Tokyo Local Kanda Salaryman Food Street with Sakura, Walking to Akihabara from Tokyo Station Ep.471

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[Music] that today's weather forus it will be the cloudy day that what they told me but seems like it became a beautiful day today we're in Tokyo Station it's 8th of March 2024 as you can see still many people are wearing the heavy jacket it's 9° compared to the regular years it is pretty cold I remember last year I was wearing the light jacket but today still we need a heavy jacket I am wondering if the Sakura is already blooming there is a beautiful Sakura spot in the Y side of Tokyo Station about a week ago I went there to check it and there was no sakula but it's been a week already so it might be blooming let's go check by the way today we are heading to nor nor which is the this side there are the weno stations akih habala station and also Kanda station Kanda station is a popular station for Sal Ms which is next to Tokyo station there are not that much trouble spots so that's why it is not that popular for travelers but there are many small drinking restaurants and it will be interesting I believe so today we are walking through Kanda station toward to Aki kabara area maybe you can check if it is interesting or not and then you can decide if you visit there in the next time when you visit Japan one thing that I realize is that after becoming the March there are more Travelers compared to February but still much fewer traveler compared to the summer though it is more fun if there are more Travelers so I miss those days now we are in the passage t to the exit this area there are many coin lockers and it's nice atmosphere all of them those are the coin lockers seems like most of the coin lockers are used I can see still green lamp that means still some Locker is available smaller one is 600 Japanese one and the this Le one is 800 Japanese y one thing you have to be careful is that the price is for a day so if you place it for 2 days that means it cost double and if you place it for 3 Days stuff will take it out so you got to be careful you need to go somewhere to pick it up some of you might realize yes the coin loer price it's more expensive it used to be 500 Japanese y for smaller one 700 Japanese Y for the bigger one however starting from March 6 they increase the price and the last year in the world the price hike occurs right but not that much in Japan however this year finally it comes to Japan too and so many things are getting more expensive so if you are visiting Japan you have to be careful as well oh by the way hey guys welcome back to Ryan TV I'm Ryan s it's a longer version anyways so let's keep walking this is the way to go recently compared to before I realized that there are more price hike yes I will give you guys a Trav sttion update as well so if you haven't please don't forget to subscribe to the channel we are in the yes exit in front of Dial's department store yeah those are the line for taking the souvenir I think it's because of Friday there souvenir line February I didn't see it though here we go we are in the I side let's go to check Sakura in front of Tokyo station's y exit it become much cleaner compared to the last year and it is also the new building Tokyo Midtown yes there's a bur terminal inside and also amazingly there's the elementary school as well it is located in super fancy place and it's not the private school it is a public school so if you want to enter there you need to win the lotto I heard it it's so hard to win the lotto but yeah you know if I were living around here definit Tre I want to visit there because that might be interesting experience also there are many construction still under construction this place will be totally changed everything becomes more convenient but uh there is something we are losing as well for example there used to be the beautiful Saka Street in front of Tokyo Station but uh it is gone unfortunately you know there is always Pro and cons so yeah that's the conside but at the same time I really excited of the new buildings in Tokyo Station still well maybe it's because I grew up in a big city but for someone who grew up in the nature probably it wouldn't be a good change though now we arrive to the Sakura Dori this place used to be the Sakura street but now it's few Sakura because of the construction here small Japanese lesson Avenue SL street called toi toi so this place it's sakula Street Sakura toi well the translation says it's Sakura Dory is stre so Sakura dor Dory never mind yeah let's go check Sakura anyways as you guys know sakula is one of the signature in Japan so probably after they finish this construction they will place more sakula this Treet though I believe but it will take years so let's see all of them are sakura trees and it seems like it it's not blooming yet at all seems like still all SAS are BS as of 8th of March I will let you guys know when it blo by the way but in Japanese it's sub SW anyways that's the S situation update let's keep walking toward to North those are all Saka trees when it blooms it becomes really beautiful but now it is kind of sad atmosphere we are in the north part of Tokyo Station which is the ultimat area now in front of you that's toky Bashi Tower it is a tall building but they are building something which is much taller next to it as of 2024 spring nothing over there but there will be a tall building yes it will be the tallest building in Japan really excited to see that it is a huge area especially it's right front of Tokyo Station if you arrive to Tokyo station from Narita Airport most likely you will arrive there it's just in front of the bus stop so you will be amazed by the building we just need to follow this train truck if you have no idea where you are but you know just following this train truck you will arrive to the weno station that's the detail of the project let me see the heights in Japanese called takasa takasa and the height is 390 M the Tokyo Tower is 333 M the newest building recently we got in rongi it was 330 something meter so compared to that 6 M higher the building will be taller than Tokyo Tower yeah that would be amazing seems like they are working on the basement level right now though in front of the area there's nothing much and it's kind of dark street but I believe this place will be cleaner as well oh there's a small restaurant Bono Bono sounds like Italian food restaurant I believe they have the spaghetti napolitan 600 Japanese y they have the pasta starting from 600 Japanese Y which is pretty cheap compared to the other place in Tokyo Station sweet there are more small restaurant in Kanda station so let's keep walking after Crossing this bridge CA station is almost there there is a small Park and restroom oh wait that's beautiful but I believe I think that's a which is the plum oh wait that's a Sakura huh we can tell by the shape of the flower huh there are many different kinds of Sakura and I believe this sakura tree bloom arer so it's the AR Sakura oh my goodness beautiful this place is between Tokyo Station and Kanda station if you look forward to the Sakura but if it's not blooming yet maybe you can come over here seems like still this Sakura is not full bloom yet last week I found the Sakura in shingo station too but it was not this much well I believe we still need time huh but sweet let's keep walking we are getting closer to the Kanda station because of that now we see many restaurants all of them are isaka which is the drinking restaurants and also Chinese food pretty much everywhere they sered alcohol because this is a town for the salary man oh my goodness look at this Bento shops car a Bento which is the Fried Chicken only 480 Japanese that's a good price and this is the entrance of Kanda station if you walk from Tokyo Station it takes about 10 to 15 minutes by walking oh in front of the station there is a Kat it is the internet manga Cafe recently there are so many places have this Sky Cat Club if you want to stay there for 6 hours to 2,700 Japanese you can bring the food inside also the drink fountain shower as well and the internet too the hotel price gets more expensive recentry so those places are a good friend of the poor students I used to stay in those internet cafe when I was a student too good memory oh this place beer only 190 Japanese beef tongue and wagu and beer is that the Mario Cart no seems like not the Mario though well I heard Mario Kart is sued by Nintendo and they lost so I don't think we can find the Mario Kart in the street now but still there are so many Mario Kart similar things now we are at Kanda ior Street I remember there are restaurants small isaka style tiny restaurants here hopefully we can find a place to eat because I'm sturbing oh seems like still those places are closing probably they will open that in the night do we have something in this tiny Street Okay so let's explore this small Street seems like nothing much special interesting we have the be pumper there be porn is not popular in Japan at all though maybe it is popular in can we are with P of Kanda station seems like this area more restaurants oh that's the sushi and also Sashimi restaurants they have the H if you order the whiskey soda and sashimi only 640 japanes and if change it to the Beer 880 japanes and too nice here it's the other sushi restaurants they have this small sashimi and the beer only 390 Japanese in wow that's a good price West destroy let's see here there's a Yaki niku like it's the good and cheap yakin niku restaurant oops I just realized that West per of the Kanda station it's more like the red white spot like kabuko back street so I think I the better not to film it over there well it is the street for S man so sh anyways let's keep walking oh seems like yes place is open now let's eat it here so here there are so many things that we can choose from and they can warm it up they have Yakitori and also sausage ah I want to the sausage let's pick this this one is interesting it's a deep fried tofu and a miso cheese taste let's do this one too Yaki shiso Maki I believe something Plum taste this one too and also I want to try this this s Sweet all right let's eat so this kind of place called pachia there is no seat and we can just directly eat the beer and the snacks so let's eat here we go so it's the so oh I just realized it is [Music] C it has the nice flavor perfectly matches with View so this is something interesting it's theisel with is the plum Bea inside there is a missile interrupt by the sis leaves nice mile flavor a little bit salty really good whis beer [Music] and the next one the de fried tof this must be good [Music] de so it is the deef Fred to in the middle there's a green [Music] onion it is sweet and nice green onion flavor psyo and the last one this one called I'm not sure it is popular in the other country or not but it is really popular here in Japan as a drinking snack it is salty and the ocean flavor well if you love Seafood maybe You' better try it if you never tried my parents don't drink alcohol much but my uncles they love drinking alcohol and they always eat this usually if you go to the regular isaka there isi which means the table church but this kind of places since there is no seed you have to eat it with standing but you can quickly pick the food and order the drink so that there is no table Church noi if you just want to tr some quick Japanese snack and want to drink beer this kind of tou isaka will be the perfect place for you usually there are many interesting food there so whatever you find something interesting maybe you can just pick and get it and try it yeah that would be an interesting experience for [Music] you that was pretty good and interesting especially the owner was really flry and nice too I love this place it's the aino tachinomi restaurant just front of the kinda station if you love trying something interesting unique stuff with the small dish those homi isaka restaurants recommended all right so now let's keep walking toward to Akihabara station right now it's 5:00 p.m. seems like more restaurant is opening if you are planning to visit here I recommend you to visit here during the nighttime since it's Friday this place will be super crowded that's why I came here in the early time but you know that means there are more restaurant is open and the m f so it would be the nice travel spot well I don't know if I can call this place travel spot or not but yeah it will be the interesting spot especially this K station is between akih habala and the Tokyo Station so if you love walking and planning to visit akih habala maybe you can visit here too it would be the interesting walk oh interesting this place sells the fruits daki in the different day they have the sakula flavor and the strawberry flavor I'm not sure what they have today let's see and let's eat sweet so this sweet called daki which is a really popular traditional sweets in Japan usually they have the sweet rib been past inside side but ly would be good too let's find a place to eat oh I think we can place the cam over here sweet it's the desert time one thing you have to be careful is that the exploration day is only three days so you can't take it back as a souvenir probably and here we go ah oh my goodness there is a granted sweet ribbing paste inside mix with ly nice ly flavor inside I love the regular draki but this one better it is very interesting flavor the sweet rubbing paste sweetness and the ly kind of sourness perfectly muches loving it as I said it is really popular traditional sweets in Japan right because of this guy over here yes this anime called Dron I'm not sure if it's popular in the other country as well but yeah when I was a kid I grew up with this anime he always helped people with the future items and such as like time machine or flying you know something called takopa well I think even nowadays still it is popular in Japan but I'm not sure about the other country though and this doron favorite snack is the daki so when I was a kid I always wanted to eat the daki just following him yeah we passed the KF I Street akih habala is almost there after drinking alcohol and eating very nice sweets definitely I am happier so let's keep walking after Crossing this street that's already akih habal station but today let's go from the different way that big Street in front of you just goes to the akih habala station too oh interesting they have the Boton 50 Japanese y they have so many bottons and the clo yeah just so many Bots now we are almost in the East part of Akihabara station it's the Friday afternoon so mightbe there are so many people in the akih habala street is Bash here last time when I filmed the video I was there from watching this bridge but today we are here watching that bridge probably you can find many videos about west side of the Akihabara station because there are more anime stores but uh not that many videos introduced about the east side of Akihabara station because it's just a local town it's the Yash this side is more like the arcade and the drinking bar isaka is the hman town as I expected seems like aih station really crowded because many already finished work and coming to the town maybe if you are shopping in akih habala and also if you want to explore the akih habala town you can come over to the East part of akih habala too Shin the beer 190 Japanese skewer 50 Japanese year yeah that's a good and cheap restaurants interesting it is a Italian isaka they have this interesting with Italian style well maybe I better try it next time when I come over here very interesting you know that's the for S months I found those store too so if you interested in maybe you can explore this side let's go back to the Aki station this is the entrance of the Jr akih havala station chor exit it's the opposite side of the popular electric street so you have to be careful picking the exit however akih habala station compared to Tokyo station or Shinjuku station it's much easier to go into the other side of the exit so it's okay though oh interesting they have the half price sale because the explanation day is close let's see what they have they have the drite mushroom 648 Japanese and so that means 300 something Japanese oh it's non saled pistachio 324 Japanese and that means 172 Japanese I think it's a good deal let's get this all right what else they have oh that's gen kinako flavored cheap sweets it tastes pretty good but I think it's too much the explanation day is the next month so I don't think I can finish it interesting Crum CTO it's the sugar walnuts 332 Japanese so that means price is 166 Japanese why not let's try this what is this it's the kakuni Ste katuo which is a Bonito interesting I've never tried this maybe I can try it price is 270 japanes here yeah I believe it's perfect with white rice oh this one nether I've never seen that it's the pumpkin snack the pepper taste price is1 194 so that means 97 Japanese why not let's do it this one is interesting too it's the fried Oka with seaweed and the salt never heard this before I want to try this because I love Oka 194 means 97 Japanese let's do it it's the wagu Akita Beall price is 918 so for 459 Japanese I'm not sure if it's a good deal or not but this one it's okay maybe next time they also have tortilla chips and rolled oats whole grain wine oh what is this it's the pistachio Asian chili flavor interesting 644 that means 322 yeah let's do it you know it would be perfect with drinking beer I believe So eventually I got many stuffs I'm not sure how much it cost let's go to the cashier sweet so all together it was 1,100 Japanese y but because of the point card I got the 100 Japanese discount so 1, Japanese Yang the explanation day is close but I believe I can finish it as quick as possible so I think it's a good deal loving it yep what a good surprise you know sometimes there there's the stuff like this so that's why I love akih habala let's keep walking by the way if you are wondering how it tastes like something what I bought I will post it on my Instagram story so if you haven't please don't forget to check my Instagram account as well so let's keep walking uh outside already getting darker right now it's 5:40 almost 6:00 p.m. sunset time getting late and late after passing this akih habala station already the electric town street is there whenever I walk this street you know feels like I'm in the future town oh now they have the Final Fantasy collab Cafe there's the Final Fantasy collab with Tokyo Tower now too I'm wondering if I should VIs dear one out I used to love Final Fantasy well speaking of the Tokyo Tower collabs Final Fantasy I don't think they have you know many things so wouldn't be that interesting but I need to check it more anyways yeah good thing and here we go yes we already here oh this is the one Final Fantasy seven rebirth huh well I don't have PlayStation 5 so first I need to get the PlayStation 5 though I want to play the Final Fantasy 7 remake first looks so real when I was an elementary school student Final Fantasy 7 was sold and some of my friend I think they were playing it but me we just had the Super Nintendo and the Final Fantasy 7 was the place station so you know I couldn't play there I played Final Fantasy 10 and 13 though those are great and I believe I love Final Fantasy 7 too I always want to play the Final Fantasy 7 remake one but I heard it hasn't to finish yet and I don't want to wait during the episode so I'm just waiting until they finish it yeah I heard it would take very long time so probably I will start playing it after they complete the package here we go after turn right this tree already it's the Main Street compared to the last time one was it here it's more crowded wow so many taxis I believe for them that's a perfect place to find the customer home because usually many people buy so so many stuffs and they can't just bring it back to home or hotel so it's better to ask the taxi H look at this C it's the aan figure deep fry shrimp C with cat really interesting but it's so cute though and that's a tamagi ring oh my goodness it's so cute and so Nashi by the time white tamagi was really rare and I believe I used to had this tamagi color huh so nushi what else we have let's Explore More by the way when never see the ads and this scenery I feel like I came to too by the way I was born racing so that's why this place will we crowded more and more look at this one it's Chacha small in Japanese is chesai so this means small Gap oh my goodness it's so useless but it's so nice oh you know what I found something useful here it's the checking the body temperature one but you know price is only 400 Japanese so I'm not sure about darkus see yeah probably this counting stuff you know checking the number and the counting this will be better I believe and it's the oiki it's the bad fortune telling and also the poop ring you know always the kids love the toilet joke so kids might Ling it not for me though all right let's check there what do we have in akih havala or in general many places have the same Gap but sometimes they have something special oh that's something new to me the Pokemon yummy sweet mascar that's cute came to in front of donkey hot remember the January 1 I Was Here There were that M here but now there are just so many M yeah that looks like akih habala now so those M are looking for the customer for the M Cafe as I explained in the previous video now is a time for the spring break for college student so probably you know now is a time for the m to find the customer more yeah all right so hope you enjoy the video yes Kanda station next to Tokyo station it is the walking distance and also there are small restaurants which is really interesting isaka drinking bar so if you like the local atmosphere restaurants and if you love drinking maybe you can try there and if your friend loves it please share the video for your friend as well if you enjoy the video please hit the like button if you really encourage me to keep shooting videos and also there are more trouble situation update video is coming so if you haven't please don't forget to subscribe to the channel as well big thank you to all of the patreons if you haven't please don't forget check my patreon account as well all right so see you in the next video see have a great day bye-bye oh it is pretty cold can you believe that it's already March but uh right now I believe 8° yeah feels like still winter going yet well I think that's why they are not that Saka blooming yet this year it was craz warm and uh I was expecting shorter period of the cold winter however yeah my expectation was betay by the way bade in Japanese is that's okay though you know the summertime is too hot so probably I will miss winter in two weeks I'm planning to going back to Osaka by that time I was not planning to bring back this heavy jacket because it's too heavy for the spring but uh now I'm not sure if it's still cold like this probably I need to bring back this heavy jacket by the way if you are planning to travel to Japan make sure to check the weather usually spring you don't need a heavy jacket however as you you see today still we need a heavy jacket so I will give you guys a trouble St update and I always tell you guys the weather too so please look forward to it and don't forget to check akih habala is crowded as usual during the pandemic there were much fewer people here and there no Travelers so I felt like I'm not in akih habala but now feels much better by the way in front of you guys that's the security they are telling that no akala there are so many made looking for the customers though as you guys know there are so many to in Japan especially the shinj kabuk and some place it's ripped off place we call that the bakuri so if you are visiting Japan you got to be careful most of the time they are targeting the locals but uh you will never know anyways hope this video will help for the next jaffan trip so see you in the next video it's a good day when I see you coming down the road
Channel: Rion Ishida
Views: 42,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rion Ishida, Japan, Japanese, Tokyo Station, Tokyo Sakura, Japan Sakura, Japan travel, Japan travel spot, Japan food street, Japan salary man food, Izakaya, Solitary Gourmet, Tokyo Travel Spot, Tokyo Trip
Id: pp5f6oL6RKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 11sec (2291 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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