Tom Brady - Five Rings
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Channel: Joseph Vincent
Views: 6,813,216
Rating: 4.8318543 out of 5
Keywords: highlights, best, top, moments, greatest, truck, spin, juke, dive, leaping, touchdown, run, throw, pass, catch, one, handed, record, breaking, drafted, rookie, 1st, last, joseph, vincent, bored, film, brady, tom, superbowl, comeback, history, 199, documentary, joseph vincent, newest, falcons, overtime, rams, deflategate, suspended, interview, belichick, craft, eagles, panthers, saints
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
This is one of the best videos I've ever seen. The flashbacks were great. This video gives me the chills even watching it the 3rd time.
aka how to make a grown man (from new england) cry in 20 minutes or less
How do people still doubt this guy? He's not the greatest quarterback I've ever seen. He's not the greatest football player I've ever seen. Tom Brady is the greatest athlete I've ever had the privilege to watch; and he plays for my team. Unbelievable.
Ya got me all fired up now.
I watch this almost daily. Btw what is the song at the end?.
There will come a day when I don't watch every SuperBowl highlight that pops up into r/Patriots
I LOVE Tom Brady.
I just now realized how close all the Patriots super bowls have been. They have all been nail biters. That in itself is amazing considering some of the stinkers there have been in the out-years.