Tom Hanks on Becoming Mister Rogers

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I like your beard it looks good thank you this is the you might still be in the phase of it's really itchy and it's kind of like bugs yeah is this a voluntary length I pick trimmed back all right I did this for a gig and and it gets to a point where there is it's it's just a pain in the ass for a while it reaches this critical mass and it's okay and what are the things that happens as it's growing out you find yourself it itches so much you could be it like a fancy dinner party and without even knowing it your hand has found the salad fork and starts going like this not realizing mr. president you are sticking a fork into Europe it just it just gets it yeah then it goes ah mm-hmm now you're you're either you know you're either ulysses s grant or your brilliant craft beer and this is a good time to have a nice white beard though it's Christmastime will you keep it through the holidays really I think yeah no I'm going to cut it this is for a gig I have one day of shooting that I have to do oh and then by Fiat and a family vote it's gonna come off nice after that family doesn't like it Rita does not care for the beard Rita divides our marriage in two eras of beard or no don't even mention castaway true even even just like the Sully mustache uh-huh he goes the Sully the Sully mustache was a little weird but I think the beard works very well I like okay thank you I'm gonna take it down when I when I grow a beard I will try to do various looks and just get a picture of it yeah like I want to do the guy just out of prison you know I'll just do it yeah I'll do that right then I'll do the Elvis impersonator you know but I'm gonna do I want to get a Burt Reynolds you know bow mustache the one that comes down there so I'll get a picture of that so just be careful because the final stage of that of course is a little Hitler that's not I will call that the Charlie Chaplin idiot such a jaded I don't know if you know this because I know you but where were you shooting your this movie oh we were in New Mexico new max about stretches of New Mexico out in the the fields so far away that there was no cell phone service okay you had to go climb a thing called lone Butte to get to bars you really yeah oh I can't see Oh climb lone Butte you go up there you see some producer up there going like this cuz really because it could get to bottom much like rain we're gonna have to shoot on Saturday but but we were out in these there's a vast movie history to New Mexico in that area Ames ranch and Bonanza Creek ran all these places were really famous movies have been and you love that stuff right well okay so we were shooting a scene and they send with all the grips you know all the crew knows and they will say you know this is the ranch where Bruce Dern killed John Wayne in the cowboys and just like that it becomes like Holy Grail time that was a big thing right because wasn't it like bad for Bruce turns career yeah he's a John Wayne I couldn't get a job for like five years after I killed it was a real problem he had I was working with Mare Winningham I she and I made Turner and hooch eight million oh yeah so there was in this movie and I had to tell Mayer they say you don't marry you you shot here in Bonanza Creek said I did yeah you made him move in with Kevin Costner called Wyatt Earp that's shot right here I did that's a mare what is wrong with you well actually none of these buildings were here when we shot that but I said actually you spent about seven weeks of your life right here shooting this well the desert looks the same does and you can change the angle just by going like this you got a whole new shot Rhino it's like okay here's one thing and exactly the lone Butte is in the background so lone Butte is where you'll get the wireless signal and and so I actually we did we asked just lightly I don't think you've seen this before but this was on Jeopardy last week and I'd like to get your reaction all right it's 200 please in a beautiful day in the neighborhood bill abut children's TV show host Mister Rogers is played by this beloved actor film opens Friday that's Tom Hanks you are kidding me they didn't they didn't even have any wrong secure so they've got faint of woody harrelson what's the name of the category washed-up career choices bad casting for $1000 I look at it as you inhabited that character so beautifully that even they were a blinded by the red sweater did you do anything weird in the red sweater I tell you you put on that red sweater in those blue shoes you might as well be putting on Batman's cape and cowl right Yahoo feel powerful do you yeah you do because we shot this actually in Pittsburgh at WQED the channel the television station where they actually made it yeah and to walk into that studio in a red sweater and blue people actually would be look you know the crew guys would be looking at it you had so many they just came over to look at me like this really oh my god that's weird it's a sweater just like bread war it's like kind of like there's a number of roles they go to a Marshall store they're really they're gonna praise stay out of Old Navy folks if you're in Pittsburgh it's kind of like if you're in Memphis and you're making a movie about Elvis it's it hits Berg if you are making a movie about Andy Warhol because he's a favorite son right Roberto Clemente yes a Franco Harris for sure if you you have carte blanche in the city what about Terry Bradshaw would he qualified I think you know he'll get credit at the end of the day they're not gonna say hey do what's a solid with Terry [Laughter] - you do well I wasn't I was in the I was coming down from the gym in the hotel and I was in I was all sweaty uh-huh and a guy a guy got on the elevator with me and they said oh oh mr. mr. Hanks I said yeah yeah hi how you doing he said uh you're shooting the mr. Rogers film here oh you know yes yes I am yeah I am how is this how is the shooting going mr. Hanks is it pretty good you know I hope it cuts together I don't know mm hope it comes out well I'm having a good time oh good good well well I I wish you good luck on the rest of your shooting mr. Hanks well thank you very much and as as the door he got out before me and it's the door was closing he turned and looked him in he said we take mr. Rogers very seriously here I [Laughter] believe the city of I think you delivered Tom Hanks a beautiful day in the neighborhood we'll have that when we come back do you think living here makes it easier or more difficult to be a celebrity celebrity Marcie you don't consider yourself famous Fame is a four-letter word like tape or zoom or face what ultimately matters is what we do with it and what are you doing with it we are trying to give children positive ways to deal with their feelings that is Tom Hanks positive review of their food well you did a great job in this movie and everybody will say that but also the writer did a great job of making this the story is so well known yelling Myka did oh yeah they worked on it for a very long time and you know they they started off just having Fred Rogers in a movie mm-hm without really necessarily talking to the Fred Rogers nation you know a lot of people who had worked in knew him yeah and they eventually worked with him hand in hand and looked at their archives and turned it turned him instead of uh you know one of the Keystone's of the movies opposed to just the character the story revolves around mr. Rogers his relationship with a writer there is choir they from that and who begrudgingly wrote profile of mr. rod right now Tom Junod was at the time he was a persona non grata because of his celebrity profile style yeah he pissed off a lot of he'd killed he'd killed people and he's uh interview he would he would approach it from kind of like hmm what's the scoop here uh-huh and then write it from like you're not gonna quite believe what this guy's or this woman is pulling off but Fred knew that and said no I want this guy to come in and write this and he wound up really change his life and that's the prop from the movie yeah let me tell you about they talked about the taking of this photograph for about fourteen weeks before we got around painted they were all tied about we might we're gonna bring in a special that we're gonna bring this one Gandhi does it really great and here's what it is and what we're gonna do what's gonna lie to here I said look guys I have to put on a sweater and look at the camera I think that's all I really need to know so whenever you're ready just say come on over at apron and even then we still have like three passes I was surprised by how much nudity there is in the film that I did not anticipate well there is he he did he did swim every morning we're talking the Joanne is his wife and I said did he really swim every day Oh every day Tom every day said I don't I don't think I could get to a pool and swim every day oh well he only did it for 20 minutes 20 minutes I could swim 20 minutes a day did you take it that seriously where you were swimming before I did a lot of swimming in order to get because he was he did swim he was a really good swimmer what else did you do that mr. Rogers did I will tell you the entry the entering the at the beginning of the show it's a beautiful then it'll come through the front door and do all that 27 takes it took 27 things to get to this that exactly right well it turned out that first of all this tricks his shoes were bigger than his feet were so they came off oh you're ruining I'm sorry but the sneakers you know half the sneakers were miss seekers were already half tied so we only had to put him on and do the rabbit ear and around I was I was tying the whole damn shoe you know the ones across and then the rabbit and that added like easily like 3.2 seconds to it and more off than that I couldn't quite finish you have to time the end-effector toss of the shoe always late did mrs. Rogers tell you any private information about Fred he this is what she said oh wow Oh Fred made me mad more than I ever made him I'd come home and I'd say you know that deck done mechanic just doesn't know how to fix the Pontiac at all he I need to know he kept me waiting he didn't know what he was doing it Fred would say well you know he might have been having a bad day [Laughter] yeah he he drank we were doing a one early morning scene where I was talking on the phone to Susan who plays Matt's wife and I said what did he have for breakfast oh man she was actually there when we were shooting there in the house and she said did he have coffee - oh no he never drank any coffee or tea he'd have hot hot hot pomegranate juice really yeah pomegranate so I went to mari Heller the boss our director and I said boss any way we can incorporate hot pomegranate juice into the scene and she said it can be sitting on the counter and that was it so I don't know if it's in the scene or not Wow but if you see a scene in the BI kitchen look for the cup of hot Palma did they even have pomegranate juice in the Sun maybe was cranberry juice oh one of the two is old you know what hot mr. Rogers famously never had a urinary tract infection well then there you go and that's probably one out also the fact that the raciest he got was a glass of hot cranberry juice might be one of the reasons he talked so slowly huh baby says there is there wasn't any legal addictive stimulants in his diet which is why there are so many pauses in your average episode of mr. Rogers yeah you got to slow down to play mister oh you do know I watched like 800 episodes you know I watch a lot of hours and I was like a hundred and eighty hours into it don't realize it oh this is not for us it's not for grownups if you have any if you know that there are dopes and jerks in this world then Mister Rogers is not meant for you it's been for two and a half or three year old kids who honestly are wondering how batteries work and and where pencils how many episodes [Laughter] he's a little slow but he's a terrific after a beautiful day in the neighborhood easy computers now we'll be right back congratulations on making it to the end of the YouTube video why not celebrate by clicking the subscribe button you earned it
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 2,093,692
Rating: 4.8817868 out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Tom Hanks, Jeopardy, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, Mister Rogers, New Mexico, Mister Rogers Red Sweater, Fred Rogers, Forest Gump
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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