Tom Hardy and Riz Ahmed Teach You British Slang | Vanity Fair

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Love it. On a side note i suggest everone to watch Four Lions with Riz Ahmed. Its the funniest fucking movie. Written by Peep Show creators.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Atysh 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello my name's Tom Hardy and I'm rosamma and we're gonna teach you some English slang do one's nothing see if someone's crazy there are nutter so it doesn't not in do it my not in let's do something damage it feels like it is caving in doing someone's not even the same as doing someone's head it means it just annoys you numpty numpty means kind of what it sounds like someone who's a bit stupid but in a generally harmless way but pretty annoying way numpty can also up the ante in a violent predicament because if you call a very big person I'm tea you are really pushing the limit to be fair if you call it a very big person any of their words on this list we can't be held responsible for the outcome next one is chief now maybe we should describe what chief is by naming people who we think achieve understand what a chief is I would say ricky gervais his character in the office is a template of it there were so many but they also fall into the numpty bracket as long they do not tear the chief is like the Venn diagram overlaps quite a lot somewhat it's like a Lance Corporal and a corporal I think the chief is a step up from a nightmare yeah absolutely so chief is someone who thinks they're funny but they're no baby I stopped doing that the police will catch that's baby yes no smoke that Rhino the police ago means bait Roger Roger but you see the guy walked in with a bright yellow jacket that was babe bait move they is someone who is shamelessly unsubtle in what they are doing like my acting the next one is paying now paying is a lot of the words on this a kind of ye oldie slant sorry old for this one yeah I explain this one to you Tom thank you so um if a girl walks down the street and you think wow she's very beautiful yeah Michael if something is desirable in any way then you would use the word pain to describe it like a painting allow it now allowing you actually pronounce it without the ace you just say alright when you say no well you're basically saying let it go man you know if you like what would you say would you say and your friend come up to your God now in Mandaue so if you just want to kind of Tommy you're gonna be doing the rest of this interview you can allow that man he's gonna know it legless years and long blonde hair yes like this means you're very very very very drunk taking of Richard I've got no idea I know this one is that what it should the third third and we should it there was obviously an evil king who killed the boys in the tower so he did right so he was somewhat were turd and that's rich of the third turn if I was going to the restroom to take a Richard then I was going to do my ablutions what is cockney rhyming slang is you understand it well you know it's it's a sentence of words and then the rhyming word is one it is missing so let's say apples and pears steers Wow who didn't own it so sometimes you have to work out what's going on even as a Londoner to the radio on phone I swear our country has the best slang I just want to take a minute to say that yes Dean boracic brassy Clint skint brassy Clint's because there's just lint in your pockets cuz you're skint and skint means you are broke take the mickey taking the mickey most abbreviated to take the mick affectionate term for being derogatory about someone getting away by the pyramid it's the same thing if you were having a laugh you having a bubble Rosa cop the Rosa that cops the feds police means plonker which is there with Dumpty implant yveltal and an plank you know it's an affectionate term to call somebody a knotty or a wali or a plum or a pill there's affectionate terminology where boy you don't get yourself struck immediately or can raise the game of a fight very quickly with a professional fighter like a general you know you know if it's a professional fight - it's actually deeply because you didn't call him a big name you just called him a wallet or a cheese puffs Majesty's pleasure Majesty's prisons HMP so you detained at Her Majesty's pleasure that means indefinitely you've been jailed so you never get a parole date this is an innocent one chuffed the real we are right now I know you train that way which after well we'll check the air with the venom be with you so I was Tom Hardy I was raised on I hope you learned some British slang
Channel: Vanity Fair
Views: 4,897,562
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Keywords: british accent, british slang, british slang words, british words, riz ahmed 2018, riz ahmed british slang, riz ahmed interview, riz ahmed slang, riz ahmed slang words, riz ahmed teaches, riz ahmed vanity fair, riz ahmed venom, slang, slang school, slang words, tom hardy 2018, tom hardy british slang, tom hardy interview, tom hardy slang, tom hardy slang words, tom hardy teaches, tom hardy vanity fair, tom hardy venom, vanity fair, venom
Id: 7oeNELlEQjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 30sec (270 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2018
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