Inside a 5 FLOOR Thrift Shop in Japan! - INSANE Prices!

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so we are doing a five floor thrift store today I need to do some scouting for some stuff for my studio and this is kind of where I wanted to do it right now we're out in the area of ueno and do not let the tiny size of the building deceive you as you can already tell this place is packed full of stuff so get ready for a very distracted video filled with many random items as I search one of the things that I just did is I actually set up an N64 in my studio I've always wanted an inbox N64 like this this is very tempting at only 7 150 Yen especially with the way exchange rates are right now that is so incredibly cheap even ones outside of the box are around the same price like even more actually that one's 7 700 Yen You've Got Game cubes down here you've got super famicom I guess Super Nintendos for as low as 3 000 Yen and a little bit of an interesting sidebar seeing these hard drives here reminded me of a Japanese TV program that I watched maybe back in 2010 about this guy who would go around to thrift stores buying up old recycled hard drives and try to recover data from the previous owners off of them even though they had been wiped it was kind of crazy and a little bit scary so now I destroy all my hard drives after seeing that there's also stuff in here that I've never seen before too like this sharp twin famicon system I have no idea what that is and I have not seen a proper Game Gear in years also that little Nintendo is so expensive at 33 000 Yen also this little Dynamic baseball game here this is how some of the game companies in Japan got their starts into electronic games was by making little handheld things like this and in the 80s apparently the Japanese trains were just filled with salarymen standing around playing these that would have been something pretty cool to see before we get to the N64 games here's something that threw me off the very first time that I came to Japan these little like floppy disks right here that say Nintendo on them some of you will know what these are some of you won't if you do know drop it in the comments down below I actually had to look it up the first time I'd seen it because I'd never seen anything like it before like N64 games we've got Star Wars racer right here for about 550 Yen the overall N64 selection is kind of low it's almost impossible to find stuff like GoldenEye but if you do it's likely going to be pretty expensive oh there's more down here but what always blows my mind is just how well stuff is taken care of and you'll see that in Japanese thrift stores like these here you're a Bomberman here for 3 300 Yen Dragon Quest here for 2200 Yen and then you can even get stuff like Donkey Kong 2 for as low as 880 Yen and then you get stuff like this here like this copy of Minecraft actually looks like it might be new it's priced very close to New hard to tell sometimes and then you've got the entire like this is the Retro Gaming section and I am very much here for it I love it so much what kind of prices are available we're looking at anywhere between 300 and 800 yen for the majority of these but getting outside of the gaming stuff let's head upstairs we've got everything from musical instruments the junk floor is my absolute favorite trading cards and figures all the way up to plastic models and toys let's head out so this is the audio and musical instrument but what is this guitar this guitar looks like it's made out of a sofa and this guitar is also well over a thousand dollars that is that is crazy okay but you got a keyboard down here for as low as a hundred dollars that's not too bad a ton of amps here ranging around fifty dollars each and I have a whole bunch of Records plastered on my office wall right now so I'm low-key considering at some point getting a record player for that but on top of it's mostly guitars to be honest like if you take a look at this and they range from like a hundred hundred and fifty dollars all the way up to several thousand dollars for these guitars keyboards tons of audio cables and LPS this here is one of the sections that I want to look for I'm looking for like retro looking albums that I can put on the wall and then have people enjoy when they come over to the office so I've been hitting up all the hard-offs and hobby offs but the amazing thing is a lot of it is actually western music like a lot of the not CDs the records albums LPS all of that that you'll find in these shops are for some reason Western artists and then every now and then you find something like that that's not too bad okay I'm gonna have to come back and check through look at that okay interesting I'm gonna have to come back and check through all of these in more detail later and see if there isn't anything that I can bring back to the office like this I don't know why I like that so much it just has a very retro look and feel to it I have no idea what's on it and that's part of the adventure and why I want to get a record player because right now pretty much all the records on my wall I have no clue what's on them I also could have taken this staircase because it's bright and beautiful but we took the back staircase okay so this is my favorite floor of them all the junk floor it's the floor where I tend to spend the most time looking through stuff because wall stuff is labeled as junk it's often not junk it's just in drawers and this side here is all appliances I don't need any appliances but if you're looking for a microwave that one's about 100 bucks you got coffee makers up here these are actually surprisingly priced somewhat expensive considering the fact that this is a a recycle Shopper thrift store to be honest but you can get like an air purifier here for 15 bucks humidifier for 30. look at this like this is clearly a used fan for like 8 800 Yen I'm actually very surprised at Appliance prices in Akihabara there's actually an entire Appliance like warehouse for used appliances that's just amazing but it's these drawers and whatnot here that I get obsessed with because you'll find gems and amazing wonderful things in here like this I wonder what kind of camera fits in there like this is an underwater housing for an Olympus camera and don't let it deceive you this is surprisingly heavy like if I were to drop this on my foot right now the damage would be done but if you're looking for chargers for old like Cyber Shot cameras and stuff like that or plugs this is typically going to be where you find it I needed a 12 volt adapter to set up some lights in my office the other day and I just came out to a thrift store like this and grabbed it this I don't even have the slightest use for but I want it so much it's still work well that the dial works and it is impressively heavy it's definitely definitely got some weight to it 550 for a portable DVD player I wonder I genuinely wonder if it even works some of the stuff will be marked and it'll say it no longer works and some of it won't and so it's kind of a risk if you buy something from the junk section but this here only requires 12 volts so the the charges I have could work I could have a DVD player just sitting on the table for absolutely no reason I always end up coming back after the video and spending a good hour in the shop just picking stuff out and buying it like these here these are counted as I guess games that nobody would want to buy so they're super cheap but they typically actually still work like this is the Tamagotchi game and they've got it for a dollar it's like come on this game you are guaranteed to find in basically every thrift store bin across Japan don't know why it is just always available but again like if you wanted to come out and get yourself something like an old Nintendo Super famicom controller look at that if it doesn't work it'd still make a nice accessory and that is amazing NLS wireless controller for 550 died 100 I'm gonna hide that at the back because we are coming back for that today and all of the networking equipment as well I actually set up a good portion of my office's network using stuff from the drunk drawers in here and while we're here at the networking and PC part section let's use this as an opportunity to give some love to our sponsor nordvpn you probably know nordvpn you might even be using them but if you are new to vpns and what they do the simplest explanation is that they can make your computer or device look like it's accessing the internet from another country or location which can be super helpful in particular if you want to access streaming content movies TV shows Etc from other countries nor VPN is absolutely great for that but I use it for two main things in particular number one is any time that I am attached to public Wi-Fi like at an airport or a coffee shop or anything like that I use it for the encryption to keep my device safe because without the encryption of a VPN using public Wi-Fi is essentially like being out in the wild wild west and number two is remember travel that thing that is now coming back and we're able to do again now that the borders of Japan are open well more often than not using a VPN to make it look like you are booking from within the country that you are hoping to travel to can yield lower prices and results for things like flights hotels Etc now I keep nordvpn on all of my devices and if you are interested in giving it a shot you can use my unique URL in the description box down below along with the code Tokyo lens to give yourself a two-year plan at a huge discount as well as four extra months for free as always a huge thank you to nordvpn for supporting the channel That is the end of the sponsors segment and actually while I was looking through this stuff I saw something that kind of made me laugh over here this thing here is kind of made to look like a switch but the GC game computer for like what what games do you even put it are they built in what's what's the deal with this this made me laugh pretty hard I kind of love it this is actually my first time to ever see a description of the junk corner so various directions for use repair and use it use it as Parts use it as the parts of your mission aren't these the last two kind of the same there's an entire junk computer section here as well yes an old Victor video movie camera for 550 Yen there's probably a battery for this thing somewhere around again very very tempting to grab that and see if I can't power it and record on it oh okay put it away and head up to the next floor while we're into the last two floors these two are probably the most involved and outside of the junk floor this floor in Hobby off is by far my favorite when you look around everything here every Japanese toy just reminds me of 90s toys it just brings back that 90s Vibe and I love absolutely everything about it like get these old Beyblades and whatnot I have not seen or played with beyblades in far too long I think it's time to bring you back got all these little figures for like 100 yen each anytime that you end up with walls and walls of figures like this it's really really hard not to get sucked in like what I don't even know what this is I have no clue it looks like some kind of rocket ship meets a gun I have no it opens up it opens up and it looks like there's two of them so you could do whatever that is with a friend but oh these videos these thrift store videos they're a great opportunity for me to not only show what's in the thrift store and do a bit of scouting but they're also incredibly almost stressful and distracting because there's so much that I want to see do and look at like for figure collectors everything you could ever want is in these cases now would I turn it towards the cases because the lights that they have in them it tends to get a little wonky like this some of these cases are gold mines though like look at the Millennium Falcon it's not Japanese but it's in great condition and this little dude over here look at him look at him look at uh some of it does come at quite the cost though like this highway patrol car here for 7 700 Yen that's something else and I'm really really tempted to grab this here the Decepticon and coming back to what I was saying before about the 90s vibe that you get off of stuff this reminds me of all the Transformers and like Beast Wars toys I don't know if you ever had Beast Wars toys back in the 90s I absolutely love them with my brothers but this year Transformers Universe 4 400 Yen for this and seemingly worth every penny it is in beautiful condition and then you get into here oh my God there's so many Transformers toys this aisle is a little crowded it's mostly figures and I tend to blow by figures because I don't know that much about them but coming around the corner here I have a little bit of an admission to make so I just took a trip back to Canada to see my family and while I was there I kind of re-fell in love with Pokemon cards as I found a huge set of my collection and my brother's collection of Pokemon cards and now coming back like the foil Charizard here in Japan is actually moderately cheap that's only 33 000 Yen for a foil Pokemon all right foil Charizard that that is the word it's right there at home just say it that one's 2200 Yen probably in not as good condition but they're not that expensive here in Japan now I'm no Pokemon card expert I don't know all about them in their prices but if you do and you know why the Japanese Charizards and whatnot are that much cheaper drop it down below but they've got the Pokemon cards here most of these are obviously the newer ones the back looks very very different as well but a huge chunk that's going to be well over a hundred cards right there and it's only 440 yen all of that that is completely Bonkers that's at least like two starter decks right there let's what okay it's just I thought this was like a full starter deck set it's an empty box it is completely empty but still if you're collecting stuff like that that is a 110 Yen for that and that is insanely exciting now you'll notice obviously all of the cards are in Japanese I have yet to find any of the English cards in Japan if you know a place to get them let me know I found a set on Amazon but they weren't particularly cheap and then here you get a lot of board games in Japan there's really only one board game that's super well known and popular and that is this here the game of life and how much is this gonna run okay it's not in perfect condition it's gonna run you about a thousand yen to get ginseng game but pretty much every Japanese person knows this game and they call the Game of Life the Monopoly of Japan so there you go I've never had the chance to play a board game with any of my Japanese friends though and I got really distracted by this squishy Pokeball here okay I gotta get out of here okay so also speaking of Pokemon there are these and I don't know if these exist overseas at all wow that is a huge huge bag of them this is for like a Pokemon game that's available at some game centers and shopping centers and whatnot where kids sit down and they put their collections up and they battle and they get new cards or tokens or medallions or whatever you want to call them and I don't know if this exists overseas but if you've ever seen it let me know right near the entrance you have the Retro case right here which has amazing stuff like these guys right here all the Retro Ninja Turtle stuff ranging from 3 300 Yen up to 5500 Yen probably Beyond lots of old retro Japanese toys I find myself insanely tempted by these little guys here there's just something about this that makes me want to start a collection in the studio of tiny little plastic figures but also if that's not enough for you they also have a full collection of Tamagotchi stuff here ranging from as low as 1 100 yen all the way up to 11 000 Yen but these retro cases are probably the ones that hold the strongest pull for me a while back while I was in Kyoto I actually found an Astro Boy or atom figure that I absolutely loved and grabbed and later found out that he can open up and his chest lights up and everything his batteries are dead and I have yet to pick up the screwdriver that I need to repair him I'll have to do that at some point but this is the one thing I'm trying the hardest not to buy right now this little R2 d2-esque Tamagotchi our last floor of the day is also hobby off everything from the RC model cars plastic models let's go in and check it out also huge huge thanks to the staff here who are always insanely kind and accepting in every single hard off that I go to of me recording I have literally never had trouble once but speaking of trouble this is the kind of floor where you run into trouble there is so much stuff to look through here it would take me forever and a day to go through all of this there's definitely definitely something in amongst all of this that I want like if I actually end up starting that little plastic toy collection in the studio I can assure you that it's going to happen in a place like this like look at the little Master roshi you can't tell me that you don't want the little why does he not have a price Master Yoshi should have a price squeaks too oh okay there's there's I'm gonna be leaving here with a giant bag of stuff I don't think I've ever actually left after one of these thrift store videos and not had more stuff that I can carry home at once so Japan has this lovely obsession with the little poop character you can find the little poop emoji character everywhere you go this side here is gonna have a ton of kids toys and kids games and this actually looks really fun to me it looks like a game where you make a ball bounce across a whole thing that you made I want to do that that's amazing and once again we have the game of Life this time Hello Kitty Edition and I don't like the way everything shifted when I did that so hopefully this isn't gonna all come falling down it will be okay we'll likely be okay and then plushies and whatnot over here there are so many model kits and I was actually really surprised to find out that some of these RC car errors can get insanely expensive like thousands and thousands of dollars for these and the Japan airsoft stuff Japan loves their Airsoft they call it survival games and I actually know a girl out in shkoku who participates in survival games and have been thinking of putting that together like just doing a day with her and turning it into a big adventure what do you think on top of that there is an entire set of very specialized recycle stops or thrift stores just like this one in the Akihabara area I'm thinking of putting all of those together into a single video as well it might end up being a really long video so it might go on the Tokyo lens Explorer Channel when we do it but if you are interested let me know in the comments down below thank you guys so much and I will see you again real soon oh also there's a whole playlist of thrift store videos if you're interested I'm gonna do my shopping now so feel free to check out any one of those and we'll see you again real soon
Channel: Tokyo Lens
Views: 725,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Tokyo, Tokyo Lens, Tokyo Vlog, Norm Nakamura, Norm Tokyo Lens, Japanese, JAPAN THRIFT, japan thrift store, japanese thrift store, japan thrift shopping, japan second hand shop, japan shopping, japanese thrift haul, japan thrift haul, recycle shop, japan recylce shop, japanese store, japanese shop, tokyo shop, tokyo shopping
Id: Q7mpXd4-NHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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