but you're not the first guy in this town who's ever gone through a high-profile divorce a lot of people have done that so a lot of people have I think it was desi and Lucy sure Natalie and Bob sure and life went on Sun came up yeah the problem is that when you're the top of the wedding cake you disappoint people I didn't realize how much and they get angry with you because it was you know it was like Abbott and Costello you know or you know and you couldn't mention one name without the other and when you break up with that person which is a very private reason and I I'm not here to put her down she's not here to defend yourself and that wouldn't be fair but whatever the reasons are you separate my son put it best I had read all these books about how to tell him I was getting a divorce they had books for everything I know they do how to talk to Tom Schneider books everywhere and you know what's funny a guy called me here the other night and he was going through a divorce and he there was somebody here who had some expertise on this and he said what do you say to it to a 10 11 year old kid you know when your marriage is splitting up you know and that happened to me and it happened to you and that's the time not Charles Kuralt yeah well I said my son a bunch of stuff that didn't sound very good anyway he looked up but he was five then he looked up at me and said dad the dance is over and I went I was just gonna say that I was just gonna say Quinton how well put and I could you go out together and you're dancing you're together and then you go away and one goes this way another but I said the most important thing for you to remember always is that your dad loves you more than life and he's never forgotten that so we're gonna be alright but he really said that the dances in all races are live year old he just things like that you know what he did in the earthquake no Jordan you know he was with me when we had the earthquake and he had a substitute nanny who was not real good and and the earthquake came and I you know as we all do jump through hoops for your children and ran through glass and I got him and I got under this big archway and and the nanny came out and and she'd just gone ballistic and was screaming and yelling a holler I'm gonna die dad and I very quietly said to her listen just button up okay now get it together cuz he takes it off of you keep your mouth shut okay fine next came the aftershock she went ballistic again and Quentin said hey button it up get it together I take it off of you what a chip by the way huh right off the block yes we are with Burt Reynolds the book is called my life the autobiography back with Burt and your phone calls along the toll-free highway at tennis seven four five two six two two we will continue after these announcements [Music] this is CNBC [Music] we're back with Burt Reynolds whose book is called my life on the phone here is Della in Salt Lake City Utah hello hi hi della how are you I'm fine thanks how is everything that you talk tonight that's good okay I like your show real well I can remember when you New York with the cold black hair well the coal-black hair is gone but the fire still burns in the furnace that's right yeah here's Bert he's right here say hi to Bert hi I burped I just wanted to tell you we sure enjoy evening shapes it's such a nice show and wondered what your future plans are for making any more movies or I'm planning on well I just did a movie called the maddening where I play a first time I've ever played a killer I just may believe everyone was lawyers and one of my better performances acted Angie Dickinson and I and it was directed by John Huston son who's a wonderful young man and that'll be out in a couple of months and I'm also debating about doing another television series or another sitcom or whatever but you know that cast was so extraordinary that I got spoiled what do you ever do this chat talk no I'm asking Bert and then I'll ask you della because if you want to you angry teller could do that and in Utah are you a Mormon bill oh yes I am could I come to your basement when things get really rough here thank you I love mom actually I was asked to do a show uh uh what couple talk shows one which turned out to be Oprah and again another smart move on my part I thought I don't know I beat Chicago doctor people and he doesn't see the richest person yes she is well now is she one of the most influential but I would have had to wear a dress and be black and I thought you know I I don't mind that but I you know but not in Chicago in Chicago she is absolutely an extraordinary woman and and the love that people have for is because again that thing kind of looks right it doesn't what else show has been they fell in love with it she they were right she feels on camera she's not ashamed to show how most people got it but she does evil and hugs people that are hurting and all that I couldn't have done what she did and nearly as well but to answer your question yes I have been asked to do it and and if I if I wanted to do something like that I suppose I could have a shot at it the their key as you know better than anybody is it's also the key to a good young actor you just is the hardest thing to teach them is how to listen most of them don't listen or the most interviewers are are waiting or racing you to the joke like Robin Williams and and you're not they're not talking to you they're not listening to you and and your job is not only to to get the best out of me I hope but also it is to find something out but maybe somebody didn't get mm-hmm dela I'm glad you call Thank You buzzy dela thank you nice talking to you thank you very much Diller all right bye-bye now you mentioned a name before the break and I'd like to ask you about her in reverence because I loved her so dearly and I interviewed her several times and that's Dinah who was probably one of the classiest if not the classiest women who ever people who came through this town and I know that you and you and she were dear friends I believe to the end of her life yeah it was the toughest part of the book for me and and I did the book on tape recently we got to that section and I was just sailing to it and and I fell apart and I I said I'll be alright no one outside and came back and fell apart again you know the most extraordinary thing about her was I never ever heard her say an unkind word about anybody ever and her her sensitivity to what was right what was wrong and what a laugh she had and and and you know this is this is Dinah I had when we started to go together we I decided we'd live together and I didn't like my kitchen so I I ended up at her house and she had a trophy case with 22 Emmys in it or something like that and I had my Rotary Club football trophy and you know that then the next day when I came home they were all gone on my Rotary Club football trophy was there surrounded by things that complimented candles I think yeah and that was Dinah and every night we would if we didn't go somewhere she would sing and and made me feel which is absolutely totally impossible that I could sing to you know and I would sing weather and and then we would go on Friday and Saturday nights to Jack Benny's house and David Niven would be there and Peter Ustinov and Groucho Marx and they'd all tell stories and I'd say they're real good yeah and then I'd say my turn like take about Ray's Darville he's wonderful guy they actually let me do that listen to you you loved her didn't you I loved her more than anyone in the world and IIIi should have married her why didn't she marry Herbert because I was a damn fool because I listened to a lot of people that I shouldn't have and you know when you're young you have this thing about it's so I'm ashamed to say this but it's about passing on so it's all about passing on you know your lineage another Burt Reynolds etc what an ass I was who needs another one and and and and when you adopt a child as as I did her we did and it took four days and he couldn't be more my son if you ripped him out of my ribs I loved him so much we could have I was just a fool and and we talked every once a week from the time we separated a week before she died and I said can I please come over to see you and she said I'm so fat and I gotta get in shape for this golf tournament and she wasn't fat at all and well I love her I got to stop for a second here for commercials back with Burt Reynolds and a couple of you on the toll-free line as time permits right after these messages stay with us folks it's a wonderful stay [Music] we're back gang Burt Reynolds is here tonight the book is called my life it's in the bookstores everywhere and here is Stu on the toll-free from Orlando Florida hello hi Stu how you doing uh reason I'm calling I figure since the Berk man is there and actually it's due from Orlando in the home of a mouse house anyway my question Mouse house you know we got it's - I'm out of two minutes two seconds away anyway the question for the Burton man over there I'm going to ask him something that I think he's an expert on and let's talk about eater and summon all football well I'm not an expert on it I can tell you this though throw the Hurricanes in there - no I'd rather not actually what people don't understand is especially Gators in hurricanes is that I cheer for them every game but one you got it and that game is when they play Florida State and Bobby Bowden is an extraordinary man and as finally got to be number one he used to say to me buddy you don't know how to talk to the media now I get along great with the media what you got to do is just start storage just don't finish it what you just tell that story just keeps you talking and then finally the time is up and you got him you know me just love you and talking be fun you know just be a good old boy I said Bobby a doesn't work that way they got an agenda I mean they come they know what they're gonna write Donna I know you're great with the media but well guess what I got a phone call from Bobby after they got to be number one and he said that killing me I said it comes with the territory Bobby when you got to be number one see they had problems down there major problems boys were actually going and getting free tennis shoes dear God $22 worth Wow so we had to we had to come down on them Sports Illustrated wrote some of the most unbelievable tough articles on Florida State and Bobby Bowden who is he's the best thing that ever happened to college football this is a man it took athletes from 30% graduation to 70% graduation so let's knock him let's put him down let's rip him to shreds while he's number one I don't that's what happens you see if Nebraska had kicked that field goal they would have had problems in Nebraska last year in the mall there you go still hope you enjoyed the ride the thing is time I've got a question for you a lot of people call where and they want mugs and one thing in another yeah you but what I'm going to do is offer you a choice I'll either send you a mug or a keychain what would you like I'll take the keychain thing take the key yes sir I'll take the mug Sandberg the moment where do where do I send me each of these then you said I will give you this home Abby you you send them to me here at CNBC and I'll make sure that bird gets it over at the house okay I'm still wearing the mug right yes sir yeah that's the mug for burnt and the keychain but right now you can tell Burt that the mug he's gonna get no no you don't have to tell me to tell him Stu you can tell him I yeah he'll will say go Gators and in November you know we got you a boy yes I know you do okay Stu that's what you thought last week yeah an Auburn gotcha was it allowed them to by the way Stu glad you called I want to ask you here when you went to Benny's house because I it's the one on Roxbury right yes and I walk by there most mornings what a wonderful house that is and I often wondered what was what it was like when he and Mary Livingston were living there it was extraordinary and he was the best audience oh really yeah you know most comedians are not great audiences and I shouldn't generalize about that but most of my men I mean Milton Berle you tell him a joke and you think it's funny and he goes that's funny Jack tell Jack Benny a joke and he would fall on really like foie gras and the first time that I met him I was standing there talking to me Georgie Jessel came by dope for you folks out there to young Georgie Jessel had a hairpiece that looked like a golf divot maybe one day really and sometimes it was backwards and sometimes I'm forwards and sometimes over here yeah and he had a yes he'll never met no no this was bad and and he always had a uniform which we don't know from what army it was from with lots of medals which we don't know how he got them always a girl not over 17 okay so he would walk by a mr. penny said do you think George still doesn't and I said yes I know for a fact that he does because I know that young lady he does do it but it's dust which is true it was a true story the dust wasn't red was it anyway after I got him up went in to dinner I'll tell you you're you ought to do this you're you're very entertaining man and I appreciate your giving us some of your time tonight I know you probably get sick to death of talking about this stuff but noise but we didn't talk about the stuff and you are so kind to say that and you you had somebody on here and I called in as you know Jim Nabors that's correct just one quick story about Jim Nabors through some kind of germ in the world when some very smart idiot broke a marriage proposal between our marriage announcement between Rock Hudson and Jim Nabors it ruined his career he was dropped and at that time he had the third highest show on CBS he had never met Rock Hudson at the time by the way it ruined you now Jim would go out and open his show in the audience and then come up I say well he was in Dallas which is a tough place to play with that kind of of thing going around and Johnny Unitas went down there I went down there to a gym didn't open endless he opened on the stage and came out he said I'm sorry hey Paul I'm sorry I just born gel but I did my best and usually I end my show with this but tonight I'm gonna start with it and he sang the Lord's Prayer there was no response and then Johnny Unitas when I walked out in giant I said this is one of my best friends and he's a wonderful man kind man and I want to give him these high-top shoes that I wore when I played and supposedly the greatest game of all time and I'm Texan said by gosh if Johnny and Nash election he's all right and everything turned around I just wanted to tell that story because Jim went on and has never done an interview since that time except you is that right he was terrific that night he's never talked to the press again except you well I'm was glad he was here and I hope you'll come back and I thank you for your champ thanks for coming on tonight god bless okay god bless you back Burt Reynolds folks the book is called my life back with Dave Thomas the man who founded Wendy's and the incredible 58 Pontiac and the chili and all the stuff after these messages [Music] music Express voted number one by the national limousine Association has offices in Los Angeles Santa eastcoast music Express can handle your corporate limousine needs anywhere in the US and worldwide we are back and joined by a man whose face is known to all Americans it's one of the kindest faces on television and he makes people happy in a variety of ways number one by helping people in adoptions and number two by providing good food at his chain of restaurants called Wendy's across the land here is the one the only Dave Thomas thanks for coming on Dave I'm really happy you're here tonight well thanks town I'm glad to be here Dave is the author of well done a brand new book out by Dave Thomas in which he tells a variety of stories including stories about himself and about the food business now let me let me ask you about the foods you brought up here tonight the baked potatoes and the chili fantastic I didn't say it wasn't is that a new item at Wendy's no we we've had it for years and how does it do very very well and Wendy's we have nutrition right and you know you I just lost about 35 pounds myself really and baked potatoes and our chili we take all the fat out of it and you know we have salads and and our hamburgers we cook well done right and the reason I wondered about chili you don't like you got your national chains of hamburger restaurants yours is one of the leaders you've got your hot dog restaurants you've got your pizza chains but there's never been a chili chain that's been successful featuring chili as the lead item not a hamburger not a hot dog not a pizza and we figured and you would probably know this because you're a food guy is that chili is different in every region of the country a chili in Texas is different from chili in Ohio is different from chili in California are we onto something here or are we well I think there is to a point that you know the difference is that we use hots up and we let people put hot sauce and they use more hot sauce in Texas than they would in Indiana true exam true but the basic chili is the same all over the country all over the country really and you saw it coast-to-coast the same same chili and we even sell it overseas even in Japan yeah like would you ever sell it frozen in grocery stores and we might but I tried it one time with beans and it didn't work out too well I'm not good enough and plenty of beans left and the other thing I've often wondered is why wouldn't one of the major airlines make a deal with a Wendy's to have certain flights that that feature your salad yeah and your baked potatoes and your chili and your hamburgers it's a great suggestion I mean they should do that I mean I you know a lot of times it would be nice just to go on the plane and have a baked potato or a bowl of chili rather than that stuff or a salad or or a salad right a salad nutrition right or a well-cooked hamburger right yeah yeah absolutely of all the things that you've introduced in Wendy's restaurants and I don't mean to be unfair here but what didn't work well I'll tell you what didn't work when I first started now where we'll be 25 years old November 15th and we have 40 350 restaurants and we do about poor billion in sales and we employ about 130,000 people I started out with a single double and triple hamburger made to order using fresh meat head shelly head of frosty and that's a ice cream it's really ice cream mixed vanilla and chocolate and sugar cream pie and what happened was we didn't sell them very much of it but I eat I ate a lot of sugar cream pie I had to take it off the menu and why didn't it work did you ever find out I don't know I mean I liked it I liked it too well in fact and why are Wendy's hamburgers square and the other ones around well um we don't want to cut corners it is really operational right and we cook and and you know we do everything to make hamburgers fresh and that's how I started with that concept but I want to tell you about my book oh okay well done there's well done is a book about 70 different people and how successful they are and what they have done in their lives you know being adopted myself right my mother died when I was five years old and I've been on my own since I've been 15 years oh and I was hello a rocky start I was a wedlock and never seen my mother and father my biological mother and father all avoid incuriously are people successful how do they stay successful and in this book I have all kind of people from actors to to preachers to entrepreneurs and and social workers and a job is is there a thread that runs through the lives of all the people that you profile or most of them in well done it was some clue as to why certain people are successful I'll tell you why basically their God loving people secondly they're honest they would have integrity they do the right things and they help people they help people they put their self second and people first and you know for example Lee Majors a good friend of mine sure and the is it was adopted and didn't OD he was adopted till he's 12 years old as I was I didn't know I was adopted eyes 13 years old and I got giving him a plug because he's got a big special on CBS November 1st the Bionic Woman and the Six Million Dollar Man they marry and I'm I'm in cameo I'm in there for about two seconds what are you come in and say where's the deeper no no he's got me in a basement I'm captured and he's gonna get me out but his bionic arm didn't work then I had to leave no no but I do have a little speaking part because last night when I come here Lee asked me do a little looping and so I had to say Steve I'm gonna be okay say that and that's your line right it's my line it's a wine okay thank you did it well here tonight I don't have to do too many takes yeah back here in just a couple of seconds I have a commercial waiting back with Dave Thomas and your phone calls along the toll-free line the book is called well done the stories of successful people we'll be right back folks if you'd like to purchase a VHS copy of the preceding program please send 1995 plus 350 shipping and handling with the name airdate and subject of the program - Burrell's p.o box 7 Livingston New Jersey zero seven zero three nine credit card orders please call one eight hundred seven seven seven eight three nine eight we're back with Dave Thomas who was the author of well done was how tough was it for you to become the spokesman for your restaurants you know a lot of people don't don't like to hawk their own wares well I'm cheap no you're not you paid Clara Peller a lot of money for where's the beat by the way what a campaign that was she was a fantastic lady but passed away yeah just I you know Tom I've done about 300 commercials really and I don't think I ever got one right yet because my director keeps saying you know cut cut one more time and just be yourself and his name's Billy Hudson a fantastic person but I just go there and somebody super cool you must be getting better I don't think I get in any worse but I'm not sure I'm getting any better I'd like do people come up to you on the street say hey Dave how are ya oh they ask me all kind of questions is it really you yeah I say yeah I think so leo is all kind of questions you know how's your daughter Wendy is it really even in commercials yeah it's really me and and tell me how about your work here with with the I I know you're very big on adoption well what I'm really asking people doing it started back about four years ago with President Bush at the White House is put and he asked me to go out and ask corporate America to put adoption benefits in you know like for example you have eternity benefits you should add adoption benefits and and it's it's real simple and kids ahead right governor Campbell with South Carolina I spoke to the governor's conference in January in South Carolina put adoption benefits in Columbus Ohio the city put adoption benefits in in Ohio George Voinovich but yeah Governor Voinovich but adoption benefits in so I think what I'm really trying to do is get everyone that has eternity benefits put adoption benefits in and all the proceeds in my book is gonna go to adoption for the foundation no your heck of a guide I want to tell you something that's very very good I think the right thing to do well it is the right thing you know I was adopted and you know I think everyone deserves a home in love so did you ever find your real mom and dad I found my grandmother and grandfather but my mother and dad both were passed passed away and you know I got cheated but one thing that I started out a little rocky but I was lucky for one thing I was born in America in a land of opportunity and I've really been so lucky you know I think God every day that and I'm American yeah but I'll bet the harder you work the luckier you got well I did that I just believe if he did in a little philosophy yeah if you you know if you didn't work you didn't eat and I think that should apply today for those that don't want to work and you know I just might eat too well still dude I know I know ericeira joining us on the toll-free from Abilene Texas hello good evening Sara I'm doing well and thanks for calling our show tonight yes I am hi babe how you doing great um I was wondering I even doing these Wendy's commercials now for a long time and I was wondering obviously wendy is still alive and I was wondering how she is and what is he doing now well I've been doing commercials for but going on five years about 300 and Wendy is I have four daughters and a son and Wendy lives in Dallas and she's a franchisee she's 33 years old I hope I'm right because if I'm not she's gonna shoot me she has three children and two boy two girls and a boy in in a set of twins I mean it's just three altogether yeah right forgive me yeah and like Wendy is the one after whom the restaurants are named right so how do the other kids feel that the restaurants ain't named after them well what happened was her name's Melinda but she hates for me to say that yeah it's better but after all she is a franchisee so yeah and their sister Pam and her brother Kenny and her sister Molly couldn't say Melinda and they call her window and so I went home one night I had the menu all set I wanted to make a fresh hamburger made to order that's why we do it now and chili you know frosty frosty the baked potato salad well we didn't have a baked potato then because nutrition come in give a lot of choices and I said I'm gonna call it Wendy's old face and hamburgers and yeah that's that was it huh that's a whole deal I mean it wasn't picked the other names out of a hat man on the others no was Wendy's no no marketing people no hocus-pocus coops consultants French hamburgers that's it anything else big fan and I was wondering if you'd ever been on your show before no he's never been here we're trying to book them but we haven't had any luck yet okay okay thank you Sarah I appreciate that bye-bye who's your biggest competitor do you think ourself really you know what we trying to do is have clean restaurants you know be nice to everyone get the order right and food safety is a really important but sure yeah and you know in price has got to be right so we take care of one customer at a time and when we don't do that we're our biggest competitor well I sure thank you for coming on tonight Dave I've seen you on all the commercials III lust for your 58 Bonneville convertible do you really have that car no we lease it like can I get it for just a weekend some I think we were I sure appreciate your coming by thank you best you and your family and and really thanks for all the work that you have done to make people aware of the needs of kids who are adopted everyone deserves at home and their moms and dads thanks to Megan Dave Dave Thomas folks the book is called well done it looks like this right here back tomorrow night same time same station out of Fort Lee New Jersey with Susan Lucci and Diahann Carroll who drive safely on the way home stay tuned for Berkowitz and good night everybody [Music]
Channel: Kevin МАРУСЕК
Views: 39,481
Rating: 4.8634148 out of 5
Id: 6i7a5Kje1Nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 56sec (2636 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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