Tokyo LIVE ebike reveal & ume blossom hunting

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uh hey guys sorry it's been such a long time since i used this  setup i basically forgot how to do everything so   yeah i didn't even turn the server on when i left  my house that's how long it's been what's up guys hey hawaiian hey norm hey toku  hey clay hey boomers hey ruby rose hey yeah so before we do the stuff  i just wanted to check out   to see if there's any  flowers in this park we're in like a big park next to shinjuku hey hey blubber yeah there's no flowers yet  but i think there's some   trees around here that might have some flowers but yeah we'll just check it out real quick   and then we can take a look  at the bike and ride around yeah it's it's almost here but not  quite in tokyo it's a little later hey argentina what's up hey fungus hey  joseph what's up man long time no see hey jim hey yuki hey that's cool honey so he  just painted the bear tree   and he just made his own flowers it's pretty dope hey romo yeah i'm esmeralda now that guy on  the premiere last night was kind of crazy so yeah this is shinjuku gyoen but  as you can see there's no flowers yet but i think there's maybe one section  in here where they have flowers no you didn't miss anything fungus it was just uh  some guy trying to get a hookup that's so funny hey darkonics yes so hey sam hope you're having a good day at work uh breaking in and out a bit okay yeah i think uh hopefully we can just check out what the uh   if there's any flowers and then we can  get out to the main part of the city   i think some of the some of the parts in  this park are like uh have pretty bad signal yeah fungus he was a he was for  sure trying to get all wifey it's a bit dark ah i see yeah hold on i have the wrong  settings on let me fix that while we're walking thanks for letting me know uh yeah the park has an entrance  fee but i have the yearly pass yeah sorry i have the settings on from my other  camera so i just need to fix that real quick but i'll do it while we're walking here yeah it's a really nice day it's supposed  to be cloudy later today but it seems fine let's see oh okay i think that should look better now does that change anything foreign oh oh foreign uh it's not the gimbal i'm using the gopro  today because i'm gonna be on the bike   let me see if i can just  hold it a little more steady yeah it's because i'm using the  gopro so it's just on my bag yeah so let me just walk around  with it holding the gopro for a bit   and then uh i think once we get  on the bike it should be better yeah cause i think every time you  guys have seen me use this camera   the gopro i was just on the bike all the time but uh yeah now that we're walking  it's kind of shaky right so piggyback experience yeah that's why it feels weird  because it's it's on the wide mode let me see i got a turn bike i'll show you guys in a bit   i just want to see this part of the park real  quick and then uh from there we can go to the bike did i forget the stable part on the gopro yeah you guys are on my shoulder all right let me see no i think it's okay it's just uh  i'll have to check it again later hey hey carly yeah so this is the area  where they usually have a lot of sakura   but as you can see they're not bloomed  yet it's gonna be still like another month but i thought maybe we could at  least see some gourmet blossoms   but uh like plum blossoms  but i don't really see any no i didn't get the trekkie bike now yeah i got  the the one i got is a folding bike because i   figure if i can fold it up and take it on the  train i feel like that might be more fun right and i think this uh this folding bike is  a little more upright so when we're riding   it should be a little better yeah so this area is all sakura trees so this  is probably my favorite part of the park in the   springtime just all of these trees are sakura so  it's really really nice for that one or two weeks i think last year it was closed though well i know there is at least one ume  tree in here i don't know where it is oh you watched the causes okay video yeah it's um actually in  japan there are some sakuras um but it's like down south two  hours south of tokyo so i went there   last week and uh it's in full bloom i  think it's still in bloom now but uh   there it's a lot warmer because it's on like  a southern coast and there's a lot of sunshine   and yeah it was a really nice day and  uh those sakura flowers are more pink   um but yeah in tokyo it's not going to  bloom for maybe another three weeks or so   oh there's a i mean uh i think that's the ume tree  so let's just go see that one on down there and   then we'll get on the bike and we'll go because  yeah i feel like walking with this is not so great this is a shinjuku gyoen park now  you can just search shinjuku gyoen   it's like about maybe five dollars  u.s to get in maybe a little less but it's definitely one of the biggest  parks in tokyo and it's one of the few   parks that actually has real grass  so in the summertime it's really nice uh okinawa probably maybe   i don't know i've never actually looked  into seeing sakura in okinawa before i wonder if this is the yellow sakura that  i think ferris was talking about yesterday let me see let me take a picture of this if i can get it oh that picture wasn't so great let me try again let's see yeah there's these yellow flowers i  don't think these are the ones that   ferris was talking about though that took a year here three years ago yeah that sounds about right that was the  last time you were able to come in right oh i do know where there  is one set of sakura trees it's a little bit more towards shinjuku but uh  it doesn't start for another three weeks or so i thought i saw on the news that the washington dc  cherry blossoms had already bloomed no i thought   it was like this week or last week maybe the  article just had some old pictures from last year   let's see there's some over there let's see yeah almost not quite yeah not quite tiffy i feel like it's always snowing  where you are even in like weird times i should walk like this now it could be fpv game last week of march okay yeah but there is a  couple trees that i saw here the last time   but uh they should be a little more in bloom now yeah it's like it's like um a photo shooter game okay sorry we'll just check  out this one more tree because   i think there is actually a  kawasu zakura tree in here yeah we need to go to the suck of  the tree to get some more health all right okay i can see it from here so i  think we should be able to see it yeah so i think you can have a drink here  and have a little snack on the terrace   should be really nice in springtime but right  now i think this area is a little better oh here's some there i'll just post this on the  instagram so you guys can see there we go yes if you guys check out the  instagram i'll post the stories into there wow this sakura tree is like almost done already hey oh this tree is already done  all the flowers fell off already yeah this is the iphone 12 still yeah this one's already done that's  crazy how did it bloom so early let's see if we can find some  that are closer to the ground oh perfect there's something  like right here low to the ground so there's some but uh definitely look almost done that's a bad signal okay let's go to the bike   yeah because i remember this area didn't  have such good signal last time either yeah i put the snaps on the  instagram if you guys are curious but yeah let's go with the bike nuts ah hey thanks hawaiian yeah there'll be more we don't have  to check out the one or two trees but no it can't toku that is cool let's see where is the bike  okay i think it's over there so hey thanks dave let's yeah i really don't see  any more flowers around here so   yeah let's go to the bike we can take a look at it   and then we can start riding again i feel like  it's been so long since i did a bike stream oh it's actually pretty warm today  i'm starting to sweat a little bit see it's like 13 degrees celsius so that's what  like 50 50 degrees 55 degrees fahrenheit so i think next weekend should be a lot warmer  next this next friday is 67 and 69. so should be   really nice next weekend and i think that's when  uh all the gourmet blossoms will start it's gonna let's see it change this back to celsius oh fungus you were you're  homesick after just six months i don't know some i'm i never  feel like i'm homesick that much   and maybe i'm just used to it but yeah i think when i first lived here maybe  i felt a little homesick after the first yeah a little bit more than usual got me upside down sorry okay that was weird i wonder what happened got me upside down baby get me high and i've never felt like this i don't  know how i ever survived without it upside down sorry foreign uh sorry about that i think i had to  just turn off 5g i forgot about that there we go how's that okay sorry about that okay so let me unlock the bike okay yeah so here it is guys actually let me  move out of the way you know go in the sun yeah so this is the bike it's a turn bike and  it has like a bosch motor so you can see here   like it doesn't have the motors in  the wheel which is uncommon style   this is like the motor in the center so  basically it's supposed to be better for pedaling but yeah it's also like a folding bike so you  can see here this is where it folds in half   so it gets really small and yeah so the plan is  that we can take it to other places outside of   tokyo in the train we just need to get a little  bag for it uh and then yeah i can also put like   a little crate here or like maybe some paneer  bags and then that way i can haul stuff around   but yeah it's a vectron bike it doesn't have  fenders i think there were some add-ons but i   didn't buy the fenders but yeah thank you guys  thank you everybody who donated because now we   have an e-bike so now when we go up the hills and  stuff i won't be huffing and puffing hopefully so yeah and the tires are wider than usual so  this is the widest tire that i could get because   when you put them in some places in like  those metal racks the fatter tires don't   fit in there so i had to get this one because  these tires are wider but not so wide right but yeah this is the bike  so i'm just going to check   on a couple things real quick before we get going right no way okay sir it's not tubeless i  don't think but um yeah let me yeah just uh make sure that everything's cool   because i can't read the  chat when i'm riding right so yes you all own a percentage of the bike  maybe we should uh maybe we should issue   some tokens we can have like a blockchain  token and you all own part of the bike okay let's go hey melody let's see yeah it's a little bit more upright  than the other bike but still not exactly top speed for electric bikes in  japan i think that's supposed to be   20 kilometers per hour so after 20 kilometers per  hour it doesn't actually assist you anymore which   is kind of one of the downsides of this bike  actually because on my other bike i could go a   lot faster but this bike's a lot heavier so when  there's no assist then it's a little harder to   a little harder to pedal whoa that guy's crazy yeah yeah this is a shinjuku gyoen on  the left that's where we were earlier but   now i'm just going to ride around i kind  of want to check out a couple more places yeah you can see here this has different modes  so you can go sport turbo or just eco or tour so i think depending on which mode  you choose the assist is different interesting so they used to have faster  speeds but then they limit it at some point   i really wish that i could  get it unlimited because   20 up to 20 is nice but i really would  like to go a little faster than that   i feel like it could get a little  dangerous if you're going too slow yeah i guess yeah that's true i guess if i want to   if i want to register it then i need to i need to  have it at 20 kilometers per uh per hour i think   maybe if it's uh if you unship it or unregulate it  or whatever then maybe you lose the registration   or something like that and i think the  registration actually comes with some insurance so but it's it's plenty fast like especially for  going up hills so that way i'm not yeah like   i said i'm not huffing and puffing and  we could actually go stream longer rides especially in hilly areas fungus usmc super  chatted ten dollars if the electric man will   charge too slow the next purchase will be a  50cc scooter starting the donation now long hey thanks thanks fungus yeah but maybe the  next step is like a scooter or a motorbike   something we can go further thank you fungus oh it's windy oh hey ah the thunder guy yeah that thunder guy  in the premiere yesterday was kind of crazy ah i just wish it was a little bit more warm yeah we gotta get the gotta get the vj car no even even in the the middle of summer i'm  still enjoying that because in the summer   time even if it's hot at night time you can  still ride around and it's really comfortable i like see this guy in front of  me he has those really fat tires   those ones can't fit inside the bike racks so  like in a lot of places you have to park on the   side and sometimes it's not really allowed  so these tires are as fat as i could go it's really good for running errands  like i want to get a crate on the back   like a milk crate or something and i can just put  some put my bag in there i do have paneers already   but uh i don't know i'd rather have like a  crate it's just faster to put stuff in it now what's a super cub like a baseball team what's super cup so now i think i'm gonna head towards  uh yoyogi part and then figure it out   from there i have a little bell i don't have  the basket on the front of the back though oh super cub is a a small motorcycle gotcha yeah i mean if i'm gonna get a motorcycle  might as well get like a bigger one is that the um is the super cub the one where   it's kind of like you're sitting  on just like a regular chair i could go for one of those one  of those really big scooters for safety go trombone hey who was that annie thank you i'll  i'll read it once i get to stop here let me see let me take a stop right here who  was that annie for the sweet little rides   keep up maybe a cool lighting system rainbow  spoke lights for safety tron bike hey thanks glowing tron bike that would be so funny all right streamers for the handlebars hey hawaiian thanks for the gas money i guess  gas is like coffee or something to drink yeah we need some safety streamers   i haven't seen a bike with streamers in  such a long time even though even kids bikes maybe it's not cool anymore all right i think this is the way for coffee wonder if that's a real thing but yeah i do do you know what  the name is for those like   botsuzuka style uh scooters i would  definitely be down for one of those   maybe not like a low rider but you  know one of those chill scooters uh i have my actually have my motorcycle  license in japan so i even have the   license for the bigger motorcycle so i think  i could probably ride up to like a thousand cc   so i was thinking about getting a motorcycle  but i don't have anywhere to park it   but that would definitely be fun if  i ever moved and got a parking spot because i yeah like in asia we have those big   those big uh those big scooters right even up to  600 cc and it's kind of like a cruising scooter got me upside down so oh back okay sorry about that i guess  i'm using the rakuten card maybe that   one's not good for bike streams i  forget already it's been so long uh we're going to yoyogi park here on the left so hopefully everything is cool see how we're going in here oh honda grom that's nice i  think that would be fun in tokyo ah yeah with the e-bike we can  go up those hills no problem japan moto vlogging have you guys  seen any live stream motorcycle rides next level dog walker can people walk dogs  on a bike i didn't know that was a thing all right i think there's supposed to be  some ume blossoms or kawasu sakura in here   so let's just ride around and check yeah but wouldn't the dog  get tired really really fast   okay i need to go off road here  i don't want to go that way okay yeah so this area is also where they have a lot of  cherry blossoms so in peak season this area is so   packed like all these trees here are uh our cherry  blossoms but right now they're still empty so but it's still a little crowded race someone here we can race these  people oh there's some traffic to it i think there should be some kawasaki in here  but it might be in like the dead signal area so   i think just in case let me  know if it cuts out again yeah we're in yoyogi park what are these people doing all right maybe that was oh i see them no camera oh it's crowded all right let me put my mask on oh all right i'll just lock up  and then we'll go take a look   yeah it's sakura trees thank you okay him is it still going not sure if  the signal was holding in there seems fine right i don't know why but they  blocked off this section here   it's kind of curious that they block this  part off but they don't block that part off dang there's so many cameras here so this is the early blooming one the  same as the video that i posted today yeah this is the wide angle but not  the widest it's like second widest oh uh this is the gopro nine yeah i'm just going to post all  these pictures on my instagram   because it's probably easier to see that way   can i switch to normal i can try let me see are you still here ah stretched wait did did you actually  change the camera angle hold on yeah it should have okay so it should be on the non super wide now hopefully that's better all right let's go back in martin plays online became a member  martin welcome to the sticker club okay okay   sora became a member maybe we can go to the next  place this place is super crowded hey sora welcome to the sticker club i don't know why this area is blocked off it's like exactly the same  thing i don't know why though actually these are still not in exactly full  bloom there's still a lot of buds on the trees   so maybe in a couple more days   okay foreign oh hey that's a good idea what somebody said yeah  maybe they actually swap them every few days or   every week so that maybe people can take pictures  with no people under the trees i don't know   i don't know if that's a real  thing or not seems reasonable all right posting that last picture on instagram all right are there so many people around here   actually i'm gonna go pee real quick so hold on i'll be right back  this is a toilet right here got me upside down   i can't even know exactly what to do upside down just keep painting constellations and i've never felt like this i don't  know how i ever survived without it upside down sorry that i never thought foreign hey that toilet's pretty cool you can actually see   the sakura while you're peeing i  posted a picture in the discord it's kind of creepy actually that someone  can pee and look outside at the same time   hey cohen what's up i do have a ringer let's see all right let's go to the next place i see there's a bell all right yeah that was actually a lot more people and a  lot more sakura than i thought it would be there   but yeah i was enjoying the sakura while i peed hmm this no the e-bike didn't come  with a washlet actually unfortunately   maybe next next e-bike i'll get the washlet  feature then we don't need to take toilet breaks he's playing someone's playing a fiddle no actually the um i think actually blooms before  the ume blossoms so or the plum blossoms so   actually i'm gonna go to a park that i  know that they have a lot of plum blossoms   so maybe we'll see if that if that uh if the plum blossoms are ready or not all right biom3rs super shattered 20 coffee  bray smiley face it's on us hey boomers thanks for the twenty dollars  coffee break yeah actually i could go for   a coffee right now that's a good idea  that is a good idea thank you boomers just wants me to take pee breaks all right let's go to get some coffee yeah in the cold weather i usually get  sniffles so sorry guys if i keep sniffling let's see the range of the bike someone  said so actually we can see here let's check so yeah i think there's 68 kilometers left yeah so there's like 68 kilometers  left which seems pretty far right   and i think if i turn it down to eco  mode it'll actually let me go farther let's see there's a there's a coffee  place that i haven't been for a long time okay let's see there's a yeah there's a coffee  shop that i haven't gone to in a long time so i'm gonna try and go there it's kind of close actually and i  charge my gear no i don't think so   i think on maybe the newer models they have  like a usb charging port but not on this part is 68 kilometers really enough  to go all the way to yokohama that was close uh i don't think it charges when  i ride it doesn't have like regenerative braking   you know that guy was just like looking  at his phone and i almost ran into him this street is so bumpy i keep using my voice because  i'm not used to having a bell that's right on the street i  think that's going to be safer but yeah there's a place called  streamers coffee that i used to like   and i haven't been there in a long  time so yeah let me go check that out yeah e-bike we did it guys yeah it's not a hub motor so there's no  regenerative braking but i mean 68 kilometers is   pretty far right i think there's um this is like  a 300 watt hour battery so uh i was reading that   there's actually a 500 watt hour battery so maybe  we can start another fundraiser at some point but   not right now but i think this battery is probably  good enough for most things in tokyo but maybe if   we want to try to do some other long ride projects  maybe i can try to get the 500 watt battery and   then we can have 800 watt hours so uh i guess that  means we can go like 200 kilometers or something   that would be really far i don't know  if i can ride all that in one day though i don't think streamers coffee  is owned by a twitch streamer but not that i know of at least all right streamer's coffee because we're  live streaming seems suiting i think it's just straight down this street hey  there's a lot of police here what are they doing   oh there's a lot of people i should put my mask on oh they're like protesters should follow this lady don't equate who is this bro i just want to go get some coffee i think they're protesting corona and vaccines   there's like a happy trump  like a happy anime trump no it's a anti-vaccine anti yeah  i think it's acta vaccine people bro i just want to get some coffee all right it's almost over hey they have like a trump flag i think they're specifically  protesting vaccine for children yeah   actually uh when i was in sapporo after the  stream there was like a bunch of uh like   four trump protesters outside of sapporo  station i didn't know that there was like   trump supporters in japan that's kind of  crazy i didn't even know that they cared all right first world problem so yeah true that  all right let's go to the coffee place foreign got me upside dustin hall super chat is 19.99 keeping it exciting without it sorry without it got me upside down you're making dance with us sorry sorry about that i don't know what  happened i think the gopro just turned off yeah it'll take some time to  get used to this setup again yeah maybe i can get that big antenna now right yes dustin hall sorry if i missed your  donation thank you so much for the 20. uh sorry got me upside down the way you without it couldn't   sorry yes upside down i'm here for you baby i love you the same  this whole time so tell me what's on your mind i can't take a pain tonight can't get this off my mind this time good i can take a pain you hold inside i wanna see it this tonight   tonight can't get this off   i won't lose you this time   got me upside down   i can't even control it get me high there we go sorry it's been so long since i  used this setup i uh plugged the wrong usb into   the gopro so it ran out of batteries because  it wasn't charging fast enough so hopefully   this changes it um but yeah actually the coffee  place is right here so i'm just gonna park the bike and then oh it's actually pretty busy yeah sorry just a second i'm just uh parking  the bike i'm gonna go into the coffee shop please fall all right so i'm gonna go get some coffee  and then i'll come back to the bike   oh is all right hey uh uh   yeah so this is streamers ah you can smell it from there   ah yeah that's good thanks for the coffee yeah it's not  cheap but uh yeah it's good though yeah there used to be a  streamers nearby where i lived   underneath the train tracks but they  closed it was a really bad location uh i just regular americano so it's  whatever their expresso blend is yeah it's like six dollars  just for this small americano   i think it's more expensive than starbucks right ah sympathetic coffee rush   yeah it's definitely warming me up it's like  getting cloudy so it's getting a little cold but yeah this place is good  it's just a little expensive i need to get a little cup holder for the  handlebars so i can put my coffee in like this   then i can just ride around with the coffee inside   yeah hologram it wasn't very chill but it was  really cool like it was a it was like a two-story   coffee shop and uh yeah i mean you couldn't really  hear the train from inside but it was kind of cool 7-eleven coffee is actually  pretty good so yeah if i wasn't   if this wasn't close i'd  probably go get that instead yes break time hey yuki are you uh   are you going to go see kawasu zakura  next week are you staying overnight that's right melody i mean i  have a i have a cap right like   some places they have a little a little plug hmm yeah joseph i i hear you there   but it's like uh you know it's been so  long since i went to go into a coffee shop   i've been drinking coffee at home for a long  time so been saving a lot of money it's good are foreign people allowed to settle in japan  yeah of course you just need to get a visa   and you need to i don't know pay taxes for a  while and then you can get a permanent visa yeah maybe i do need to get one of those thermal  cups then it has like a little a little lid so   like even if it's bumping around it won't fall  out and i can just fill it up when i'm at home yes i will bring the thermos next time  i do have one so it's a good tip guys the little swimmers a cat in the front basket just for streaming can you imagine riding around with  a little beer hat just for coffee are those starbucks machines that work good though  does it taste exactly the same as a starbucks yeah so the plan right now is after the coffee  there's one more park that i want to check out   that's um that's uh kind of shimo  kitozawa you guys know where that   is it's like a really popular place  for young people and foreigners a   lot of foreigners live there it's  like a really good location because   it's like uh shinjuku is on the north and then  shibuya's on the south so uh chimokitazawa is   right in the crossroad of it so if you want to  go to either place it's a really good location so if i had a bra cozy boomers wouldn't my  wouldn't just burn my chest the coffee's too hot oh the hobo cooking stream yeah i uh i had the  big i had the big stove last time for the ramen   so i actually bought like  a little cooking stove so   i'm making plans still um but yeah i got i got  a little tiny stove that uses the can gas so yes i'm working up to it though   uh any new plans for the channel um yeah i'm  working with uh blubber if you're still here   to make some merch i ordered some  samples and then once i get the   samples confirmed then i'll be releasing the first  merch that's like a collab with me and blubba so   i'll probably give him like half of the proceeds  or whatever so yeah look forward to that i could do bike tours on airbnb hmm  that's a good idea i'll think about it   yeah maybe in the summertime only though because  i'm not really good at riding in the winter time ah but yeah blubber is really good at drawing  um i was actually surprised with what he sent   me it's really good so yeah i think you guys  will like it it's pretty pretty exciting so   but yeah actually if any of you if any of other of  you are artists or just like to draw you can just   dm me any designs that you think would  be cool and yeah you can like we can put   it together and i'll order some samples  and then if it's good we can post it up keychain with channel logo okay that's a good one   right now i have um i have two different types  of t-shirts and then one sticker oh nice blubber mmm sakura clothing hey melody that's  awesome idea let me think about that that's a good idea melody all right thank you for the coffee guys um  boomers i think yes thank you for the coffee   definitely feel warmed up now so i'm gonna  throw this away and then let's get going yes foreign okay yes warmed up and ready to ride all right okay martin plays online super chat at 35.83 just a  little something for you adventure smiley face hey martin plays online thank you for the 50  australian thank you so much for the adventure   nice thank you so much yeah our funds for more  adventures is going to be pretty buffed up   so i think during the summer i'm more active so  we can do more stuff but yeah thank you so much okay let's see let me let me er let me put my okay let me just get the directions going because  i don't want to get lost all right let's go yo all right ah that coffee really warmed me  up thank you so much for that yeah it's getting a little chilly  because uh it's all cloudy now old west style you don't like black coffee sometimes  i like cream and sugar but uh yeah sometimes i don't know the sugar's  a little too much for me sometimes all right um sorry i lost the  directions okay here we go oh no it's these protester people again is i like coffee with arabic spices  is that like cinnamon or nutmeg   or like what what are arabic spices sounds good look at that dog that dog's haircut is so crazy its hair is so big that's cool okay yes huh yeah i want to try that uh the black coffee  with the arabic spices sounds really good all right yeah that was the same people doing the  march for the uh the no child vaccines please i have the tts server back on so i can hear you in  my ear so sorry that's some that's why sometimes   it's like awkward when i'm talking because  when i'm talking i'm hearing you guys in my ear hmm yeah   they were protesting uh child vaccines   i think there's probably some people protesting uh  the russian ukraine stuff maybe in central shibuya yeah this is harajuku and then this is the park  on the right side that we were just inside and   i guess they have some concert  at this place here on the left yeah look guys i got a road just for myself so yeah one thing i actually like about this bike  too is that i don't know how they did it but   uh usually you know when you're riding your bike  and you stop pedaling it makes like a ticking   noise yeah for some reason this doesn't make that  sound and that's actually something that i really   wanted because if i'm like filming a video on  the bike and i'm just going through a quiet area   i don't really want people to hear the sound  of the bike so you can just instead hear just   the ambient noise so yeah that was like  a present supply uh surprise actually it's not so good because um  when i'm riding on the sidewalk   people can't really hear me coming but  i guess that's what the bell's for right all right so now let's see it's going to be like  11 minutes so i think we just have to go straight yeah but like even on non-e-bikes i think  they have special hubs that i was looking into   so even for road bikes you can get these special  mountain biking hubs where when you're coasting   it doesn't have that clicking noise but i was  actually surprised to find that some people   really like that clicking noise and they try to  make it even louder because it sounds like it's   a more expensive bike but i never understood why  that cooking noise makes it uh makes it better maybe it's like something high-end  racing bikes have i don't know all right let's see if i can like the curry superchat hey rika thanks for the ten dollars   glad to see you here yeah i know you wanted to see  the sakura so hopefully you saw yesterday's video   but uh there will be more videos of  sakura soon so please look forward to that but yeah thank you so much all right there's some more for books this is like the backside of yoyogi uh the bike can't go without pedaling that's  actually one of the rules in japan is that   if you're gonna have e-bike it has to  be assisted it can't be self-propelled   so yeah you need to be pedaling  in order for the e-bike to engage oh yikes you just got back from awake i'm sorry  to hear that yeah hopefully everything's okay yeah well with the e-bike uh i'm not helping  and puffing like i usually am and like i don't   know recently after the past couple years i feel  like i'm getting uh out of shape so yeah even just   walking i'm huffing and puffing which is really  terrible but yeah with the e-bike not so much so so this is yeah getting old getting out of shape  man kind of sucks but i think once   that gets a little warmer i'm going to  start running more often so hopefully my   cardio can pick up again it'll probably just  take longer than it used to but we'll see hmm running lives i thought about that but it's gonna  be so shaky it's not even gonna be watchable   and you're just gonna hear  me breathing heavy even more i think uh i think these past couple years have  been rough for everybody's fitness   so yeah i can't wait to to go running  without a mask and everything so running asmr heavy breathing  that's some uh i don't know let's see four more minutes so we're almost there hey what's this what is this it's a turkish center of culture cool foreign foreign so all right let's see i think  down one of these streets only fans speaking of only fans i actually uh in the niseko  video that i took i did take a section of uh   inside of the onsen because it was uh it was  totally empty so i did take a small video in there   so okay that's it hey what happened that wasn't the right streets maybe this street foreign okay only fans nude bike ride i don't think that's a loud outside uh i have the the niseko video ready actually so   maybe sometime this week or maybe  next weekend i haven't decided yet and how does the nude bike  riding even work like isn't your   your junk all exposed to the seat and if  you're a girl isn't that even more problematic i feel like a putt like wearing pants  is a must-have for riding a bike right don't worry nobody's nobody's  gonna be naked in the stream though okay so we're in shimokitazawa  now but i need to get past here all right i think i took a wrong turn let's see this way so all right i think this is the almost at the  downtown or the main part of shimokitazawa this how is it naked if they're  running wearing underwear oh don't worry i'm reading  it i'm hearing every word all right   um she's still talking about the naked bike rides all right yeah this in this area people really like  thrifting clothes so they're pretty stylish oh my gosh all right now we're kind of in  the back part of shimokitazawa   now i gotta just find this park that i'm  trying to go to let me stop for a second okay yeah it's pretty crowded back there but uh i  think from now on it should be pretty chill yeah so this back area is where they used  to have the train tracks above ground   but then they had moved it underground wrong turn so with this battery i think i  can go depending on the mode that i'm using   it would be uh on this this like middle mode  it was like 60 something or 70 kilometers   and then uh if i'm using the eco  mode it's like 100 kilometers or so yeah fungus you know so there is actually  this like shopping center on the left   but i'm actually not able to uh not able  to ride through that area so i just took   the side street instead but we can look  at the new shopping area from the back let's see if i can find a good  street to go in there nope yeah they have like a new shopping  and kind of a chill dining area   they have little shops some of them are like  taiwan food taiwanese food or like small izakayas maybe this way esmeralda let's see yeah this area over here  is starting to get kind of popular let me see if i can oh what the heck does the  streamer's coffee here too yeah the new bike is great yeah so this place on the right  side this is like a new onsen place i don't i don't know how much it cost  though but it looks kind of expensive yeah this is the new shopping center all right i guess you can ride bikes back here yeah last night's perimeter was uh  during the night time here which is   not the normal schedule so there's like  a whole bunch of new people in there yeah yeah thank you thank you  guys for donating for the e-bike so this is the this is the new dining area so like  all these like kind of like shipping   container buildings or little restaurants or shops still talking about the the bike shop oh hey they had owls that area back there used to  be like the old train tracks and then uh recently they converted it  into that kind of a little izakaya hallway you guys get to give give up on the bike shop lady all right yeah maybe next time i'm out  there we can go see if they're there oh it's like a fancy restaurant  and then each meal is like   50 to 80 dollars they even have sets at  night time for like 100 to 150 dollars but yeah i think it's actually like a hotel interesting that they have this onsen  hotel like right in the middle of   uh the city area or this residential area hey man no one's changing the subject  we were talking about that onsen place all right i think the park  is straight down this way oh yeah there's also that onsen hotel  in tachigawa that we never went to   yeah too bad that uh that guy never came back yeah guys why are you bullying  on me man come on guys what is that guy doing have i been to hokkaido yeah i was  just there like a couple weeks ago all right i think the park is up here on the  right hand side at least that's what my map says oh yeah here it is so we are at hanegi park it's near  shimokitazawa this park is known for having ume blossoms so like these plum  trees that bloom later than kawasa zakura   but earlier than the normal uh sakura trees  so i filmed the video here last year but uh it seems like it's not quite ready  yet no we're not by tokyo tower ride to yokohama that's so far all right do you think we can make it all the  way to yokohama with this battery my secret girlfriend all right let's test it yeah i guess we can because  uh i just need to get the bike bag so in   the case that i don't make it all the way  then i can just put the bike in the bag   and then just take it on the train oh this one's nice yeah so the bike can go i think like 100  kilometers on eco mode and then maybe like   70 kilometers with like uh with like a  regular mode it's like about 60 kilometers yokohama is 30 kilometers okay yeah actually i was thinking about that cursed  ramen stream like uh i thought that at the bike   shop wasn't the wasn't the guy and the girl  that were running the shop weren't they married   that was that would be so awkward if  they knew what you were talking about see wow this one looks like  some of them are already dead   yeah i've posted some of the some more of these  uh pictures in the instagram so instagram stories yeah these are ume trees yeah if they ever did see the  stream that would be really awkward uh i actually have a like a screen reader so   actually while i'm biking i can hear  you guys hear what you're saying yeah i think i'll come back here later sometime  early morning and take a video on a sunny day we are near shimokitazawa this is a park called uh hanegi koen so this park is famous for these ume trees   they're not fully bloomed yet but they're kind of  like bloom between kawasu and normal sakura uh so   yeah there's tons of different tons of different  colors around here for these plum blossoms some of these actually look already dead am i wrong and full bloom is already over  or maybe they just bloom at different times uh we're in an so it's near shimokitozawa these are plum trees oh yeah that's a good idea rika i did make umeshu  this year so maybe during the cooking stream we   can do one underneath the sakura and we can have  some of the uh some of the um issue that i made and you can um yeah like some of them are still  buds but other than are already dead and actually i think my channel just got  approved for um making clips so any of the   live streams you guys can clip certain sections of  the video and uh you can see the the little clips   i don't know how they get produced though like  where do they get posted i have no idea but   i think even for this stream there's  like a little scissors icon on the chat for example look at this one they're like little buds still yeah so it's kind of weird like some of them are  already bloomed some of them are still butted so yeah i guess it's not perfect every year thievista 2 became a member hey welcome to the membership oh hawaiian so it goes onto the main  page okay i haven't actually tried   it yet so i'll have a look later oh yeah so these are the ones they like  plant them on different anniversaries   this one is really blooming this red one wow oh i wish it was more sunny though but i'll make sure when i take a full video of this  it'll be sunny i think that'll make it really nice yeah some of these look like they're already  on like the tail end of being bloomed i like this one it's kind of  like weeping kind of like sagging oh hey brandon no i'm using the gopro  setup so this camera is a gopro see blob has been watching kdramas half expecting  to hear korean what are you watching blubber i had a k-drama phase like a few years ago  but i haven't really seen any in a while okay yeah i'm having like the hardest time deciding  if it's full bloom or it's past full bloom sad cuda yeah there's so many plum trees here but yeah it's a little mixed right like  uh some dead some not yet bloomed once again no i've never seen that one yeah blob but have you seen that  one called gentlemen's dignity   i think that one was pretty funny i think it's on netflix hey henry sorry i'm just catching up because when  i'm on the bike i don't know who's saying what i think around here there was like some  place where they said you can see mount fuji   but i think it's not a  clear enough day to see fuji i think it's here here you can see like a mount fuji  on a clear day but maybe not today alright i don't see it these are the two buildings right  this white one and this brown one dylan long super chatted five  dollars push someone weak looking huh hey dylan thanks for the five i'm not gonna  push it anybody what are you talking about   thanks for the five though okay yeah you bullies me yeah i think it would look even nicer  if it uh if it was really sunny today oh oh yeah you guys can push me that's cool oh this one looks nice i like this it's like  white with uh the middle is like a pink part my head is bigger i think  these are my favorite ones baby pig where no you guys are good i'm i'm chilling yeah dimitri i still have that uh i still have the uh the big camera set up but  yeah maybe not today i'll try it again another day yeah because the big camera setup is using my  main camera that i use to shoot the regular videos   but uh of course gopro is not as good  quality but the problem is it's just so   heavy so i can't even go into a store with  that setup like i can't walk around it's   like it's like a big thing on my chest so it's  like the huge camera just swinging around so far oh my god all right i think that's the end of this park i'm just walking in circles all right let's go  back to the bike we can go ride around some more yeah dogs are like little kids in japan  they even have like strollers and clothes foreign oh i i think there's some other ones  on the other side of the park   so we'll get on the bike and  we'll go to the other side thank you yeah actually the other day i saw this um   i saw these uh at a pet store they  had uh these strollers outside and so this is like some strollers  i saw at the store the other day   it's like 300 300 just for this stroller  for dogs and then you can get this one   for like 270 or like 170. but yeah like dog  strollers are pretty uh pretty popular these days who's looking at yucky oh yucky emo yeah right i think dog strollers and  dog clothes is a big business in japan dang melody four hundred yeah i mean i guess so i guess melody people  do have these struggles in america right   but i think they're just everywhere in japan   that is a good question   what what is the difference between  the dog stroller and a human stroller is it like is it like the dog one  doesn't have the straps and everything okay i want to go to the other side of this park hey fatimah yeah i guess that makes sense for small dogs right   because it takes more energy to walk  really far i think they even have like   little little things you can put on your  bike you can put the dogs in the bike uh oh all right uh i'm pedaling a little bit in the  beginning i forgot to turn it on   and this bike is really heavy  but uh yeah it's working now so wait what i didn't know that baby  strollers have expiration dates   why is that is there like some  perishable items inside the baby stroller oh there we go someone answered it oh so like the foam protecting the baby just like  the foam protecting your head and a helmet kind of   dies like like if you get into an impact it will  like not be as effective i guess that makes sense hey look these people have rabbits all right let's see all right i guess i'll just ride back into town so okay let's go yeah we'll do a little bit of a longer ride  because why not right we have the e-bike now   so i guess from here i'm gonna try to go  to um nearby tokyo tower i think there's   also some ume blossoms there just to  continue the the plum blossom tour hey welcome to the membership let's see what time is it it's 3 30 in japan yeah it's real 330. oh hey brazil what's up good morning or good night yeah this area around shimokitazawa has a  lot of these narrow alleyway kind of places all right oh so whose ferrari was that so now this is not your yogi we were at shimokitozawa  area checking out ume ume trees or plum trees   and now we're headed back  towards the middle of town so like back towards shibuya foreign okay can i do a wheelie yeah no  way this bike is too heavy i don't think i could even  do a wheelie on my other bike so yeah we were shimokitazawa back there  but uh this road goes back to like yogi uh oh yeah i'm just chilling enjoying the the ride i  enjoy listening to you guys talking about the dogs okay there's that uh the mosque up there   on the right side i never knew that they had  something like that in tokyo it's pretty cool so yeah look at it it's so cool looking one i wonder if you can go inside it maybe next time i'll look it up  online and see if we can go inside yeah you should get an e-bike it's really nice can i ride it sitting on a trunk what do you  mean i mean like can somebody else ride on it too   i don't know about that yeah definitely makes riding up and down  the hills or up the hill is really easy actually there was like another company that  reached out to me to test drive their e-bike   i don't know if i'm going to do it yet  but if i do i'll let you guys know it's   kind of similar to this bike but the tires  are fatter so we'll see what they want to do   and then maybe we'll do another  e-bike stream with a different bike are you yeah i think they might send me the send me  the bike and then i would just review it on the   stream and then i don't know it wasn't clear if i  would send it back but i don't i don't know like i don't know what i would do  with the bike afterwards though yeah i think you can convert uh  bikes with those aftermarket kits but   i'm not really not really so handy so i don't  know if i would want to screw up my other bike yeah it was like a it was a fat tire  bike that they wanted me to review   i guess it could be cool to have a backup  bike but i don't know where i would store it like i said those fat tires they can't fit  in a lot of the normal bike parking spots so   i don't know how i would park it mr 50 kilometers per hour that's crazy   yeah i was complaining earlier that the max uh the  max you can do on this is 20 kilometers powered   but i'm sure if you convert it yourself you can  do 50 like you mentioned but that sounds awesome 100 kilometers per hour that's crazy  i i can't even imagine going 50. isn't like 100 kilometers per hour  even faster than uh on the freeway yeah actually i wonder this this motor  i wonder what the actual top speed is   like without the software limiter so and yeah i should do another cooking stream soon  like i said i bought the the new stove so yeah oh joseph you like the riding more is it because  there's no bobbing or things just move faster so so uh this motor is i don't know what the wattage  is but maybe you can check it online the motor   is the uh the bosch active live plus i think  there's just like active line and then there's   a performance motor but this is the one in the  middle the active line plus so whatever that is okay so yeah i guess the yeah with the  bike streams you do get to see a lot more   but yeah i guess the quality is not  as good but maybe that doesn't matter all right let me see where we are so we still have this way to go yeah i do have the the big camera  set up for the chest mount so   i will try that one night because this bike is a  little more upright compared to the previous bike   so it'll for sure be a lot easier to ride with  that big mouth so yeah we can give it a try but i imagine in some countries they don't  have the same software limitations that they do   in japan or like speed limitations  for e-bikes so i have to look into it what is this event here there's like some big event  here at this concert hall i can't really see what it is but i'm  surprised they're having a concert well dang who's pink lamborghini was that david was that yours lamborghini cruiser cycle um i think the the recorded gopro quality is  better than this live stream of course but   yeah live stream quality even from phones is  going to be not as good as the recorded stuff it actually wasn't so smelly the  wind was blowing so we're all good helmet mounts that would be kind of nuts right   like a dslr on a helmet i don't  know if that's gonna work right now this is uh we're in  harajuku this is now multisando uh daikanyama is actually in the opposite  direction so this street we're going on we're   going to go through like aoyama then we'll  go through doppongi and then we should go to i don't know but i think we'll  eventually end up at tokyo tower   and i think there's some ume trees there so yeah i don't know i i really don't like that in  japan you're allowed to stop in the bike lane or   like just camp out there or whatever because it's  really dangerous for people who are riding bikes so okay hey they changed it like over  here where that cartier thing is   they used to have uh like a staircase thing  where you can kind of chill there now it's gone   so thank you so what's an allergy helmet is  it like a motorcycle helmet   with like more uh more filters for your nose or is it is the allergy helmet  kind of like yeah like a gas mask   where it's like a mass covering your face and  those huge filters on the sides of your mouth oh shoot we should turn here go go go oh nice we're riding through the cemetery that's  actually where they have a lot of nice sakura as   well so i'll probably go back there sometime in  uh the middle of uh or maybe the end of this month yeah here's not the blue line they just have  the little bike symbol with the little arrows hey look here's some plum  blossoms on the left side is the bike waterproof i don't know i don't really want to find out  if the bike is waterproof or not   i imagine it could take maybe some light  rain but definitely not getting soaked yeah we're getting this is  definitely a wealthy area   we're almost to the funky but aliyama's  where a lot of rich people live too uh yeah hawaiian i'm doing good actually because  the e-bike is taking care of all the work   i'm kind of just pedaling a little  bit and uh it's just kind of taking me   which is nice but i think once we get to the park  i'll probably have a drink and then uh head back   i don't know how to interact with this tunnel  i guess i can't go through it on my bike   hey that lady's riding it in there  oh maybe i could do that too let's go maybe we're not supposed to ride in there oh the thing on the left i think i i  think it can uh stand up to terrain no this is not the right way there's stairs there all right maybe maybe it was the other side all right let's let's turn around i'm lost now yeah i don't know if that guy was  honking at me or or at that lady   but i don't see any signs that say no bikes i think the other side has a bike way to go up yeah it was a little awkward that lady was  looking at me like what are you doing over here yeah i should be able to ride through there right   actually it does tell me to  go up and to the right so give it a shot okay this is definitely okay  there's other bikes here yeah i think it's a really short  tunnel just looked a little scary oh it's windy uh i think i'm gonna pass more tower uh oh dead bird so yeah this is a roppongi now so is it snow that white stuff  back there was a smashed bird dang this guy on his tiger jacket pimping so yeah i don't know makes it really easy to  stream for a longer time with this e-bike so maybe too easy now we're headed to tokyo tower  see it there in the distance yeah i thought we would pass  more tower but i guess not so yeah i really don't like that you  can park in the bike lane because   then yeah i have to go out into the main street another three hours damn that would be such a long stream  all the way to whoever maybe we'll do a   marathon stream uh on a day when it's like  full sakura blooming so that would be nice   especially if it's warm outside  i know it's getting a little cold oh well now i was thinking man  there's a lot of police here but   it's because the uh the russian embassy is  up there but i was gonna say it's because   of what's happening but there's always  police outside the russian embassy so   but i think maybe this is  a little more than normal okay hey thanks for watching hawaiian and always  helping out with the modding and everything   you guys are great yeah it's tokyo tower so  i'm gonna head there we'll go to the base   we'll check out some flowers and then  i'll probably wrap it up from there but don't worry guys this time  this bike has a light in it so   if i'm there at night time again i won't  be stopped by the police so it's all good okay yeah that makes sense joseph i'll try  to make sure it's on a friday or saturday so let's go yep yeah because last time my front light when  i was around tokyo tower doing a live stream my   battery died on my light so the police stopped  me because i didn't have a light but thankfully   this is a e-bike so now it has a built-in light  so we don't have to worry about that anymore yeah it's not for me to see it's  for other people to see me so hey look power ranger protesters why was they wearing a power  rangers costume that's so weird all right let's cross the street i guess we can't yeah i was thinking about getting  a rear view mirror just like right   here the one like it just sticks out a little bit so let's turn in here whoa it's so tall hey what are they making here   maybe like some kind of observation  deck or like a parking structure uh i think he said they're making a motel room here yeah he said don't go in there but they were nice  about it yeah they said they're making a motel okay we can stop here there we go yeah i always get scolded here i don't know why i think he said the motel mo teru right or  did he say moru maybe you guys are right what's this what's this it's a baby  baby strider races what the heck made me decide to visit japan for the first time hey mike choi thanks for the twenty dollars hey you finally made it to japan  of may this year hey awesome   thanks mike i hope you had a good time or we'll  i hope you do have a good time when you're here can you bet on them   oh cool they're going to race   they're just it's kind of cute  they're announcing the racers names   he's so fast almost crushed dang that little girl's going so fast okay foreign that's so awesome some of them even  have like a little race helmets   all right let's watch one more i wonder if they ever crash  it looks kind of dangerous   all right they're getting ready it's so cool that this is just  like right underneath tokyo tower oh there's so many of them this is like the pro league   cool cool all right let's go to the to  the last of the plum blossom park that kid that was lost in the in the final  race looked almost like he was gonna cry   it was a little sad i would cry probably adult strider event that would be really  awesome actually somebody should start that adult strider races so they probably could get  the yokohama faster than me   yeah this is going to be shibakwan so yeah  the plum blossoms are on the other side yeah especially in that last round those kids  were so fast they had like the full motorcycle   motocross helmets and it was kind of cute like  on the back of the helmet in japan they have   these like little lucky charms and they had them  tied to the back of their helmets for good luck   it's pretty cool i would actually love to see the  adult version of that it would be really hilarious uh got me upside down   i can't even control it you know you lose the   know exactly what to do to blow my i've never mind like this i don't  know how i ever survived without it yeah you guys it's the sim card it ran out of data on my phone now just these lost a little bit and then yeah this iphone app is not so good but uh yeah ah dodging me got me upside down upside down   got me upside down i upside down i'm here for you baby i love you the same  this whole time so tell me what's on your mind can't get this off my mind this time hey for
Views: 37,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tokyo snow, snow in tokyo, tokyo snowing, tokyo snow walk, livestream tokyo, tokyo live, live tokyo walk, shinjuku, kabukicho, live snow tokyo
Id: 2pKKP3uBMRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 10sec (14350 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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