Beans - A Miracle Of Nutrition

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all right let's go on to beans because beans are another superfood and i love to talk about beans because beans are associated with long life and all you know all those blue zones along with populations we study elderly people all over the world we find that the more beans they eat the longer they live whoever eats the most beans live the longest just like green vegetables they should be our major source of protein and our major source of carbohydrate because they're high in carbohydrate and protein right they're they're carbohydrate rich and they're protein rich they're a good in other words they have a lot of what we need to maintain our muscle mass to maintain our strength to maintain our energy they digest it very slowly so when you eat them they last you for many hours and they prevent overeating because they're very filling now beans have a compound called inositol pentakis phosphate ip5 which is very powerful against cancer it doesn't allow cancer cells to replicate and they're also full of phytic acid and you know these phytates that have anti-powerful anti-cancer effects too a lot of factors and they're full of polyphenols and flavonoids the whole so beans have a you know the colorful beans especially the red beans and the black beans white beans all these colors that are full of different phenols that give them that colorful you know the colorful you that make them so healthy you know you guys know that when you eat blueberries those beneficial compounds that make the blueberries blue are so healthy for us in our brain and when you eat blueberries you don't urinate out the blue do you no it doesn't turn your urine blue you keep the color inside you those when you eat a red bean you don't urinate red or you don't eat green vegetables you don't urinate green you keep a lot of those colors in you and those polyphenols if i stay in your color stay in your skin and color your skin and they and they protect you against skin cancer but they don't just attract they're not just attracted to the skin they permeate every organ of your body including your brain and your liver and your kidney and your heart these phytonutrients stay into your tissues they live in your tissues and they're active and they stay there for you know for years and months and you know they're important to be replenished and they're important to be high in our tissues you can look at a person i can look at a person and see how healthy they've been eating just by looking at the color of their skin you notice how a lot of people um will go to their doctor and doctor say something wrong with your skin looks orange and they'll put their hand out next to you and go look at my fleshy pink color you must something you know might your orange tinge is something wrong with you i have too much carotinemia in your skin eating too much carrot juice no i don't eat carrot juice i'm just it's all the vegetables i eat whatever but the point is you should say to your doctor who tells you that that it's you who has the abnormal color to your skin this is the way your skin should look so this means i'm protected in however but you are not protected and you're going to be at high risk of early death especially from cancer from not having that color in your skin because that shows you're not eating enough vegetables did you file that just like you go to your doctor not to diverge too much but you go to your doctor and he tells you your white blood cell count is too low it's only 3.6 and it should be between 5 and 10. maybe you have to go to the hematologist for one of those oncologists those bone marrow biopsies which is going to kill you to check you don't have cancer because your low white blood cell counts the facts are is that when you eat a healthy diet like i recommend it drops your white blood cell count blow out of the normal range because low white blood cell counts are linked to people who live longer life and have lower cancer rates because when you're eating all the food the immuno this food that supports your immune system and doesn't and takes away inflammation you don't need all those white blood cells floating around there's not so much inflammation in your body and you should say to your doctor who doesn't know it better it's not his fault he never learned this stuff he's trying his best but you should say to your doctor no you know dr smith it's you with the higher white blood cell count who's at risk of getting cancer myself with a lower white blood cell count as dr fuhrman said is the one protected against cancer you're the one who needs the bone marrow biopsy so don't be confused about that a low white blood cell count is a good sign not a bad sign you shouldn't be in the normal range where other americans lie you know that's a sickly population but in any case inositol pentakis phosphate you know that's powerful stuff because it's 26 letters long it has to be and of course people eat beans even just twice a week there's a study on men who eat beans twice a week drop their risk of colon cancer by half imagine if they beans every single day right you know what happens no more friends left but they don't get cancer but as you eat beans regularly of course your body builds up the bacteria it takes to digest them and the gas problem goes away if you eat them regularly unfortunately the gas problem goes away but there's other fun things about beans now see if you eaten the studies showed if you eat beans even two tablespoons a day if you're giving them too much digestion start with smaller amounts increase the more gradually over months so it can digest that you can build up the bacteria and the back and the digestive capacity to digest them better right but just two tablespoons a day decreases death rate by eight percent imagine if you ate a cup and a half or two cups a day you'd live forever so let's so but let's look at this for a minute because beans are the highest in fiber almost all foods they're the highest and slowly digestible starches that means we're looking at carbohydrates and ranking carbohydrates on a hierarchical scale of ones that are lower glycemic to higher glycemic we know that the slowly digestible fibers and beans the slow digestible starches excuse me break down the glucose very very slowly and feed carbohydrate into your body over many hours fueling you for energy allowing your body to burn it for energy as opposed to storing it because it doesn't raise an insulin response and it keeps the glucagon at it working so you can still burn fat at the same time you're burning the carbohydrate from bean so you're going to lose maximally lose your weight keep your glucose levels favorable help reverse your diabetes and they're full of something called resistant starch which is almost like a fiber because the starch that is not digestible by the you but we don't have the enzymes to digest it so what happens to that resistant starch in the bean it's degraded by bacteria and after a while we and the more we eat beans regularly the more we build up the bacteria to digest the resistant starch and we convert that resistant starch into a fat short chain fat predominantly short-term fatty acids predominantly the one that's called butyrate and that butyrate some of it gets absorbed which has anti-diabetic effects and immune protective effects as well and the butyrate and those fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect on the wall of the colon preventing inflammation and reducing risk of getting hemorrhoids or constipation but the point is is that you know that's that's the disease called on diverticulum or diverticulosis those little pockets from eating a low fiber high meat diet and i've seen in my 25 years of medical practice scoping people putting scopes in people's rectums and looking up their colon to see what's in there you know and seeing that a lot of them have diverticulum but after but they come back five years later or ten years later after following the program and eating better and the diverticulum are gone disappeared i learned that i learned something by able to by scoping these people that it actually i was able to watch these diseased colons getting better because they were changing their diet really exciting but the resistance starch is something that's beneficial and it and because it's converted into the fat the carbohydrates convert into fat and it occurs so far down in the digestive process 90 of those calories don't get absorbed into the body only 10 percent get absorbed 90 of those calories go into the stool increasing the fat in the toilet bowl so part of the calories and beans are lost to the toilet bowl and of course lowering the glycemic effect of the beans even further and the fact that the bacteria that the beans enabled to grow that they feel that are prebiotic beans fuel the growth and accelerate the growth of the healthy bacteria in your digestive tract and those bacteria have beneficial effects which slow the absorption of glucose from other foods that are not beans so had i ate beans with a mango and the same meal the glucose from the mango would be absorbed more slowly because i had beans in that meal did you follow that now scientists call it the second meal effect because you have these bacteria that live in your digestive tract now all the time and what you eat the next meal is going to be slowed the glute the glycemic load of that following meal after you ate the beans is going to be slow because you eat beans regularly because the bacteria are now present in your digestive tract all the time but it's not just the second meal effect the second meal effect is not a good name for it even though that's what the scientists call it because it's the third meal fourth meal or fifth meal doesn't matter when you eat the meals right after or the next day or six meals later you're still getting the benefit from those being being back bean-based bacteria growth did you follow that so beans if we look at the nutritional density of carbohydrate if we look at the fiber if we look at the resistance starch if we look at the glycemic load then we can rate carbohydrates on a hierarchical scale of quality and then we see that the the ones adding the starch and fiber gives us a good idea that these beans are most beneficial when you have metabolic hinderance to weight loss such as you know obesity and diabetes and you're a person genetically who's a difficult weight loser then you want to especially eat less of those carbohydrate foods with a higher glycemic load and low fiber and eat more that are high in fiber higher nutrients more resistant starch and you know and lower glycemic okay so they're a superfood with powerful anti-cancer effects and they and they me and they're also relatively inexpensive and make it easy for people to you know we should be giving away beans really well you can't really eat beans raw you have to soak them and cook them unless you sprouted them yeah but basically they should be but so i'm an advocate of using cooked beans in your diet okay and onions are another superfood you know onions have been you know i didn't really used to like onions with know they were a superfood years ago i didn't eat that many onions but now i've learned about their power to prevent cancer and i put them in i put them in all my food all it's like raw i add them here i add them there like for example i'll make a cooked kale dish i'll steam the kale and i'll for just 10 minutes i'll use the timer only steam it for 10 minutes and i'll take it out with the tongs and put it in like a dish towel and fold the towel over to get a little water out then i'll take the towel away into the chopping bowl and i'll chop the kale maybe with a cashew cream sauce and made with unsweetened soy milk and little raw cashews and some toasted sesame seeds or you know i'll put a little nutritional yeast or maybe a little roasted garlic in there so make a little cream sauce for the kale chop it in there i'll drizzle a little tomato sauce on top of it and then i'll sprinkle raw red onion all over the top now i still like raw and onion on everything i like the difference in flavors and the crunch from the raw red onion i used to not even like that but now that i know it's but now i've been using eating it more over these last 10 years or so and now i really love raw you have to put it on a lot of different foods because because when it's raw it has those beneficial compounds that that benefit us now i just ate that cooked kale just now right right so did i not produce the isothiocyanates from the cooked kale because i cooked it and just and weakened or inactivated the myrosinase compound what do you think they get any benefit what do they get the full benefit from the kale yes why how come you're just guessing what's that what i tell us yeah okay i particularly paid attention to eat some raw watercress arugula or or some raw cruciferous vegetable on my salad at that meal so i'd have my roastiness enzyme present in the digestive tract when i was eating the cooked kale so i got more benefit from the kale so i'm i'm very now lately you know because of this new idea these new um studies and science on on the heat sensitivity of these important enzymes i make it when i go to a salad bar i make it i pay particular attention to adding a little arugula to my salad or adding some red cabbage to the salad or adding a little baby kale to the salad or adding and i love that like the baby arugula and the baby kale and i grow in my garden you know i'll grow i'll plant them you know a plant like baby cabbage or kale or you know other types of um like every two weeks i'll start a new new row and i'll eat from that row when i'll then two and then next row will come up leave from that row you know so i'm making i'm paying particular attention to make my salads to include not just lettuce but also the raw cruciferous and to chew them really well so i eat that with the meal i'm eating my cooked brussels sprouts or my cooked kale or my cooked broccoli with so there's some myrosinase enzyme there to activate the conversion now you're following that mustard greens mustard seed whatever you want to use but you should be aware of this so you're doing so you're maximally getting more nutritional bang for your what you're eating well of course the less you cook it the better it's going to be and the more you cook it the worse it's going to be so if you aren't going to dry out kale trips then you want to make it as you want to do as low temperature as possible and might nicely dehydrate them don't really use a dehydrator if using your oven put on the lowest setting possible because the less you cook something the more you're going to retain that the enzymatic action the more you cook it especially roasting it and darkening it and blackening it you don't want to like don't cook at high temperatures and there's lower the better right now onions have been shown in scientific studies to be protected against almost all types of cancers between 50 to 88 reduction in the highest consumer of onions and those consumer of onions were only eating a half a cup of onions in the highest quartile of consumption they weren't eating that much onion and likewise to the myrosinase enzyme in kale myrosis i mean all cruciferous vegetables there's an enzyme called alienase in onion now i know i've spelled it wrong over and over again but i got it spelled right on this slide it has two l's and two eyes it's hard for me it was hard to remember the two eyes and i used to know so it's alienated it has two eyes and it's the only one the only words with two l's and two eyes right so you can remember it now alliance and you and you want to remember to put raw onion on your salad and if you need some cooked onion in the meal then make sure you have some raw onion in the salad too to supply some of the aliens enzyme but you know that onion is particularly protective the and now i'm going to have a salad bar because i know this now i go to the salad bar and i put some of those little scallion crunchy little pieces of scallion on top of the salad i know how anti-cancer powerful is eat that raw and i put some red onion on the salad and i'll chop the red onion finely i'll take the red onion and i'll chop it up with very thin slivers and and put it on my salad and really i love the flavor of it now especially when it's distributed very thinly dispersed as opposed to big thick chunks you know i like that flavor and i developed a taste for it because i've been doing the more you eat something the more you develop a taste of want to prefer to eat it that way so it has that heat sure there are lots of other protective factors in onion but those substances in onion like the cursiton and the fructooligosaccharides and that's present in the onion family have powerful prebiotic effects they're like a probiotic right you don't need to take the probiotics because your body will naturally produce those beneficial bacteria you don't have to eat the sauerkraut and the yogurt and the fermented foods because when you eat the raw vegetables like the raw cruciferous the cooked beans the cooked mushrooms and the raw onion your body naturally makes the right balance and of the beneficial bacteria that benefit your health did you follow that you don't need to take it it's there your bacteria is natural fermentation and bacteria growth that takes place and these are powerful foods against cancer and what's more powerful than mushrooms mushrooms are not so high in micronutrients they don't score high on my andy score but they have other salient features that make them very important anti-cancer effects and some of those most important features that make these mushrooms work how you know in conjunction with our immune system is one is the fact that they're powerful angiogenesis inhibitors right powerful angiogenesis numbers the word angiogenesis is not the first book of the bible no it's what it is is the word angio means blood vessel and genesis means to make and the angiogenesis inhibitor means it doesn't allow the body to grow new blood vessels because when you eat a high glycemic diet or you eat a lot of meats and you eat a lot of foods that are growth promoting because animal products promote growth hormone like igf-1 and and high-glycemic carbohydrates promote insulin and they're both gonna they're both have promote angiogenesis and they both promote the storage of fat if you put you know the animal products with the processed carbohydrates together high insulin igf-1 simultaneously that's how you're going to produce the most fat growth possible by mixing it together high carbohydrate refined carbohydrate with high meat so it's like the hamburger the hot dog the macaroni and cheese the pizza that's the most dangerous things you can do is eat the average american diet those are angiogenesis promoters and those that means that allows they promote fat growth and fat cells secrete angiogenesis promoters too and the fat needs to have new blood vessels bring oxygen to it to keep it alive and mourn glucose and other nutrients do it to keep it growing without the new blood vessels how does fat grow it can't you can't grow fat unless fat produces new blood vessels to fuel it but mushrooms say no way jose i'm not letting you put fat on your body when you eat mushrooms it's difficult to store fat when you eat mushrooms it's difficult to have cancers grow and spread because for a cancer to replicate and grow for a mass and a tumor to grow and replicate and to spread it needs it part of the cancerous process is angiogenesis promotion that occurs from abnormal tissue and from cancerous cells that are that cancers get a whole huge blood vessel growth doctors recognize cancer by looking at blood vessel messaging you know where blood vessel is flowing increased in an area can make it light up to know it's got cancer there so one of the hallmarks of cancer is that it's a it's tissue that's has that's angiogenesis promoting to allow it's getting a blood supply and excessively growing but mushrooms say no way jose i'm not letting you put grow cancer i'm not letting you if you have cancer i'm going to its growth and interfere from spreading so mushrooms have powerful angiogenesis inhibiting compounds and believe it or not they're powerful aromatase inhibitors too in mushrooms natural aromatase inhibitors you've heard of the drug tamoxifen or those kind of medications they give one with breast cancer because these drugs block the aromatase enzyme that produces estrogen so it keeps women's estrogen levels lower so they don't stimulate the cancer to grow well you know what mushrooms do that all the time before now you don't wait till you have cancer they have a special affinity to breast tissue to prevent breast tissue from being stimulated by estrogen forcing or causing abnormal breast tissue growth they allow normal growth and normal production of milk for the baby and they allow normal growth of tissue during you know development in teenage years but they don't allow excessive growth of breast tissue it's like magically designed to allow normalcy but not abnormal see did you follow that and there are patients who have breast cancer who can't tolerate tamoxifen or because they get depressed from it but they can tolerate mushrooms and mushroom extracts and mushrooms contain a mild carcinogen called a guarantee and a guarantee is blown off with just a few minutes of cooking steaming water walking cooking in a soup so it's actually better to eat mushrooms cooked than raw some foods are better raw some foods are better cooked green vegetables are probably better raw right onions better raw tomatoes and mushrooms better cooked we'll talk about that as we go along and mushrooms have antigen binding lectins that's a fancy sounding name but they're they kind of work in a weird way they actually stick to or adhere to cells that are abnormal to help the natural killer t cells recognize cells for attack and removal before they become cancerous right mushrooms are an extra it's like a third arm to the immune system you know how some animals have a tail for balance or have a wings for flying well we have an immune system that has an extra arm makes it super protected and that's eating that's using mushrooms super arms of the immune system for extra protection against disease berries i include pomegranate in that category for the bee are also powerful superfoods with anti-cancer effects and they're full of those dark you know they've been shown in scientific studies to actually lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol and actually protect the brain against aging and like beans because you think that berries are sugary they're sweet but they have a very low glycemic effect and they actually interfere the pectins the polyphenols the fibers they contain they interfere with the absorption of glucose they even interfere with the absorption of glucose of other foods that are not berries they're diabetic favorable they're cancer anti-cancer favorable and they protect the brain of course and have powerful anti-cancer effects shocking some of the scientists that are doing the studies i think some of these scientists studying blackberries and strawberries and wild blueberries were kind of shocked themselves when they saw some of these early stage cancers reversing and coming back to normal one study gave people with um squamous cell carcinoma of their esophagus it gave them 60 grams of a strawberry extract a day and the majority of people had regression of cellular proliferation and apoptosis and and and reversal the cancers without even eating a healthy diet just with the strawberry extracts we're talking here about these are powerful anti-cancer compounds and s for seeds super powerful effective seeds and how many of you eat some flax seeds or chia seeds or sesame seeds every day raise your hand flax tea or sesame every day wow a lot of you do i guess you're very educated audience well here's the thing in most people most audiences i lecture to very few of the audience raises their hand when i ask audiences i lecture all over the country in medical conferences and and you know medical and scientific meeting and um in hospital meetings and things like that and i mostly ask the crowd if they eat mushrooms and very and very few and eat mushrooms regularly i ask them to eat flax seeds or chia seeds or sesame seeds and very few of them raise their hand they do that and i say well how could you not do that how come you don't know to do that what if there was a a drug that could do what these foods could do people would be paying 500 a month or a thousand dollars a month for it and these are almost free and you're not doing it why don't you know about this why isn't the front page of new york times why doesn't why doesn't everybody know about this how could you not know about these important scientific advances in nutritional science how could you not know about this stuff they'll learn about the latest drug really fast right so let's look at some of these studies on seeds for a minute but before i do i want you to recognize that the later in life we intervene with a positive food intervention the less effect it's going to have the earlier in life we start the intervention the more effect it's going to have if you're going to you know if you're going to eat salt then it's going to have more damaging effect if you're eating salt your whole life high salt your whole life has more damaging effect if you just had salt high salt for a week or two in your life obviously the longer years you do it the more it takes its toll right the more the cancer is advanced the less likely eating mushrooms or flax seeds are going to facilitate a reversal the earlier the pathology the more effect you're going to have on seeing the benefits did you follow that max when would maximum benefit occur in utilizing flax seeds anti-cancer effects specifically its anti-breast cancer effects at what period of time would those effects on protecting against cancer be maximized what's that before you develop the cancer and the earlier life the better maybe even in childhood start doing it but certainly the effects are going to be much more beneficial if you start this intervention before you have a diagnosis of cancer because once you have a diagnosis of cancer it's relatively advanced you know what for example that um if you had a breast cancer diagnosed on a mammogram that coal um coal less cells the amount of cells that have you know been put together in a lump to coalesce large enough to be replicated enough so you and i can see it it has to be there at least 10 years you've had cancer for more than 10 years by that time the majority of those cells have spread outside of their original site and gone to other areas that's why mammograms are not early detection they're late detection that's why the effects are the benefits are minimal to not at all because it's usually too late so once you know you have cancer that's relatively late to be intervening with flax seeds if there was a like a a retirement conference going on and i you know pulled somebody off the street here you know elderly person maybe a guy at the age of 70 and took out his prostate on the stage here anesthetized him against his will and operated on him i think i mentioned this earlier this week yeah i did i'm telling the same joke again [Music] okay but anyway the point is i took out his prostate you'd find prostate cancer cells and almost all men over the age of 70 and the same thing if you look at women's breasts and chopped them up and blended in the vitamix and looked on electron microscope and posted on the on the screen here you'd see cancer cells in almost all women's breasts over the age of 70. you know so i can assure you running around so the point is is that don't wait till the mammogram shows you have advanced cancer do something now or you before you have cancer or even if you have an early stage cancer that's when it's reversible
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Keywords: lentils, beans, food, healthy, whole food plant based, vegan diet, lentils a miracle of nutrition, healthiest food, recipe, recipes, plant based diet, protein, plant based news
Id: RgjO35oLPPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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