Tom Holland Meets Battersea Dogs

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come get it play Eddie hello look at me look over there Anya can add my question come here okay right your question is in spite of I had a dog sidekick what would they be called and what would their superpower be why Ren doesn't really need a sidekick for when it comes to fighting crime but maybe on like a sad lonely night after fighting crime he could use a cuddle so honey might be a good might be a good addition to the team wanna be my sidekick try gonna get your friends for some more questions Eddie come here me oh hello oh I missed him it's a technical difficulty whispering this dogs they're the biggest spoiler that you know right now I can't because he's run away and also I don't give spoilers away the next question okay can I have your question please if you were a dog for a day what would you do I do a father's a doctor a day I do a poo outside something I've always wanted to do no what would I do if I was a dog for a day I'll probably hang out with my dog tests and a pool outside this is pancake everyone with the Pope pancake the Pope you ever look at your question here come sit here with me oh man will you stay with me now I've given you an entire bag of treats if you could speak dog what one thing do you say to your staff attesa I'd ask her who she loves most in the family and I think we all sadly know the answer is probably my dad's but yeah that's probably the one thing that I would ask testers hello hello hello here's the treats I thought the treats me I've all the treats hey guys are we going where's your question are your questions here John another treat Eddie okay why should people rescue pets because all pets deserve a second chance and all the pets here at bats are so sweet their cats and dogs and all just looking for a nice new home and someone to love them as much as they're loved here so that's why everybody should rescue it then okay what advice would you give someone who's thinking about rehoming a dog I'd say don't base your decision off of looks take a look at your lifestyle and where you live and and how active you are rather than whether it's got pretty blue eyes or something is it okay this is tier everyone and she has a question for us okay what's your question it's so cool they're like a silver fox but like the George Clooney of dogs why is rescue my favorite breed oh that's a good question but I see you're so good at setting you up with the right dog and the right cat rather than just all that dogs really cute this series Tia she is actually up for adoption she needs a new home okay Mabel's coming with a second question why do you support that see I support by sea because I just love the work that everybody here does I'm obviously a huge dog lover and I just love coming in and seeing all the happy dogs
Channel: Battersea Dogs and Cats Home
Views: 369,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tom Holland, Spiderman, Dogs, Battersea, Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, Tom Holland and Dogs, Rescue is our favourite breed, Battersea dogs, Rescue dogs, Tom Holland Rescue Dogs, brothers trust dog club, tom holland charity
Id: 0CoCsi_zeE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 9sec (189 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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