The Revenant: DiCaprio & Hardy / smoked chocolate chips - Scott Carty

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nice to meet you nice to meet yeah what do you have oh little surprise for you boys come on it it's the holiday season we call these gits Scott cardi KO o Seattle what you got for me gentlemen I brought you I brought you a little gift this is the Wilderness collection from Hot Cakes in Seattle because I know as Leonardo when you were there lying next to that fire bound up and you couldn't talk you probably we thinking good Lord I wish I could have some s'mores what we giv are you are you a big s'mores fan what is 10% what are you giving 10% oh that's going to Wilderness and and and Wilderness preservation and Wildlife so there's smoked chocolate chips and some great sauces you guys you guys go knock yourselves out have a good time thank you very much thank you cuz you need you need to get some weight back on after all that work we could have used these onet you could have what an amazing amazing movie thank you and the artistic Journey that this goes through but the physicality of it I've heard so much but tell me really how tough was it for you I you know it's it's difficult when you see uh you know what ended up on screen because you realize these men actually did this and we within the context of making a movie it was an incredibly difficult undertaking for all of us but of course we got to go home to um you know warm homes and we had an entire crew keeping us warm and wellfed but as far as making a movie is concerned logistically getting to a lot of these locations filming in natural light in nature um with very complicated shots was a challenge and of course the weather was always something that was entirely unpredictable you know 2015 was the hottest year in recorded history so we had weather shifts all the time that complicated the entire uh production look at Tom he's already snacking on the smoked chocolate chips how are theyd let me it's really good they're good aren't they they taste like a campfire yeah little see put those in there yeah yeah see not so bad that dud tastes like a campfire so the pairing of you guys here to have in the room together you know here you're the one trying to survive this is the this is the guy who completely abandons you and you're going after him you guys are okay right you get along well with each other you're good buds we're cool now yeah how how did you you know being close how did you guys get yourself so into character that I mean how can you be mean to Leo well it's very simple I just left him in a hole the rest is history you know come to think of it that burial sequence was your extra little fun I remember like extra dirt on his face oh yeah yeah I was wondering about that how much trap house as well because we never made the cup the Bobby schm L shut your trap house yeah when you're doing that scene though I mean there's so much emotion going on there cuz you've just seen your son be killed uh I mean how how tough was that to go through emotionally as you guys shot that scene for me yeah nothing you you were just just noise discipline for you you just wanted to get him out of there well it's noise discipline he was shouting well the truth is yeah you know this this was a very sort of linear simple story from the onset you know man gets abandoned after a bare attack and buried alive and then comes to reap revenge on the people that did him wrong that robbed him of everything but we knew that you know we had to kind of to the best of our ability recreate this story in these elements and a lot of you know a lot of the stuff that we experienced on set and the emotions and the things that we talked about integrated its way into The Narrative of this of the movie thank God we had a collaborative director like Alejandro who wanted to have this be more like an experience you know more like an experience in an actual structured film shoot well congratulations to both of you it's amazing thank you thank you with the guys from the Revenant Leonardo DiCaprio Tom Hardy Scott cardi Koo news thank you thank you thanks guys thank you enjoy the goods those are really
Channel: S C
Views: 2,967,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smores, The Revenant, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, entertainment, movies, film, Hollywood, Oscars, Critics Choice, Golden Globes, Leo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 31sec (271 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2016
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