TOEFL Writing: Integrated Task Template

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ah there you are a complete template for the integrated task of the TOEFL writing section and three score boosters here we go hello everyone I'm Yuva to score really high in the integrated tasks of the TOEFL writing section you need to consider a few crucial points and in this video we are gonna have a look at them I'm gonna tell you what the task is about how the pass such as your Prasad at work are structured how to take effective notes and I'm gonna give you a complete template that I created when studying for the TOEFL and that helped me score 30 points in the writing section this template will also contain three score boosters that can really take your essay to the next level for starters let's have a look at what the task is about first you'll read an article about a specific topic after that you'll listen to a lecture that opposes the main argument of the article and then you write an essay about how the lecturer opposes the arguments of the author what you need to know is that these two passages are always structured in the same manner the article will consist of four paragraphs the first paragraph will be the introduction where the author presents his main claim and the second third and fourth paragraph will contain one argument each the lecture will be structured in the similar way so there will be an introduction and there will be three counter arguments the lecturer uses these counter arguments to directly challenge the argument of the author what's important to know is that the counter-argument one of the lecturer directly opposes the argument one of the author and counter-argument to directly opposes argument two and so on let's go on and have a look at how to diagnose effectively taking notes effectively is key to a high score because when you are preparing your notes you already prepare your essays you already know the structure of the two passages so to visualize this you can draw a table which consists of two columns and four rows the two columns are for the reading and listening and the four rows are for the introduction and the three paragraphs of each passage when you are reading the article you start filling out the left side of your table in the first row you write down the main claim of the author and in the other three rows you write down each argument that the author presents and then when listening to the lecture you go on in the same manner in the first row you write down the client of the lecturer that will be that he opposes the claim of the author and you write down the three counter arguments he provides regarding the article it's very important that you only write down key words because this will save you a lot of time and attention score booster paraphrase what you've read and heard because paraphrasing will allow you to use your own words in your essay and this will show the examiner that you have a broad range of vocabulary let's get to the core point the essay when writing your essay it's extremely important that you use a logical structure and structuring USA is really simple in the integrated tasks because you will use the exact same structure that the author and the lecture reviews you will write four paragraphs the first paragraph will be the introduction and the other three paragraphs will be about the arguments and the counter-arguments of both passages that you have read and heard we will now have a closer look at how you can write an essay and for this we need an example so let's assume both passages are about self-driving cars the other things self-driving cars are a great thing the lecture on the other hand things that self-driving cars are not a good idea let's first have a look at the introduction in the introduction you need to say for you things first you need to say what both passages are about for instance we could write the article and the lecture both deal with self-driving cars the second thing you need to say is what the claim of the author is and that the lecturer opposes the claim of the author for example you could write whilst the other things about self-driving cars will have a positive impact for three specific reasons the lecturer opposes the claims of the author what you should add is why the lecturer things that this is not a good idea you can't simply write in his opinion these reasons do not hold water let's go on with our next paragraph the next paragraph will be about the first argument of the author and the first counter argument of the lecturer for example you could write first the author claims that self-driving cars are more environmentally friendly because they drive more efficiently this way you have introduced the first argument of the author and the second sentence now will be about how the author elaborates on this argument let's imagine the author adds thought self-driving cars also managed their engine very efficiently you could write furthermore it is stated in the article that these cars also managed their engines more efficiently the next thing you're going to do is you will present the counter-argument of the lecturer you should now start your sentence smartly you should indicate that the lecture provide counter-argument to the author's argument so you could write in contrast the lecturer argues that since people will not need a driver's license for self-driving cars more people will use them and fast there will be a lot more cars on the road you could ride additionally he maintains that the benefits of self-driving cars with regard to the environment will not outweigh the pollution caused by more cars on the road that's it that's the second paragraph of your essay and you will continue with exactly this pattern for paragraph 3 and paragraph 4 in your essay it always works the same way and attention here comes the second score booster what you can do now is you could go on and say ok second the author claims that furthermore it is stated in the article that but this would mean that you would only repeat the words you have already used in your formal paragraph and this is not what you want to do it you want to show the examiner that we have a broad range of cavalry that you know many words and that you know how to use them to write a well-structured coherent and accurate essay it is really important that you always start your services with different linking words and you should always use different words for instance in your next paragraph you could write second the author mentions that and then you could go on on top of that he adds that and of course we are also doing this with the lecturer you can find all the expressions in the template below and of course there are also expressions for the third paragraph of your essay let's go on with score booster number three to get a high score it's really important that you understand the Khan and of the arguments of the author and lecturer and that you show this to the examiner let's imagine that the author says that self-driving cars caused fewer accidents because the software used in this cars is less prone to make errors compared to human drivers an example of this is a recent experiment where a self-driving car drove thousands of miles without causing an accident so he supports his claim by saying that there has been an experiment that shows that self-driving cars are safer Princeton secret right it is stated in the article dot this is exemplified by a recent experiment where a driverless car drove thousands of miles without causing a crash you can do exactly the same thing regarding consequences or reasons provided let's get to the last point let's have a quick look at how you can express that the author or lecturer provide a reason for their argument remember the author said self-driving cars are great because the software used is safer it makes less errors so you could simply write first the author claims thought passengers of self-driving cars suffer fewer accidents since the software used is mass print to make errors compared to human drivers that's it that's all about the integrated task in the tougher writing section you can find all the expressions and the three score boosters that we were talking about in the template below I hope this helps you studying and I really do hope to see you next time see ya
Channel: IELTS and TOEFL with Juva
Views: 86,918
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Keywords: Toefl, Toefl test, Toefl writing, Toefl preparation, toefl writing test, toefl writing 2020, toefl writing tips, toefl writing template, toefl writing structure, toefl writing example, toefl writing integrated task, toefl writing integrated template, toefl writing integrated task template, toefl writing integrated task 2020, i am juva
Id: KvBauox4auk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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