Tom Hardy on Chatty Man, 2015

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first he's the Homegrown Hollywood Hard man whose incredible performances as the cray twins will only add to his legendary status give it up for the brilliant Tom [Applause] Hardy [Music] [Applause] oh look at that dog oh look at that have you had someone around here I know the dogs no no what you right what can I get you to drink what your fancy um got dandelion and berock got j2o I got boring water I got um um a bowl got a bow oh yeah cool what did you want to drink you'll have a vodka does he always smell like this has someone been murdered no he's said not drug is this on my God no he sat down if there were drugs no that's like yeah that can't be an actual dog it's got a lamp screwed in his head so listen it's so good to have you back thanks for having me could you remember you were on ages ago yeah remember that you know cuz your career's gone like that since you came on the show people are saying calling it the chat manif you come on here just after you've been in this little art housee film no one even heard of called Inception that's and and now you've been in Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy Warrior lock peaky blinders and my favorite film of the summer Mad Max did you see that listen I feel a montage coming on so let's take a look at Tom in action in some of the biggest and best films New Years bring on the Montage top level we open up his relationship with his father say I will not follow in My Father's Footsteps then the next level down we feed him I will create something for myself then by the time we hit the bottom level we bring out the big guns the compound will be using to share the dream creates a very clear connection between dreamers whilst actually accelerating brain function in other words it gives us more time on each level more complicated than Candy Crush brain function about 20 times normal when you enter a Dream Within that dream compounded can I just stop you there now is this an naturual Dream complet It's not a dream it's a head fog so you came back to die with your city you are to be un initiated what does that mean initiated arry Bruce you wanted to know if there's a Holland and Barett around here C St victory has defeated you you tried a fisherman's friend you sound gross oh you C oh you [Applause] [ __ ] now listen we got to talk about your new film Legend I watched it last week it is properly brilliant now for home who wasn't a major player in the criminal underworld of the 1960 in London explain what who the CRA were come on um well in a nutshell they were I suppose more Infamous more famous and Infamous gangsters as it were um who courted celebrity culture more than stayed under the radar and got on with um with with crime really if that's what they were going to do aswi and there were two twins who who were brought up in uh the East End of London and um circumstan or or for whatever reason ended up been uh becoming a couple of notorious criminals they sort of become National Treasures is it people sort of go oh The Craze don't they they love oh they'd cut your fingers off and like Sate you to a table and throw you in the temp but they love them it really hard to sit here and say you know like talk about them because it's one why would I want to go and play two character why would you want yeah why do you want to go and play a couple of Psy cuz one was one was the brain and one used to lash out they're it like Beyonce and Salange a little bit Yeah well let's have a look at a clip this is Reggie and Ronnie squaring up to their Arch Rivals the Richardson gang in the brilliant [Applause] Legend how hard was it film in those scenes because you play as you can see the twins at the same time yeah cuz I've been asked to play Monica and Gabrielle in the biopic of The Cheeky Girls yeah one of them is a villainous psychopath too and cuz there's a fight where you all grabbing your own testicles and smashing a bottle of wine over your own head we've all had nights like that I know how how long did that take to film and whose testicles were you grabbing actually we it was a bit of both to be fair there was those was because I played both brothers The Unsung um brother is Jacob tamur my um stunt man Kiri lad he's brilliant and um he does all your stuff doesn't he yeah we started off doing Mad Max together that's where I met him and then we just done the Revenant and we did The Craze before that and um we're going to do something again next and um he's he's got some acting under his belt he's done you know he's but I don't think he would call himself an actor and and he had six hours of iPhone acting work with me we sat down the night before we started filming I said listen Jacob this is how I'm going to do Ronnie and I film myself doing Ronnie and I take the glasses off and I do Reggie and then I do Ronnie for the whole film and he's just holding his iPhone and saiding if you just copy that that that'll do it and and it's confusing listening to me now right so this is how Jacob's morning was and Bri a lot of inception I had no to be fair mate I had no idea what we were doing I didn't understand Inception either but like you know that that all worked out no I have no idea what that was about either but but I know it was awesome and and I'm really grateful to be in it and um but um we we worked out through ear wigs so I'd record both the brothers and then he put an earpiece in so he could hear my voice so he had to mime yeah to the earpiece what I was saying and if he waved his hands too much I be like no Jacob you got to have your hand down so that I can put your hand down well it was do you know what I can't really explain it because it's lunacy but it was really good fun because you you took Woody uh the dog didn't you last week to the premiere of Legend yeah how how was he there pigeon killer yes he attack Pig killer yeah look at him but cleaning up the streets there it's really good to have a dog on set did you know there's an Instagram page dedicated to you Tom Hardy holding dog have you seen this yeah yeah there's one with the dogs holding me look at that 9,319 followers that's a lot of followers that is a lot of I'm not going to say sad people but that's a lot of people I do love dogs though you know there's pictures of you with all sorts of dogs but there are a few breeds of dogs they'd love to get pictures of you with okay right now on Chatty Man we make dreams come true oh would you buy hold in a few more dogs tonight and I can send them the pictures no not not don't mind at all okay wait there I'll just get the first dog okay they'll be so pleased with this oh hello hello now do you know the most popular dog they wanted you to be photographed with was a basset hound a basset hound Wicked so yes just just hold the dog and I'll take a picture they are going to be so over the moon with this he's great is it he oh is it he people just tuning in watching you you touching a dog up and me taking a picture oh they're going to love this oh look at that that is so sweet look oh put nice filter on it lovely what he's great that's a basset hound we going to have to take it away now I'm afraid to go back to its right Fon he doesn't want to go yeah see this is the thing it's like when you me the blood I will I will hit you with doesn't want to leave me come on then come on come on come on a come on oh I better help him down I'll help him down oh hello oh oh he's great want to do you're right there mate oh is he a boy or is he a girl I can't believe here mate it's a boy M I love bloody I love bloody pet throwing like red paint over me touching up the dog's [ __ ] and balls it's anox test you know what I mean it's say you know yeah has a penis who it doesn't oh no that's not a nice okay oh look at that look at that oh that is so cute he's fantastic as well isn't he there's one more dog I'm just going to quickly get it a she's so lovely is it like a man in a dog suit is it him in a dog seat that it's got to be a it I've got to grab his [ __ ] haven't [Applause] I am I a boy am I a [Applause] girl there's only one way to find out after the break no no no a you can let backs to sniff your ass you oh well let's get a selfie with me you and the go and the great day and the Goat you're going to say in a goat it's not it's not a goat oh oh this is lovely look at this oh look at that oh okay well listen good luck your [Applause] Legend when's it out when's it out it's out South tonight actually it's out tonight don't it's absolutely BR give it out for Tom Hardy everyone you just going to hang around a you yeah I'd love you to hang her out I know it has got huge bs anyway my mind wandered Demi LV will be and performing in a bit and Tom will be back later to battle it out to be crowned the heavyweight dub smash champion of the world don't go anywhere after the break I'll be talking to the stars of this is England 0 see in part [Applause] two welcome back to part four look who's still here it's only Demi blinking lvar that's not all because look who else is it it's only Tom blade nardy yes that wasn't Happ look who silly s Steven gr Vicky mccl Thomas Blom and turos now Demi you're not from around these parts my lover do you know who everyone is don't to have to introduce well I was just telling her I saw like bits and pieces of your show and so on the on on TV so I I really want to watch it and I know who you are it's really nice to meet you now it's been in the papers this week that you've been lined up to be the next James Bond come on ah to be fair I think this conversation is when an actors when I've ever watched actors talking about like been they've been sort of zeroed in in any way shape or form about being James Bond or playing him that's immediate their chances of being James Bond are reduced significantly by about 3 million per. yes so that's it is it I'll never play James it's not J no now listen I don't mind missing out on bond cuz I thought you know maybe you smashed that mate thank you babe let's be honest I would have I would have but then I see you're up for this biopic of el and John yeah you just smashed that as well I know I tell you what I'm just getting involved with all of your stuff AR know yeah you're silly my career that looks like me after night out I love he's awesome I know I've met him he's so lovely but I should play him not you I'm fat I'm gay I sound like him close close your eyes everyone close your eyes I'm going be John Saturday Saturday Pig Satur that's F good it it's bang on me you actually signed up your generally going to be out on John that's the plan yeah are you going to sing can you sing um no and you still got it I can't really hold a note no now you might not be able to sing but not a lot of people know this you are one of the best lip sinkers on the internet I don't know if you his videos on dub smash they are amazing now you're the Undisputed heavyweight dub smash champion of the world but tonight us lot are going to take it back from you this is ours you think we could take on Tom though because he is really good but do you reckon we could beat him together we'll give it I think so no offense not Tak him this pretend to give a [Music] [ __ ] for you honest I'm I'm just pretty confident yeah okay all right we'll bring it on Bring It On din there what's that my new album and you didn't even know it I'm so sorry what's your amazing is they keep confident confident yeah yeah you got to buy that yeah right let's do this let's find out who is the heavyweight death smash champion of the world come with me [Applause] guys you're the champion in the Red Corner I'm trip over the ropes I yeah go over there there you're the world champion there at the minute so there's your little uh belts round one in the thank you party versus Demi lato in the that's confidence I love it sh classy okay this is Tom Hardy dub smashing it now okay this is what you have to beat watch [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this jny what are you going to be singing I will always love you listen if I'm going to take your title I got to I got to go big cuz I'm not going home oh right in the blue Corner Demi Levato come on dub [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] smash oh my God AUD is it Hardy [Applause] really play play it [Applause] back was amazing thank you round two Sten I want a clean fight no biting no spitting not in my ring just forget it forget it you f himself Hardy let's see what you've [Music] got right what are you going to say um Young MC know how oh old school kill the music [Music] coming out of this MTH made by this tongue I tell you now my my name is young but you think your to get the best [Music] [Music] [Applause] me Hans who won round two Hardy or Graham this is Rich Ste well you're having a right stinker are this is R rigged this is rigged the belt's pleather it's m in the blue corner I'm going to lose this anyway right this belt well let's see what Hardy's got for you [Music] mcla family show Family Show never going to let me win with that clip it's never going to happen I'm sorry what will you be singing for us tonight I'm going to do I Will Survive whatever happens you will survive you are a Survivor Vicky thank you Al see the music [Music] [Music] please need the that was really good all right MCL or [Music] Hardy you know what it's a draw we're going to have to go to the final round she smashed that right okay Tom let's see your final one of restless dreams I [Music] okay and you are up against Reggie and Ronnie with Crazy In [Applause] Love [Applause] okay The Craze or Hardy which one you going to go for Hardy it's definitely Hardy well done you keep your crown don't push it you keep your really cheap belt and I'd like to thank Claire's accessories for providing the [Applause] Bel you're going off to perform soon a bit let's say goodbye to Debbie she'll be performing in just two seconds thank you Debbie my thank you so [Applause] much wa your performance well that's it for tonight's show a massive thank you to Demi Levato Steven Graham Vicky mccla Thomas turo Woody and of course the legend that is Tom Hardy
Channel: charlidos
Views: 1,002,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tom hardy
Id: 9FptnLrInOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2015
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