Today's Modern Food: It's not what you think - Part 2 of 2

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CC bc CC bc CC spacey bass sea bass beef chicken chicken beef beef beef beef beef that's 99 beef and one chicken words out the tasty love is also a good source of things you need like iron zinc protein and some B vitamins beef it's what's for dinner tonight from the everyday citizen website the truth about corn-fed beef feeding corn to cattle is simply put unnatural and yet most of the store-bought and restaurant consumed beef in the u.s. is corn fed while corn is a cheaper feed and can ready a cow for slaughter much more quickly than a dainty diet of grass it's pretty awful for the animal apart from the corn problem there's the issue of confined animal feeding operations where cattle are raised in deplorable conditions including being jammed together and standing in their own feces a corn-fed beef is far less nutritious than grass-fed which has higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids vitamins A C D and E and is lower in saturated fat pastured cattle also produce far less pollutants than feedlot cattle as their waste becomes fertilizer for new grounds and you got to have cheap aid to do the confinements that's my brand I just sold these to the feedlot in March I really don't have many other alternatives when Sue's father ran the ranch cattle spent almost all their lives eating grass and it took several years to reach market weight but in recent years cattle have begun spending more and more of their lives in feed Lots they put on weight faster if you don't want to move so total confinement less space for movement they eat continually and you get them into the market into the food chain but cattle were not meant to be on a corn fed diet for that one we used to vinum 60 90 days was one thing up to 120 you could make it you start really pushing cattle on a corn base side after that the ulcers in the stomachs don't don't take it well and they start getting sick these animals evolved not in feeding these high starts or things like corn if he lino corn more assets produced and the animal can get into trouble corn in this environment produces these acids the pH drops and then they succumb to a condition we call acidosis and if it's not treated the animal dies the corn fed to cattle is supplemented with low doses of antibiotics that help them combat acidosis livestock now consumes 70% of the antibiotics in the United States but antibiotics also help cattle survive the conditions of confinement this facility with more than a hundred thousand head of cattle produces as much waste as a city of 1.7 million people a lot of people look at these large feed Lots now and and question whether that's what we should be doing but but the reason that it's done it's all its economic if you were born in the last 30 years in America chances are you've only ever tasted corn-fed beef if the American people wanted strictly grass-fed beef we would produce grass-fed beef form but it's definitely more expensive and one of the tenants in America is America wants and demands cheap food the rising price of corn has forced ranchers to look for ways to cut costs for industrial scale farmers that means feeding cattle with cheaper recipes that's a corn silage high moisture core which is all the yellow kernels you see and then we feed some byproducts potato chips chocolate blend which is has some cocoa shells you see some M&Ms with it it's it's a it's a byproduct from Hershey and MMR's fan cows a diet of fast food is just the beginning the funny thing about this is that cows aren't naturally corn eating animals nevermind corn mixed with M&Ms and potato chips they're girls cows naturally feed off of grass and 150 miles north of the Miss Lee ranch Ron Kipps raises his cattle in exactly this way we do what they call rotational grazing because raising grass-fed cows for mass consumption is considered inefficient for the number of cattle we're feeding we clean grass feed cattle here we can get more off an acre by growing crops corn and soybeans and small grain than we could by putting cattle one for one thing grass-fed cows take longer to reach market weight they also require much larger parcels of land for grazing and on Ron's grass farm there's only enough land for a hundred cattle to make a profit he has to charge about 30% more than the Nestle brothers but there are benefits to grass-fed beef studies show that grass-fed cattle are richer in vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids compared to conventionally raised beef and there is no need for petroleum-based fertilizer to grow the corn feed cows have their own special way of fertilizing the land and then there's the taste issue because of the abundance of corn fed cattle most Americans are used to beef that has a high fat content I don't know if I ever had grass fed strictly grass-fed beef drive Achatz of conventionally raised beef the higher fat content is set to give the meat its flavor though in some cases one has to wonder if that's the natural flavor of meat or the M&Ms you're tasting On February 11th 2009 CBS News reported link ID between beef and cancer in feedlots across the country beef cattle are given growth hormones to make them fatter faster to save money now questions are being raised about one of the most widely used hormones zerrin all a synthetic estrogen implanted in cattle a series of tests done for the Pentagon show a possible link between breast cancer and cereno evidence again of the Food and Drug Administration's failure to protect American consumers from dangerous products for months now the FDA has insisted that bisphenol A it's a chemical found in plastic items BPA is safe now a scathing new report reveals that the FDA ignored important critical evidence of BPA's dangers not only should we be concerned about what is in our foods we also need to be concerned about what is on the outside of our foods today's modern foods are neatly packed and wrapped in plastics styrofoam 10 and aluminum you on March 30th 2011 Discovery News reported food packaging harbors harmful chemicals plastic wrappers food cans and storage tubs deposit at least two potentially harmful chemicals into our food confirmed a new study by cutting out containers people can dramatically reduce their exposures to these toxins the chemicals Bice phenyl a or BPA and affa phthalates called de HP are known to disrupt hormonal systems in the bodies of both animals and people leading to developmental and reproductive problems as well as cancers heart disease and brain disorders and both appear in a wide variety of food packaging materials but when people in the new study avoided plastic and ate mostly fresh foods for just three days the levels of these chemicals in their bodies dropped by more than 50 percent and sometimes much more on November 8th 2010 Discovery News reported canned food alert there are traces of the worrisome chemical BPA in a wide variety of canned foods from supermarket shells found a new study BPA is also president products packaged in plastic in a one sample from the deli counter the study which was the first to measure levels of BPA in grocery store foods in the United States suggests that food especially canned food might be one major route the BPA uses to get into our bodies BPA has been linked to all sorts of health concerns including heart disease cancers and developmental problems On February 15 2010 USA Today reported that the FDA said it has some concerns about health effects and encourage people to limit their exposure research has linked the chemical to cancer heart disease type 2 diabetes obesity sexual dysfunction and early onset puberty FDA officials said they are especially concerned about its developmental impact on fetuses infants and young children BPA used to harden plastics leeches from containers into food and drinks even cold ones it's so ubiquitous that more than 90% of Americans have traces of it in their urine according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention you to eat well in this country cost more than to eat badly it will take more money and some people simply don't have it and that's one of the reasons that we need changes at the policy level so that the carrots are a better deal than the chips we all know that fast food and junk foods are not the healthiest of meals but based on recent studies research and testing what we often thought of as healthy foods are not as healthy as we have been led to believe the food processing manufacturers appear to be more concerned with profits than the health and well-being of their customers and the Food and Drug Administration appears to be more concerned with the interests of the manufacturers than the American people because the manufacturers in the government ignore our concerns it is going to be our responsibility to take charge of our nutrition and well-being our grandparents and their parents before them had one primary objective the production and preservation of food every aspect of life revolved around this one goal today however our focus is on the television sports aims or hobbies and food has been relegated to an afterthought there are a few alternatives to the chemically Laden foods available at your local supermarket you can buy organic which unfortunately because of the current economics of food production is more expensive or you can grow and raise your own food which is time consuming in art work but you have to ask yourself is it worth improving the health of my family if your diet and health is important to you you will want to watch these i opening and heart-stopping documentaries on the truth about the foods we buy and eat every day you you you
Channel: Jeff Benner
Views: 331,070
Rating: 4.9087195 out of 5
Keywords: bisphenol, Cancer, Canned, Food, chemicals, fast, food, junk, foods, and, drug, administration, government, high, fructose, corn, syrup, manufacturers, mass, production, Mercury, poisons, Politics, salmonella, sugar, White, bread, health, eating, beef
Id: 4R1ixshimfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2011
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