TOEFL Listening Practice Test, New Version

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Finally, here it is, an updated version of the TOEFL test, and in this case, the TOEFL listening test. So,    for those of you who don't know, as of August 1st, 2019, the TOEFL test has changed, just a little bit,   but it's changed, and it's hard to find a copy of this new test, but here it is, an updated version   of the test. Now, let me just go over the changes really quickly, I know you want to start practicing,   but just it´ll take 30 seconds, here are the changes. So, in the Listening section of the test pretty much   everything has remained the same, except they took one academic passage away. So, before, there   were two parts, and there were four lectures and two conversations. Now, there are two conversations   and three lectures. The first part will have one conversation and two lectures, the second part will   have one conversation and one lecture. That's it. Before, you had 10 minutes to complete each part, now you have 10 minutes to complete the first part, as usual, but in the shorter part you have six and a   half minutes. Now, that sounds like not a lot of time, but don't worry, the clock only starts after   the audio passages, so don't worry about that. So, anyway, here is the TOEFL Listening test for 2019,   the new version of the test. you can download the PDF version in the description below. It has an   answer key with explanations and a grading rubric, so definitely make sure that you do that. And just   really quickly, my name is Josh MacPherson, I am the head instructor of TST Prep, an online TOEFL   school and our mission is simple, to help you get the TOEFL score you need as quickly and easily as   possible. So, get a pen and a piece of paper ready, let's start doing the TOEFL listening section. Now, listen to a conversation  between a student and a professor. Hi Professor, you got a minute? Sure Christy, did you pick up your paper yet? I just finished   grading them and I was really impressed with yours. Really? Of course, I loved your arguments and what   you wrote about farming for less than $10 a day, it really has incredible real-world applications.   I can tell you put a lot of thought into this paper. Speaking of real-world applications, that's   sort of what I wanted to talk to you about, the student exchange program. Oh, sure, absolutely. Are   you thinking of going somewhere? That's a great program. Well, I have a couple of places in mind,   but I really have my heart set on Guatemala. What draws you to Guatemala? I think Guatemala would   be the most relevant place for me. It would be perfect to go there so I can do some research   about my ideas. I can see where you're coming from Christy, I think you have some good reasons. I hate   to tell you this, but the exchange program in Guatemala is only for Spanish majors, and the   Spanish department is usually pretty strict about that. No, there has to be some way I can   go. I've already done so much research about it. Guatemala is perfect for my research, it has the   exact type of agricultural practices economy and environmental conditions I want to study   and explore. You make a fair argument but have you thought of other places? I really wouldn't   want you to get your hopes up since it's a program run by the Spanish Department, and I can't remember   the last time a student was able to go who wasn't a Spanish major. That doesn't seem fair. Is there   nothing I can do? They must have let someone go before who isn't a Spanish major, right? I mean I   know some Spanish, if that's any consolation. Look, I want you to have the opportunity to   go and I agree that it could be an ideal place for your research. Since you are very passionate   about going, I'll talk to the person in charge of the situation and see if they can find a   way to accommodate you. Really Professor? Thank you! thank you! That means so much to me. I think   you should prepare a solid argument to present to the Spanish department just in case. Can you   do that? Of course, absolutely. I'll do anything. I'll be ready okay I'm glad to hear it. Let me   talk to the department and I will let you know if anything changes, okay? Okay, thanks, Professor. Now, answer the questions. One. Why does the student go to see the professor? -   Why does Christy want to go to Guatemala? Select three. Why might Christie not be  able to go on a trip to Guatemala? Four. Why does the professor decide to help Christie? Select two. Five. Why does the professor ask Christy if she has thought of other places to go? Now listen to part of a talk in an astronomy class. So I would like to continue our discussion about   the Moon, more particularly about the origins of the Moon and how it was actually created. We talked   about three possible solutions, more like theories about how the Moon was created. Can anyone tell me   the name of one of these theories? Sarah. Well, I do remember the capture theory, which proposes that   the Moon was located somewhere else in the galaxy until eventually it was kind of like captured by   the Earth's gravitational pull. Yes, and I'm glad you started with the capture theory because it's   the easiest one to reject. Its primary drawback is that no one knows of any way that Earth could have   captured such a large moon from elsewhere. One body approaching another cannot go into orbit around it   without a serious loss of energy. Furthermore, if such a capture did take place, the captured object   would go into a very strange orbit rather than the nearly circular orbit our Moon goes through   today. Finally, there are too many similarities in composition between Earth and the Moon, it's   much more likely that the Earth and the Moon were somehow connected at one point in the past. What   was another theory discussed, James? The fission theory. Like you said, the Moon was once a part of   the Earth, but somehow separated from it early in their history. But I remember you mentioned   some problems with this theory too. Yes, the fission theory suggests that the Moon separated from the   Earth, but modern calculations have shown that this type of splitting is nearly impossible.   Furthermore, it is difficult to understand how a moon made out of materials from the Earth could   have developed so many chemical differences from our own. And the third? James again. Yeah,   the last one is the sister theory. It claims that the Moon formed together with the Earth but also   remained independent from it. This is why many astronomers once believed of other moons in the   solar system, too. Yes, the sister theory was the dominant idea accepted by most astronomers in   the past, but, like the capture and vision theory, it had some problems, particularly when trying to   explain how it could have such a lower density when compared to the Earth. Now, in an effort to   resolve these apparent contradictions scientists developed a fourth hypothesis for the origin of   the Moon, one that involves a giant impact early in Earth's history. This idea, known as the giant   impact hypothesis proposes that Earth was struck by an object approximately 1/10 Earth's mass which   is about the size of Mars. This is very nearly the largest impact the Earth could experience without   being shattered. Now, such an impact would disrupt much of Earth and eject a vast amount of material   into space releasing almost enough energy to break the planet apart. Computer simulations   indicate that material totaling several percent of Earth's mass could be ejected in such an   impact. Most of this material would be from the stony mantles of Earth, and the impacting body,   not from their metal cores. This ejected rock would then cool and form a ring of material   orbiting Earth. It was this ring that ultimately came together and formed the Moon. While we do   not have any current way of showing that the giant impact hypothesis is the correct model   of the Moon's origin, it does offer potential solutions to most of the major problems raised   by the chemistry of the Moon. Most importantly, since the Moon's raw material is from the deep   rocks of Earth and the asteroid that hit it, the composition and chemistry of the Moon is better   understood and explained. Now, answer the questions. One. What is the professor mainly discussing? Two How is the lecture organized? Three. What are some problems with the captured theory? Select two. Four. Which theory about the  Moon is most likely true? Five. What does the professor  imply about the sister theory? Six. Why is the giant impact hypothesis also problematic? Now listen to part of a talk in a geology class. Geology is the study of Earth's crust and the   processes that have shaped its surface throughout history. Heat escaping from the interior provides   energy for the formation of our planet's mountains, valleys, volcanoes, and even the continents and   oceans themselves. But not until the middle of the 20th century did geologists succeed in   understanding just how these landforms are created. Plate tectonics is a theory that explains how slow   motions within the Earth's interior move large pieces of land, resulting in a gradual drifting   or spreading out of the continents. Plate tectonics is the concept as basic to geology as evolution by   natural selection is to biology or gravity is to understanding the orbits of the planets. Looking   at it from a different perspective, plate tectonics is a way for Earth to transport heat efficiently   from the interior where it has accumulated out to space. It is a cooling system for the planet.  All planets develop a heat transfer process as they evolve. Now, Earth's crust is divided into   about a dozen tectonic plates that fit together like the pieces of a puzzle. In some places, such   as the Atlantic Ocean, the plates are moving apart; in others, such as off the western coast of   South America, they are being forced together. The power to move the plates is provided through a   process by which heat escapes from the interior through the upward flow of warmer material and   the slow sinking of cooler material. As the plates slowly move, they bump into each other   and cause dramatic changes in Earth's crust over time. You know, when studying maps of Earth, many   students notice that the coasts of North and South America could fit pretty well against the coast of   Europe and Africa. It seems as if these great landmasses could have once been together and then were   somehow torn apart. The same idea had occurred to others, including Francis Bacon as early as   1620, but not until the 20th century could such a proposal be more than just speculation. The   scientists who made the case for continental drift in 1920 was the German meteorologist named   Alfred Wegener. Born in Berlin in 1880, Wagner from an early age dreamed of exploring. Later in   his life, his interest turned more toward Earth's weather. He carried out experiments using kites   and balloons, becoming so accomplished that he and his brother set a world record in 1906 by flying   for 52 hours in a balloon. Wegener first thought of continental drift in 1910 while examining a   world map in an atlas, but it took two years for him to assemble enough data to propose the idea   in public. He published the results in book form in 1915. Wegener’s evidence went far beyond the   similarities in the shapes of the continents. He proposed that the similarities between fossils   found only in South America and Africa indicated that these two continents were joined at one time.   He also showed that similarities among living animal species on different continents could   be best explained by assuming that the continents were once connected in a supercontinent he called   Pangaea, from Greek elements pan meaning "all" and gaea meaning “land”. Wegener’s suggestion was met with   a hostile reaction for most scientists. Although he had collected an impressive list of arguments   for his hypothesis, he was missing a mechanism. No one could explain how solid continents could   drift over thousands of miles. A few scientists were impressed by Wegener’s work and continued   searching for additional evidence, but many found the idea of moving continents too revolutionary to   take seriously. Developing an understanding of the mechanism - plate tectonics - would take decades of   further research. Critics of science often point to the resistance to the continental drift hypothesis   as an example of the flawed way that scientists regard new ideas. But there is a more positive   light in which to view Wegener’s story. Scientists in his day maintained a skeptical attitude   because they needed more evidence and a clear mechanism that would fit what they understood   about nature. Once the evidence was clear, Wegener’s hypothesis quickly became the centerpiece of our   view of a dynamic Earth. Now, answer the questions. One. What is the purpose of the lecture? Two.  Why does the professor start  the lecture by defining geology? How is the lecture organized? Four. According to the lecture, what  is the purpose of plate tectonics? Five. Why does the professor say this, "Born in   Berlin in 1880, Wegener from an  early age dreamed of exploring"? Six. According to the lecture,  what evidence did Wegener find   to support his theory of Pangaea? Select two. Now listen to a conversation between a student and a professor. Hi Professor, you wanted to see me? Yes,   come in, Anya. It's about the paper you submitted for your assignment. I'm afraid I'm going to ask   you to do the assignment again. Really? I'm kind of shocked. I mean, I worked so hard on that paper -  wasn't it good? I can see how much work you put into it. In many ways, it's a very good assignment   but... I am confused. If it's good, why do I have to do it again? I understand that you're upset,   Anya, but let me finish, okay? The situation isn't nearly as bad as you think. As I was saying, your   assignment was well written and well researched, but it wasn't what I asked you to do. You submitted   a review of one of the books from a reading list, but the assignment I said was to write an essay.   Really? I remember the assignment and I'm sure it said to review a book from the reading list. It did say that, but here let me get the actual assignment and read it. Here we go. It says, "Review   one of the three books on this week's reading list and then write an essay that compares the   arguments in the book with those we discussed in class". Do you see the difference? I wanted you   to review the opinions in the book and then write about how that differs from what we discussed in   class. And you just reviewed the book and didn't address the second part of the assignment at   all. So you were using the phrase "review a book" in the assignment to mean something like "study   the book" rather than write a review for the book? Yes, that's exactly right. And as you are the only   person who misunderstood the assignment, I don't think what I wrote was unclear, do you? I see. Listen,   I'm really sorry about my mistake, professor. Can I submit a revised assignment next week   on Tuesday or Wednesday? Actually, Anya, it's only Monday. So, I'd like it before the weekend, please. Now, answer the questions. One. What did the professor and student mainly discuss? Two. Why is the student confused? Three. Listen again to part of the conversation. Thy does the   student say this, "So you were using the phrase "review a book" in the assignment   to mean something like "study the book" rather than write a review for the book"? Four. Listen again to part of the conversation. What does the professor imply when he says this? So, you   were using the phrase "review a book" in the assignment to mean something like "study the   book" rather than "write a review for the book"? Yes, that's exactly right. And as you are the   only person who misunderstood the assignment, I don't think what I wrote was unclear, do you? Five. What do you think the student is most likely to do next? Now listen to part of a talk in a psychology class. All right, let's settle down and start talking   about everyone's favorite subject: sleep. And we're going to start with your circadian rhythm. So, a   circadian rhythm is a biological rhythm that takes place over a period of about 24 hours.   It's basically how we biologically experience each day. Our sleep/wake cycle, which is linked   to our environment's natural light-dark cycle, is perhaps the most obvious example of a circadian   rhythm, but we also have daily fluctuations. Now, does anyone remember a few other examples? Janet?  Yes, I think that your glucose level changes based on the last time you ate. Yes, that's   right. Anyone else? I think they also mentioned heart rate and body temperature, but I forget   the specific examples. Don't worry about that George. We will discuss these other circadian   rhythms in much more detail later in the course, but for now, the most important thing to keep in   mind about circadian cycles is that they are usually aligned with the outside world. For   example, most people sleep during the night and are awake during the day. Now, one important regulator   of sleep-wake cycles is the hormone melatonin. Melatonin release is stimulated by darkness and   inhibited by light. When people have difficulty getting sleep due to their work or demands of   day-to-day life, they accumulate a sleep debt. A person with a sleep debt does not get sufficient   sleep on a chronic basis, and the consequences of sleep debt include decreased levels of alertness   and mental efficiency. Interestingly, since the advent of the electric light, the amount of   sleep that people get has actually declined. While we certainly welcome the convenience   of having the darkness lit up, we also suffer the consequences of reduced amounts of sleep because   we're more active during the nighttime hours than our ancestors were. As a result, many of us   sleep less than seven to eight hours a night and accumulate a sleep debt. While there is tremendous   variation in any given individual sleep needs, the National Sleep Foundation cites research to   estimate that newborns require the most sleep between 12 and 18 hours a night, and that this   amount declines to just seven to nine hours by the time we are adults. If you lie down to take   a nap and fall asleep very easily, chances are you may have a sleep debt. Given that college students   are famous for suffering from significant sleep debt, chances are you and your classmates deal   with these issues on a regular basis. Sleep debt and sleep deprivation have significant negative   psychological and physiological consequences. As mentioned earlier, lack of sleep can result   in decreased mental alertness and cognitive function. In addition, sleep deprivation often   results in depression-like symptoms. These effects can occur as a function of accumulated sleep debt   or in response to more acute periods of sleep deprivation. Now, it may surprise you to know that   sleep deprivation is associated with obesity, increased blood pressure, increased levels of   stress, and reduced immune functioning. A sleep-deprived individual generally will   fall asleep more quickly than if they were not sleep-deprived. Some sleep-deprived individuals   have difficulty staying awake when they stop moving, for example, sitting and watching television   or driving a car. That is why individuals suffering from sleep deprivation can also put themselves and   others at risk when they go behind the wheel of a car or work with dangerous machinery. Some   research suggests that sleep deprivation affects cognitive and motor function as much, if not more,   than alcohol intoxication. Now, the amount of sleep that we get varies across our lives.   When we're very young, we spend up to 16 hours a day sleeping. As we grow older, we sleep less. In   fact, recent research indicates that by the time we are 65 years old, we average fewer than seven   hours of sleep per day. As the amount of time we sleep varies over our lifespan, presumably   the sleep debt would adjust accordingly. Now, answer  the questions. One. What is the lecture mainly about? Two.  Why does the professor start the lecture by talking about circadian rhythms? Three. Why does the professor mention college students in the lecture? Four. What does the professor imply  about the dangers of sleep deprivation? Five. Which of the following is an indicator that you might suffer from sleep debt? Six. Why does the professor say this, "In fact, recent research indicates that by   the time we are 65 years old, we average fewer than seven hours of sleep per day"? All right, look at you, finishing a whole section of the TOEFL test. Congratulations!  Seriously, it's really hard to go through a whole section, especially when you're studying on your   own. I'm proud of you, keep it up, excellent job, really, great work. So, if you're looking   for more TOEFL practice, more of the new TOEFL, check out our site,, we have more   TOEFL tests for you as well, but really, thank you for watching. Hit the subscribe button,   we're always releasing new stuff. And I see in the next video guys. Alright, take care, bye-bye.
Channel: TST Prep TOEFL
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Keywords: TOEFL Listening test, TOEFL Listening, TOEFL test 2019, TOEFL test 2020, TOEFL Listening practice, TOEFL Listening practice test, TOEFL Listening test 2020, TOEFL Listening Practice test 2020, TOEFL Listening practice test with answers
Id: Icxn83A5xAw
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Length: 33min 3sec (1983 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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