Tokyo’s Artificial Island Towns | Shiomi

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[Music] hello everybody welcome to one of the artificial man-made islands i thought we would we would come by trains and get a better look this is the ko line and that's shiomi and we're going to be exploring this man-made artificial island i think it's kind of cool to see how tokyo is expanding over the course of the next 30 minutes or so welcome ah how you doing everybody stand over here on the edge here this is the ko line this brought me in here this is how you get it you can actually take this from tokyo station it'll take you towards tokyo disneyland and and uh shiomi is one of the stops here not a lot of people get off here the population is relatively small uh considering that you know this used to be landfill number eight built on trash not the most attractive place to stay but it doesn't smell that bad at least not yet we're gonna explore this area of tokyo so let's get going oh and by the way there is a brand new prince hotel over here which i think is really interesting because they have really good food there so we might walk by there at the end and circle around this entire area at the end of this triangle-shaped man-made island is a baseball field and there's a lot of a lot of uh history not too far around this area but not too much here because it's you know an artificial island this station xiaomi was built um in 1990 so it's relatively new too about 20 30 years now here's the ko line going towards tokyo station now the trains leave about three four times an hour uh leaving in both directions towards tokyo disneyland and towards tokyo station kind of flickering [Music] over the course of the next couple of months i'm going to be taking a look at japan's man-made islands and you're going to be joining me as i scout these areas out for a possible main channel episode most of these islands were started we're built they're starting to be built back in the meiji era so obviously this is something that the city of tokyo has been thinking a lot about all right oh here's a map right here obviously you can you can see well it is built up a little bit more than the last time it was here you can see the map is pretty blank [Laughter] but there are some things to see and do here we're going to start from xiaomi station right here and we're going to walk down the main street here go all the way to past the tokyo hydrogen museum which is pretty cool and then to this baseball field take a look at this the end of it baseball is i guess you would say at the national sport besides sumo and then walk back around this way uh seeing if we can walk along the canal here and really scout out and then come back around uh through the the prince hotel to shiami station so let's get going obviously i i do have another phone which which has a map here obviously you could see the the kind of triangle shape to it man-made so it would fit in this part of tokyo bay and right now the city of tokyo is starting to fill in even more of this with land and probably over the course of the next 30 40 years you're gonna have more space for residents to move into which is pretty cool all right let's take a look just around this side to see what businesses we have naka which is a like uh like a yoshinoya but they have a much more diverse menu 500 yen sets there's a supermarket here now which is pretty interesting i believe that's the prince hotel over there which will will end up at the end of the live stream so you can take a look at the menu some of the restaurants there maybe you want to stay there during the olympics there were a lot of people holed up there from the certain teams decided they wanted us to stay not in the olympic village but in other surrounding hotels this one was pretty pretty far out there beautiful october afternoon now there's a lot of warehouses here obviously because the rent is a lot cheaper on this island than it and there's a lot more space and probably these factories um they sell the land or move out after a certain amount of time and residential areas will will start to move in that's what has been this is hotel ward by the way koto is one of the three uh 23 wards of tokyo and koto like uh where i live it has uh you're not allowed to smoke on the streets but this is pretty quiet here's a supermarket maruetsu very famous chain in downtown tokyo where you can get bento and all sorts of uh you know supermarket food all right let's get moving first stop this street that goes straight through to the hydrogen museum hydrogen an explosive material used in the hindenburg now a museum and there are quite a bit there's nobody around there's quite a bit of uh quite a bit of um hydrogen cell buses that are now going around the city of tokyo we started to see them more and more with the build up of the tokyo olympics as well as a lot of cars the hydrogen cell cars are also starting to pop up a little bit the technology is evolving and this hydrogen museum is in a place that probably very few people will know about it's probably they probably should have put it in more convenient place but i'm quite happy that this it does exist because i would love to learn more about our friend hydrogen which is you know in water h2o right it's also very explosive i don't know how they they do this but it's pretty cool there are some residential uh neighborhood residential apartment apartments here and these look like they were built back in the in the 1990s when the station was done xiaomi station again jr uh was built in 1990 and these mansions are we call these apartment buildings mansions strange but the mansions are our condos really what they are in english these uh condos were about 20 30 years old now now xiaomi according to history they started building this in back in 1897 it's the meiji era and then uh it's called landfill number eight there's a lot of landfills here but they used it the dredging of the of the rivers that that old mud and they formed this land here um and then over over time they created uh what is the island i guess the island was essentially finished in 1967 according to history and then from 1967 for about 20 years it was settling just like toyosu where toyosu market is it was a a land that was used by factories in refinement until the land settled and then they moved out and residential areas moved in same same history with chiyori xiomi here there's a lawsons up ahead there's also a church here and there's some history on the wikipedia about this area with this church you can see it's a christian church there's uh jesus up there i believe not sure i'm not i'm not super religious but it looks like joy that's right i think it's a catholic church yeah it says right there in katakana nihon katarika kaikon so it's a meeting place for catholics here in tokyo and i believe they they move from a different area up in taitoku up in the north down to here and they have a very large presence on this man-made island so that's kind of cool to see but it was surprised the wikipedia on this on xiaomi the wikipedia on shiomi a lot of the history i would say maybe uh 25 of what's happened on this island has to do with this catholic church here it's pretty interesting so they do have i guess a really strong foundation on this island and maybe a lot of the people living in these apartment complexes or mansions they could very well be catholic which i don't know i don't have too many um christian japanese friends most of them are born shinto and they say they will die buddhists have buddhist funerals the duality of japanese life [Music] i'm uh i am not on trip anymore i'm actually right now in tokyo this is xiomi and i came back from kochi after a wonderful four day driving trip turn around here had a wonderful four-day driving trip from kyoto to kochi in a rav4 toyota rav4 that i rented that was an amazing trip i made a playlist on this channel don't forget to subscribe i made a playlist so you can go check it out and you can follow me in those videos on a driving adventure just a couple of days ago from kyoto through osaka i got lost in the highway there's a live stream on that too crossing the great setto bridge which is one of the most wonderful feats of engineering in this country you can see me crossing that bridge on a live stream and going to a service area or rest stop in between the bridge which is super cool that's all on this channel so certainly check it out if you haven't already i came back on uh a few days ago decompressing it was a lot of travel in a very short period of time a lot of editing i tried to get some strobies up some edited videos on this channel go to chaz thanks for watching that wow so that right there is a storage space trunk room they call it so i guess you can rent more space japanese apartments are not too big so these rental space units are quite popular we might have to get one because of the baby now i noticed that we've run out of space and we have mountains of stuff which will be fun for the baby to climb one day some of them things that we can't quite use yet or we're done using so we have to donate them to a new friends with babies good memory r 90 the sideways live stream is not private but i accidentally or the youtube app started the live stream sideways i don't know how that happened but i had about i don't know 1500 people looking sideways for several minutes i feel a little bad about that all right i said a little bit back because it's kind of a unique experience whoa whoa what do you know what this is it says here please take this freely take what you like it's all for free i've never seen this in tokyo so they have pots and pans and plates no cost they just want to get rid of it they don't want to throw it away they look pretty cool so take what you want um gosh that suitcase would look nice we're going to the u.s but i think we're okay this would be pretty useful for cooking curry for a thousand people or at least 20. wow all right you know what take i'm sure that there's somebody who's more needy than me and i don't want to carry a big pot around i don't know how much curry leo can eat anyways it's just three of us i like that spirit though please take freely that's just like right there in the corner you can see the the cute uh ko line cruising by right there this is pretty neat look at this right on the on the side of the road here little garden made of stones look at the froggy on there with riding another froggy i bet you at night it's pretty cool [Music] this building looks definitely 1980s maybe look at the top of it it's got like a cone shape on the top of it this is a fun looking apartment building it's got a family mart on the first floor and like a i think there's some gnomes living up there let's go take a closer look getting closer to the hydrogen museum too what i so want to live up there yeah it looks like a party hat the whole building looks like a big party man if i had to pick a place to live i would pick this green building it's pretty cool it's for ren too though kenai is never gonna go for it can i have found the perfect house it looks like a party hat it's called arai house interesting looks like a party place dang i wonder who lives up there i promise you i will bring a pack a six-pack and hang out up there if you let me i'll buy a sixer just hang out for an hour in the party hat you find some really odd things out in the middle of nowhere and i guess it's just for tokyo this would be considered the middle of nowhere i guess not a lot of people know about this uh island show me all right i'm i guess the hydrogen museum should be around here somewhere i might have passed it luckily i have another phone all right let's check out those are dominoes all right here it is here we are on the map here i'll take you over here in the shadow of this pole oh so we just pressed that family mart oh there it is the hydrogen museum right here a little bit further past this thought it's on the other side of the dominoes it smells like dominoes whoa [Music] i had that in another live stream the pizza rice bowl that was pretty good hey if you buy it here you can carry you can get one for free if you do much kaidi which is carry carryout interesting important to know these things interesting very interesting right next to the hydrogen museum is a gasoline station so this is certainly a power power spot this is a power point power spot but uh uns unfortunately and i checked this too the hydrogen museum looks very much closed yeah all right let's just take a quick look see through here hey michael says that is in the house looks like a hot day stop by vending machine quench your thirst my friend you got it i'm gonna stop at a vending machine the next one i see with some delicious looking offerings i shall stop there all right this hydrogen museum looks like it's been converted from a warehouse into a hydrogen museum and i don't see it doesn't look like it's open but maybe it is i think this would be pretty cool separate episode right i give a lot of questions about hydrogen oh look it is open but um it's open until okay the staff got seth was like freaking out to like a person's here this looks like a hydrogen car whoa all right so i don't know if uh i don't know what the hours are let's figure it out so it's from 9 a.m to 7 p.m and i don't have permission to film here but it would be pretty cool to go and see the hydrogen museum uh in the future am i allowed to film in there i guess we can go check it out all right you know what let's go take a look i want to go and just take a look at the end of this place and then we can stop by the the uh the hydrogen museum let's see if we can get like a few hundred likes and then i'll go and go check it out hey ramsay shaker here where is the beer john it's it's right here it's called i have a six-pack right there underneath the big keg double x-hard turbo's in the house nice to see you there too we got w w rx 0 is so here so often nathan vela knows how it goes now regular gasoline is a um for per liter is 158 yen or 157 yeah it keeps blinking between the two it's weird so that's about a dollar fifty for a liter of gas it's kind of kind of pricey considering what is it like three and a quarter liters in a gallon so that's like four four fifty five dollars a gallon all right but it's japan cars are smaller that's the rumor so the tip of this man-made island is a very convenient point for the highway to cross through here i see that up above same price as the california bay area very cool so we have tatsumi park which is 400 meters 450 meters this way and xiaomi station we walked almost a kilometer already in 20 minutes this live stream has been going on so i just wanted to kind of look around the point here but the hydrogen museum is one of the big attractions of this island as well as a catholic church here um the logos logos library for the blind is here that's really interesting i didn't know about that that wasn't on my google map that i could find so i was going to come back on this street and and walk through some of the housing just to see what that's like walk through some of the housing to see what it looks like to go through the city block it looks like these blocks are really really organized kind of reminds me of almeida and holland really too perfect man-made another man-made island in in the world i remember my first trip to el mira with my friends that i met in prague in 1996. or 1997 that was 1997. they were on an inter-rail pass and i was on a year rail pass and we were hanging out in the second class the four of us in a uh compartment and they knew this place at a at a youth hostel in prague at the time prague was super cheap it was a dollar a night to sleep on an air mattress in a college dormitory that wasn't being used so we got there and the in the one room there were 30 air mattresses you just claimed your own air mattress you gave some student a dollar and you got to stay in prague and i believe it was like pretty central too near the science museum on the square there and then the four of us went out and we drank too much i remember i hurled on some dude and then i was doing the worm break dancing in a prague club and then my friend eric he i curled and he grabbed me and he got me out of there before somebody tried to fight me might have hurled on somebody it's very sketchy this is like 25 years ago but the great thing about that trip was i made some really great friends and i got to stay at their place in almera which is a man-made island and you can see that everything was so perfect the trees were in a line the hot the roads were so clean and and the parks looked too too pretty and that was one of the complaints it was too perfect they had you need some imperfections and maybe oh there it is right there so there's a really nice uh road to walk around it's a good place for jogging in the morning you'll find people relaxing this there's a baseball field over there and japan's history of baseball started in this area a lot of baseball fields some of them had to be moved uh towards the bay side towards these new lands because where the baseball fields are now our really um expensive apartment complexes on on more settled land yeah that's another really interesting episode the history of baseball in japan is very fascinating really growing in the 1930s with all the all-stars from major league baseball coming here babe ruth and a bunch of others made the trip across the pacific to japan babe ruth being the star all right let's go we'll investigate for a couple of minutes tennis is here a lot of these places are subsidized by the ward here is kotoku so you can you have to reserve these in advance let's see what it says oh this is just for the parking lot usually you have to reserve these tennis courts in advance online or something and it's relatively cheap or free but sometimes people reserve it and they don't come and it's kind of annoying because you just want to use it because there's nobody here yeah kotoku's two hour blocks you can get the softball place for two hour blocks you can rent the softball field and it's uh on the weekdays it's 22 250 yen and on the weekends it's 3100 yen so a little bit more and i guess you can get it for the whole for for night time with the lights it's about a hundred dollars for two hours to rent a softball field that's pretty reasonable with lights and stuff let's go take a look at that softball field now really that's a hundred bucks i might just do that maybe we can get like a only in japan baseball game with all the people coming back to japan i can rent this from kotoku for a hundred bucks and we can have a two hour game at night in tokyo that'd be pretty sweet we need 18 people though can we get that 18 person softball game i guess you could do pro wrestling here you don't have to use it for softball we could have our viewer meet up pro wrestling extravaganza wow you got to be kidding me so for two hours to rent this at night costs a hundred dollars this is massive for tokyo no that can't be right that can't be right let's walk around here towards the home plate wow this is a massive area for for rent you can this whole thing for is a 100 you can rent it on the weekends with the lights on wow this is a home plate right there i can see myself getting a couple of ground balls to the pitcher right there why because you can there's a lot of stuff that you can rent here in tokyo including a train you can rent your own private uh um [Music] uh how do i say that um tram car it's on the the other side of the city up up in the north it's pretty amazing [Music] you can rent a car for a couple of hours that goes for an hour i think it takes you up the line once you can do karaoke on there you can do just about anything i wanted to take you to the end of the island just to give you an idea what it's like good idea for a meet-up but still expensive really for tokyo one hour two hours of of illuminated baseball for 100 bucks i would headspring for that community charge for our wonderful patreon supporters thank you this is this month's postcard uh if you want one you can go to patreon and get one this is oscar sensoji temple and um this is kaminarimon and i sent this postcard out last week from oscusa they're just starting to arrive uh if you want one you can go and get one right now and i put a nice stamp on there in the back collectible every year every month a new stamp that's colorful it shows a little bit of japanese history on it and try to send it from unique places yeah kaminarimon is one of the symbols of the city of tokyo rent it and they will come that's good well said ufo bob the only in japan softball tournament and then we all get drinks afterwards see look that's how it works we all get we'll go to yakiniku and have some drinks that's how that's how you do it you have to work for it all right let's go back towards the hydrogen museum say hi to those hydrogen people so it says it's the tatsumi housing complex xiaomi athletic park [Music] all right back we go thank guys we're all we need is a cornfield and they'll come how about a rice paddy johnny will that work oh it's a green light no it's green light okay so this this road just touches on the uh xiaomi corner here and then curves the other way around a lot of trucks all right let's go around here towards the complex and we'll sneak into the sneak around the xiaomi tokyo hydrogen museum see if it's as explosively cool as they say it is technically that light that i said was green is blue in japan they try to use primary colors because people that are color blind can see them better which makes a lot of sense not sure why the west picks green as go blue would have been a much better color it's prime yeah you don't really see a lot of graffiti looks like somebody scratched some graffiti but it's not quite the same as taking a bottle of paint and doing a little banksy on the wall here if this or any other world city we would see a lot of graffiti up here i think yeah there is a that is a a honda fuel cell it says here so like that looks like a sorry a toyota hydrogen car maybe so i can't get up to the hydrating museum this way but we're still 30 likes away from my hydrogen museum requirements so click that click that like button all right these houses look like they've been here since this island opened and looks like from the nineteen early 1980s maybe this side here and it could be from you know they had factories they had factories here it could be from factories oh there's a vending machine but slim pickings let's see what else we can find could be homes for the workers at the factories and they move out and those buildings go cheap these look a lot newer now my friend akiko she used to call these pencil houses because they had a point a pointy tip on the top and there are these pre-fabricated houses that you could build in in like a a couple of weeks just snap them together and you have a house and that's what these are they're prefabs nothing wrong with that they look pretty sturdy and they move quite well if there's an earthquake look at that this one's very stylish i'm just gonna touch the cement here yeah that's not real prefab all right i'll curl around now to the hydrogen museum let's go take a quick look see the problem with the hydrogen museum is that everything looks like it's in england in japanese so i don't know scientific japanese it's gonna be i can just make it up whoa studio canal what that looks like a fake house i wonder if i wonder if this is made for like some tv show like the office wasn't even filmed in scranton i heard that they filmed it in california it's crazy right it kind of ruins it when you hear that sorry wow this looks like a it's a studio there this looks like a more modern apartment building built in the last within the last 15 years bobby a's like no way sorry it's true the uh dunder mifflin's office wasn't filmed in california i was really disappointed when i found that out too only when they went i think to the shopping mall in certain places that they filmed that in uh scranton or nearby they didn't do that very often that's an old-looking forklift yeah seinfeld and friends weren't filmed in new york either that's a disappointment and jerry's a new yorker so it was larry davidson all right look check this out here there's some open fields originally this is landfill number eight completed for people could move here i guess in 1967 but it looks like this plot of land never sold anyone looking to build a house get some soil here jko adventure playing with the karate kid man who catch fly with chopstick accomplish anything from yagi-san all right let's go around here i'm going to see if i can get a quick drink at this family mart and we'll curve around to that hydrogen museum it's a pretty chill neighborhood look at this blue house here like if this was my house i'd want a lot more windows but i guess japan are very protective of their privacy i don't really don't have any privacy come and see it all if you want let's open the window that's the curtains are for i once almost lived in a glass designer house in sangen jaya the rent was just a couple hundred dollars more than the apartment i settled into but you know it's a couple hundred dollars is a big deal okay that's izakaya local izakaya interesting that's certainly local run looks like it's been here since the island opened in the 1960s i'm sure there's a pretty good history here i wish i had some windows in this trunk right then chan it's too bad your trunk isn't you're not in this boxy car there's a huge window in the boot there or even in that post office car look at the big windows on that chan probably jealous sorry all right let's see if i can get something something to drink all right here's some tea some fanta sparkling water um boy this green tea looks good jasmine tea oh that matcha latte was really good too oh it's a tough one i'm just gonna go with this uh i like this no label it's good for the environment butterscotch latte you never see that in tokyo all right i'm gonna have to try that too um all right you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna put the tea away and get that butterscotch instead uh i'll get some water [Music] [Music] [Music] uh hey i'll use this fire extinguisher as a table thank you fire extinguisher all right so i've never seen this before butterscotch is not a flavor that's very popular and i had a craving for butterscotch because i was watching the show called um walking dead uh the uh the fear of the walking dead or something and john who got i shouldn't spoil it but john something happened to him and his dad said that he had butterscotch drink and liked it so yeah i don't don't want to spoil it for anybody 30 30 30 and discount next time it was 200 yen different john you have to watch fear the walking dead you to know john was a cowboy he shot he was a good shot and his dad he had daddy issues but um his dad said to his wife you know he used to drink john used to drink butterscotch that's not butterscotch that's not the same that's not butterscotch latte that's just butter the butterscotch should have this other like taste that's like a sweetness bite so like a like in the back of your your your mouth or something like here i don't i don't have the butterscotch i bite to it it's not bad it's just not butterscotch starbucks you failed for those who hate starbucks you're gonna like that one not not that great it's a very slight caramel but it's butterscotch taste is like caramel but this is not i think because the japanese market probably wouldn't oh shake it okay it's good advice sometimes that's the that's what it requires sometimes okay smart we get viewers are smarter than me no no maybe it's different butter hmm no michael thank you really good but it's not it's not butterscotch all right here's a here's a trash can oh there's trash cans inside [Music] yeah butterscotch doesn't actually have butter in it but isn't caramel have made with butter and sugar no i don't know all right i'm gonna go just ask about the hydrogen museum and see if i can film in there if not it's all good i i just want to introduce it to you and i have to get back show me is pretty interesting um over over the course of the next okay cola caramel equals sugar water and cream okay no butter so what do they call it butterscotch because it's fake butter and where's the scotch or were they people from scotland made it is that what makes it butterscotch and in scotland they don't have butter i don't it's very complex all right because we got 300 likes i'm going to go and ask the hydrogen museum people they can just get a quick look-see in scotland they made toffee that were more buttery seeming than england interesting the little tidbits of info are really that's why people watch the show certainly not for the charming host for the info all right we're back at the hydrogen museum so scotland's more has more into scotland than just braveheart there's a lot of history there more than just haggis and scotch and golf lots of stuff up there all right let's go take a look-see and just ask and see if we can film i don't know if it's going to be good i was going to say i want to introduce this to my viewers and see what they say are you not allowed to have any alcohol that's always troubling to see that that that's necessary you have to wear a mask you have to wash your hands it doesn't say anything about no filming oh you have to take your temperature okay looks like we're okay let's go take a look hey hmm foreign [Music] foreign all right so not allowed to film in there yeah you know i don't i'm not quite if there's nobody there i'm not quite sure but um the thing is a lot of the places it's always good to just ask but uh these fl these places there's nobody in there the places that do quite well are the ones that understand social media but like i started this live stream with japan and and people here in japan this is the one of the reasons why we we have such such a a um strict travel ban and why japan seems backwards in a lot of ways i understand the frustration with a lot of people internationally especially the tens of thousands of students that are still waiting to come here i feel really bad for all of them but japan is the oldest population in the world there's more people over the age of like 60 than there are under the age of 30 which is weird well i'm not sure if that's exactly right but it's really top-heavy all right and those people um the people that are older have them have a lot of fear about getting sick there's a lot of um i don't know anxiety in this group if they get sick they're probably not going to make it so that's one of the reasons why they're a lot more conservative when it comes to this pandemic but also things like this these rules and acceptance of social media and privacy totally understand it japan's got its own way to do things but i don't see museums surviving and doing well in this generation unless they're just an open policy of being able to film it's about the people who are visiting there that don't want to be on social media and protecting those people and i understand that always always try to ask as you can see um it's very strict about no graffiti no drunking drunken revelry i actually kind of like this sign peso can you make this a logo for discord server and no peeing in public i love the shadow of pee it's pretty amazing they really went to the next level for this this now this is never mind the hydrogen museum i think we found something better illegal activities were reported to the police so wait was there more hold on well there were other things no drones no fake good sails look at this like this what is this what is this what's he selling that's so happy shouldn't it be like a pirate pirate face or something and then no ticket scalping in this i guess it's for the olympics what this looks like squid game oh my god this is squid game oh it's a squid game was fake that's why japan korea produced it or not japan because squid game is banned here that's what that's what happened to squid game this is all right i just made international news squid game has been banned because of these no fake good sales apparently squid game is a fake game so interesting wow that's like just made international news i think it's not fake information either it's probably true whenever you hear someone say probably when they're giving facts you pretty much count count on that not being true um this building is a really lonely skyscraper but i'm going to walk on the other side not quite right now because i want to stay in the nice warm sun but they oh it's a red light but there was a sign that said that there was a library for the blind and i'm quite interesting to take a look a closer look at that that postage guy he just walked on a red light okay there's like nobody here so i guess it's okay just it's kind of frowned upon to to do that the bicycle carrying sod yeah belgrade sabu nothing yet about travel opening up to japan but i i expect i expect uh more news on this after the election at the end of the month the prime minister has uh called for a new election so after the political stuff is settled i believe they'll start to to focus on this but right now japan's political situation has been up in the air for the last i don't know month or six weeks but there's been more movement now than there have been in the first 18 months which is good there's nobody took that pot yet take this freely is what that sign says just take whatever you want from this i think kanai won't be so happy if i take that this this by the way this motorbike is not part of that it's separated enough where it's no longer under the jurisdiction of that sign so you can't take that free you just have to tell people sometimes this is odd usually the vending machines have real drinks this one has paper drinks don't see that too often only i think that's it right there i should have crossed the street before so this is a library for the blind so they i guess it's a place where you got braille and books and how much is parking um it's 13 for 24 hours that's pretty cheap for tokyo 20 minutes is two dollars and after 8 p.m one hour is a 100 yen or a dollar you can pay by credit card right there yeah i like that i like the fact that they have i just wish they put it in a better place where people are living i guess people are living here it's right at the base of a tower mansion i wonder can can amazon's uh reading device also do braille don't know that would be pretty sweet technology houses in tokyo typically are somewhere between 300 and 100 000 to a million dollars it's very expensive the land is also quite expensive so you're not gonna you're not gonna see a lot of uh normal families living in tokyo that's why you move out to the suburbs all right let's take a look here you don't want to see my password pinch out here i don't see it i think this is it here all right let's cross the street this is where the catholic church is so if anything we'll get a closer look at that again on wikipedia in japan that's this catholic church took up about 25 of the shiami towns space for those joining us this is all artificial island this is a man-made island in the city of tokyo you can see there's no skyscrapers the land is probably still pretty soft a couple of convenience stores there's a place i want to go one day the cone you can see the cone apartment complex there i don't know just find some pretty unusual things out here all right katarika catarina meeting space all right looks like a beautiful church very quiet area i guess people can park in here uh on sundays i'd like to go to service here easter christmas might be nice i don't think you have to be catholic to go to church i have a friend who's uh ukrainian orthodox and he's invited me to his church and i'd like to go i'd make a nice contribution maybe get leo baptized i'm not sure i want him to be baptized in a river though you know if he's gonna do it hey there's the pope i wonder if it's blurry because of because of the spiritual power of this place i don't know wow the pope is all over this this uh the news here [Music] i have a pope bottle opener i got it at vatican city it's my favorite is it pope john paul though [Music] i wonder if i wonder if the pope has been here if he visits japan if he comes to the japan catholic uh kaikan i would hope so i'd like to meet the pope i kind of i kind of almost did i got lost in the sistine chapel many years ago and ended up in some hallway with like a really nice area and i think that might be the where the pope lives i don't know and they kicked me out i got kicked out once from the sistine chapel there was this is a true story okay so i got i got kicked out of the sistine chapel the first time i visited and it wasn't really my fault although it was um there was this is there weren't a lot of tourists back then that is not there as many as there are now but um there were a lot of japanese tourists when i first went in 1996. um now it was mostly chinese tourists but back then it was mostly japanese tourists they and they would come in these tour groups and they would be snapping away at the pictures like crazy even though it says you know they're saying in italian please don't use flashes please don't use flashes and everyone's using flashes and then the tour groups would go out but there were these three people from japan um and after the tour group goes out i guess the the staff also go with the tour group and there wasn't anybody in there so the three people just laid down on the middle of the sistine chapel on the floor looking up and i thought that was a cool idea so i did the same and i laid on the floor of the sistine chapel looking up and we were there for a good five minutes i think it was just the most relaxing thing and then some guy said that you know get really angry i can see why because he was probably pissed off from everybody using flash photography then he kicked us out of the sistine chapel polite way but he didn't look happy did he kick us out or did don't know if i'm embellishing it's a while ago i didn't know that was disrespectful i thought it was okay it's humble i don't need a bench or a bed i'll just sleep on the floor it wasn't sleeping it's easier your neck getting hurt looking up you know michelangelo took years making the sistine chapel that apa hotel is also new and you know what let's cross the street and go underneath the track here i wanted to take you to that new prince hotel just to get a quick look see at the restaurant there before we end this live stream now you can't even sit on the floor it's it was last time i was there it was so full of tourists they put partitions and walls and everything there and it's really hard to you couldn't you'd be trampled but when i went it was almost almost nobody was there it was pretty crazy and travel in general changed i was so lucky i know a lot of my friends were frowned on me for for doing all the travel and spending all my money on travel after university but the reality is that i traveled at the best possible time when the world was a lot more peaceful in the 1990s and it was just easier to get around flights were super cheap and there wasn't as many people you know as tourists china wasn't a such an economic power in the 1990s 1990s yet wow that's at the base of the apa hotel that's a nice sushi restaurant it's a kite den uh sushi go round place yeah the best thing i did was to travel when i finished university and not wait till i retired because now gosh i think i did it right travel now travel while you can travel when you're young travel while you're healthy don't wait until you retire this is a very new nice-looking appa hotel and i'm not a big fan of the upper hotels but i would stay there that's a really nice one all right the prince hotel which isn't even a nicer place is down this way so this is the back side of shiomi station whoa this up hotel is stacked look at that they got wagyu beef in there that's a good looking restaurant there's an onsen bath the nice lady i think she's not gonna be there when you get there but you never know here's a taxi company has their cars packed parked underneath shiomi's station interesting mike chan has seen robocop that might have been the first meme i ever heard 1990s or was that 1980s wow a lot of hotels fashion logistics center what it's a fashionable building right hello 821. you're coming with me the first one it was such a revolutionary movie maybe made me almost want to visit detroit you know knowing that crime had been cleaned up by robocop but then i went to ohio state and everything changed michigan became a i shall stop right there hotel kai kaye that's interesting let's just take a a wrap around he's got some sort of halloween thing going on the menu cake set one uh ten bucks it looks like a nice looking cat cafe seems like it's really really festive inside there see pumpkins and stuff so i never heard of this tokyo east side hotel caye so all of these hotels i think that they were trying to catch cash in on the olympics they were built in areas that there's nothing really here that would be a reason to build a hotel here there's no attractions except for the hydrogen museum and those who want to run a softball court yeah kate writes in here don't judge don't touch judge detroit that's quite true of course i judged it as an alumni of ohio state university anything in michigan is actually we're not even allowed to pronounce the m word which is maybe one reason why ohioans speak a little funny i've been through detroit many times getting to canada where the drinking age is like 19 or something okay kate gets it there's a sense of humor there's our midwestern sense of humor you know we all beat up on each other but we also we still have fun with it hey yoy's here greetings from dubai awesome i'm so happy to announce that uh arab emirates uh united emirates just opened up to airmail so i can send my postcards there again is this the prince hotel here looks like they're doing some some rework on the writing up there by the way while i have you here the kickstarter oh no this is another one the grand marina shiomi there's a lot of hotels here what all right i'm trying to find the the prince hotel oh here it is right here this is this is a really nice one that just opened up last year and this is kind of scary to be walking underneath it [Music] all right this is probably the nicest restaurant on the island i heard [Music] wow okay there's a family mart here let's just take a quick look see at the restaurant here look at the doors it's like made of metal whoa [Music] that looks so out of place all right i'm just gonna look at the lobby that's winston churchill is this a banksy wow the prince hotel is really nice hold on okay okay here's the restaurant check it out wow all right so kanai likes hotel breakfast so i might come here for breakfast take her um interesting all right i'll be back here i think the menu is all online but this is beautiful check it out prince hotel does a really good job of giving a a really high-class day i don't know this is four or five star hotels but you can see just the spaciousness of the lobby they they definitely want to make it make a very good impression on on the people coming here yeah i definitely want to get kanaia hotel breakfast she she loves that like the hotel buffets and stuff all right back we go through this cool brick walkway this is an awesome entrance and it's got that smell of lemongrass that a lot of the new hotel chains are doing very stylish smell don't have to smell the butterscotch coffee anymore smell lemongrass butterscotch which is jedi mind trick these are not the droids you're looking for move along move along all right here we go prince hotel tokyo base uh shiomi that was fun are you gonna wrap around now get back to the station fun afternoon walk temperature here in tokyo is absolutely perfect it's not too humid i could i am wearing shorts and sandals but i could probably go with a t-shirt well i like how the cop cars are vans that's pretty cool sean if you were in that boot that a lot of the cars here are these little minivans what if they sell that as a tomy car let's get one of those by the way i got two die packages still available on patreon inside the daimyo package is a japan taxi tomicar among the snacks so everyone got a tomy car i send them every few months to the daimyo supporters we were seeing the tomi cars on uh uh started seeing the japanese taxis all throughout the olympics with the japanese olympic seal on it so i thought yeah let's send a let's send this month a japanese black special taxis that look like small english cabs so i've got two extra boxes this month this is really cool just go on there sign up and i'll send it out immediately the moment i get home i'll probably send it out did you put a mini chan in each of the target trunks oh that would be so cool not quite but i i did give out these mini ducks that i received a thousand of thanks to katayama i don't don't know how long it's gonna take to get rid of all of those i could put a little mini chan in there that could you're gonna end up being it on a t-shirt it's our new merch store i've been talking to our to my friend david the dvd guy he's got some pretty good ideas helped me set up a merch store so whoa so this is where i go to learn some manners yeah the chan emoji would just be a trunk i don't we can't even get him out to take a picture of himself in fact we don't even know what he looks like in fact we don't even know this is artificial intelligence of a car like christine or kit that has come to life is pretending to be a human or if he's something like men in black where there's a little robot controlling a human a little alien i don't we don't know what chan is actually so that's a ladies room i can't show you that one but if the door's open i can it's the women's restroom it's clean no smell that's the one thing about japan and there's so many the restrooms are just so awesome there's somebody in there i don't want to be one of those people all right let's get let's go move across the other side yeah men's on the other hand does have a unique smell toilet emoji rock in there remember oh by the way ah hey question hey they said john john john cool yeah you know for everybody who is an insider or a traveler um i'm going to be doing another 8k live stream and i want you to pick the next neighborhood that i do the 8k live stream at is it going to be shibuya it's going to be shinjuku is it going to be akihabara i want your input i'm going to put the poll on in a couple of hours if you sign up as a traveler you'll be able to give me your feedback and i will use that and pick the next 8k live stream not really live stream but it'll be an 8k off to the station taking a osaka card wait so you're not allowed to bring snakes on the train there's some weird there are some very weird rules on in japan we saw like no no fighting no no squid game so this entire episode is based on weird signs here the guy looks like he's going to beat up the staff no he dropped something on the platform so if you ever drop something they have this special tool that they use to pick stuff off of the pla off of the uh [Music] off of there okay let's just go up the station take the stairs here this is the live stream of weird signs and maybe peso will or somebody will make an emoji out of that the squid game one squid game's trending in japan too it's number one in fact oh look at the the uh kaki hoshigaki look at this they're drying persimmons here they take about six weeks i think to dry man they're so sweet they peel them and then hang them to dry and they the sour ones turn to super sweet wow japan's just so beautiful yeah it's korea is so amazing the way that their cinema has just just i think inequality surpassed america so there you have it xiaomi this is a man-made artificial island created in 1967 finished in 1967. landfill number eight it's now looks like this so i don't know if you want to live here but maybe you want to sign off in the comments would you live here do you think that this is a pretty nice place would you stay here at that prince hotel or would you go check out the hydrogen museum just as long as you don't come for youtube let me know and they're building something here too there's something going on nathan writes in yes so leave me a comment below if you're watching the playback and i want to hear from you what do you think thanks for watching see in the next live stream here comes the train oh the other direction i got to wait a couple of minutes for for my train but we'll end with the train coming in it's just the narita express wow there's like nobody on this i think that was the narita express see everybody
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 24,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo, artificial island, Shiomi, 潮見, neighborhood, Street view, View
Id: rT1Z0uECn0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 41sec (4721 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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