Tom Hopkins - Words That SELL!

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some Hopkins is an absolute legend in the cell space he's personally trained over five million sales people and here off is five steps to thriving himself well first of all I try to teach people that come to my training that in a way if you're in sales you're in the word business and every word that you say that enters the person's ear creates emotions and feeling and there's a basic truth that people don't buy anything logically they buy it emotionally then they defend it logically so it's so important that you don't crease a words that create an enemy called fear and so that the vocabulary is so important there's positive vocabulary which I call glamor words now a glamor word is commonly known but uncommonly used words that make you sound different than your competition and that's one thing about words you want to speak differently than the last or the next salesperson that they talk to so the glamour words would be words like dynamic exciting it's so wonderful to see how our company is expanding because of the wonderful things we're doing for salespeople so so those are positive words a word like unique the service our company gives and selling is very unique and makes us different and I think that's one of the reasons why we are growing so beautifully because we've tried to be special with the way we handle our clients so those are the positives now on the other side of the coin you have negative words and let me preface this will by saying many people in our country don't like the thought of being sold they want to own we have the greatest consumer nation in the world but yet there's a feeling I don't want you to sell me if I want it I'll take it so in speaking words there are ten words that you should never say to a consumer a client a future buyer and the reason is these these words could almost be categorized well as what I call rejection sales jargon and what that means they're words that are used in selling and when people hear them up comes the fear that you're trying to sell me and we can give the folks these ten words hopefully they'll eliminate them from their vocabulary how's that well the first word you don't want to use is the word price because when you tell a person the price of the vehicle the price of the insurance the price of the home subconsciously their mind goes maybe I should shop around and see if I can get a low word price so we never say price we tell them the total investment and so by the total investment which is positive we aren't creating the fear of having them shop for a lower price so that's number one number two is downpayment when you are selling a product where they give you a deposit or a down payment when you use the words down payment immediately there are mines go I now have to write a check I don't know if I want to do that I'm not ready right now so we always say the initial investment rather than the down payment and then of course there's a word that many people use and they don't realize you're scaring the people to death and that's the word contract now there are people right now still that have some type of paperwork they feel out although our selling world has changed to where a lot of it's done electronically on the computer and so forth but if you do have a paper that you fill out don't call it a contract because immediately they go oh if we get my signature on that then I'm bound and I don't know if I want to do that so we always call it either the paperwork or the agreement see people love to agree so let's just go over the agreement or let's just jot jot our thoughts down on the paperwork or you can even just call it a form agreement paperwork or form they don't put up their defenses as much as when they here here's the contract most people in sales have not really been trained and they company maybe never let them be aware of the ten fear producing rejection words and so that's why their company hires them and says here's our contract and so right away they look at the contract and they say that's what I'll call it I just found that when I asked them to approve the paperwork to draft up our feelings on the agreement and see if it makes even sense to go ahead I found that I could move closer to the final closing of the sale because I didn't create the fear of letting them know I'm going to put some words down on this printed form and ask you to sign it which is another word we don't ask them to do we don't say the word sign mom and dad taught us hey be careful don't you buy anything unless you really talk to me about it so don't sign anything especially a contract so we don't ask him to sign we asked them to endorse it authorize it to approve it if you'll just approve my paperwork we'll set up the delivery date for next week and look forward to serving you and your family for many many years see many of the husbands and wives for you that do business with them they talked before they meet you and they say we're not gonna buy anything now we'll get all the facts and figures but we're not gonna buy and so that's another reason why and that's another one of the ten words we don't say that word buy we never say it when you buy our product when you buy the vehicle when you buy the home we always use the word own people love to own they're just nervous about buying so we replace by with the word own and it's amazing see the reason I think I was the top real estate agent in all of California for five years is because I closed so many sales because I didn't use these ten words and again when I do seminars that people go while we're going back to our company and we're gonna have everyone commit to not saying these ten rejection fear producing words when they're going to try to make a sale and I guess the proofs and the pudding you know there's a lot of people who do seminars that didn't have a lot of sales but I have fifteen hundred and fifty three homes and every one of them most of them I had to start from the beginning of the not ready to go ahead ending up getting the check two and a half three hours later so I think that's one reason why so many people have said hey I'm gonna take Tom's training and of course you and I have this brief little time together but the ten words are really important to eliminate the words sell or the words sold those are fear producers you know John we sold your friend well all the buyer heard was you sold or manipulated you used high pressure and we're not gonna get sold or when you say to someone when I sell you by the way they go you're not selling us my wife and I said we're not gonna buy today so we never say seller soul we say get them involved or help them acquire we've had so many people get involved in this vehicle that loved the performance the economy the gas mileage and I think you're gonna feel the same way and that's why I'd love to help you acquire it and see how happy we can make you what you're really doing with the right words it's mentally having them have the feelings of ownership the enjoyment the benefits the features of whatever your product or service is and these words are really doing that it's kind of like when we've gotten so many families involved in this neighborhood we'll see that's kind of letting them know we didn't sell them we got them involved and all in these beautiful properties or we've had so many happy people that we've helped acquire this vehicle and that's one reason why our dealership is marketing more cars than almost anyone in the city see that type of feeling is throwing him into future benefit future ownership and that's one of the reasons why I keep saying try to eliminate these words and another word you don't want to let them hear you say is the word objections because I hear again subconsciously when I say to you I've heard that objection before right away the human mind has envelopes and it opens up what we call the objection envelope and they may come up with an objection they hadn't thought about but you said objection so now the envelope opens so we always say areas of concern we've helped so many folks overcome that area of concern and most of my happiest clients are thrilled that we did there's again another word another word people should never use is the word deal and many people say this is a good deal and there are people who were told something in the past was a good deal and they did it own it and they were upset that they did they never liked it so we don't never call it a deal it's an opportunity or a transaction gosh we've helped a lot of people with this opportunity to own this wonderful whatever and so instead of the deal we say opportunity or transaction and also don't use the word problem because if I say to someone you know I've talked to folks about that problem right away the envelope in the mind of problems opens up and they come up with a problem we hadn't thought of so drop problem and use the word challenge we've helped so many people overcome that challenge and of course because they own this wonderful and they're happy we got them involved and they feel that the investment it was good and this is how we built the reputation in our company for selling more homes or whatever it is than any other company in the area you
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Keywords: Tom Hopkins, how to master the art of selling, sales, tom hopkins interview, the art of selling, mastering the art of selling, speaker tom hopkins, best tom hopkins, tom hopkins best sales tips, best of tom hopkins, tom hopkins training, hopkins sales training, tom hopkins prospecting, master the art of selling, master the art of selling by tom hopkins, tom hopkins seminars, tom hopkins closing, tom hopkins how to master the art of selling pdf, tom hopkins youtube
Id: psmMmuTdJaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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