TOEFL Listening - How to Take Notes for Conversations

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hi guys welcome back to toffle with yuva if you want a high score in tough listening you must take good notes and this can be particularly difficult in conversations because there are two speakers and there is a lot of information in this video i'm going to show you how you should take notes for conversations and what you should write down by the way if you want to get more tips for the truffle and download templates subscribe to this channel so that you don't miss the next video let's get started let's first start with the how how should you take notes for conversations if you're listening to a conversation what you're first going to do is you draw a table on the one side you write down everything the first person says and on the other side you write down everything the second person says usually the conversation will be between a student and a professor or an official why should you use a table in conversations think about it you are listening to a conversation between two persons so this means the first person will say something and then it's the second person's turn and then the first person will talk again and it goes on like this if you don't use a table for conversations you will need to write down who says what because if you don't do that you won't know who said what when you are answering the questions the problem is that it's very time consuming if you always have to write down the name of the person that is talking so a table makes your life a lot easier the second reason why it's a good idea to use a table is that it makes it a lot easier for you to structure the information always remember that when you are answering the question you are under time pressure you don't have the time to search for the information in your notes you need to find the information that you need in order to answer the questions correctly very quickly now you know how you need to take notes for conversations but what do you need to write down let's start with the first point desires the student usually goes to see the professor or an official for a reason he has a desire a wish he wants something and usually you will be asked a question about that so it's a good idea to listen for that and to write this down for example if you listen to a conversation between a student and a professor the student may go to see the professor because he wants to extend the deadline of his assignment you know normal student staff we all know that let's get to the second important thing that you need to write down reactions if you listen to a conversation in tougher listening the person to whom the student is talking usually reacts in a particular way let's go back to our example the student wants to extend the deadline of his assignment in terms of listening it's very likely that the professor will not simply say yes of course you can extend the deadline of your assignment rather the professor will react in a different way for example imagine this the student's deadline is on monday and he asks the professor whether he can hand in the assignment on friday because he's volunteering in a project and this consumes a lot of time and that's why he can't finish his assignment until monday the professor is not happy about that he asks the student is it possible that you are doing more than you can handle things like that happen very often in tough listening what the professor is doing is he suggests that the student is doing too much that he cannot cope with his current workload if a person remarks something or suggests something it's very likely that you will be asked a question about this later and that's why it's really important that you write this down let's go on with the third thing that you need to focus on problems sometimes the speakers can't find a solution immediately because there is a problem let's imagine this the deadline of the student's assignment is on friday and he wants to extend the deadline to monday so that he can work on his assignment over the weekend however the professor says oh i wanted to correct your assignment over the weekend so that i can give it back to you on monday so obviously we have a problem here there are conflicting interests and the two speakers need to figure out how they can solve this issue when you listen to a conversation in tough listening things like that happen all the time usually there are complications and the speakers need to find a way how to solve them and it's really important that you write this down because it's very likely that you will get a question later that asks you about this problem so for example the question may ask you what the problem was so you should definitely take notes of that let's get to point number four you should write down conclusions usually the speakers reach a conclusion in the end for example this can be a solution to a problem here you need to pay attention it's highly likely that the speakers won't mention the words conclusion solution or decision in order to indicate that this is the conclusion of their conversation they don't say things like okay let's reach a conclusion or let's make a decision and this means thought you need to listen very closely and figure out what their solution or conclusion is let's go back to our example the student assignment is due on friday but he would like to hand it in on monday however the professor is not happy about that because he wants to correct the assignment over the weekend and give it back to the student on monday a possible solution to this problem may be that they both agree that the student is going to hand in his assignment on sunday morning for example this way the student can still work on his assignment on saturday and the professor can correct the assignment on sunday in the afternoon and give it back to the student on monday it's really important that you write down this conclusion because it's likely that you will get a question about that and here you need to be very careful because the examiner wants to check whether you understood that there was a complication and that the two speakers reached a conclusion in the end so it's quite likely that you will get a question asking you what the problem was and how the speakers solve this problem so for example there may be a question asking you when is the student going to hand in his assignment and then you have several options for example on friday on saturday sunday or monday and here the examiner wants to check whether you understood that originally the student had to hand in his assignment on friday but he's not going to hand in his assignment on friday and then he wanted to hand in his assignment on monday but he's not allowed to do that no the professor and the student agreed that the student will hand in his assignment on sunday if you want to know more about the question types that you have to solve in tough listening and which strategies you can use in order to solve them correctly have a look at my videos about that you can find the links to these videos in the description below that's it this is how you take notes for conversations and tough listening i hope this video was helpful to you guys if it was please hit the like button so that i know and if you have any questions or a video wish tell me about that in the comments below and if you want to get more tips for the truffle and download templates hit the subscribe button so that you don't miss the next video i love to see you here next time bye
Channel: IELTS and TOEFL with Juva
Views: 5,975
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Keywords: toefl, toefl test, toefl speaking, toefl writing, toefl speaking practice, toefl listening practice, toefl reading practice, toefl reading, toefl listening, toefl preparation, toefl home edition, toefl ibt listening, toefl writing practice, toefl ibt home edition, toefl listening practice with answers, toefl listening practice 2021, toefl listening test, toefl listening tips, toefl listening practice test, toefl how to take notes, juva
Id: 7w8NChO0LXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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