Leg Arms Weighs 460lbs? 🤔 That Ain't Right!

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well it's the it's the next day i'm the first one at the shop and i'm thinking it's time to do a little bit of a 50 hour servicing to this thing sorry pocket the monitor said check the engine oil so i'm going to check the engine oil i've only opened this hood on this thing or these like twice so this will be a new one for me let's do it again if only there was like a nice track you could sit on to work alongside your engine you know like a nice almost flat thing of tread on it that you just stand on that'd be really nice if only uh only someone came with the tractors that could do that that'd be awesome that's the first oil this tractor had in its system at least i think so i don't know if they do a break in oil but maybe second oil let's just call it the first though first oil it's like a baby's first bottle of milk well soon to have lots of oil changes in its life i expect this tractor to go about 40 000 hours 40 or 50 000 hours hopefully we get about 120 of those that'd be awesome it amazes me the coolers they have on this thing this hydraulic cooler here is gigantic makes sense at 110 gallons per minute capacity on this baby you got to have some coolers available but it's amazing it's pretty cool everything's engineered right you know we like to put engines and things that weren't supposed to be there and then we had to find ways to smash coolers into places that they weren't supposed to be because the engine creates more heat than the original cooler did and uh then we got to figure it all out so that's how we do things and it always looks a little bit funky but it usually works let's take a peek underneath the engine huh what is that i don't know interesting that definitely is a big old rear end or we call this the front end what's interesting is there's no bell housing on this thing at least it doesn't look like it pretty much the driveline or the output shaft comes right off the flywheel right into the transmission it's kind of funny they don't have it i can see like the flywheel all exposed up there let's take a closer look unless i'm seeing something differently there's a lot going on up there a lot of hoses but i'm sure if you had the cab pulled off and you started kind of going through it it makes sense what each thing is but not as spacious as a big bud that's for sure but the big buds also a lot wider and can't fit nearly as tight up packages as they can so it's a it's a give and take what i wish we had was this i would take that transmission any day that is a sweet sweet transmission that thing shifts so fast and so reliable i press the button and it does it that's amazing and it's got a pto out on it so if we had one of those transmissions i know it probably wouldn't talk to a big butt engine because they're probably all in communication with all their can buses and all that good stuff but uh man that would be sweet to have 16 speeds just bump bump bump goes through the gear so fast i've heard other competitors struggle in that department that's a nice transmission we got chris from overfirth out here chris so umber firth also builds brent carts correct that is correct yep and last year we had an unfired cart this is a brent cart that's correct so this is your guys baby it is we've been taking care of it i promise good tucking it in at night yeah yeah i've been been rolling the tarp over it but you brought us a little toy to try out this thing yeah yeah we did we got an external display to tie into our scale system uh so that way the weight can be pronounced to the combine operator while they're dumping on the cart and we heard uh leg arms was really focusing on diet and exercise during quarantine yep so we wanted to hook it up and use him to test it to see how much leaner he's become throughout this he looks like a a healthy 350 320 somewhere in that area let's find out okay what do you guys think what is what does leg arms weigh all right i'm actually quite nervous about this get on it all right my self-esteem is going to go way up it is oh that's slippery whoa we got 400 pounds 415. oh it's like 500 is this thing accurate is it oh oh okay you're you're a healthy 215 220 wow that's not bad there we go okay so this is for the combine operators so we'll put it up high up here somewhere and then that way uh or yeah that'll put it up high there somewhere and that way when they run alongside they'll have a good idea what's sitting in there sitting in the cart so i'm sure that'll look bright at night probably awesome now what you need is like a little indicator on there like an arrow that says like needs weight on this side or needs weight on that side and then you won't have to be on the radio tell them hey guys i need more in the background the front and the least amount you guys have to talk to each other the better right yeah that'd be awesome that's cool no that'll work really good awesome i don't know if you can see on the camera but you can see all the wheat laying over down there there's probably 10 15 on the ground his crop lifters are getting a lot of it but at some point you can only get so much if it's on the ground you're not pulling it up but this is also thinner here because the wild oats decimated this field oh they reaped havoc on it i sprayed the oats out and even though we fried the oats they still choke the wheat really bad a lot of really thin patches here this normally should yield really well here this is a high yielding field for us it is not this year and that's such a bummer to see happen but we got on the oat population so we'll cut the seeds back and hopefully next year we won't have a lot of oats it's like 35 grand to spray the farm for roads this year 40 something like that it was enough but it was worth it a full one 100k let's race back i say race i mean go like 10 to 15 miles an hour max to the farm yard let's bag some bags make some big slugs that's what i'm good at these days of making slugs man it's amazing how things have changed this tractor dwarfs that tractor oh what's next this thing's a beast that's kind of cool to see two different companies two different ages working together to get the job done i know i prefer this one but it's cool to see them see it happen so an interesting fact about me for those that don't know i'm actually dyslexic um when i was younger i knew that i was slightly different i knew that i wasn't quite the same as my siblings we were homeschooled and they were able to grasp onto the simplest things reading and writing and just many other things and i just for some reason could not seem to connect with that i could not understand that concept i used to think it was being dyslexic was a curse and honestly it's not i recognize that there was a reason for me having that and if i could go back in time and change it i wouldn't change it i think it has challenged me to become more i've had to work harder than most um not saying that i'm a horrible dyslexic but it's definitely been a struggle in my life now when i graduated high school i could barely read a four-letter word um college was something that i was terrified and i didn't want to go to and i knew that i could be on the farm and do this um that's why usually i'm pretty good with my hands is being dyslexic you think three-dimensionally you're able to picture invisible and visualize more things in your mind and so when i see an engine i can pull apart figure out how i need to do it to make it work not saying that i'm great at it but i will do what i can to make it work to the best of my abilities now if you ask me what intelligence is in my personal opinion or preference i think intelligence is somebody that is willing to learn and apply themselves so even if you are not quite as bright as somebody else but as long as you apply yourself and do the best that you can with what you are given i truly believe that is intelligence i truly believe that you are way smarter than somebody that has just been given so much and they don't have to work at all because a lot of the people that just haven't handed to them literally where they just don't have to try to remember things they don't have to try to learn things they just know it usually tend to be more lazy they don't really try to have to work at it because well i mean why should they have to really work out so there's lessons in life that struggle is a good thing it's how you go about the struggle that really matters um i i truly believe that we all have different challenges in our lives but how we go about it is is very crucial and are we able to bless those around us in our challenges so yeah just a little thought anyways i'll stop yakking you guys can enjoy the video bye now this could be some of the best sweet on the farm right now we just jumped across the road and this is uh chem paulo so there was no crop on this last year and the guys are saying it's running 40 to 50 bushel which is awesome stacking the weight on stacking the weight on thing is last year we spent an entire year spending thousands of dollars killing the weeds on this ground and not to grow a crop on only to save water so that this year we could grow this crop so is it worth throwing a 45 bushel crop at the expense of one season i'm not growing anything on it or is it better to grow a 30 bushel crop and grow a 25 bushel pea crop on the off years that's the question in the end the 25 bushel pea crop combination will be better for combating weeds and it gives you more flexibility in marketing your crops and stuff i like the idea of putting crop in the ground every year but it is sure nice harvesting big crop like this so hard with the smoke in the air because there's storms coming they're talking a chance of thunderstorms today but i can't see them and usually i can see them coming but there's a little bit of a dark haze over there so i'm gonna check my radar on my phone because uh i think something's coming this way yeah 94 000 pounds it pulls on you a little bit you go up a hill and it makes a 6 20 snort that's all good i like to push things this tractor can't have everyday easy that right there is 1500 bushels in a bag we were a lot more careful this time put it in last time i think we uh we put too much in too quickly and it stretched the bag and started to tear a hole so we had to use some uh mighty gorilla tape and we taped it up really tight so it'll be fine it's all good now we learned our lesson learned in these bags we're getting them figured out can't do it all right the first time now you gotta get back the fields let's roll i just cut a truck off i can go 20 22 23 miles an hour so i thought i could probably beat him in the next intersection but uh yeah he's probably going a lot faster than me sorry we're going 24 today i thought the top speed of this thing was 22. this is getting broken the tracks are getting stretched you know things are a little more uh ready for speed 24.1 good ah that's nice to know oh he's way back there nevermind i'm all good now to dust out the electric company put in our power poles wind's blowing favorably in their direction so uh sorry guys i'm gonna get a taste of the quad track dust back at the saddle again we're harvesting again toward uh dusts right now i do have a friend with me uh someone that i grew up with we grew up together uh really close friends i'll say that he might say something different but anyway this is lauren domer say hi lauren hello everybody yes great anyway yeah we were uh classmates uh he spent a lot of time on the farm and uh he come up from denver uh was employed in lockheed martin but has retired and i'm going that kind of sounds nice retired but uh anyway so we're uh shooting the breeze here and in this country it can get pretty breezy so but uh yeah we're we're sharing some of the stories that uh we've uh been through and then also just catching up on the latest and uh he used to run combine in fact what kind of a combine did you use to run i used to run the green one that's over in the junk pile over there that old 7700 that that somebody took the engine out of it that was that was my baby yeah yeah it was kind of heartbroken weren't you yeah yeah they switched from the green line to this uh this really nice red line yeah he's playing it right yeah he's going he's playing right to script that's the script that we're supposed to play here we didn't even have air conditioning we had swamp coolers oh yeah well no we didn't even even have that in the beginning yeah yeah that was uh something else uh the first uh combine i had that was a factory cab was a seven first seventy seven hundreds where they came out in 1971 and the dad howard decided oh you don't need air conditioning so they ordered it without air conditioning and all it had was uh a a side window that you could kind of adore that you kind of open up and uh man i'll tell you the engine sat right next to you over on your right side and all that heat would blow right across the cab right on you it was so hot oh it was horrendous so like i cooked that first year i had a thermometer in the cab and it went over to 125 degrees um and it did have blowers that blew air on you but anyway after that um the next year they got what they call swamp coolers and i think some of you probably know what those are is there a unit you can put up on the up on the uh roof of the cap cut a hole in it has fans and then it has this drum which has water that circulates around this foam and the air going through the the foam would vaporize and would take the heat out of the air and then you would have this cool air and it did work they were great you know what they would i remember the end of the day you'd go home and you had so much dust and crud in your eyes you know you about couldn't wash your eyes out well when we went to the swamp coolers they would clean the air because all that crud all this dust and chap would get stuck in that foam roller and so the thing you had to do is every morning you had to climb up on the roof with a bucket and you had to get in there with your hands and scoop scoop all the muck out of the bottom of your swamp cooler otherwise if you didn't clean it like every other day you'd you'd be circulating mud through your swamp cooler and then it wouldn't work good so so i was more than happy to i think it was my job to every day muck out the swamp coolers for for bob and ken and and put water in them carry water buckets and but that was a big improvement yeah he wasn't the water boy he was a swamp boy very full combine very full combine 12 o'clock coming in hot av line ready let's do this don't spill any don't spill any dad and lock on yes okay gps is on there we go okay he's gonna make it he's gonna make it there is a very large mound on that thing he's got a mountain up there oh yeah perfectly perfectly executed flawless that's how it's done probably one of the coolest things is the 3d map on here of the field and that tractor on that map right there is doing everything that i'm doing so if i turn all crazy like like this see i'm turning look at that isn't that awesome oh man guidance systems are amazing so those two combines put just over 40 000 pounds on me the one was 100 full and the other one was about 85 so i can get about four full dumps on this thing almost five four and a half if you have the 2500 bushel versus this car you get a lot more oh it's franklin out here once we get eclipsed by a little one of those systems i checked the radar and they uh looks like the lorraine was going to be just south of us but we're getting a little bit right now i want to look at this scoreboard out here oh cool 40 965.75 i had to use some tape the original scoreboard was supposed to have four magnets on it and we only had two in the kit so i uh put a little extra insurance on there so i think it doesn't pop off on bounce through the field my automatic greaser here i haven't really been paying attention to this thing but uh it's used over half the grease it's pretty sweet there's adapter you plug in here put a tube of grease in it push it and it shoves the whole tube of grease inside this thing and fills it back up again it's pretty slick there's a timer on here was that one hour 19 seconds something like that or it could be 10 minutes 19 seconds i'm not sure but uh counting down until when i think it'll hit some grease to those tracks so automated greasing's pretty cool except for when maybe it doesn't work but as far as i know that thing's pretty solid it's just so pretty i just can't stop touching it okay tell me you're not surprised i know you're not surprised it was just a matter of time it's just it's just the most logical place for that to be i may be going 24 miles an hour this thing don't tell ever firth brent don't tell them they don't need to know that what i said four miles an hour faster i can go 24.1 i really don't think they're gonna care okay fine i'll take it back also pretty cool feature that uh they're putting on these carts these days option 200 gallon tank plumbed into the hydraulics with uh not sure how long but probably a good 50 foot hose with a fire fighting wand on it that's a good gig to have out here so uh yeah running around a little bit of water in the tank um the only issue i have is if you're the only operator and you're trying to fight a fire on the go it'd be nice if there was a stationary nozzle pointed out that you could just direct the stream of water on the ground and that way if you're running a fire line you can kind of just keep spraying on it but if you got a combine that's smoldering somewhere you at least pull up alongside run through the hose and hopefully uh get it cooled out looks like two turbos i'm not sure what this is right here some kind of heat exchanger so it's got coolant lines running into it and it goes from one turbo to the other so maybe there's a whole grid in there and using coolant to try to cool down the boost before it hits the next turbo just a thought i could be wrong but it looks like a supercharger kind of there's no belts going through it so probably not a supercar and this hydraulic cooler is gigantic look at that thing it's that wide that's amazing and the engine fan on this thing is not belt driven hydraulic so i think there could be a way to reverse the fan i don't know if that's possible on these but i would think it would be if it's hydraulic all right we're done over here you
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 229,491
Rating: 4.9704123 out of 5
Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Id: _O42L8busug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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