Tom Hiddleston Answers All of Our Questions About Loki | Oh My Disney Show by Oh My Disney

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[MUSIC PLAYING] So I'd love to start with a quick speed round-- —OK. MICHELLE LEMA: of... MICHELLE LEMA: --would you rathers-- Here we go. MICHELLE LEMA: --about Marvel. OK. Would you rather battle Thanos or baby Groot? [BLOWS AIR] Uh, Thanos, probably. Yeah, baby Groot, he's going to bring everything. Would you rather go to dinner with Hulk or Bruce Banner? Bruce Banner. MICHELLE LEMA: OK. TOM HIDDLESTON: Yeah. MICHELLE LEMA: Yeah. TOM HIDDLESTON: I mean, the Hulk's just terrible, no table manners, yeah, just throwing his food at everybody. Can you imagine? I can't-- I can't imagine. There wouldn't be a restaurant left. There really wouldn't be. Yeah, so definitely Banner, yeah. It's just a softer, gentler evening out, I would say. Would you rather go on a road trip with Loki, your character, or Thor? I mean, you go on a road trip with Loki, you know it's going to be interesting, don't you? It may not be long. He may just abandon you by the side of the road. He just would be like, I'm having this vehicle, or spaceship, or motorcycle... whichever motor travel you fancy taking. And then he'll just leave you there. He'd be like, I'm taking this. I'm off on my own. I feel like Thor would be a slightly more personable companion. What do you think? I'd go with— I'd go with Loki. You would? MICHELLE LEMA: Yes. Excellent choice. MICHELLE LEMA: Yes, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Now if you could describe Loki in one word, what would it be? Oh, goodness. Mischievous. MICHELLE LEMA: Love that. Speaking of Loki, let's talk a little bit about being on set. Can you tell me what you're most memorable moment was? On this film? On this film. Probably just working with everybody, honestly. Like, it's such a pleasure working with these actors. And some of them I've worked with before many times. And there were some new actors I'd never worked with. But to do it in this context-- that's the thrill for me is standing opposite actors I've admired and respected all my life in this universe that I've been in for nine years. And the characters are so well made, and they have such a kind of unique precision, each of them, that just seeing what happens in the space between them is thrilling. MICHELLE LEMA: Is Loki really a bad guy? Or is he just misunderstood? Oh, he's just misunderstood, yeah. I thought so. Totally, yeah. And that has been the great privilege I've had in playing him is that the way he was written-- you know, I started the characterization as Thor's equal brother, ally, and friend. And then through the course of that first film, you realize-- he realizes for the first time, and the audience realized with him, that he's not, in fact, Thor's brother and may not, in fact, be Thor's ally... or equal. And there is so much vulnerability, and rage, and despair, and confusion that comes from those revelations, which turns him into the antagonist. And then on top of that, you've got all his charm, and charisma, and wit. So it makes him, for me, a very unique character. [MUSIC PLAYING]
Channel: Oh My Disney
Views: 430,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oh My Disney, Oh My Disney Show, Avengers Infinity War, Marvel, Marvel Studios, Loki, Tom Hiddleston, Tom Hiddleston Answers Questions About Loki, tom hiddleston loki, tom hiddleston infinity war, loki infinity war, tom hiddleston on loki, Marvel YouTube, Disney, Disney YouTube
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 11sec (191 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 27 2018
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