Tokyo's Ikebukuro and all Super interesting Secret areas
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Channel: Japan explorer
Views: 226,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japan, tokyo, 東京, 日本, living in japan, Anime, 4k japan, 4k walking, walking tour, walking japan, virtual walking tour, virtual tour, japan 4k walking tour, 60fps walk, ikebukuro west gate park op, ikebukuro, ikebukuro tour, sunshine aquarium ikebukuro tokyo, welcome to ikebukuro, ikebukuro tokyo, ikebukuro tokyo japan, ikebukuro toho, ikebukuro tobu, ikebukuro west gate park opening song, peace walker 60fps, 4k 60fps walk, walkthrough 60fps, 池袋, hidden tokyo, tokyo hidden spots
Id: XnmJ6PGwXhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 30sec (10830 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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