How To CRUSH ANY Cold Calling OBJECTION With Jarrod Glandt / Salesman Podcast

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you'll learn how to deal with any objection that could be possibly thrown at you in sales than this episode is for you hello Salvation and welcome to today's episode of the sales man podcast and Stacia we have Jared Valenti is a true sales expert see the true sales practitioner as well he literally lead a team of sales people who are doing what we're talking about today which is Coco : and dealing with objections to find out more about Jared everything he's doing over to pat down University comps as Nelson saw a link to in the show you to this episode of a sales man podcast calm I mean while I said let's jump straight in Jared welcome to the sales and podcast it's good to be here thanks Randy mother was concerned glad to have you on we're going to talk about handling objections today but just to frame up the conversation before we get to all the juicy kind of tactical side of things and you might have some data it might be anecdotal but what percent percentage might be to a cure but what percentage of sales people that you deal with interactive and help train are good at handling objections versus just completely suck at it yeah I think that it depends on the stage of the deal that you're talking about if you're talking about at the very beginning of the deal if to make it a b2b cold call I think that probably 90% of sales people suck at it if you're talking about further along into the process when you're actually maybe negotiating a deal you're kind of getting towards the end of the deal I think that actually improves because people are more settled into the call so you know it probably goes from 90% stuck at it on the cold call all the way up to you know maybe 50% are good at it when it actually comes time to close the deal up so if you've teed this so perfectly you tell the next question essentially our mouth here Jared of how much of this is tactically I know when Sean says X I say Y versus how much of it is down to things like confidence is down to you know experience and gut feeling and knowing how to react to these things yeah well so again um you know we make cold calls out of our office every day we've got you know we a platform called Cardone University it's a it's a sales training program that we sell the companies that have sales teams so that they can increase their their production right we are calling cold in most cases business owners executives big companies small companies long sales cycles short sales cycle we're calling everybody in and we spend the majority of our time with our team role-playing all of all skill ups experienced team rookie sales team we spend the majority of our time role-playing the objection that you get enough in the first bit of the call so in the very beginning of the call the reason I think that's so important is because a lot of things are coming together in a very short period of time so when you say is it about confidence 100 percent is it about training 100 percent with it about the amount of repetition that you've had actually going through and role-playing and drilling 100 percent it's more of a it becomes more of a refined skill and an instinct at the beginning of the call where as kind of towards the end of the call it can be telegraphed you're comfortable you know you're in most cases 30 minutes and do a conversation so the the stakes are much much lower so you know I think I would rather have a salesperson they could get in the door on the front end and create an opportunity in the first place then somebody who sucks on the front side of it but you know is average at the end does that make sense that makes total sense and is role playing either used to leads to a hit but its role playing the best way to deal with this because this is something that most people hate doing especially if it's with a manager versus you know it's a training partner or today it's framed differently but I know I used to hate looking like a in front of my manager and him just grilling the heck out of me is that the best way to go about this is that the kind of like biggest leverage point that we've got it's not the best way the only way it's the only way you're going to get good at handling objections like roleplay and drilling is hands down it's like I use this analogy a lot like if you if you look at the best footballer or the best hockey player or basketball player or if you look at the best golfer if you look at the top athletes the people making all the money like the big money you're like man I want to be like that I want to be like LeBron I want to get LeBron paychecks you know how much work LeBron puts in before he even gets on the court like I read this this article about Michael Jordan he said dude I train so hard that the games were easy like the game was the easy part for me training was the hard part and so in business like I've got no shot at being LeBron James or Jordan speith or a Rory McIlroy or whoever you know I have no chance at being that level of a professional Apple I can make a shitload of money at the salesperson so if I want to be a paid like a professional salesperson then my training needs to reflect that and I rarely come across sales organizations that effectively role play and train and and it's because salespeople don't like doing no and believe me if everybody doesn't like doing something there's money to be made there if it's something that everybody's pushing away from there's a massive opportunity and they're waiting to be capitalize off and so role play is a mandatory part of our daily training activity in our office it gets the word it it's about the repetition you know that the handful of people have written about the 10,000 hour rule you know if you do something for 10,000 hours you master it in my mind you become a master that's when you make money as a salesperson you become a master salesperson you know most people don't practice 10 hours in a year in roleplayx they do it maybe once a month for 30 minutes with their manager at their review or once a corking you know it's just not something that's a part so I think it's a mindset switch and today you've got to be better than ever like EEE you don't have the luxury of that you did in years past right now the consumer is much more educated now the resources that they have available to them our far more expand in far greater the the salesperson the amateur salesperson is becoming less valuable the salesperson that cannot produce the cannot cold call that cannot fill a pipeline that cannot hold they cannot close deals that cannot follow up the amateur salesperson they cannot do those things is becoming obsolete they and they will go away the only people that will be left remaining it digital age where larger and larger transactions are being taken are taking place without a salesperson involved the the whole deal is changing the only person left standing at the end of the game is the pro you know is the pie gets smaller who gets bagged the hungriest the fastest is the most still so role playing isn't the best way it's the only way if you want to make big money how does this look imma dive into strategy into mindset stuff in a second but how does this look day to day you know even for your team is this something that we time block off from 9:00 till 10:00 every morning we we rock and roll through this before we pick up a phone as in almost a warm-up for the real game is that how we should be doing this yeah so basically what we do is our our office day our office hours are 9:00 to 6:00 right that's like our office hours so at 8:30 all the salespeople show up for the sales meeting the morning sales meeting prior to 8:30 they are all required to have you six segments of training six lessons of training from Cardone university or one of our you know we have a sales we work for a sales trainer right so so all of the training new comes from great so they're going through books closing programs of prospecting programs follow-up programs sales process fact-finding programs so they're consuming our own content but they're doing that prior they're completing a mandated training prior to showing up at 8:30 a.m. from 8:30 a.m. until like 8:40 we do a quick meeting and discuss the train from 8:40 to nine o'clock we brag off when we do roll-flex it is like the the warm-up shots before you go into the game again go back to a professional athlete you want to be a professional salesperson athletes are great reference point it makes sense to me that and this is how I reframe this from as a medical device sales the way it was puts me was why would you in the opportunities where you've got to make money why would you be making you a mistake that should be where your a-game is and that's when I changed my framing of this and I never had to call call and I don't know if I could I don't know if I could sit in an office and do it all day the medical device role I had was going to going out into the field speaking with surgeons and because the product I saw been kind of welcomed him with open arms but it still be the same thing I would still practice role play it kind of later on when I realized that the benefits of all this I do that before I got to them and I wouldn't be wasting my time their time and then the potential you know the business is revenue because I'm not I'm not playing the game the way it should be doing because I'm screwing up when I'm in front of customers it just seems like a no-brainer right yeah well we just call that practicing on customers you know so so when we talk to clients and we're presenting our program to them you know we asked them about their current training processes we asked them about role play and the majority of the time they say that the role play is not taking place and if it does it's a half-assed thing that they do begrudgingly because they're forced into doing it and you know I can go into a whole tangent about leadership and and what kind of the role that leadership has in creating that environment in that culture but do you just yet have to make the time to do it it's the only way and some people are in a sales environment or they're in an industry or a product where where where that is not as important you know if like if I work in advertising sales and I'm working a set territory and I've got set clients who are I'm basically just showing up and taking it order so you know hey what do you you know I would say that role playing and drilling become a little less important but like you have to understand that those roles are going to be cat-like like the people that want to make big money like their well-rounded salespeople there are plenty of sales people who are good sales people that would be horrible at cold calling but the most when you can you can get around like I want that cup that target is a customer I want to go after that whale and you can pick up the phone and you can see the deal from beginning to end it's the most empowering it's the most financially rewarding and it's the the biggest it it calls you what you are it gives you the power to be a true salesperson who can create opportunities out of nothing and that to a sales organization is the most valuable person because you're not reliant on marketing dollars you're not relying on work and expense and energy and effort that the company puts in you become like what we we try to tell people salespeople is 90 percent of sales people are dependent on the company that they work for for leads for opportunities for brand for name for recognition for everything okay there's a small percentage that are they operate independent of the company they are the top producers they are the outliers they are the ones who create their financial path they are the ones that companies throw money at to try to keep them with the company they are they are the elite they're the ones when they walk in the office everybody's like oh there goes Jared he is a tiller right because they write their own check and they can write their own rule book I got a guy here is name's Mike funny he's written probably three million dollars this year were were in August right he's already hit his annual quota in August he's a monster right he's a complete whenever people walk in we go there goes my button right and and he's probably the best person on a cold call that I've ever met in my life and he gets you know handsomely paid for that you know he there's a good chance they'll make you know eight or nine hundred grand this year so again you know if you don't want to make money you don't want to make big money if you want to stay in the middle if you want to stay kind of under the radar you know most of the time those are the people that are saying hey you know the role play it's just not my theory I want it I want ask you someone hey Jared and you've you've teed it up and I wasn't planning on talking about it I think it's useful here because you're going to give a different opinion the night namsun's the other guests that come on the podcast how does cold-calling fit into all of this you know looking forward like two three four or five years is this the skill that we should because clearly we want these these these high-paying roles where we have we we've got a surging leverage in the position that we can walk away and take a load of business with us because they can't generate without loss personally is cold calling a skill that we should be really doubling down on right now in 2017 or are the other things that we should be thinking about as well I think kind of what you're alluding to is a sales changing to the point where you know the cold call is becoming less valuable because demand generation and inbound leads and content marketing and all that stuff and and that's fun but you become an effect of something else rather than the cause of it so dude can we put content out every day that drive somebody to a mead page to download an e-book and then we can call somebody up a warm lead and call somebody up and see if there's an opportunity there totally but when I have a sales person that can walk in and go I want to take down Sprint wireless or Ashley Furniture or whoever and they can go out and they can pick up the phone and make that happen I got Steve spray right now he's like I'm going to take down Ashland furniture which is in the in the state that's a I'm sure they have them there to their mass and furniture company largest furniture company in the country and you picked up the phone and you take picking them off picking all the people off as he goes because these like I'm a sniper I can go in early I can take out the key targets and I can allow the team to advance so cool is it is it the feel you should be doubling down on of course 100% because those are the most skilled people those will be this the Navy SEALs of your sales team and then when you as a company want to say hey we need to we need to penetrate this industry like you know there's two cycles that we talked about we talked about the business cycle and then we talked about the sales cycle there's there's two separate cycles so we operate is salespeople in the sales cycle the company operates in the business cycle their job is to spend money to market and promote grab attention and create traffic that leads into the sales process salespeople get hung up in the sales process if you work for a big company you are a function of the business cycle you are waiting for the billion-dollar company who went out and did a 200 million dollar raise from a venture capital company that has money to spend you are an effect of that system that ecosystem for most entrepreneurs small business owners people that are operating in a company right now that they feel doesn't provide them with adequate opportunities they operate in this business they're in this sales cycle right like they are transactional they don't have the ability to go out and spend the money so it's a salesperson if you want to create more opportunity rather than being the effect of an opportunity given to you you must you must learn a cold call because it's the only way that you can do it well I'll be back on the future because clearly there's there's programs you can promote on this as well in the back of an interview and we'll dive into cold calling into in in more detail perhaps you can get a couple of people with different opinions on this as well because clearly it's a hot topic probably 50% because people don't like doing it so they're trying to avoid doing it essentially that's why people are talking about personal branding and content marketing and things like this but ideally percent of if it works then who are you to kind of compete with the market or or tell them how things should be done so I'm up for a discussion on that but bringing it back to objection for a second we get it on the phone and perhaps cold calling skills comes into this is to choose your language here is the goal to snipe down these objections and just break through them and just they're almost insignificant it don't matter to us the goals to get the convey the conversation progressed or are we to teacher call we tactical are we are we listening to the conversations and at the the objections and absorbing them and pondering on them and giving them back to them are we going snipe or are we going kind of lovey dovey with this no so in just to clarify one thing I think that handling objections is 90% of phone calls so so that those conversations come together really really quick but on on a cold call you're you are going in as a targeted assassin you're walking into a narrow alleyway with corners and curves and and ten initial bogeys or you know enemy fighters around every corner and the only way that you win is to be prepared so like you know the only way that that skill gets developed is through roleplay training education repetition and and so like in a cold call for example I mean really when you talk about objections period it's like there's real objections turn real objections true obstacles to getting the deal done there's fake objections which are fabrications naita reaction responses and then there's the the deep-rooted unspoken objection that most salespeople never get down to it and so on a cold call the objection handling process is typically dealing with a fake objection a reactionary defense response I'm not interested we're just looking we're good don't have the time for this it's a a it's a preset automaticity that people have in their communication path when they get something unexpected put in front of them the amateur salesperson gives up right because they're not prepared because if if I got a group of a hundred people and I said who like who likes making cold calls and handling objections you know five of them raise their hand right make eight of three I don't know but if I said if I could show you a way where you can handle any objection with any customer any industry in any position any title any day any time I could show you a way that I could guarantee I can do that would you like making cold calls would you like going into closing situations how excited would you be to get some objections if you knew you could handle everybody raise their hands so it comes down to people understanding how to do it the right way and so again opening cold call you're typically it's a quick fast-paced handling of a reactionary response later on in the deal you're basically probably going to be presented with one or two false fake made-up objections before you can really get down to what the real problems so it's almost like and you may or may not kind of get relate or come across as before we had a pickup artist on the show recently and he was talking about women and obviously this goes beyond men and women it's like masculine and feminine but feminine or women giving masculine or men tests and they want you to succeed they want you to get past that test but they give you essentially a fake objection a reason why they don't want to speech you at the bar a reason why they don't want to do whatever you're suggesting because they want to see that you're a leader they want to see that you can prove you that you've got past this that you can you can handle it endure this someone that they should trust and follow how much of it is kind of inept and a thought about like that from the person who is that's on your end of the phone and how much of it is literally they don't have time they're not interested they don't want to do it how much of it is strategic from them and how much of it is just words coming out of their mouth that they're not even processing if that makes sense I mean I don't know what the scientific breakdown of it is and I don't know if there was a way to find that if you called me and try to sell me something right now at the office I say hey man not interested don't have the time and I hang up okay now if you call the office and say hey I've got a way to sell a thousand tickets to your 10x Grove Khan in 2018 I'd be like man I got all the time in the day right because that's that's something I have my attention on right now is hey how do I sell eight thousand tickets to this event so there's not one person on the planet who cannot make the time for something if it's important if it's something they have attention on if it's something that they have like that they have the gushing wound and they need a band-aid for it ASAP there is like there's not one person who wouldn't make the time for that I work with Grant Cardone right worth a couple hundred million bucks he's chasing four or five ninety million dollar real estate deals right now flying different cities I get him for for 15 seconds on a phone call hey how's the thing going good yeah okay bye-bye right the second I start talking about something that actually has interest on him hey are we going to sell more of these ticket a got an idea about this you got all the time in the world so again on an opening cold call large percentage of what you hear not true real objections and later on in the process is you start really working into the deal hopefully if you've done your job asking questions and presenting the product then doing all the right things up front then you're going to know a lot of the objections that they're going to have to moving forward love it okay to you when you're describing the analogy of sniper and coroner's and shooting as you would describe Miko call your faithless dope we had a big smile on there so clearly you would be one of the free that would raise their hand in the hundreds that loves cold calling clearly there's opportunity to make a shitload of money from it and you clearly I can only assume that you doing really well from that so that adds to it over time of course but the Sun listening to the show now who has been avoiding cold calling or so on who sucks at it they now have the context of objections whether the real whether they're fake that someone at least one person out of the the billions of people out there from this conversation you know at least one person likes it so that proves that you you can like it too how do they get it in their head that this is a positive thing that they should be looking forward to as opposed to something that the nervous about clearly if you're nervous when you go into it you're not going to have the best results I'll just tell you right now I hate making calls like if you asked me like do you love making cold calls like who in this group loves making cold calls I would not raise my hand I don't love being a sales person like I'm not in love with being a sales person okay but I want to make money like I might might desire to make money and succeed and win in life is greater than my dislike for making a cold color being a sales person so I want to be successful I didn't go to law school I didn't go to medical school I'm not tall enough to be an athlete I'm not good enough at golf to be a professional and get paid for it it's just not real for me but I'm not willing to give up on my first goal which is dude I want to frickin win in life I want to be financially free by the time I'm 40 and do whatever the hell I want to do so I'm willing to do all the things that I don't want to do in order to get there and 95% of people are not willing to make that decision so so like how do you get sold on cold calling when you freaking hate it you get a goal so big that you'll do anything to get it you got to clarify what's important to you and you got to burn that into your head so that the only thing that you're thinking about when you show up and you pick up that phone is every time I pick up this phone and make this call I'm getting one step closer to that thing that I'm I'm getting one step closer to the life that I want to live I'm getting one step closer to you know a million dollars a month and passive income for the rest of my life like you have to you have to change the game so I don't think you have to love it and I don't think you have to love being a salesperson and I think that that people flip that conversation they're you know they think they need to love being a salesperson you don't you need to be great at you know you need to be great at it so that you can win and you can make money and you can be successful like that's why I'm a salesperson it ain't because I love it sure we've this on the show I'm glad you says because we've got the same thoughts on this we've got it on the show before I think sales is because it is difficult because it can be stressful because it can be a burden on your time and resources and enough things I think sales should be at a 5 10 15 years stint as opposed to a career and it's why I have problems sometimes when people talk about selling as a as a profession you start University and you do it for you know the civil future if people start going to university you know you know true academic University for four or five years to do this I think it's just going to become commoditized and then they'll still be you know to use your language that the killers will be crushing it and earning ten times more than anyone else in that perspective and I think that's where we should all be be aiming for and I think we should be working to achieve that financial freedom and so we've all that said it was a bit excited about why I've started the podcast why I left my sales role to achieve financial freedom in a condensed amount of time versus the traditional way of going about it but Jared tell us now you've said this when did you have I'm assuming it as a light bulb moment of you don't want to just have a job for the rest your life you want to condense down this time that you're going to spend working and then maybe you work after the fact but you don't have to you've got control things when was that LIBOR moments and how did it come about you know from people who hadn't heard my story before 21 years old I was selling advertising for a billion-dollar company I was living at home with my parents till I was making 180 grand a year I had zero it's death no no expenses no bill and I literally over the course of two years blew every dollar I made going out drinking partying started smoking weed doing drugs and then three years later I turn around I'm on unemployment I'm smoking meat every day and I'm overweight and I'm just like dude what happened to my life like everybody was telling me you're going to be you're going to do so so many amazing things everything's going to be great for you you're going to be so successful and then I look back and I made a point where I'm like I am like lower than low right now and so I ended up moving away from my faith my friends with my dad to go work for him in a different state moved from California to Texas and I kind of was starting to get everything put back together there like just focusing on being productive I had a job again like you know just working through that and so like I had to go from this low point and kind of start working my way back up to just like even like a basic normal stage and then once I got to that I was like you know I was reminded of hey that potential people think you know they see something in you and then my dad I actually moved back to San Diego away from my parents and my dad sent me a video on youtube of a guy named Grant Cardone and I watched one video of it and then a second and then a third and then four hours later I gone through every video that he had on his YouTube channel and I was like dude I got to go work for this guy like because what he did is he he showed me he's like dude this is real for you like you have the opportunity to do this it's not it's not past you you didn't miss your opportunity you didn't miss your window like you could you have control over this all you have to do is make the decision and so I made the decision I moved up to LA work with him was living on it slept on an air mattress for a year was broke figuring out this sales thing that's cold calling thing and and what I worked for him almost quit works for him for maybe a year and a half almost two years and I started making money seeing him with all his money I'm like madness there's something happening here in about a year and a half or two years later I had a hundred grand in the bank so I had a hundred grand cash in the bank and I looked at myself and I was like okay this is a moment here like you've reached a pretty significant amount of money compared to most people at your age in the bank what are you going to do with it and I was like I gotta go big I got to get I got it I got to go all-in and I have to start multiplying my money so the money that I made wasn't mine the money that I will continue to make is in mine it's all an investment in the future so I just started banking everything so that was like probably 27 years old that that that whole deal went down and four years later I was a millionaire would the audience go with infinite we just throw none because we've covered a lot of ground here if they would say one thing from this episode if you could drill one thing into their head and clearly people are driving at the gym and you've just motivated them in this moment of motivation what's the one thing from whether they should be role playing whether they should be using Cardone university whether they should be embracing cold calling rather than running away from it so we're now probably not kind of uncovered myself through this the the kind of three or four points there what's the one thing that it should take away from this conversation Jared look if people are coming here because they want to improve their ability to handle objections but it's only going to happen through role play right agree acknowledge redirect like it's a very simple process of actually handling an objection but most people decide to have confrontation rather than agreement so they can't even get into the objection handling sequence right and and and none of that matters if you don't roleplay so you know I completely understand you're not interested in some of the people I talk to aren't interested either down the street I just spoke with so-and-so and you know we get to deal with them two months ago their business about 45 percent I just wanted opportunity to share the same the same product with them with you with you from them or whatever your specific situation is people tell us they're not interested in they don't have time all the time it's not something we should be doing I think you touched on something really important here should we be documenting the objections that we get so that we can suss out what ones we can knock out and role play on because that's something I never did when I was in the medical device sales role and it's something that in hindsight there's probably only free objections that I ever got and sitting down with someone smarter than myself or a salesperson who's really questioning the team and asking their opinions that probably would have solved those free objections for me is that something that we should be doing should we be documenting this 100% like you got to know like if I walk back in my sales office right now and I said hey what are the top three sit objections that you hear on a call they're going to be like not interested don't have the time too much money and that's all we've that's what we drill in roleplayx occasionally there's another third or fourth or fifth one that comes in and so we'll drop that into the training sequence but but most of the time it's handling those issues not interested don't have the time to much much but it's funny because when you say it like that is making me laugh and smile as I say this it's so simple right it's like a it's a simple problem that obviously takes skill to solve but are we blowing all this out of proportion when people are scared of cold-calling when people are scared of maybe it's not even the objection the skirt of our people skirt of the confrontation is that the problem it could be it could be that they're scared to stick in there but they're only scared because they don't know you only fear things that are unknown to you and so the more knowledge you build and gain in there's a higher your comfort level we'll go to our face bottle I know I've got family in Chicago i watch one gabe had no idea what the hell was going on for hours on end i was just scared of the ball hit me in the face the whole time so but you will use a baseball analogy because some of the audience will probably understand it so at the end of the game you know they have a pitcher who's like the closer right he comes in he usually pitches the last inning of the game or last inning and a half of the game and he's like you know he comes in with a fresh arm he throws you know a really high mile-per-hour fastball 97 98 99 mile an hour fastball and most of the time you guys just get in there and they throw the ball really really hard right most batters know when they go up against the closer that he is throwing a fastball they know what pitch is coming and they still miss so a professional who knows what pitch is coming still misses sometimes so an amateur who doesn't know what pitch is coming and who hasn't trained on hitting that pitch a chance they have a hit in the ball almost none so like you have to understand that you don't make contact every time if I picked up if I picked up a phone and made 100 cold calls today I would lose on calls it's just part of the deal like even the best prepared even the most professional even the one who predict the objections who knows the call is still going to get hung up on right and that all goes back to like how do you take that that experience is it a loss for you because if it's a loss for you then you're going to have all those emotions associated with it if you can handle an objection the right way or you can view that the situation you were in the objection that you received as an opportunity to move closer toward your goals and closer towards that early retirement closer toward that new car or that raise or that house or those shoes or whatever the suit whatever is important to you if you can view every opportunity is something that moves you closer rather than further away and is a win instead of a loss then a lot of the lack of confidence in the fear and the uncomfortability and the lack of confidence whatever you want to call it is associated with handling objections cold calling closing whatever then a lot of that stuff goes away maybe the stuff makes perfect sense and Jared I've got one final question maybe we'll wrap up with this so ask everyone that comes on the show and that is if you could go back in time a speech your younger self don't ever be a 21 year old self or beyond beyond that what would be the one piece of advice you'd give him to help him become better at selling I would have learned how to cold call back then I mean the cold cause is the is the liberating thing it is you know it's the one thing that can give you that the pathway to do whatever you want so I go back to 21 I actually the example I use the advertising example that was me I had a set territory I went in I built relationships with people and they bought more based on how much they liked it had nothing to do with me going in and getting cold opportunities or new business and creating something it was because I was personable and they liked me and I took him to baseball game you know so so I would go back and I would say look it mastered a cold call if you hate the cold call it's even more important that you do it because you said hey you know sales should be it for 10 15 years stint and then you should go on and do something else if you want to go start your own business you're going to become a salesperson again and you're going to need to pick up a phone call and you want to be prepared for that call love it well without Joe tell tell us what we can find out more about you and personally and then Cardone University and everything else that goes along with that as well yeah so you can follow me on Twitter Instagram Facebook it's at Jared glandt jay-ar rodg la MDT you can you can sign up for our programs you can get free access to our university free trial access at Clarion University comm just take get free access and you'll get a login to the program and you can see what some of the contents about we have a huge event coming up in February of 2018 called the 10x growth conference three-day event a 1 is going to be all CEOs business owners guys that are all doing over a hundred million dollars a year in sales it started from nothing they're going to teach you how to scale and grow and weed and and have vision for the position that you're in day two is all about marketing branding you know lead generation expanding your footprint in the marketplace and creating sales opportunities in day 3 is about how to create a successful environment how to be healthy fit you know how to get the right mindset in yourself and your team so the really comprehensive three-day event people can get more information about that 10x growth con-com 10x growth con-com we're going to have the most badass lineup with speakers that you see at any event this year I guarantee it well I will link to all that in the show notes this episode of our cells in pole cast calm I'm not Jarrod we cover a lot of ground here mate so I appreciate that I don't thank you for joining us on the sales and podcast all right take care [Music] you
Views: 118,905
Rating: 4.7501101 out of 5
Keywords: Salesman Podcast, Jarrod Glandt, Grant Cardone, will barron, Young Hustlers, Young Hustlers Podcast, grantcardone, sales, how to sell, sell or be sold, business, b2b sales, how to close, increase revenue, how to prospect, handling objections, the 10x rule, cold calling, objections, sales tips, sales training, phone sales, closing the sale, sales techniques, how to handle objections, how to close a sale, prospecting, how to sell on the phone, objection handling
Id: 6eNgUZbaaFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 33sec (2373 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2017
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