Todd White - The Spirit of Adoption

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I want to show you a picture can you see see that oh oh you see oh you see oh that's easy that was way easier and moving it all around he's hot it's our little boy he was born eight months ago he came out of his mother's belly and the mom was using heroin for 20 years and so he came out and in a couple of hours he was manifesting addiction and his insides were going crazy and he had to be on methadone and intense like more intense then I don't know if unless you've seen it unless you've seen a little baby go through what it's like to go through addiction it's something and we were in rehab with him and I had a hospital gown on and scrubbing up and praying ridiculous prayers for nurses and other babe the whole Hospital nobody was safe I promise you life to me is an outreach I am reaching out Christ in me is reaching out on a daily basis everywhere I go cuz Christ in us is the hope of glory but it's Christ coming out of us that's that hope being made manifest really so that was eight months ago he's completely clean completely free 100% healed smiley happy amazing baby but you know to me this this whole adoption thing I even plan on talking about it but I'm gonna adoption to me is so powerful it's just so amazing but if you don't know that you've been adopted then your heart for adoption won't be there and they come here to preach adoption in that but everybody out here should be adopting kids although everybody out here should be adopting kids but that's not that's not for me to try to convict you of that's if you don't understand what adoption means then you won't know what sonship means if you don't know what sonship means you will live and walk on as an orphan the reality of the gospel is that Jesus paid a price to establish sons and daughters with God as a father but if you don't know that he's your father then he would just be God to you and if he's just got to you many people have many gods but God's not just God he's Father like people pray and father God and I had to spray your father God at you and it's true he's father dot but is he fathering you and are you letting him father you it's the best place in the world to be before Jesus we couldn't be fathered but then Jesus shifted things up completely and he came to establish a relationship with me and God as a father it's like crazy I really believe in my heart that I'm I'm supposed to share our testimony where we come out of because how many of you have not heard my testimony how many you don't even have never heard me before yes so I better share that first you'd know like okay people see my hair and they're like oh my look this is just a fishing lure it is it's it's it's it's really a fishing lure Jesus would be a Fisher of men you'd be surprised at who bites on this I promise you you have no idea oh oh I had dreads before Jesus I had I was the most rebellious person ever and then when Jesus came I shaved it down to nothing but let me tell you how that happened okay so we could kind of relate a little like because I have an intense message that I believe I believe that you are supposed to walk like Jesus walk I believe you know there are people that came there outside they might be in here just people that come to pick it in protest against against me or against the gospel it's it's weird why would people join a church when the church is protesting against the church is that weird that's like weird there are people that are totally rattled by me because I've got crazy hair and I wear toe shoes people are like oh my gosh who worse on his feet what is going on like who are we allowing to come into our church isn't that weird well we'd recognize Jesus if he walked in do you know he doesn't look like the Jesus that you think he looks like do you understand that in the Bible he's got white hair he's got flames fire in his eyes and the biggest smile that you could ever imagine like and he's not some white Caucasian happy he's not he wouldn't have been there he wouldn't have been when he was on the earth I don't know that we'd recognize him Jesus wasn't pretty actually says in the Bible that Jesus there was nothing comely about and there was nothing attractive about Jesus to draw anybody to him by appearance which means I'm in haha there was nothing to draw people to him attractive wise do you know that Jesus like when he was beaten and when he was whupped and when he was broken like his body none of his bones were broken but understand that his body was mutilated and Marvel on any any man ever that's what it says in Isaiah do you guys do you know what I'm talking about we're coming up to Easter we're coming up to like crucifixion it's right around the corner so we better like know this and we went to a we went to a play the other day and it was called thorn it was one of the most intense theatrical like performances of Jesus and him being crucified and whipped and beaten and broken and I have my little five-year-old sitting beside me and she's watching this and she knows who Jesus is because if Jesus wasn't in my life she wouldn't be alive if Jesus wasn't in my life my 10 year old wouldn't be alive if Jesus wasn't in my life we definitely wouldn't be adopting but if Jesus wasn't in my life I wouldn't be here today and so when she sees that she knows that this is the one that is the reason that she's alive and she's watching him get beaten and broken and my little five-year-old is wailing not because it's it's gross like it's so intense she's four years old and she's screaming at 1:30 in the morning streaming in her bedroom and I'm thinking if this is nightmares we're going to war I teach my kids to war I teach my kids the Holy Spirit's here and the Holy Spirit is your protector he's your protector he is and God is bigger than the boogeyman so we teach my kids to teach up my little kid I come into the bedroom and she is crying she's bawling I said what's going to shoes dad I said what she goes hi I said say it is it a nightmare no no dad no no I just I I gave my life to Jesus right now I went oh god pray for daddy right now pray for down she's four I mean these weren't like dad I just gave life Jesus dad I just gave my life to Jesus become a god but so awesome Riley this is amazing she's like yeah he loves me dad he loves me I go oh yeah he do dad really I'm sitting there going oh poor she's four I thought people come up to me and tell me oh well you must just be saved cuz you're on fire you must be new what a tragic mess that is what a tragedy that I would be saved 40 years ago and that I would be on fire when I get saved see the fire never changed you just put junk on your fire you put trash on the fire it's smoldering but it's still there cuz God's fire never goes no no it's still in there if you're born again you have an incorruptible seed bang that God comes in and he makes this incorruptible seed that's inside of you but he wants you to get the trash out man so you can see clear think clear and know who he is he wants you to burn like fire the worst thing that I've ever had happen to me is when somebody that has been well it's one of the worst things it's when somebody that's born again been in church for 40 years comes up to me and congratulate me and see I was once on fire that is the most tragic thing I've ever ever heard tragedy because if you're in the kingdom for 40 years you have the most right they have the most amazing burning flame when I first got saved I was like I was like oh my gosh this is ridiculous like you're kidding me like I didn't even know like so whole new world and I'm like so excited and so burning like oh but people didn't think that way you need to slow down because hey brother this is not us this isn't a sprint this is a marathon that's I I looked in my Bible and it's not in their marathons not in their sprints not in their I don't know why we've made up terms we have made up terms to define Christianity instead of long the Word of God to define Christianity there's no reason for somebody that's been in church for 40 years to not be on fire here's what will happen you can go to church for 40 years and just listen to the pastor but never get in your Bible or you can study your Bible to prove a point that'll be dangerous to study your Bible just so you can prove that you're right and other people are wrong you can make the word say whatever you want it to say but in context it says the same thing in context it says that God created you and he puts you on this earth and we lost our identity Jesus was marred and whipped and bruised and scarred beyond any man you couldn't recognize him says he was unrecognizable on that tree and people say well that's because we're by His stripes were healed it's more than that he was unrecognizable because we as God's creation had become unrecognizable so Jesus had to become unrecognizable so that we could become recognizable to the Father he who knew no sin became sin so that I might become the righteousness of God that's in Christ Jesus but not by my own works not by my own stuff that I'm doing God justifies the ungodly not because of our works but because of his grace and when his grace comes he enables us to do enables us to do his works his grace comes and enables me to do the works of the Father people call it blasphemy no it's biblically people say well though you know the disciples walked in power but that's over because they died what are you thinking God didn't die and God was the one inside the disciples that was doing the works how can we do this how can we function without dependency upon Holy Spirit how can we function without dependency upon truth he's the Spirit of Truth jesus said when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all truth but instead of seeking God's truth here we go for truth fear truth there and a lot of times the truth that we take in is only truth that makes us feel good people are uncomfortable with me it's crazy because I just love Jesus so people are uncomfortable around people that just love Jesus and her full of zeal and passion the gospel was never supposed to be known by it's correct just it's correct speaking no the gospel was supposed to be known by a passionate life that is burning on fire that the world cannot extinguish the flame the world doesn't have the right to extinguish the fire that the world didn't give me if I realize that God has accepted me some of you're looking at me like oh my gosh I see it I do I see feeling what's going to happen when you end this life and you get to heaven to find out all the things that you could have done but she didn't what's gonna happen when you get up there cuz then it's over you got one shot at this thing man the gospel sets you free from you the gospel sets you free from you and if you're free from you you're free to be but Jesus didn't say that in Matthew five through seven Jesus didn't say okay I'm gonna preach the new attitudes he preached the Beatitudes it's the attitude of being the first one he started with his blessing are those that are poor in spirit blessed are those for theirs is the kingdom what does that mean blessed are those that aren't spiritually arrogant and think they know it all blessed are those that are so that aren't so smart that can't be teachable blessed are those that are teachable Jesus says don't call anybody on earth your teacher for you have one teacher Christ what he said yet we have fivefold gift of teacher that doesn't mean that we disregard teachers that just means that I have an internal teacher called the Holy Spirit that tells me all things that are true so that when something's coming from a pulpit or something's coming from a YouTube video or a teaching or a book that I know what is true because I've got this inner witness called the Holy Ghost and he witnesses all things that are true he is everything he's my everything and people persecute and point the finger I'm not upset at it it's part of the program jesus said send Timothy says he says all of those that desire to live godly they shall be persecuted that's a promise if you're not being persecuted maybe you're not living godly I'm not being mean I'm being real what does godly mean just go to church on Sunday just read your Bible once in a while just live a good life and kind of keep to yourself and get through just berry get along Street and then pray that you make it in by the skin of your teeth you've got no skin on your teeth so that's a bummer this isn't barely get a BA get by and barely get along no this is burnt this is a flame your life is meant to be a flame burning with the gospel it's not supposed to be any compromise in this area man either hot or cold Jesus said hot or cold it's crazy because when I first got saved I read that no man oh my gosh like I was completely cold so I understand like I was like I kind of do cuz icy cold and icy hot and I'm like wow this he's etad when you got saved you went from cold to hot and you never ever sat in the middle I'm like wow that's crazy Lord I mean when hot what is hot hottest ones that burn on fire that believed that everything that God says is true and there is no question about whether what God says is true ever hottest one that trusts in the Lord with all their heart and leans none of their own understanding and in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths that's hot hardest one that renews the mind that doesn't allow the world to conform them but they get transformed by the renewing of their mind and renewing of the mind doesn't come just by memorization God didn't say be transformed by the remembers ation he said be transformed by the renewing of your mind be renewed in the spirit of your mind the Bible doesn't say memorized the word and that's what it's gonna be he says study the word and not preach or memorize yourself approved he says study the word and show yourself approved rightly divide the word of truth oh you know I saw that there was this one guy that had this dream he was an atheist went to bed an atheist and in this dream there was this huge field real dream real atheist real conversion huge field and in this field there was this huge fence that went all the way down the middle but it was big it was like this big enough that you could stand on it like this and he saw on the one side he saw Jesus what looked like Jesus with all these people there were just multitudes and then he saw the devil but he didn't have a pointy head in a pitchfork and a pointy tail no he looked actually seductive like in nature he could tell it wasn't Jesus and all these people and all these people all of a sudden in the blink of a moment he he jumps up on the fence because he can't make a decision like this is crazy like I I don't want this and I definitely don't want this like I'm just I'm chilling so he's on the fence and all the people disappear and all of a sudden in the next picture in this man's dream the devil who who he believes to be the devil comes up to me he goes there you or I was looking for you and he said hey I didn't choose him and I definitely didn't choose you and the devil said sure you did the fence is mine needless to say the dude repents in his dream wakes up born-again it's crazy God said to me he said Todd people that are cold can be switched like a light switch by people that are hot but also can go straight from cold to hot but people that are warm have the knowledge of God but do nothing with it and there are damage to the world around them and that's why I say I will spit them out that's Jesus people well I don't really like that well tough it doesn't matter what you like do you know that we only do what we feel like doing before we get saved and then when you get saved you don't live by feelings you walk by faith it's not about oh I don't feel that well you know I don't feel like it okay great live by feelings and watch how much the world potter's you and mold you and shapes you to look just like the world how you like me now yeah no see here's the truth I I love you but I will not water this down or compromise this message for anybody never it doesn't matter because I don't care who you are you have the most right to burn the most if you've been in the church the longest you teeth you cannot you cannot unlearn what you were taught in religion here's the crutch that remains people remain bound to you cannot unlearn people say to me Todd you know you're lucky you came in this way it's not about luck it's not about luck Jesus didn't say unlearned guys I want you to unlearn what you've been taught now just get quiet with God and ask him to breathe upon what you have and he will transform your very life in the blink of an eye what it takes is repentance repentance isn't Oh God please forgive me no repentance is oh my gosh Lord thank you try opening your Bible and just saying yes yes yes yes all of God's promises are yes and in him amen let your yes be yes and your no be no anything else is of the evil one do you know what happens when you have a yes and no gospel do you know what would happen if you had a wife named yes and a husband named no and they had kids do you know what that produces to do it the offspring of a yes and no gospel is maybe so maybe not maybe he will maybe he won't who knows really that's really dangerous really dangerous all right so here goes 18 minutes can I do it my wife is here can I do it she says I can that's a miracle you don't understand we do for our messages okay all right so last night who was here last who was not here last night Wow okay yeah yeah who was who was not my fans I said last night and this is very important that we understand this because sometimes our life is messed up from birth like as in our son his his mom wasn't ready to have him a lot of parents aren't ready to have kids so when I was born I just want to I just want to start here my mom and my dad my dad just came home from Vietnam my dad is messed up because of war because of the stuff that happens like horrible and so my mom and my dad came together and when they got together it wasn't that they were thinking of having a baby it was that my mom looked good to my dad like here's the real thing like men and women come together and it's not always for the purpose of having a child but children and the byproduct of that because they come out of that so what happened is when my mom and my dad came together they weren't thinking I'm gonna have a son my dad was just thinking that my mom looked good my bat my dad might not even been sober either way there's 80 million chances of me going up a birth canal 80 million what are the odds eighty million to one that's like a low number 80 million chances of me going up a birth canal everybody else is faster than me and everybody else is ahead of me everybody else has jackhammers sledge hammers saws trying to get in the egg because natural instinct is to get into egg look so you aren't even smiling get free from you it's okay you're gonna be okay you hit you unless you're married this is the only way children happen this this testimony is with purpose this is real so 80 million chances there 79 million nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine other chances ahead of me and I am last and I am in the raft everybody else is faster than me everybody got there quicker than me everybody's tools hammers and then all of a sudden they part like the Red Sea and there I go out of the raft right in and inside the egg this is crazy and hear all these voices outside who let them by how'd they get through I don't know something moved me now I'm inside the egg and my voice that hasn't been corrupted or tainted by the world says sorry guys I was predestined before the foundation of the world that's what scripture says about all life because all life comes from God regardless of how you came into the world regardless of what your mom said or what your dad said or what your mom did or dad did or didn't do or uncle's or answer whatever none of that has any bearing on your value see the cross isn't the revelation of your sin the cross is the revelation of your value what if the price that have been paid determines your value what if that takes you from worthless to worth it see the Crofts Jesus who knew no sin became sin so that you might become something but if you don't understand what you've become you will always be trying to do to be instead of being to do so I'm born I come into this family my mom my dad and then an eleven years old I have two sisters my mom and dad they bring us down to the table one day and they tell us that they're getting divorced and I have no idea I don't see it coming I have no clue I'm 11 I'm like what but I'm the oldest so I like I I'm like my other sisters like eight and a half and the other sisters like three likes they don't really they're what what is that I'm like I know cuz I've talked to kids at school I'm like what are you talking about and I watched my dad leave the house that day and I freaked out I said I'm leaving too and mom said you're not I lost it and then a very short period of time my mom actually found out that there was somewhere where I could go that they would take care of me one of her bosses was a freemason and so the boss said that we could send your son to this place and he would they would take care of him so they put me in a place called the Masonic home sponsored by the Freemasons so I'm in this place at 11 years old and by the time I'm 12 I'm fully addicted to drugs fully addicted to anything I get my hands on started with weed and just escalated more and more and more and more more more more more more so I needed I needed I needed I needed an 80 I stayed in there for five and a half years rebellious angry bitter so mad I got out of there and I joined the military cuz I'm gonna straighten my life out so I went in the Marine Corps they were looking for a few good men I actually did it on a derrick my stepdad dared me told me I could never be a real man real men and Marines and I went into the Marine Corps went to boot camp down Parris Island lost 73 pounds in boot camp they killed me kicked my butt but I was like a warrior but my brain had been washed with the wrong stuff so I came out of their boot camp mom came down stepdad came down stepdad you're a real man now yes sir no ma'am like crazy well life had changed went home came back started partying started drinking started doing drugs again then I was like man I want to go home they're like you can't I'm like alright and I left I lent him anyway that's not good I went home stole a bunch of money in a drug deal went out west and hid in the Rocky Mountains I did a little while later five and a half months later I get pulled over in a traffic violate or no that first time I got busted they came in they found me I get put in jail I got extradited across the United States put in military prison with an orange jumpsuit all that stuff like shackled on the plane so the whole way across Denver all the way down I get put in a military prison I'm in the brig down there for a while I get out five and a half months later I get out and I'm like okay like I really want out I don't want to be in anymore well that's gonna take at least a year and a half till your orders come in I said well I'm not waiting a year and a half I'll see you later and I left then went AWOL again it's called unauthorized absence in the military but AWOL is easy for people to understand so I ran away I went and hid out in the mountains again got a job it was like skiing living the dream as a fugitive crazy I ended up getting arrested again I'm just a year later put in jail again fought extradition can't fight it's government property they extradite me back orange jumpsuit put me in military prison again down at Camp Lejeune I'm in there for a while this time they're not gonna give me that life of sitting on the base waiting for my orders this time my orders came in see you later bad conduct discharge boom kicked me out of the military this is the way I started out my life that's not too good on a resume employers don't want to hear that so you lied to employers to get jobs to do what you got to do to get by and you survived its survival so I'm out doing whatever in club and went out to bars I meet this girl in a bar I trick her into thinking I'm amazing I was a manipulator man she ends up falling for it then she gets pregnant then the girl comes our baby comes out my daughter the day my daughter was born I realized I have no idea how to be a dad I don't know how to be a dad I don't even know how to be a man I don't how to do this I've had so many jobs already I quit or get fired I get high on the way to take a drug test like I got problems I have a lifetime subscription to issues man I have no Christians in my family and not one person at this point my life has shared the gospel with me no one has told me that God loves me no one has told me nobody at the church came out and said hey I just want to tell you how much God loves you God has a plan for you life nobody man because people were in fear gonna ruffle someone's feathers like we're all chickens we don't wanna step on someone's toes or I don't want to upset them man what's more upsetting I was almost in hell that's not okay it's not okay no one talked to me yes I was scary yes I was a liar yes I was admitted later but my Bible says that Jesus would be like hey man with you I'm gonna come in and dine with you today this this is what Jesus would do well we're the church with a representation of Jesus and his body right here on the earth do you look like Jesus because I promise you that's what God wants us to look like I know maybe Jesus maybe not have dreads but John the Baptist did do you see the Jesus did you see the Bible series okay so I am lost and and I'm floundering and I'm hurting and I'm hurting people so then my daughter she's getting a couple months older and my girls like I am done I'm out of here she's an atheist girlfriend I'm out of here I'm leaving you this suicidal thought came into my head and it had always been there like at times more and more but now it's like every day if you leave me I'm killing myself I don't have anything to live for and I became massively depressed suicidal depression medication all that stuff mixed with all kinds of all kinds of other drugs I had to get drunk every night six pack two 12-pack two more every night cocaine came into the picture it was just a twisted life man and then she's gonna leave me for another man that's it dude if I catch you with somebody else I'm taking them out I'm taking you out I will make you watch and then I'm gonna take me out and then we're gonna leave our daughter with nobody so if that's how you want to do it then go ahead selfishness man tell me that that doesn't happen in the world tell me that that doesn't happen now tell me we're not hearing about that more and more and more and more people think like that there are people in here that think like that not in here not in the church no way you're wrong suicide jealousy rage all that junk that God wants to kick to the curb and that was my life so she stayed with me out of fear more of a fear that I'd take my own life out of a fear for seven and a half years then finally I come home one night she's gone so I'm like that's it I'm done so I Drive to her stepdads house cuz he has rifles I'm gonna end my life be done so I headed over to the gun cabinet on the way to the gun cabinet I passed by this ledge that has a phone book on it and I just I just flipped open the phone book and it opens two churches I'm thinking this is so stupid yet I made a check at this church wrote it on the address thing and drove to this church it was like one of the closest ones I drove to this church I said I need to talk to somebody and it's real happy fella it's like praise the Lord I'm like what and he shares Jesus would be I did not come here to hear about Jesus man you're not even listening to me he said first of all this is a church why did you come here I said I don't know but to me Jesus didn't exist in a church he's like well why did you come I said I told you already I don't want my life as it was since you don't want your life won't you give it to somebody that does I said who would want my life and he started to share my value to the Father I'm like come on this is so stupid man what are you doing you're like in Fantasyland he's still willing to give it away since you don't want I said fine whatever if he wants it he can have him that's what I said I said there I did it you happy he said amen you know what I did I actually went home I had this little seed inside I didn't want to kill myself I was crazy first time I remember not me and suicidal I went home and I called my daughter 70x I knew where they were so I found a note she left there there at girlfriends moms I said hey you need to tell mommy that daddy found gone well my daughter said what's he like dad I said I don't know but I met somebody today that he's got something in his eyes I I don't even know how to explain it I got I just got to take you to meet this guy she's like mommy's never coming home I said you do whatever you gotta do to get mommy home you kick and scream you do what every God do so she did and mom came home and man was she mad now you're gonna be a hypocrite no no everything's gonna change no it's not like that everything's changing now put my daughter to bed I'm on the couch of course I'm talking my girlfriend told my daughter on a constant basis how much she hated her father and my girlfriend was not saved she was not born again and there's no Christians in her family and there's none in my family so I don't have any representatives of family wise so that first night I put my daughter to bed I'm out on a cocaine binge the first night imagine that yep I have a confession but I have no relationship and wouldn't that be dangerous if we thought Jesus said go into all the world make confessing Christians he did not say go into all the world and make confessing Christians he said go into all the world make disciples there's a disciple the definition of a disciple and a confessing Christian are completely different Jesus must become your master your teacher your everything investing Christian yeah I prayed the prayer man it's cool I'm good no no you're not good if you think it was just praying a prayer you're supposed to put off your own life and put on Christ it's different it's completely different so anyway I called that guy in the morning I said you're Jesus didn't work the pastor I said I just got back after another cocaine binge he gets taught how'd that make you feel I said horrible he said good for you I said why is it good for me he said because there's a seed that's growing inside of you I'm make it go faster Mac cuz this is stupid and I'm just freaking out for five and a half months and live the same exactly three four or five times a week and I couldn't read I like I wasn't gonna open the Bible I couldn't read I've never read a book before my life ever just my brain was so fried from all the stuff and you tried to open the Bible and get it with your head you're like oh really I have no idea so five and a half months later I remember this I went out one night I drove out in town I'm at the phone booth I'm calling my deal or try to get him and he's not answering the phone I turn around and there is my girlfriend and my daughter outside of the car you promised you never do it again daddy you say it every night you promise every night you do it again it's true and I don't know how to stop and I don't want to but I'm doing it and I am living so under the law but I don't know that I'm under the law I don't know what grace is I don't understand but I'm about to find out what grace is and I got out my girlfriend screaming at me get in a car I told her okay so I pulled out of the parking lot lost him and went down into the city went down to a place I normally don't go so I knew I didn't have any money and I could get somebody and rip along so I pick up some kid down on East Maple Street New York Pennsylvania I ripped this kid off he's in my car I got a whole bunch of cocaine in my hand I tell him he has the right to remain silent anything he said kill when used against you in a court of law you have a right to an attorney if you can't afford an attorney I got I read him his rights I've been read him so many times so I'm telling this kid that I'm a cop he gets out of the car and I hit the gas and when I hit the gas he pulled out a nine-millimeter and unloaded at me Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom and I heard a voice audibly in my car say I took those bullets for you are you ready to live for me yet this mullah these are real bullets they weren't rubber this kid was from New York City he was 15 14 15 years old he unloaded at me and that voice echoes and drowns the sound of the bullets I spun out of town I went and did all the drugs man and every time I took a hit off the pipe to try to get high from the bunch of crack I bought his voice would come and kill my buzz and I couldn't get high and I came home in the morning and I pulled in it was still dark was early I pulled in the driveway and I got out of the car and man I'm just like freaked out by the voice and I shined a flashlight and I had no bullets in my car from ten feet away I went to the door she said get out I left my daughter streaming I went and a bed opened up for me at Teen Challenge I went to a place that was opened by a man named David Wilkerson up in the Bronx man up in the hard floor say if you see the cross and the Switchblade movie that's the guy I went to this place I submitted a shaved my head bald I'm in there I'm dying I submitted to God I'm in there for two and a half months or two months and I have these three nights where I have encounters with Jesus crazy encounters and he told me to go home and I packed my stuff and I went to my house not to live there I realized that I was a dad for the first time in my life and I get there my kid runs across the porch and I look at my 7 a half year old kid as a father for the first time in my life and I said I love you and I'm gonna take care of you and provide for you and mom gave my vows and I said I'm so sorry and she said oh honey I know what do you mean you know she said when you went away I gave my life to Jesus yeah yeah yeah and and I said well we're I can't live here I'm so convicted and Dan's on the porch you know this pastor he's like no you're not I'm like no I'm not I said then she says we need to be married I'm like oh my god what's going on and Dan said here's what we're gonna do and I said we need to plan this he said you're not planning nothing he said we're doing this in between first and second service on Sunday so in between first and second service on the following Sunday my wife and I come here [Applause] my wife and I got married October 24th of 2004 no one came to our wedding couple people and they were really mad but here's the deal if the truth is is that our oldest daughter now that seven half year-old is twenty we have a middle daughter that's ten we have a five year horse she's gonna be six in just a week yeah a week and we have little Azariah who's just this little baby boy that we've got to adopt listen there are people that persecute and people that point the finger honestly all God's asking you for is to give up what you were never created to be in the first place because God didn't create you for you he created you for him man did you stand to your feet please pasta roller you can come up I'm just gonna I'm just gonna pray over everybody thank you for coming and listening listen all God's asking you to be is sold out that's it okay so father could you put your hand out towards these amazing people father we just thank you in the name of Jesus Cana thank you for transformation of life god I thank you for ridiculous encounters for people here father I thank you for full surrender of the body of Christ it's in this building and everybody watching online God I'm asking you for restoration of marriages for restoration of kids father I thank you for the fullness of the gospel I thank your for a full on surrendered life that's on fire and burning for Jesus father thank you I ask you to permeate them saturate them in Jesus name and everybody said amen wait wait I want you to extend your hands towards them hahaha we want to pray for them you
Channel: Todd White
Views: 27,546
Rating: 4.8611989 out of 5
Id: r8pbrCtTkZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 48sec (2508 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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