TOKYO Japan Street Food Tour

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[Music] so asakusa is one of the most popular places to visit in Tokyo there's lots of street food there's so much to do all right guys first stop is always this place for us it's a place called Azuma and they specialize in these things called Ki Dango they are traditional uh M small little Mochi on sticks and it is delicious by the way this place is located on nakamori this is the shopping street that leads from kamong gate all the way to seni Temple the oldest Temple in the kto area nakamori dates back to the 17th century most shops in this arcade is run by the same families for several generations and of course some of them are brand new it's always interesting and only during the colder months you can get amazake which is a sweet stin non-alcoholic rice based beverage that is very very popular among Japanese people it's also healthy and it's delicious ah it's good so good it's so warming and so comforting and the K dangle whenever visitors come here this is the first place that we take them just have to be careful not to get the the soybean powder all over your clothes so good kind of reminds me of peanut butter but better in my opinion if you come to ASA don't missaki we came to kimak this shop is located neari they are making ningi fresh right here at the shop you can buy from eight pieces at 600 y they're making four different shapes lant pagot drum and Pig all symol Su m see I like the castella part and the inside is the smooth auki bean paste it's not over sweet just right and fluffy and moist so the next thing on the list is kind of insane uh there is this uh place that sells bentos for 300 Yen all the way to 750 Yen this place is called daa paku paku they used to be open 24 hours I don't think they are anymore but we came here to get this insane looking thing is this humongous Jo giant Oni this giant Oni consists of 1 kilg of white rice and there is k k takana and okaka on the inside 1 kilg of white rice looks like manga where should I bite maybe right in the middle we can share this on oh my gosh immediately what is that is that comu you haven't gotten to the combo yet yet they another the bite bite yep M Tak Tak it's Tak it's mustard greens seasoned mustard green the texture of rice is pretty nice well cooked rice and the takana flavor is very good for Rice too here k k okay so that's K seaweed and takana oh M remember I said there's lots of street food sorry I had to get this cut out this is probably my favorite place to get chicken KAG which is Japanese star Fried Chicken it's called asakusa chicken and they actually won the Grand Prix gold medal for 2023 amazing and not [Music] surprised oh my God so good amazing why not drinking hoppy here is a hoppy Street hoppy is this drink this is alcohol drink pour into this Shu this one is flavor is like beer so I already mixed with Shu so cheers everybody and I my my it's very refreshing but same time it has be like Flavor if you drank all of this you can order only Shu it is called NAA and po rest rest of this poppy you can enjoy twice so this place is called Kura it's one of the multiple shops here on ho Street lots of people drinking next we came here to Asaka ta Roman and we found this beautiful beautiful gravee and Tao means the name of era before sh so about 100 years ago in Japanese history the become very modernized era I really amazed this crepe it's crepe and it's PR alamod and I can hold like this I'm very excited so from the center part P oh it's thicker type of pudding custard pudding M oh it's thick a beautiful egg flavor Custard flavor oh I love this and the caramel flavor is also good it has little bit bitterness and depth fruit and oh cream oh I don't want to break this wow this puding is like cream cheese really thick so next of nakam street nakam we found a very interesting shop the shop name is kenty's kitchen and the product name is senara H what is senara you know K Japanese Fried Chicken regularly they use for the butter flour but this shop uses rice cracker yes Crush rice cracker they Crush rice cracker into like powder and using for this butter it's interesting idea and it's very cute outside yeah I understand it's like a SBE crash to s m it's very s yeah I love SBE and yes this butter texture is like SBE really Sak the chicken meat is really juicy I love that there so much Umami flavor of chicken in nak Street Kya the dang shop Kya is operated more than 100 years they sell a variety of Dango and this is seasonal G Dango Yaki Dango the flavor isi you you can see a little bit here m m sauce is soy sauce sauce not over sweet just like sweetness and the texture of Dango little bit fmer than Mochi but it's squishy bouncy M okay guys we have entered one of the side streets this shop is called Kur and we've never seen this shop before and they are famous for their meni KATU but it's a little bit different because it's a meni KATU uh that's a round ball like this and it's supposed to have cheese in there oh my goodness oh my God I definitely have never had miniatu like this ever it's good though the miniatu is basically deep fried ground beef with onions but this one has cheese inside the ground beef part is super super juicy and very very flavorful IMO yokan is actually one of my favorite things to eat here but we've never tried it because I never knew that they sold it like per piece you always had to buy like a box with five which is why I didn't consider it street food but I had no idea they have a shop right next door called funa the same name funa has been doing business since 1903 so over a 100 Year history and yeah it's quite famous among the locals as well but this one is warm it's seasonal as you can you can see the color it's usually not this color I don't know what that is though I wonder if that's mayonnaise or whipped cream I don't think it should be male because it's sweet but anyway this is called imoan but this is the Yaki version or the grilled version what oh okay I S it took me a while it took my mind a while to register I know what this tastes like but actually when it's warm like this and it's grilled it is even sweeter oh the heat brings out the sweetness of the sweet potatoes I think and the thing on top is not whipped cream nor is it Mayo it's actually salted butter oh oh this makes it amazing I never had this before I'm so glad I'm so glad we came to Ala today so the next shop we went to is Tana goo it's located right behind Mata department store or tlu Railway uh entrance between nakamori and the park we're at right now I love the name of the shop T Goo means the heart of your palm and that's what it is really when someone puts their heart and soul when they're molding the onig with their hands and that's the perfect name these are not your typical onig these are onig yeah these are onig that you don't mow I like to call them rice sandwiches I got the tempura because I love Tempura with rice and I was in the mood for tempura so perfect so you can see the filling is sandwiched between the rice and then it's all wrapped up in NY like this this and the inside is actually a slice of tempura and there's some tempura sauce on it so let's give it a try first of all I was in such a mood to eat tempura and I wanted something Savory the rice and The Noy is perfect together the rice is cooked perfectly by the way there's just enough tempura sauce on it so that it's not soggy the tempura itself is a kakagi tempura which is made with vegetables I see beans in here carrots and onions M Perfect Harmony of flavors delicious this is new shop from Asaka Sak shop located in Nish Sando the next of seni Nando is a shopping arcade this is Tempa but it's pressed Tempa this is templa we are watching how to make them it was a real shmp Templar they press in the machine and become like this it's like SBE or CA I never seen this form of temp M texture is similar to the tacos sh FL shrimp craer M interesting I sprinkled a little bit salt it's good that for Tempa salt is the best this is your typical melon Pond that everyone knows about the famous ason Pond and then I don't know it looks like there's something new over there oo what is that next place we're here at Aria Bakery they are famous for their melon Pond or Melon bread which are like bread shaped like melon with no melon in it um you can buy the plain one for 200 then you can buy the one with whipped cream for 400 and you can also try their newest one which is a Sukiyaki melon pun this goes on sale for 600 Yen and we're here to try this out because this looks kind of insane check it out the inside is full of sukiyaki meat which are thinly sliced beef with itaku which is a shirataki noodles and it's all simmered in this really nice sweet soy sauce bro and it's all encased in this fluffy melon Pond CR crusty outside okay all right this looks so good D most oh you know what this reminds me of that um Charo that Charo bow inside that pineapple bun that um I had in Hong Kong and it's really really famous over there kind of reminds me of that because the melon Pond itself the bread is sweet but the inside the meat is Savory and a little bit sweet of course but this combination is actually genius I really like this look at that crusty bread with all that meat on the inside oh yeah oh baby look at that that sweet and savory crunchy fluffy meaty texture combo H this works for me the next stop is Asaka s ski the the sign board says ich the strawberry shop it's it's tempted me it's tempted me and look this very thick thick Dr and beautiful n and cream it's a cheese cream cheesecake mm strawberry flavor is really good it's so enjoyable sweet of course it's sweet and smooth um paste the aroma and the flavor of strawberry so good it makes me very happy so this is Ichigo Wabi Mii strawberry Wabi Mii it's made with a real it strawberry pure I've never seen Ichigo before the this shop is Asaka icha everything is made with [Music] strawberry M I can taste the real strawberry flavor and texture and just light sweetness it's very comfort Comfort flavor and on top is this milk powder it's milk powder interesting interesting it's milk powder o look this jiggly jiggly it's like a soft type jelly the texture is soft type jelly but it's Moji texture the other thing we got is called shinuchi Sho and I love the way it looks it it's basically a strawberry clothed in a beautiful Mochi kimono that's what it is and this actually one an award for international taste test or something it won like three stars not really sure what that means but let's give it a go fresh strawberry on the inside Tak Moss M so juicy the strawberry sweet outside is like it's like it's like a Ichigo diu but in a more creative form I believe there's like Peach puree inside this pink Mochi so you get both Peach and strawberry flavors really good stuff finally I can drink matcha beer we are at kaminar ISA near neari Temple I'm very very looking forward to doing this one yes I found last year but I couldn't drink at the time now I can drink matcha yes I can enjoy I can taste the Mata flavor with beer taste I very worried the matcha flavor disturb the beer flavor or beer flavor disturb the matcha but I can enjoy the both flavor well let's not disturb each other little bit tanginess I don't know why where it comes from but little bit tanginess it's good good good accents accent little bit citrusy tastes good beer it's very refreshing in this hot summer day we are here back in to kiji the place where the former Fish Market used to be the outer Market where all the street food and the sushi restaurants are are still here first shop is mar very popular egg omelette shop look this beautiful and this size is pretty big pretty large I'm very very looking forward to eat this [Music] one so cut cut ah good Dash flavor with sweetness m the texture is perfect soft smooth fluffy tasty dashy flavor [Music] [Applause] [Music] sweetness next place is tomoya this is located on the outside of the market and this place has been uh making these Mago or tuna steaks since 2018 it's the first time we we've seen this but uh that makes sense cuz we haven't been here in 3 years okay so check it out guys these are this is the tuna on skewer it's 500 yen they look thick and Meaty he grilled it right in front of us we put a little bit of black pepper and lemon juice as the man suggested and yeah and get into it thank you m whoa that's like getting steak it's like eating a piece of steak that's super tender oh wow the fish is so flaky this is cooked with garlic and soy sauce but adding that lemon that little bit of um acidity just makes it so good so we're here at this place called Marita and we're here to eat some seafood rice bows um I got something called the ton this is 2000 Yen they have a variety of rice bows here I personally don't eat sea urchin so I got the one without the sea urchin and this is what it looks like guys so there's a whole bunch of ingredients in here there's um uh minc tuna there's tuna there's also um fish R there's some white fish there's scallops there's uh egg omelette as well as some crab legs here and a parall of leaf and there's sushi rice on the bottom that's a big the of Wasabi and today they're giving some free soup crab miso soup and 2,000 for all of this I think is pretty worth it we got these spacios on because um we're talking and there's people around us so good idea all right so Tak here we go look at that new up like that so I always start off with the Mago which is a tuna and this is a red meat here we go so this is the lean part of the tuna which I which I actually am a super big fan of like I'm a fan of the the red lean meat M that's nice and fresh surprisingly fresh you know what I want some Wasabi I forgot all about my Wasabi going to completely forgot about the Wasabi you there we go that's good it's pretty fresh you little bit of the rice I noticed there's some uh SL slivers of NY as well as some Sesame seas in there I also got myself a little bit of the fish R seasoned pretty nicely m with a little bit of vinegar and sugar white fish di it into soy sauce oh that has a very interesting flavor I love iuda or uh fish roll one of my favorite things to eat has such a beautiful texture that's nice too haven't had iura in a long long time one of the main reasons why I I I chose this one is because I love crab and there's two pieces of crab legs in here look at [Music] that M that's good the crab is good guys so much sweet meat inside it's sweet this is called morosi deep fried corn and fish cake the inside is a fish cake with corn and it's deep fried this is from AO the shop lady said this is the number one popular stuff M it's sweeter than I expected it's a taste of corn fish cake it's like kamaboko really tasty the next Magoo Seafood grip just 1,000 yen tuna Sea orun Cloud and inside maybe it's scallop it's just Grill in front of us they CH gr on the surface sea oan I love sea oan M flavorful nicely gooded with soy sauce that soup I'm going to eat the tuna that has so much flavor the seafood is super Super Fresh so you don't really need to add too many seasonings I think like just the right amount of saltiness it's not too soy Saucy or anything oh oh and this tuna is super super meaty okay here we go look at that check it out guys oh we were walking down this small Alleyway in between the streets and we found this really nice and quaint shop that sells fish Burgers called fish burger Masa they were right in front of us what I thought was a bowl of miso soup it was actually a pot of ginger ale he was actually making fresh ginger ale right in front of us so of course I had to to get myself ginger ale I mean I've never seen Ginger L made right in front of me like that and then we got the Tata Burger which translates to Cod burger and this is 500 yen and it's so cool because he makes everything fresh I mean right in front of you he actually battered the fish in front of us he deep fried it and then I mean everything was just fresh so I'm just impressed all that is a good fish burger the outside is so crispy the inside is so piping hot and Flaky the fish is so fresh there's no fishiness whatsoever there's a slice of cheese that's melted on top of the fish there's shredded cabbage as well and the bun is a very specially made bun here's a ginger ale oh oh that's that is so refreshing it's so refreshing wow and so much Ginger check it out I mean look at the ginger look at all that fresh ginger right inside that's amazing we got the meni KATU from a shop called Yoshi zawa Shen they are famous for their meni cutlets and it's made with 100% Matsuzaka beef which is one of the top three wagu beefs here in Japan and we had to wait for a while because they were sold out and they keep selling like hot cakes all day long that's how popular these are hot M wo wow this is incredibly juicy it's so juicy has so much beef flavor it's it's like it's not like the beef that I'm used to eating it has so much flavor in here it's so simple all it is is ground up mataka beef it's rolled in some PCO breadcrumbs and then it's deep fried that's all it is but it's wonderful murya you guys are probably saying finally you guys are eating tuna I know it took us a while but you know there's just so much food that's you know like trying to catch our attention anyway we're finally having tuna this is the Cho which is the medium fatty tuna and um the reason why we chose a medum fatty tuna is because the fatty tuna which is Oto we both don't really care for Oto it's a bit too fatty for our taste but if you like fatty taste please go for it because I heard it's really good good I'm going to eat it with a little bit of Wasabi I'm going to have it with a little bit of rice that is so fresh it is one of the freshest tuna I've had this is definitely worth the 1,500 Yen it's a pretty small bowl but they actually give you quite a few pieces of tuna in this bowl I wish my mother was here right now she loves tuna so much I wish you were here so I could give you a taste of this Mom you would love this we decided to walk around ueno area to check out some street food this place is called minatoya and they serve possibly the best takoyaki in the entire city I'm not even joking every time I come to ueno if I'm hungry I always stop by here and today we got the four pieces of takoyaki for 200 yen it's such a bargain 200 yen that's like $2 us for four pieces all the toppies are on the table T like this tonat sauce here or U sauce or Takaki sauce so we definitely want some of this on and then we're going to put on some mayo this is totally optional takoyaki sauce not optional Mayo optional but we like Mayo we got Kat Bishi which is Bonito flakes look at this you can put as much Bonito flakes as you want and we love Bonito flakes so going to put a lot of that on and then finally I'll no which is uh seaweed it's like a green seaweed and there we go this is ready to be eaten all right we're going to eat it check it out this is a big takoyaki that's that's the trademark of this place it's actually bigger than your normal takoyaki and it's really hot so word of caution be careful a lot of people can stuff this whole thing into their mouth like can't I I'm going to take a small little bite it's so good the outside is a little bit crispy inside is so creamy oh it's delicious I love it and the complex flavors from the sauce and the Bonito flakes the NY which gives it like a little oceany flavor M oh know the best taco Yaki in Tokyo that's the uh that's the taco that's the octopus you see it inside this uh ball of goodness the same corner of the Taco Shop they sell seafood rice bards there are so many rice bards it looks so beautiful every time we came here the the shop this shop is so clouded I was thinking I really want to eat someday but always it's clouded but today it's not so clouded so I ordered the the most popular one the toi and small size this one is a smaller size M this is good this Sashimi tastes so comfortable for me H and the temperature is really good squid eat with rice eat with rice like this m m that's is soft not super chewy nice texture good very good Mago Mago I want to add a little bit Wasabi on top and eat with rice like sushi the D tuna is really freshy tasty we came out oama a very popular meni KATU shampo I bought this one I love men KATU this one is oyama to meni KATU 200 DM looks so yummy M smells good I can't wait can I bite can I bite it just fried just deep fried hot nicely hot hot outside really sakuto and inside very meaty juicy the texture is perfect it has a very nice meat taste I love this I love this amoko stands for am Yoko which means a Candy Lane or candy Street and this used to be the place full of candy shops right now it's a mixture of candy shops wet markets that sell everything from fresh fish to fresh fruits and vegetabl and lots and lots of street food so it's a really really fun place to walk around today we are in Shinjuku one of our favorite places in the city today we're going to show you guys some of our favorite places for snacking I'm going to take you guys to probably the best place to get dungle this is my mother's favorite place for dungle I'm going to go there right now here we are at oake dungle where I consider to have the best dungle in the entire ire city and what and like I said like I mentioned this is my mother's favorite place she swears by this place so if you guys like Dango you definitely have to check this place out they have a wide variety of Dango from sweet to Savory you can also eat on the inside they have a pretty nice menu of traditional Japanese Savory and sweet items so the first item I got is the shimi Dango so this is basically a Dango based in soy sauce and covered with Shima which is Japanese chili oh oh this one has um a little bit of ssho ssho pepper and it actually has quite a kick it is a little bit spicy but it has so much flavors in here because of shimy toi which are which are created by blending seven different herbs and so this is very very complex in taste but Soy Sauce is is not that salty I like this a lot I've never seen this one before maybe because I don't come here during the winter but it is strawberry season here in Japan and here we have a strawberry uncle dungle look at that you see the dungle on the bottom these are the uh the Mochi and this is that that beautiful smooth uh Uncle paste and we have one whole strawberry here two strawberry halves right on top takas M wo that strawberry is so juicy and sweet once again look at that texture of the Mochi it is so soft it's perfect Mochi and the smoothness of that red bean paste it's just the right sweetness not too sweet it goes so well with that little bit of tartness of the strawberry okay guys so right now we are walking inside kabukicho kab kabukicho is a major red light/ Entertainment District here in Tokyo I'm lot of tourists come here it is a tourist destination a lot of good places to eat a lot of good good things to see and there's a nice movie theater called too Cinema one of my favorite theaters and most people when they come here especially tourist they love the Godzilla on top of the building that's the building with Godzilla peeking out you guys see Godzilla up there next we are at kabuk G and this shop is located under the Godzilla today I bought this six bots of Tako Yaki it is called Nei Taco this is interesting takoyaki regularly we eat takoyaki as it is but in this case look this is T the soup dipping soup of Tempa and it's a grated ton radish so it means dip this dip this takoyaki Bard into this soup isn't it interesting open this T you soup o okay it's really temper soup and this is great radish mix in the temp soup okay so take one bowl with green onion Japanese Nei and dip into this soup originally I like this soup dipping stuff M it's taste Japanese and the takoyaki is hot the soup is cold differeny of this temperature it makes the this takoyaki much more fun look this piece of octopus nice chunky octopus and outside is really sakuto really crispy and inside look it's to smooth soft you want to eat I know you want to eat it so Kore town is located around Shin OKO station Shin OKO station is just one station from shuk by Y and there are so many so many Korean shops so the first place is M we bought Chim Maki it is a small Kim it's the rice rad rice wrapped with Nory seaweed and they have a variety of menu we bought the assorted one tuna odm cheese and beef so other ingredients egg omelette cucumber and green vegetables on top of this Nori sea they using sesame seed first I like this sesame seed flavor of this NY seed and inside the tuna flavor and other vegetable flavors are combined very well it's nicely seasoned it's really good our right next place is just a few steps away from the first two places this is called jono Yura they have a variety of selections that you can choose from you can try out their sweet uh hot Tu pancakes which are delicious uh but today we decided to get one of their best sellers this is a cheese toi check it out we got the small size you can get small medium and large but you know we're going to be eating all day long so small size is good enough and look at all the cheese oh my goodness let's that's the topoki Mii and in a like a k Jang chili sauce let's get the piece with the cheese oh my gosh oh that looks so amazing I I hope it's not too hot [Music] M like super super flavorful I already like topoki but adding cheese to it just takes it to another level it adds Umami it adds richness creaminess cheesiness and it actually makes the topoki sauce a little milder because the K Jong sauce is pretty spicy but the cheese makes it mild and the cheese is really yummy too I wonder what kind of cheese using I don't know maybe mozzarella kind of mozzarella I only try the toi without the cheese CU I do like topoki a lot that's good that's good I love topoki I do then I like k a lot I like the flavor of K so next very popular Korean hot dog we bought this one at Shang in this one is a potato dog means potato and mozzarella dog I so they put so much potato around this dog here is the dog this one is freshly cooked deep fried about 3 to 5 minutes on top I sprinkled mozzarella cheese powder and honey mustard and ketchup I think it is very hot M did you see it's freshly freshly deep fried so the cheese is very soft M it string so long the outside is crispy potato flavors very good and I think it's the cheese powder works very nice I like this finally we reached to Desert place this place is called OB macaron yes Korean macaron do you know Korean macaron look this is the one what's interesting one is this thickness they using about 1 in thickness cream we bought two and this one is a pistachio flavor uh they say this is one of the most popular one but how can I eat this it is Rec just bite it's really cute the shape like rabbit I'm sorry rabbit cute rabbit I will destroy you so the cookie p is really tasty nice macaron texture and this cream it's Rich buttercream beautiful pistachio flavor on top they put sugar of course it is sweet and this crunchy bits are nice today we at this place called shibba mat which is at the edge of Tokyo in fact there's a river nearby and as soon as you cross the river you're in the next prefecture the Chiba prefecture today we have another collaboration with our good friend I from eyes Munchies hi everybody how are you doing many many something interesting yeah and then there are so many things it actually has a blessing in you know what I mean it's like a lucky oh that's interesting that is interesting oh this is golden oh it's oh good luck Good Luck Good Luck yes originally it's D 24 gold coage really but a lot of people T then became White oh so on my on my hand there are golden leaf in here so maybe maybe there's a so so so why is it um why is it lucky oh okay in Japanese k k me money and gold something in Japanese and lck and also sound same so sh King mean good luck for money it's play on word play on word okay can I just say that your English is like perfect Oh yay so these are some of the golden pool yes uh that gives you good luck right yes a lot of people had a good thing come back here really good luck for business health study love everything love really and then these are like the mini um tin you got the tiny poo here ah you can put the poo in your wallet good luck good luck this lady is pretty insanely talented she can say golden poop in a variety of languages in Dutch how poopak kak if you have any good thing get big money please come back soon and let me know I tell you something okay okay okay okay okay so next stop is we bought and it's it's kind of rare kind of get those D usually it has it has a rent beans yeah yeah yeah yeah but I'm just wondering what's inside it they are using real mik m it's a mandarin orang of Japan it's got a whole orange inside it w Really one one whole whole mik inside wow around the mik they're using the white bean paste oh really yeah white bean paste and Moi sticky rice around I've never seen this before so please try the bigger one I'm not sure what's so funny I don't recommend break before you eat please bite as it is freshly made so it's really freshly made here they they made these stuff from the scratch here oh my goodness I don't know how I can eat this I here the Mikan flavor the orange flavor muches with is the white bean paste so good and mik is really sweet and the sweetness level is not super sweet it's just right the everything in this street are just right sweetness so super natural natural sweetness I love it I love all right guys so before we go to eat more food I thought I show you this beautiful Temple this is a shibamata tauten temple I I I think that's what it's called but it's absolutely beautiful and I think this is definitely the main attraction of shba I think most people who come here come to see the temple and the street food is just a bonus but um what's interesting is all the carvings uh that makes up this Temple uh the same artists some of the same artists who work on Niko's tagu has ALS have also worked on this particular Temple the wood carvings on the temple now this is super exciting we're at this place called TOA and they specialize in these Kusa Dango which are mug wart dangle with auki red bean paste on the top but what makes this extra special is that this is the actual place where they filmed four episodes of the tasan series so that's so cool right like I said you know my mother it was her favorite thing to watch when we were younger I'm really looking forward to trying out the dangle that tasan ate I don't know if he ate it did he eat it I think I think he did you think so really okay here I want you have a bite oh that was fast M mhm very smooth very very smooth I'm so happy that it's not dried out you sometimes I go to dungle shops the dungle is dry on the outside but this is really smooth and nice it was really really good but this is a really like original kind of dangle I remember yeah yeah in other words like this is a dangle that that we ate when we were kids whereas the other place it was more like um I don't know like they made some differences they made some changes to make it a little bit different and special that's a good word they made it special all right so we've done eating actually we want to stop in one more place and this place is called yok which means like high class Street um there's nothing high class about it but um it's very very retro and um it's basically a dagashi shop which is like a retro Japanese candy shop that used to be be very common when my mom was a kid I personally want one more thing and I think I can find it inside the shop found this strawberry milk icho yunu and had to get it I don't even remember the last time I had this but this is so nostalgic for me you know I was in Japan until I was 5 years old and I this is one of the memories I have of when I was really young when I still lived in Japan my mother used to take me to the public bath and after the she would always buy me a bottle of strawberry milk so you know this is like that's very uh traditional style very traditional style right not coffee not coffee milk not coffee milk for me it was strawberry milk my sister like coffee milk because she always wanted to pretend that she was an adult you know H it's good for some reason it tastes maybe when I was younger I I I think it tasted sweeter for me or I feel like my taste bus have changed it's not that sweet oh really yeah the flavor is kind of subtle it's not that strong have you ever tried it before no I like this color it's so pretty color M how is it strawberry of course it's strawberry flavor but faked that's a good about [Music]
Channel: TabiEats
Views: 46,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tabieats, tokyo, street food, best street food, tokyo 2024, best tokyo food, japanese food, japan food, shibamata, asakusa, ueno, what to eat in tokyo, tokyo eats, dango, karaage, mochi
Id: PuZ4tvODw60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 55sec (2995 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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