Japan LIVE Chinese Lunar New Year in Yokohama

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thank you [Music] sorry I couldn't fight if I wanted me [Music] wanna taste the clothes [Music] [Music] take a moment [Music] let's go back the end times [Music] chasing episodes [Music] oh hey everybody how's it going guys today we're in the Yokohama so we're actually at Minato Mirai right now So the plan is to go to Chinatown eventually but I think there's a few stops along the way that people in The Forum suggested um so thank you for that I think it was fungus and Warren and I think Hawaiian too um hey guys hey Warren Logan how's the sound going suggested good sound is good right maybe a little soft down a little bit [Music] all right there we go yeah I turned it up just a tad bit but uh hopefully this is good but yeah thank you guys for just adjusting that so honestly I'd never been to these places before um so let's see uh hold on let me check the sound again okay good all right let's go guys um yeah so let's see I don't know which parts I'm gonna record though because I've never actually been here before so I'm not really sure where to walk around but maybe maybe you guys could tell me um let's see here I guess hey you thank you so much man happy New Year so let's see yeah we're at this so yeah I think we need to work a little bit down and to the right um and then we'll get to where we're supposed to be going but yeah I never been there before like I mentioned so we may get lost we'll see but yes hey Norman hey arotu CT Henry and yes thank you again to you all right let's go hey fungus what's up man [Music] all right and I think somebody mentioned last time about some vending machine that you can order drinks with your voice so I think there's supposed to be one over here if I don't if I remember correctly I looked it up after that stream but uh we'll see if we can find it and we'll see if we can order a drink with our boys and see if it works hey blubber uh we missed the light all right [Applause] how's everyone doing I miss anybody here what's up yeah I added some new bot commands but I don't know if it's gonna work so yeah you can check them in the Discord and see if they work or not they should but I don't know why they wouldn't yeah so right now I'm going to nogecho and then from nogecho we're gonna walk to Minato Mirai and then from there we'll uh nogicho and then we'll go to moto matichukugai which is the Chinatown so there should be some festival stuff there but I think there's also some stuff next weekend so I'm not too clear on how big it's going to be or not but yeah usually when I come down here for Content shooting it's always at night time so it's kind of interesting to be here in the daytime [Applause] let me see yeah I added um I guess I also added like a Discord for them I had two one is for improvement suggestions so stuff like adding new commands to the chatbot or um the other one is suggesting locations so we used to have that in um in just a channel but now it's in a forum so that all the topics can be grouped together so yeah let's see how it goes thank you hey chick Clapper and Phil Smith what's up guys let's see let me check what I don't even remember what the commands are that I added but it sounds like Warren tested one and it didn't work so let me check you can check in our Discord Channel and I have a forum called uh new commands so let's see if one of them works I haven't even tested it actually hey there we go it worked maybe I just got the permissions wrong oh it seems to work for others too maybe the one Warren typed was just uh a little bit off because these are absolutes so uh yeah if you look in the Discord and then under uh the channel improvements section there is a new chat commands Post in the Forum and so you can see the list of all the new commands there um hey murky whoa long time no see hope you're doing well back from the dead hope you're doing really well I know you're in school so uh hopefully school is doing well and you're being you're healthy and everything Okay cool so yeah some of the commands I haven't finished yet because they require some programming but uh the others that are just um fixed responses those should be all done see I thought that I saw that The Voice activated drink thing was around here well I could be wrong I have no idea where it is or if it's even around here actually no this is not it maybe I should have looked up exactly where it was before coming nope it's not here oh well I don't know where it is but I thought there was one around here yes test out all those commands thank you guys hey Cohen yes happy New Year and Happy Chinese New Year everybody happy Lunar New Year to those who celebrate it but yeah today we are in Yokohama and we're going to be checking out some some new neighborhoods around here that were suggested on the Forum and then also at the end headed to the Chinatown here because they should have a few festivity Seas festivities over there where's the voice vending machine command that's a good one well I thought it was around here somewhere but actually I have no idea so I need to just look it up next time cook on app not machine oh I see someone was telling me last stream that there was one where you can order with your voice but I don't know if that actually exists I looked it up and it wasn't too clear to me about what it actually does but hold on let me change the brightness setting because it's a little dark here is it a little dark for you guys seems a little dark and because the sun's setting it's dark okay I think it's just because the sun's setting behind this uh Hill here looks like the ship's open [Music] [Music] hey Jen Happy Chinese New Year it's getting a little chilly in here let's put my jacket all right let's go over to I don't even remember what the name is all right let's go to nogeo yeah I think this hour right now is just not really good for filming because the sun is getting really bright compared to the Shadows so I'm gonna try to aim the camera properly so you guys can actually see stuff but uh yeah sorry if it's a little dark see maybe there's a different setting all right we'll just do this you guys making up all your own commands over there but Tokyo vibes Vibe is for then Kansai Vibe yeah for sure each have their own pluses [Applause] all right we'll take my mask off because there's nobody around here let's see these vending machines look pretty normal if there's anything special about these I don't think this is the one [Applause] think we have to cross here this is like the area where we got that Domino's Pizza that one time yeah that would be funny if that one of those the normal ones were actually The Voice one Hey Mickey you're going to be graduating soon nice next spring so one more year it's great yeah so for the snow plan I've been booking hotels and stuff this past week uh but there's still a couple parts that are still unsure so I'll be going to hakuba is one place that's uh in the mountains of Nagano and then I couldn't really decide where to go besides that so I've been to the monkey snow park before I have the videos of that but one place that I haven't been to before is so I think I'm gonna plan to go to Hita takayama [Applause] that's where they have a lot of those older building towns and also shirakawago like those farm houses uh in the mountains so it should be really nice with snow um but I'll be there for about a week and a half uh just a little over a week so it's a little bit of a mix of work and uh time off but uh yeah we'll see I have like a few videos I have planned already so you you should be good and I have a couple days in between that I'm not really sure where to go yet but uh I think uh there's it's there's like a lot of places there so I think my schedule will fill up pretty quickly all right this is the uh the other side of the gondola thing that they have here foreign before I've been to just other parts of Nagano like uh Onsen and I went to Shiga kogen that's like a big ski resort there but I went for just like a day trip it was like half a day pretty much so this time in hakuba I'll be staying for a little while a few nights at least so I'll do a little bit of skiing and um film some snow videos and hopefully it'll be good let's see if I can make this light [Applause] foreign the gondola ride in 360 before that's on the the channel as well kayama Ramen is a A plus oh really I didn't know that thank you murky for the suggestion all right let me check my map all right no get Cho should be on the other side of this station I guess so I don't really know what's around here but yeah let's go to the other side of the station and see [Music] get me high ER [Music] [Music] [Music] just keep painting constellations [Music] go from another [Applause] all right I think that should be fixed but yeah I don't know recently I've been having some trouble with this capture card with the big camera on certain settings it's like it's getting tired or something I don't need I don't know if I need to get a new capture card or something [Applause] hey rotu thanks for the dollar [Music] yeah it really sucks that it uh keeps flashing out sometimes when I use this certain setting which is the highest set quality setting that I typically use for capturing video yeah let's see how it goes hi what's up yeah I think uh The Rail Pass is nice if you're staying for like seven days but I think they have a two-week pass as well I'm not really sure I listened to it the other day um but yeah other than that you can just get the suika or Cosmo card on your phone and that works pretty well I think I just need to cross here and go to the left Maybe okay I have two and three week variants I wish I could get that still I'm pretty jealous like they have the regional pass for uh residents here foreign residents but we're not allowed to get the all Japan pass so that kind of sucks I can't get it for my winter snow trip hey Mr Pickle thank you so much hey Happy New Year makes you want to visit Japan again nice yeah you should come yeah definitely a lot of people have been coming recently so um you should definitely come if you can I hope I can go back to Hong Kong someday guessing it's not going to be the same Hong Kong that I went to like seven years ago but uh should be nice though right station 18 pass I need to look into that is the way I guess in these like smaller Alleyways is where we're supposed to go but yeah I'm not really sure see what's around here maybe if it looks good I may stop talking at some point and just start filming yeah this is looking pretty cool all right I think I'm gonna start filming just a little bit so I'll probably not talk for a little while um but wait let me look around a little bit more you said the river the river is a good place to go so let me look for the river on my map okay so I guess from here to the right and straight interesting all right I'm gonna start filming foreign [Applause] foreign foreign that's fine foreign thank you foreign [Applause] foreign this is [Applause] the boys [Applause] foreign [Applause] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign thank you [Music] say something welcome back thank you [Music] okay [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign foreign [Music] thank you [Applause] [Applause] thanks for streaming [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] come on [Music] laughs [Applause] [Music] come on foreign [Applause] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you [Applause] please um a request for those riding bicycles the paths around isuzakimon are for walking only please get up okay thank you thank you Jesus foreign foreign is that okay [Applause] foreign guys I think we got some uh got a pretty good video there it's pretty decent but would have been better at night time so maybe I'll come back here at night maybe during the summer time I don't know so yeah maybe on a Friday night would be pretty nice to walk around here but yeah it's a good area for sure thank you uh Warren and fungus for recommending it I don't know if I got all the places that you guys wanted to go but uh it was pretty cool okay I'm just looking at my lab now I think we're pretty close to Chinatown now so I'm gonna walk over that way but I won't be filming on the way there so we can talk but I just realized my uh my bag is getting in the way so I'm gonna adjust something real quick so let me set you guys down [Music] and night time is always best New Jersey tour does it look like New Jersey that's a pretty cool area I would definitely go back there and hang out if I could just the train ride back to Tokyo is a bit long oh yeah thank you Astro for the Super Chat I saw that earlier thank you so much man hey Warren thanks for the fight man uh Daniel and Jacob are in Chinatown right now all right uh let's see who is that again oh okay I think they're a couple streamer I don't really remember cool all right let's go it's like Prague oh really all right let me get my directions oh get my directions I just walked into a pole all right let's see so straight and right all right let's go all right I think we need to go right down this way let me take a couple blocks down here first and then uh we'll take a right to Chinatown [Applause] ah come on I gotta fix my phone modem I unplugged it on accident all right okay all right let's go I'm still zoomed in too all right here we go there we go watch out for the pole yeah all right let's get to Chinatown I think we're I think the events will be going until 8 pm at least that's what it said on the website and I'm feeling like these lion dances would look cooler at night time right in the Chinatown with all the lights and the lanterns so I think we'll make it just in time only cool if they have LEDs yeah they should yeah it's maybe like 10 or 15 minutes away from here so we should be there pretty soon I haven't actually hung out in this part of Yokohama before so yeah thanks again to Warren and fungus for suggesting this place I'm gonna come back uh some other time and I think it would be cool to come at night like I mentioned earlier um let's go down this way there's a lot of those places that were like pretty closed so it would be nice if it was open Optical sensors still zoomed in so I couldn't see the pole yeah probably that is kind of true because sometimes I have to look down at the camera and then it helps me to see what's in front of me but uh yeah it is what it is thankfully I wasn't running and didn't fall over [Music] all right on to Chinatown oh yeah thanks for sending those new designs for the new merch yeah still trying to figure out some new ideas um because yeah I think like I said well could we mentioned last time I think some of the designs for the merch that we made is a little too inside jokes uh so we probably need to make a couple more General type merchandise that you know stuff that you would wear every day so I'm also thinking of some things foreign some wall prints that could be cool yeah I um well most of my my pictures are in 4k only so it doesn't really scale up big enough to make it a high quality print but I mean these days they have all those Ai upscalers and things so maybe I can look into that [Applause] all right should make postcards yeah that could be cool postcards I don't think I've ever had a postcard before except no no that's not true I had some postcards when I was little but not since then okay let's go look at this there's a wall full of hands think they're baseball players hands I'm not really sure what they are let's see what is this yeah it's a baseball team 1998 Japan champions that's cool what if your hand was in there [Applause] all right I think there's a big Park I need to turn into and then we'll walk through there all right yeah try out my hand no my hand's not as big as a baseball player's hand Yokohama Stadium for the bay Stars I see are we near Yokohama Stadium let me check them out Oklahoma stadium oh yeah it's right there it's in the park that makes a lot of sense all right all right let's see where can we cross [Applause] not that way so I guess we'll cross this way foreign [Music] stadium is actually pretty big it's not the biggest stadium I've seen but it's pretty big see if we can get on the other side of this kid's playground [Music] yeah there's like a big kids playground here and then the stadium is right here it's kind of looks like it's the same size as Tokyo Dome Maybe but uh just with no Dome it's just kind of cool all right I'm gonna set you guys down on these tools real quick I gotta check one of the modems two of the modems before we go to Chinatown all right do you guys sit here the stuff [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] foreign hold on guys I'm just restarting some of the modems I don't know if it's just a dead spot in this area but uh I just want to do it before we go to Chinatown just in case all right there we go thank you for waiting [Applause] all right let's go to Chinatown all right let's go thanks for waiting guys so I think Chinatown is this way Aloha Stadium won't be there when I come back really they're tearing down Aloha Stadium in Hawaii didn't realize that that's pretty sad where will they hold all the events right tearing down Aloha Stadium I mean I guess it's pretty old and you know like with the the sea water and everything things get eroded quickly but I'm a little surprised Oh They'll have the events at uh Stadium that makes sense but it's still not as big you can't have all the concerts like no more Bruno Mars concerts right I guess Neo Blaze though but that's still pretty small compared to a little Stadium right [Music] hey Jiffy Miss Sports gotcha yeah I mean I'm not too much into sports either but uh yeah it's like been a popular venue for a long time and modern Hawaiian histories over the Island's history so it's kind of sad that they're tearing it down okay let's see I think we are entering Chinatown now so let's see I think there's a big gate here here it is a big gate here so they'll go through the gate and I don't know if there's like gonna be a lot of people or not but we'll see yeah finally at Chinatown and I think it's perfect timing because the lights are just coming on and uh I think they usually have the big dragon Lantern lit down the center guy uh during Chinese New Year so hopefully it'll be nice I don't think I've actually filmed a video here with this new camera yet but uh I think they're having events here next weekend as well so maybe I'll come back wait so they're tearing down to the whole stadium but they're not rebuilding it that sounds pretty sad I guess the Rail Project sucked up all the budget but uh yeah that's pretty sad all right let's go in there's also a parade two weekends from now wow how long is the Chinese New Year celebration that's longer than I thought like I was thinking isn't Chinese New Year already the Lunar New Year was last night or today and then why is the lion dance next week and then there's like another one the week after that's kind of crazy that's almost a whole month of Celebration didn't realize it was that intense see there's a lot of people so we'll walk on the street a little bit 15 days I see starting today I guess okay that makes sense 15 days so today is the first day then next week is the middle and then the following week is the end of it yeah I guess that that's that makes sense all right let's go walk around Hong Kong the holiday goes past till Wednesday oh wow apparently I guess we can walk on the streets here oh it looks pretty damn crowded over here yeah I think if I come again next weekend I gotta bring my monopod there's gonna be so many people I gotta hold the camera up okay all right let's go walk around guys I'm not gonna film right now yeah I definitely should have brought my monopod that was a mistake not bringing it [Music] look at this guy he has a ladder I guess this is the shot the zoom shot with the dragon lanterns foreign thank you foreign foreign punching dogs [Music] oh look at this stand on the side here oh that looks really nice I don't think I've actually eaten anything geared before though yeah I think there's probably a line for everything like dumplings and I think a lot of these places are also all you can eat so yeah I don't know if we could actually get anything [Applause] foreign I thought there was supposed to be some kind of a celebration or something I guess not let's check out this side street I guess I thought there was supposed to be like a lion dance or something celebrations are next weekend that makes sense but I thought I saw in the article that they'd have some line dances but I guess you're right maybe they're just all next weekend oh let me fix the the brightness it's getting a little dark because all the signs all right this place looks pretty popular this place is crazy popular whoa foreign it looked pretty crazy over there oh yeah in Japanese foreign let's go on the other streets foreign crazy crowded sorry guys I can't look at the chat very much I'm just trying to like not walk into people foreign that had a ton of Taiwanese Flags yeah the flavoring is not astrology where did that crazy crowded Street go oh here all right I wouldn't say what is it stupid I thought this was a bigger Alleyway for some reason like between those two bars yeah I think they're doing their Instagram stories all right can we catch up with the chat so I'm just trying not to bump into people everything's looking delicious lots of tourists yes there are uh Taiwan alley oh cool Horror Story hey Hawaiian thanks for the 15 Man red envelope thank you so much dude oh okay I didn't miss anything all right let's go walk around a little more foreign [Music] [Music] foreign I was kind of hoping that we'd at least see one line dance but yeah maybe it's not happening today everything happy birthday okay okay uh sure yeah hey fungus thanks for the thanks for the 20 man thank you so much Happy Chinese New Year thank you foreign s and others don't that's kind of curious hey Chris Brown thanks for the 15. thank you so much man dang this is like what I remember it being like before covid I thought there's a Temple down this way let's go check or is this the wrong Street let's go see what's down the street foreign [Applause] dance is let's try take a look the lion dance is supposed to be here all right let's check I mean I don't think they're going to be doing lion dancing for five hours though right maybe it's just like you have to catch it when they do it I didn't see a schedule or anything so maybe that's next weekend beautiful Castle hey yellow mellow thanks for the five thank you so much all right here's some lanterns oh we're in the back of the temple I see all right let's go around [Music] foreign let's see if we can get into the front of the the temple I don't know what they're called all right Chinese temples called temples are they even temples is that only Buddhism is this Buddhism I have no idea okay [Music] I think it should be over here I'm also confused if the Street's closed or not foreign [Applause] foreign I guess you buy those incense and then you uh put them into the The Cauldron up there [Music] let me get out of the way there the thumbnail picture all right let me take a picture with my phone actually came home [Music] thank you [Music] okay cool let's go back I wonder if I should take a video actually I feel like this would be a good time for a video it's just so crowded but what do you guys think [Music] all right I'm gonna take a video because it'd be kind of a waste if I didn't so I can always take another one next week let's see all right let's uh start it from here I guess and then we can go down the main area and then we'll go down the main street with the dragon all right let's do it [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] people um oh my God [Applause] oh really yeah [Applause] three minutes right here one two three okay thank you thank you um foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] not about it thank you book foreign [Music] [Music] thank you one of you thank you thank you thank you foreign thank you thank you okay foreign [Music] is my name [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign exciting America [Music] it's like almost a taste a taste of it thank you good evening thank you foreign thank you foreign [Applause] thank you [Music] thank you um friends [Music] foreign foreign thank you thank you foreign foreign thank you foreign thank you okay foreign please foreign foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] thanks guys for hanging in there I think I want to switch to my shoulder camera because I want to eat some food and I can't do that with the big camera so I'm gonna go hide in the corner somewhere and switch to my shoulder cam so let's go do that I don't know I think maybe at the park we can go do it we'll go in the back of the park all right let's see what time is it 5 50. this taxi it's a taxi simulator no wait wait thank you okay I don't know just kind of be in the camera or he was actually really drunk I couldn't tell okay let's find a little corner In this park to change cameras oh cool there's a little bench down there let's go do that um okay oh [Music] I'm just going to change the cameras to shoulder cam I'll just prepare a little bit and then I'll put you guys on away when I switch the cable everything okay foreign [Music] [Applause] thank you again foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] give me a little bit [Music] got me upside down [Music] baby get me high touching me like lightning keeping it exciting you know exactly what to do to blow my mind [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] get me high [Music] ER [Music] [Music] this bed is out of space just keep painting constellations [Music] go from another planet [Music] got me upside down [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign okay thank you thank you all right hold on hold on guys thank you foreign I think something's wrong with the cable so hold on a second guys yeah I think it's the cord all right I have a backup plan hold on foreign [Music] get me high [Music] ER [Music] [Music] this bed is out of space just keep painting constellations [Music] go from another planet [Music] [Music] got me upside down [Music] wanna taste [Music] the 7 35 [Music] chasing at the sunsets back when we were young [Music] for just one night let's go back the end times [Music] [Music] good foreign okay hold on guys I'm trying to fix stuff I'm also just gonna put away all my other stuff too yeah so I think there's something wrong with either this camera or the cable that's connecting it so I can't use this anymore I need to fix it at home so I I'm on my iPhone now so [Music] I haven't streamed from my iPhone in a long time and uh I don't have the the phone gimbal with me so I may just try to strap it on my backpack Mount and see what happens but uh yeah we'll see sorry about that guys okay but yeah this is the gimbal so I gotta pack it up yeah thanks for staying guys I appreciate it I wasn't sure who was going to be still be here um let's see I was hoping there was a way I could Mount this but I don't have like a white wrench so unfortunately oh it works I just use my hands nice I'll put you guys on this little stick with no Gimbal and let's see how it works if it works well or not after Wards yeah this setup is pretty stressful this camera is not so great the shoulder camera it's like a cheap cheap camera kind of so the quality is not so great and I don't know if it's the camera or the the cable that I use but one of the two is just all messed up Mac became a member more fun debugging at home later [Music] Matt welcome to the membership thank you so much man yourself so I'm just putting away everything still thank you [Music] okay that's something hold on a second [Music] hey Kenny lamb from Tifa toy thank you so much for the five thank you so much Kenny Lam's super chatted six dollars and five cents Kung HEI Fat Choi wishing you a happy New Year enjoy your live streams a lot does that sound weird okay let's see here I see all right let me let me fix that one thing at a time please but thanks for letting me know much you gotta get this little Mount going to see if we can I don't know it's pretty tight on there I'm trying to see if I can uh get a mount going so I can put you guys on the backpack strap I don't usually use my phone as a mountain cam foreign [Music] [Music] foreign let's see if this Frankenstein setup works [Music] and let me fix the sound too [Music] late there's so many things there and I also can turn off these mics because I'm not using the mic anymore actually can I [Music] got me upside down [Music] baby get me high [Music] know exactly what to do to blow my mind [Music] [Music] [Music] got me upside down [Music] falling down [Music] all right how's the sound is this better uh [Music] got me upside down [Music] all right let's uh walk around I guess forget it we'll just leave it as is but thank you guys for waiting I think that's everything but yes we are a bit better okay hold on a second we are uh a bit better yeah I think it's just like trying to isolate my voice or something so sorry that's the that's just how phones are so but yeah thanks for waiting guys I think I got everything so yeah let's go see if we can find some food let me put you guys on my Mount and see how that works and hopefully it's not too terrible all right [Music] hey how can we do this okay how's this is this terrible it's just horrible foreign yeah let's just try this out and see how it goes but uh I'm assuming it's not going to be very stable but we'll see all right let's go find some food it's okay well we'll see once I get started walking could be a little weird yeah food time food time all right let's go all right I think we can head back to the main area and then we'll get some food I don't want to wait in line though so let's find something that we don't have to wait for thank you gosh I wonder where you can get food around here there's tons of food right yeah it's just a matter of waiting for it I guess all right looks good are we on ear pods oh wait no there's no way that you're on earpods although I feel like it could actually be better if you were on earpods but um you shouldn't be it's not connected to my earpods my earpods are in my uh in my actually my my earpods are in my my bag so I don't think they're on and if they were that would be super weird all right let's go find some food there's food food is everywhere okay I want to get some kind of dumplings or something I'm kind of enjoying this iPhone mount on my chest but it's kind of weird actually it's like a big phone on my chest yes xiaolong Bao but I don't wanna I wouldn't want to burn my tongue every time I burn my tongue when I eat ciao and I definitely regret it all the time you think that we're you're on airpods well I can try to turn my Bluetooth off on my phone um all right let me try that one second if it's really not bad [Music] get me high maybe that fixed it all right how does that sound does that sound better can you even hear anything because is there even any sound it sounds very soft on my end what do you guys think is this better all right hold on guys hold on previous one was better okay I'll just set it back and then stop messing with it [Music] baby [Music] [Applause] all right is that better I can't tell if it's better or not [Music] hopefully this is better but yeah let's go look for some food I guess all right now let's go look for some food and then we'll eat better okay good all right see something that looks good but not so popular that it's impossible to eat okay this one looks good no one's in line here so let me strap you guys in and I'm gonna make a purchase here skull became a member [Music] thank you [Music] I'm gonna get the sixth set [Music] okay we are 23. hey angry yank welcome to the Tokyo area support membership thank you so much man okay let's see here what should we do let's do it all right finally decided to become a member oh thank you so much ma'am all right yeah we're number 23 I think they just called 14 so we got a little ways to go volume is nice and loud oh nice cool [Music] you can hear again nice yeah I got the uh the six piece dumpling set so hopefully it's good hey Evie there were a lot of shops open today yeah everything's open today the lines are super long I think everybody's just waiting for the next batch thank you it's pretty cool you can even buy them and cook them at home I think change the donation go to 1K I mean I could I guess foreign beautiful let's see if I could change the goal hmm [Music] [Music] foreign hold on guys see if this works thank you the internet's super slow in here for some reason I don't know why foreign let's see what did I miss when I was gone after watching for four months it's time to support ah thanks man thanks angry yank I'm gonna get one later on um if anything I think I want to get that flat Fried Chicken the Taiwanese one but we'll see yeah time for some dinner gotta get some dumplings on okay let's go foreign I guess just right here all right an empty space away from everybody all right all right guys cheers and thanks for the food foreign I think they're different flavors but I didn't know what they were so yeah maybe one spinach or chives I'm not really sure we'll see but there's like soup in them so hopefully I don't spill or else I'm spilling on the camera which is you guys so there we go ah it's hot are you supposed to drink the soup first ow my lip I burned my lip thankfully not my tongue oh it's so hot what the heck I couldn't do it guys it burned my lip failed uh all right let's give it another go look at this oh it's shrimp it's steaming all right The Dumpling the Little Skin is like a little bowl let's go let it cool yeah well I Like It Hot you know that's good it's just super super hot poke some holes in it that's a good idea yeah I should pre-pre uh pretty cool the rest of them all right I think the green one is chives this one is I don't know but yeah let's let the let the heat out have these little death pouches [Music] get me high [Music] ER [Music] [Music] [Music] got me upside down [Music] got me upside down [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign sorry about that take everything is going wrong this stream at the end of course that's it fireworks over Tokyo bay not that I know of okay let's continue they definitely cooled off by now foreign video quality is fantastic oh nice this is just my phone all right let's get in on these um hmm damn these are so good thank you my dude that's squirting everywhere all right let's walk around a little bit it's a nice little empty area over here real good how do I got the camera on my shoulder it's just my phone the phone is just like strapped to my shoulder pretty much here's some are sucking juice hmm whose birthday is it Evie's birthday hey happy early birthday man [Music] oh man this is so good [Music] hmm hey evil Chris okay that was so good I'm gonna I need to get something to drink and then I need to I think I want to get a fried chicken excuse me all right let's see if we can get a fried chicken everyone has this huge fried shrimp trick shrimp uh stick wait where's the see I gotta throw this away so let me throw this away real quick damn that was so good all right now let's try to find that Taiwanese chicken I guess it's this right here it's either the fried chicken or the big squid stick I don't know if I want the big squid stick looks pretty good [Music] [Music] thank you your set looks good they have the Taiwanese Fried Chicken beer set looks pretty damn good yeah there's also the big squid stick that also looks pretty good squid stick all right let's let's go see if there's another restaurant that one was pretty crowded everyone is waiting let's see if this one on the side is more empty they also have squid stick foreign squid stick looks interesting but I think I want to get the chicken instead how often do you get Squid on a stick that's true that's true all right we'll get this squid instead thank you thank you hey [Music] yay thank you I'm gonna get the squid stick you guys have convinced me cheers guys ice cream thank you all right let me stand on the side I might get run over by the guy with the boxes love onions all right [Music] let's see yeah I'm gonna get that squid stick foreign let me take out my squid stick all right guys I can't hold the squid stick and you guys and the beer so I'm gonna put you guys in my pocket and just walk around with a squid stick whoa look at it all right let's go it's a nice squid stick foreign [Music] better than I expected so I've never had this squid stick before foreign foreign thank you it's pretty big it's like as big as a beer bottle oh no all the lights came off oh okay [Music] it's good but it was too much it all came off at once thank you it's good though all right hold on I'm putting you guys back on the shoulder camera I got squid on my face man this quit is is good but it's just so hard to eat I don't know how you're supposed to eat this properly also I'm like scared to like poke somebody with this pointy squid stick oh no proper way to eat it just crush it yeah pretty much all right I think there's really just like squid all over my face now foreign there's like no way to eat this nicely [Music] SLO 722 super shattered 5.12 cents great to see you devouring your food thank you for the streams okay damn it was so good though and the beer now I need to go find a napkin to clean my face off hello foreign [Music] look at those [Music] damn that was good I just wish they would chop up the shrimp a little bit so it's easier to eat damn who's all these people who donated thank you so much I I couldn't read because I was numbing on this big shrimp uh big uh squid stick sorry I missed your super chats but thank you guys so much pink tentacles how appropriate thank you so much and slow 722 great to see me devouring my food hey thank you so much for the 40 Hong Kong dollars thank you so if I missed anybody else but thank you guys so much that was so good I never thought I would enjoy a squid stick so much and you guys got to see me with tentacles hanging out of my mouth very uh very hentai [Music] all right where should I go I think from here I'm gonna head back to the station so let's see where is the station actually my phone is all oily from shrimp shrimp oils all right let's see here this is not the way it's stationed I think all right let me check my Google Maps I gotta I'm gonna go back to the station from here I'm pretty full all right let's see station okay this is the way to motomachico guy nice Okay so man how is this iPhone strapped to my shoulder looking is it stable you guys like it back towards the bay yeah I feel like the the image quality is better but it doesn't have the same stability as a the other camera so all right maybe I could just hold you guys maybe that's more stable all right here we go no I got you guys hopefully this is better foreign it's jiggly it's good just needs a better mic yeah I could see that Spike Jones Style yeah all right that was fun though guys I'm glad that uh I'm glad you guys recommended this for this year but I wonder if I'll come back next weekend since there was no actual uh parade or lion dances or anything I thought there would be firecrackers or something but there was nothing so I don't know if I missed it earlier in the day or um or what but yeah [Music] 2000's home video vibes too true too true um all right let's see hey there's a giggle here what that was chinatown's actually pretty big and clean this is probably the cleanest Chinatown I've ever been in uh I have the road mic in my bag actually but uh it's not really working with this setup that I have right now but yes I'm glad that this ended up working out in the end because yeah pretty sad that the other camera just died hey happy Lunar New Year uh the event is goes until eight but I don't know if there's gonna be an actual dance at eight but uh maybe that's just a good excuse to come back next weekend I'm not sure if I had anything else planned for next weekend but yeah this would be another good one to do let's see should I just leave you guys here because the station's right here and I gotta pee so I don't think anyone wants to uh ride with me home but yes thank you guys for watching today and putting up with the cut all the setup issues as usual but uh yeah hopefully you hopefully you guys have a good uh rest of your weekend and a good week and uh yeah I will see you guys next time uh you can please join our Discord Channel and then uh please recommend some more places like this because this was really awesome so thanks again to fungus and Warren um and all the mods Hawaiian Cohen and thank you guys to put a link to the Discord in here and yeah I will see you guys next time so thank you [Music] [Music] touching me like lightning keeping it exciting know exactly what to do to blow my mind [Music] [Music] [Music] I never wanna leave the sky [Music] go from another planet [Music] about your body [Music] couldn't fight if I wanted fly into places [Music] when I taste
Views: 47,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PGw5yjt5c2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 227min 9sec (13629 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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