Today I Learned About The Ghost Of The Internet | Lightning Round

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the best and worst sci-fi feutures saltwater batteries and the Ghost of the internet that and a lot more in today's lightning round [Music] video hey and welcome to this month's lightning round video for those who don't know lightning round videos are where I take questions from my patreon audience and members who support at a certain level and I answer them on the fly so I have not seen these questions yet and uh if there are any of them that look like they deserve their own video I'll put them in what we call The Ballot Box and then you guys can vote Down Below on which one of those in The Ballot Box we make a full video out of it's kind of fun it's a fun way to come up with new ideas for videos and uh I've got some from old lightning round videos that I'm working on right now they're on their way so this thing is actually happening we got a lot of questions to get through today so let's just get started with the first question Hendrick asked what are your thoughts about digital bit rot and the very real possibility that as internet servers and services go offline vast amounts of human knowledge may be lost perhaps only remaining as a ghost in some large language model well there's the dead internet theory that people always talk about maybe there's uh maybe there's one that follows that the ghost internet Theory so I'm going to be honest this isn't something I've thought much about um in fact I had to do a little looking just to see what exactly bit rot was but it's basically data degradation over time and I guess the worry is that if it's you know if everything is in the cloud and everything is stored online and that's like our source of all the information in the world and and we don't have like physical backups of things anymore that um this is just going to eventually degrade kind of like paper I guess so my immediate thought is this feels a lot like Y2K um I was around for that there was a lot of uh panic in the years before Y2K thinking that you know everything was going to glitch out when the year 2000 hit and to be fair that only didn't happen because people a lot like thousands of people around the world worked really hard for the years leading up to it to correct for that so that it wouldn't happen but like right here I'm I'm looking at a a thing from the um from the American Society of uh archists yeah so there's like private companies that are you know working to handle this like for on on behalf of other companies and stuff like that there's a Microsoft self-healing file system called resilient file systems that is meant to uh keep this from happening and something else it's open source is called ZFS so like this is just a cursory glance at this my gut is telling me that this is probably something we'll be able to Stave off because there's clearly people that know about it including you and um and they're working on it to fix it and so again I'm feel I'm getting y 2K Vibes out of this like it's something that we know is a problem people are working to solve it so it probably won't be the problem that we worry it might be this is something we've been dealing with since you know the Egyptians were carving things into into the walls that was how they wanted to preserve their information was actually carving it into rock and um and and now we're like doing things with AI so that we can take the herculanum Scrolls and read what's inside of them and stuff I mean it how we store information for long periods of time has always been um a struggle for Humanity and this is just kind of the digital version of that I don't know there's there's a bigger picture question there that I think is interesting but thank you for asking that all right T asked what are some places on Earth you would like to travel to if you didn't have to worry about price time or safety oh my I'll be honest uh Iceland is the first one that pops into my head if I'm just going out of gut reaction is Iceland I've always wanted to go there uh you know we again this might be a little bit dated by the time this video comes out but we just had that solar storm where all these uh places got to see the Northern Lights there are people who got to see the a total solar eclipse in one of the largest solar storms in like a within a month of each other I got to see one of those two things I didn't get to see any of the northern lights but yeah I've always wanted to go to Iceland now that that's a dangerous place or anything but um it's a place I've always wanted to go to land of Fire and Ice there's some interesting I guess Earth anomalies I've always wanted to go to there's the U gateway to Hell in in uh I believe it's uh Turkmenistan it's basically a a natural gas formation that is like burning up through the ground and has been doing it for hundreds of years speaking of that it'd be kind of cool to go to in trilia I don't even know if that's off limits maybe maybe I could go right now I would love to go to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and see the next Hawaiian island that is forming underneath see how that's coming along for that matter the maranis trench would be cool I mean I just it's like such an an otherworldly place like the things that you've seen coming from there Antarctica feels kind of obvious but interesting I've never driven the highway one Pacific Coast Highway up California I've always thought that'd be fun there's too many there's too many to count I want to go to the the hotel that they stay at and saw I'm married and ax murder that would be that would be it Mark Hoffman don't hassle the Hoff you've done great videos in the past about Discerning between the levels of AI yet I'm still skeptical about the capabilities we're assigning to today's AI he's using quotes here so am I being overly critical about the legitimacy of today's AI or are the AI of today really just fancy search engines I imagine them to be funny you should ask the today because um at the time that I'm recording this just yesterday chat GPT or I'm sorry open AI announced the new chachy BT 4.0 or 40 that um was eerily like the movie Her in their demo and it's not being too critical to suggest that they're just um overly advanced search engines but I would compare them more to like the the autocomplete feature on your phone they're basically just like finding patterns to figure out what word comes next and that's how you wind up with all the hallucinations that you get from these things now there have been um [Music] some accusations that these demos that you're seeing with AI that they're kind of manufactured that they are being falsified a little bit uh for the sake of marketing and whatnot and uh that's obviously a possibility companies do that all the time niola but it kind of started with being able to put one word after another in a way that sounded humanlike and then with extra training it began to be able to mimic different types of speech um you know casual formal different voices depending on like different you know authors or actors or whatever and this new thing the the gbt 4 uh version like with the The Voice interaction so you can just ask it a question it recognizes what you're saying it does its thing in the background responds and it does it in a way that sounds very natural and and normal eerily so kind of uncanny valley so but to my understanding right now they are just following patterns they're just taking in training data and repeating it in a somewhat intelligent way but I wouldn't say that they have inherent sentience or intelligence or anything like that I think we're still pretty far away from that anyway those are my thoughts on that uh thank you Mark for that question hopefully that kind of told you what I think anyway on to the next one Ryan bewick asked are you excited about Australia's announcement of the development of water salt batteries um I'm gonna say no I'm not because I've this is the first time I've heard of it sometimes I get busy making videos and I don't get a chance to stay up on the news so uh let me do a quick Google search okay so um I don't know if this was like a new announcement there's a lot of stuff in here from a couple of years ago there's something from from December 2022 L cost battery built with okay this is referring to sodium sulfur batteries that is not the research University of Sydney a lowc cost environmentally friendly battery made from sodium sulfur I think what I was just looking at a molten salt that can be processed from seawater several years back oh good lord and here's something from uh Matt frive technology that create batter almost exactly a year not have any more exp research has brought sodium Battery Technology the point where it's starting to replace lithium the metal okay so uh clearly I've only scratched the surface here just kind of looking at it and my poor editor is going to have to figure out a way to make all that look interesting sorry Nick so I mean am I excited about it I mean I don't know like I've covered a lot of Battery Technology over the years and uh there's a lot of stuff you know this is tale's oldest time there's a lot of things that work out really well in the lab and look really good and then just never quite become commercially available or uh feasible and that's not to say that this is going to go the same way I'm just saying it's it's a pattern but uh you know I haven't done a video on like Battery Tech in a long time time this might this might be a good Ballot Box entry so let's let's put that one in The Ballot Box if you guys want to see a video on this or any other new battery storage uh Technologies maybe I could cover that all right thanks to Brian for that question moving on to the next one all right Donna saer asked if the towers Andor satellites were to go down for a while what would be the impacts for our country certainly we'd have limited access to money can you find a paper map to navigate with Etc again kind of weird timing with the big solar storm that just happened I actually asked somewhere on some social media place like did we just experience a Carrington level event cuz that's something that's been talked about and written about it's been the plot for uh books and stories for a long time like what if a Carrington level event happened again and wiped out all the satellites but the solar storm that we just had apparently was one of the strongest ones in like 100 years I don't know if it was quite Carrington level let me see what's written about out there giant Sunspot cluster rivaling that one that caused the Carrington event in 1859 could trigger a cannibal corental Mass ejection but it's unlikely to cause major problems yeah this Sunspot cluster that caused the solar storm is as wide as 16 Earth so yeah on the off chance that you don't know what I'm talking about with the Carrington event it was it was in 1859 there was this solar storm that hit and we didn't have satellites up or anything like that at the time but we did have Telegraph machines and there were stories of the telegraph operators uh their their machine like bursting into flame and sparks flying out of it so it says here the current Sunspot won't necessarily C CA similar level storm however there have been 141 Sunspot clusters as large or larger than the current one since 1996 I don't know that there there's definitely a deep dive that could be done here and like really looking at the the Telecommunications infrastructure that we have and how susceptible it is and what would happen if it all went down Carrington level event or not if the whole thing went down what would happen actually honestly the the the solar storm problem is less of an issue or a concern I would say than that of uh of like U International Espionage hacking type things I seem to remember a few years back they I think they thought it was the the Chinese or something but there was a there was an infrastructure attack uh that turn that caused a blackout up the East Coast that happened was pretty bad so yeah I would say more so than a natural event is something like that happening that could could an entire country a very targeted attack with that definite intent in mind I feel like this question kind of touches on just a bigger thing of just like how much technology has changed and our Reliance on that new technology has broadened even in the last 20 years like people my age look back fondly at the '90s and say like that's when everything was great but I mean honestly if I if I had suddenly started Living in the 90s I would probably be miserable because everything that I rely on around me would just be gone put that in The Ballot Box we've actually got two in The Ballot Box so far so yeah votee for it down below tell me what you think all right next question we've got Rafe zero humor singer if you guys zero humor you might be watching the wrong Channel but I think that's just a name so here we go a twofer if you not mind I do mind what are your personal best guesses for the values of the Drake equation and what is your pet explanation for the fmy Paradox okay so the values of the Drake equation that's going to that's going to take some thinking but the my best explanation for the fmy paradox uh or my favorite one that I always go to whenever this comes up amongst friends and whatnot is um time we have only been a technological civilization able to send radio signals that can be seen by other civilizations uh for like 100 years 120 or so years or something like that in the vast expanse of the cosmos and the bubbling up of star formations here and there and solar systems and whatnot that is not even a blink of an eye it's it's an imperceptible blip a nanc even if we lasted for another thousand years at that level it would still be less than a blink of an eye so it's not so much that like why aren't there aliens out there it's more when were there aliens out there there probably have been you know teeming amounts of of alien life in various places around even our local neighborhood in space but they they all happened at different time times billions of years apart and there's just no connecting them temporally you know so in a way like there is no firmy Paradox the universe really is teaming with life it's just teaming with life over billions and billions of years and we've only been able to detect it for 100 let's see if I can go through the Drake equation really quick and see what kind of numbers I come up with all right so R is the average rate of star formation in our galaxy I think that's a known thing uh looked it up right here and it says from BBC it says Seven Stars per year fraction of those stars that have planets um I think they've pretty much decided that 100% of stars have planets of some kind that's basically what they've come down to the average number of planets that can potentially support life for each star that has planets um 1 or 2% I'm going to put that very low oh okay so the fraction of planets that could support life that develops life at some point is FL um I'm starting to think that life is actually pretty sticky so I'm going to say if it can support life given enough time it could develop some kind of life so I would put that pretty high I any of these are fractions but I would say I'm I'm going to use percentages and say 80% the fraction of PLS with life that go on to develop intelligent life well here's a big one because like we're starting to figure out that like there's so many weird things about Earth that kept it stable long enough for us to develop into intelligent life as we see ourselves anyway um so I would I would put that one pretty low I would put that below 5% fractions of civilizations develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space uh I'm I'm going to go 50% I'm I'm kind of either way on that one don't know the length of time for which That civilization released detectable signals into space yeah um let's let's just say us 100 100 years or so those are my guesses you guys tell me how wrong I am down in the comments All Right Moving on Thomas Balden asked can Plastics soft drink bottles Etc be considered just another form of carbon capture interesting interesting so uh could it be considered another form of carbon capture um only only if you're actually capturing the carbon from the air I guess that fits the traditional definition of of carbon capture because like I talked about in my uh recycling video Plastics are made out of chains of carbon polymers um usually out of petroleum which you know at least it's not in the air until we burn it which is what we do to most of our plastic so it winds up in the air so it would be great theoretically if we could capture carbon from the air with a carbon capture process and then use that carbon put it into Plastics and then you know bury it somewhere or something like that uh the problem with that is that of course it would be a very expensive and energy intensive process uh you would probably use so much energy doing it that you're putting more you know Carbon into the atmosphere just to make it happen so I'm going to say like while it would be cool to be able to say that you were like pulling carbon from the air doing some chemical magic and making plastic out of it and then we drink it and throw it away and it goes into a landfill that would be sort of like a carbon capture that's just not what we're doing now so what we're doing now I would say no so real quick before I get into the next question I just wanted to uh let you guys know about something if it's something you're interested in I recently started a newsletter kind of at the beginning of this year I started a newsletter where once a month I send out an email and it kind of gives you updates and everything that I posted that month it uh gives you any updates on merch that's coming out any merch drops or anything like that any events that are going on also just you know some little sneaky things just for the newsletter people I'm doing it because I get people telling me all the time that they're not getting notifications from YouTube or I'm not showing up in their subscriptions feed or whatever there's all kinds of shenanigans that seem to be happening well this is a way that you can stay up toate on everything that I put out in one email a month nice and succinct you get all the videos that I've released and you can watch them at your leisure so the place to go is that Joe newsletter or if you're visually inclined right there and uh I'll put the link down below as well if it's something you're interested in please go do it again just one email a month and um if you're not interested in it I'm sure you're already telling me in the comments so anyway that Jo newsletter um if you're interested go do it all right got a few more questions left let's go to Mark gther uh as you drink your morning cup of Joe thank you uh classified ad in your Lo local newspaper oh this is story this is in a story format all right uh all right I'll start over as you drink your morning cup of joe a classified ad in your local newspaper catches your eye just pretend classified ad still exist in a newspaper the ad reads teacher seeks pupil must have an Earnest desire to change the world answering the ad will set you on an adventure you've never dreamed of having a telepathic conversation with a very large gorilla named ishma who enlightens you on how things have become this way do you answer the ad from the book ishmail by Daniel Quinn my honest answer is no because I've never responded to a classified ad in my life but would I be interested in having a telepathic conversation with this wise gorilla sure who posted this ad though did the did the gorilla post the ad as the gorilla the teacher that's seeking a pupil got to be honest I'm I'm not sure about the intentions of this gorilla you say a very large gorilla are we talking like King Kong large or just like a little bigger than a regular gorilla large like Mighty Joe Young large is it Mighty Joe Young large or King Kong large kind of doesn't matter I don't respond to classified ad anyway all right Elon s writes what are some sci-fi Futures depicted in movies or books that you hope never become reality what are Futures you hope will I was actually having a conversation about this the other day with somebody and I was talking about how there's all anytime there's a new technological advancement there's always a Sci-Fi dystopia that takes it to its most absurd extreme and we always see that like the example that I I'm thinking of is is life extension like if if we could cure aging and you could just live forever every single time you see somebody like trying to attempt immortality in a movie or a book or something it's always you know the Hu that comes crashing down around them and they're attempting fade and challenging God and that kind of thing and I was like what if what if we cured aging and everything was fine you know like like like what if what if we cured aging and the only problem was oh darn uh I'm not going to have to worry about cancer or dying ever again that sounds awful but of course if you're telling a story there has to be some kind of drama there has to be some kind of conflict or tension so it just be like hey we solved all the problems and everything's great there's just no story there you know most sci-fi Futures are a little dystopian they're a little messed up it's like that's kind of the point that's where the drama comes from so I would say most sci-fi Futures depicted in books and movies are Futures that I probably wouldn't want anything to do with and I think that's kind of what set Star Trek apart from from a lot of sci-fi uh worlds is that I've heard Star Trek called competence porn before because it's just a it's just a world or a universe or a time when everything's been kind of figured out and everybody's taken care of and and you know it's a meritocracy and um you know just everything kind of worked right with you know spaceship battles and stuff like that the ultimate sci-fi future of course would be Demolition Man I mean commercial Jingles on the radio all the restaurants are Taco Bell the three seashells was not like now before we get to the last question I want to give a quick shout out to all the new patreon uh patreons and channel members who have signed up over the last month I got to shout them out real quick we've got Derek steinard Tom metum uh Kyle Galant Donald Saunders a gregario Julie Lynn Wyatt Brian Vietti uh Nate Mr Gasper V Vince pelli Melissa Lang Zack de bandi star snack and Nikki s those are the patrons and the channel members that have signed up are Mona hater ali kamy uh DF Smith Douglas Young The Tea Leaf Walton dark and weird grony Grunwald uten G Sabrina McCoy Paul poo G mary. 3.0 uh Jay Joel Rogers Lou cognigni uh ususa Elias gray Ana rusak Michelle Kalin and Tate Johnson some of those were difficult but thank you guys so much and if you would like to join them go to anwers with Joe or just hit the channel button Channel membership button right down below okay last question of the day goes to Mr Cole Parker who asks in your opinion what's the best sci-fi on TV right now either popular can't miss or underrated M see two sci-fi questions in a row these are kind of in random order by the way so that was not planned but the best Sci-Fi TV that's on right now okay so I'm like way behind on my TV watching um the fourth season of For All Mankind I still haven't had a chance to watch that yet um I'm just I never have time to just sit down and watch TV and whenever I do it's always when I've got other things going on so I don't want to watch something new that I really need to pay attention to anyway this would be easier to list all the sci-fi shows I want to be watching but haven't been watching I never even finished Ultra carbon I never saw Foundation I suck three body problem I did see that I read the book so I wanted to watch the show I will I'll be honest I enjoyed the book but I couldn't remember what all had happened in it it's been a few years so watching the show it was like a lot of reminders the scene on the ship with the Nano wires where everything gets sliced one of the coolest scenes I've seen in a very long time I have to give big huge praise for that it was so well done haven't seen Fallout one show that I did see uh I don't know how new it is I don't think it's new but I just saw it recently was extraordinary um it's a British show that uh it's it's about a girl who is living in a world where everybody has powers like at a certain point in like puberty or whatever you gain a superpower and she never developed one and it's about her trying to figure out her her superpower I thought it was a lot of fun I enjoyed it but yeah I I yeah I'm I'm I literally just pulled up a list of like recent Sci-Fi shows and I've seen literally none of them except for three body problems so U I'm the wrong person to ask tell you what if you guys want to give me suggestions of shows that I I need to watch uh give me something in the comments I promise nothing yeah I don't spend a lot of time watching TV these days uh I know I need to catch up on some some shows and whatnot I spend most of my time watching YouTube or even better nebula there's always something new on nebula um one creator that I've been following lately and been really excited about is Neo I'm sure many of you have seen their Channel well they actually just released their first nebula exclusive video recently and it's a banger it's a story of two East German families that escaped to West Germany in a homemade hot air balloon in 1979 uh it's it's a riveting story it's got lots of twists and turns it's told with beautiful animations and they even interviewed one of the people involved it goes along with a recent video on the Berlin Wall which you can see on YouTube or you can see it without a whole bunch of ads on nebula which is true for all nebula creators including yours truly you can see all of our videos add free usually earlier than everybody else and a little thing I like to do I like to add a little something to on my nebula videos that you don't see here it's called the nebula extraa you can only see it there just a little thing I can also be a little bit more um naughty on nebula cuz I don't have to worry about the YouTube demonetization or whatever just cuz I showed a drop of blood a picture or something plus nebula's been through a whole new redesign lately it's making it even easier to find new creators and videos that you might not have heard of before uh that also includes a new news section that's run by tldr news that can keep you up to dat on everything that's going on in the world and part of that is a new series from real life lore called the War Room which is kind of an extension of his modern conflict series which is another nebula original series but it's a once a month series that provides updates on all the major conflicts going on in the world as well as some you might not even know about and to me honestly that's that's the coolest thing about nebula it's a place that lets creators like me do the kind of work that we want to do without having to worry about demonetization and algorithm BS it's a it's a platform by creators for creators where we're encouraged to stretch out and do bigger and better things um you know on nebula the only people I have to satisfy is myself and you guys as it should be point is nebula is awesome and it keeps getting awesomer all the time so if you want to see what all the hype is about you want to support a truly Creator first platform just go to nebula.jpg SC you can get 40% off a yearly plan that comes out to $30 a year around 250 a month by the way if you're feeling extra Saucy we are still doing the lifetime membership where you pay once and uh yeah nebula for life which considering how much keeps getting added to nebula it's kind of a steal uh when you think about it like nebula 5 years from now is going to be way bigger than it is now so it might pay to get in early just saying anyway links down in the description and it totally helps support the channel that's nebula.jpg you'll get some so anyway that's it for today thank you guys for your questions if you would like to do a question yourself um just go to patreon you can find the tier that gets the question in there uh just go sign up and yeah you'll get your question answered here very poorly in some cases but it gets answered but I'll leave you guys with that for now you go out there have an eye opening rest of the week stay safe and I'll see you next time love you guys take care
Channel: Joe Scott
Views: 339,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: answers with joe, joe scott
Id: W-KEH7LYye8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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