Let's Time Travel To The Year 2100. Here's What To Expect.

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visions of the Future come in all kinds of flavors from sustainable solar Punk Utopias to Industrial cyberpunk dystopias whether you believe in one or the other probably says a lot more about you and your own level of optimism but we do know the future will be different in a lot of ways I mean just think about how much the world has changed in the last 20 years how much our lives have changed in the last 20 years well what if we projected that out for another 80 years to the end of the century what will the world be like in 2100 this is impossible to know obviously I mean just just predicting 5 years out at this point is is a Fool's errand so imagine the kind of fool who wants to look ahead 80 years me I'm this fool but along the way we'll take a look back at some of the predictions of today from the past and see what we can learn from what they got wrong what they got right and just apply that going forward we really did our best when looking at this to kind of take our own biases out of it and just kind of look at the facts you know look at the long-term trends while considering the social and economic factors at play um this is meant to be a realistic take not good or bad just you know playing the odds so let's time travel to the year 2100 and see exactly what things might look like at the end of the century so before we look into the future let's look into the past and see what they predicted about the world of today so the place where I wanted to start was I wanted to see if I could find the oldest possible prediction of the year 2000 um seemed like a nice round number it's the end of the Millennium I thought surely people were thinking about the year 2000 going back you know hundreds of years and making predictions way back then but uh I think I was wrong my writer Jason and I we actually we looked all over for some future predictions that you know came from like hundreds of years ago but we really couldn't find much before around the mid 1800s now if anybody in the comments knows about something that I miss please by all means share it because I'm super curious but we couldn't find anything yeah we couldn't find any writings from any scientists that specifically predicted anything about the year 2000 I thought for sure that there would would be some literature that you know had novels that were set in the far future but it turns out sci-fi is a genre pretty much didn't exist until the early 1800s so many people consider Mary Shell's Frankenstein to be U the first science fiction novel that came out in 1830 now whether or not that qualifies as the first sci-fi novel is Up For Debate and a lively one you guys have ADD it down below if you want but the point is before the mid 1800s people didn't really think about the future in those terms they didn't think of the future as a as a drastically different place where people live drastically different lives using technology we couldn't even imagine and again I am going to make the argument that the world probably changed more in the 1800s than at any other time in human history because at the beginning of the 1800s people were living for the most part the way they had for hundreds of years prior but by 1900 people were driving cars making phone calls working alongside giant machines and huge factories I mean if you think about it it's no surprise that this is when science fiction showed up for the first time because For the First Time people could see technological change happening right before their eyes and then project that progress forward and imagine a different world in the future and one of the earliest science fiction authors to do that was Jules Vern Jules Vern was a 19th century author whose famous classic novels include Around the World in 80 Days Journey to the Center of the Earth and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea but he also wrote a book in 1863 that went unpublished it was his second book and the publisher refused to print it because they felt it was too Grim it would later get readed discovered and published but that didn't happen till 1994 it's called Paris in the 20th century and as the name suggests it's said in Paris in the year 1960 so he was thinking 100 years out and get this it's eerily accurate for example it includes things like the expansion of suburban living synthesizer based electronic music with a record industry to sell it skyscrapers illuminated at night gas powered cars along with filling stations and asphalt roads Advanced forms of public transit like Subways and elevated trains fax machines a basic intern like system and career women # feminist now obviously not all of that was around in 1963 but you know we eventually got there so how did he manage to get so many things right it wasn't because he had some prophetic vision of the future or anything he was basically just a nerd he read scientific Publications and he kept up with technological developments and then he would infer applications of those discoveries and extrapolate from there and sounds like old Vern was one of our people hey ver but even his story was set in 1960 it didn't quite get to the year 2000 um I really couldn't find a whole lot of 2000 predictions before the year 1900 but there were a lot that popped up in 1900 and that makes sense you know they just crossed over into a new century and the last century saw so much change of course they were thinking about where things would go from there um but many of them weren't as analytical as Jules burn was for example in 1900 the Ladies Home Journal published 28 predictions for the year 2000 and some of these predictions include there will be no wild animals and rats and mice will have been exterminated RP Pizza rat everyone will walk 10 mil a day and if you can't walk 10 miles you'd be considered a weakling and they predicted the letters c x and q would disappear from our alphabet because they'll become unnecessary magazine did get some things right like ready cooked meals would be widely available telephones all around the world and hot and cold air from spigots it also said that University education would be free for every woman and man so kind of went the other way with that one other predictions envisioned everything from dissolvable dishes to clothes made out of aluminum to car shoes there's also the hope that diseases are cured or eradicated uh people are generally optimistic about future humans being way healthier like another interesting thing from that Ladies Home Journal article it said that Americans would be 2 in taller and because of Better Living in the suburbs they would live to 50 instead of 35 and I I had to I had to go back and check that but yeah that's what they said I'm pretty sure people were living past 35 in 1900 so I don't know what that was about across the pond in 1900 a German Chocolate Company called Hilder Brands commissioned to set a postcard to pick in the year 2000 they put these postcards in with their chocolate bars as a little extra something but these predictive people traveling in personal airships giant roofs over cities and weather changing machines but it also predicted being able to watch a theater performance from somewhere else moving sidewalks and mobile homes so their versions of it were different from how they actually came out but still there's also the set of postcards commission for the Paris world fair that depicted life in the year 2000 they're created by Jean Mar cotay and eventually 87 of them would be made predicting a lot of flying underwater travel on a whale bus and kids at school just getting the info Zapped into their brain now these are easy to laugh at now but it kind of reflects where things were going for them you know they saw increased automation flying advancements happening right about that time and they just started looking at what things would look like if we had actually figured that out there also a lot of predictions from various places about traveling and living underwater uh I don't know I just I just found that interesting like they thought that that's that's the next like place that we would explore into which we did but not on like a residential level now jumping ahead to 1964 the New York Times ran a story with prediction about the year 2000 and one of the sections talks about the future problem of leisure the paper wrote quote we may not anticipate the emergence of a Leisure Class but we may with Assurance anticipate the coming of the day when almost everyone enjoys or groans under the possession of leisure it's kind of a bizarre article it questioned what Americans would do if they could only work 25 or 30 hours a week or if they weren't allowed to work until they were 21 and what if they had to retire at 50 the horror although recently there has been a lot of talk about 4day work weeks in in some companies and in some places so I don't know maybe maybe we're getting there but a lot of past predictions thought that we'd be way healthier than we are today many of them almost made it sound like super beings with Incredible strength that never age and while if you look at bodybuilders from 1900 and 2000 you can see we've definitely pushed the boundaries of human performance but where they had underc consumption most of the time we have overon consumption and all the health issues that come along with that also in 1966 the BBC interviewed a bunch of kids and teenagers to see what they thought the world would be like in the year 2000 some madman will get the atomic bomb and um just blow the world into Oblivion or these atomic bombs will be dropping around the place there's nothing you can do to stop it more people who get bombs it'll be so overpopulated they will be Wars all nuclear explosions and everything to make the Earth you know too much radiation it'll become too hot to live on I think that there'll be no life at all really on on the earth I'm not looking forward to living in that year about 50 years time I mean world seems to be in such a terrible State now L alone in 50 years time yeah clearly the Zoomers aren't the first generation to have an existential threat hanging over their heads but this kind of brings us to the overall point which is that predictions about the future really are more about the time that they're made than they are about the future itself like this prediction of the the year 2 in [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 1997 after retiring from the White House President Clinton requests and is granted an appointment to a newly formed position in the Department of Health his title National Breast and fried food inspector that didn't happen no no no that that that didn't happen but when I say the predictions are usually more about the time when they were made like you can look at the 1950s everything was about atomic energy in the ' 50s it was the atomic age so when they predicted the future they saw everything being run by atomic energy Southland magazine even wrote an article predicting about how crops would uh grow taller thanks of the positive effects of the hbomb in it a fictionalized farmer said quote you'd be surprised what that bombing did for the soil things grow like crazy and the robot doesn't mind a bit sewing the seeds and keeping the place up H bombs and robots what more could you want of course now the only people who fear H bombs are YouTubers who plagiarize also in the 1960s computers and space travel predictions were popular Arthur C Clark even predicted remote working uh in a video from 1964 he said that in the year 2000 men will no longer commute they'll communicate these things will make possible a world in which we can be in instant contact with each other wherever we may be where we can contact our friends anywhere on Earth even if we don't know their actual physical location it will be possible in that age perhaps only 50 years from now for a man to conduct his business from toiti or Bali just as well as he could from London I mean not too shabby so just like Arthur C Clark and Jules Vern I'm going to do my best to not get swept up in what's trendy today but to look at Trends over the last few decades and then you know extrapolate out from that uh and and maybe just maybe we'll come up with something reasonably accurate and if I'm wrong and in the year 21 100 they look back at this and I look ridiculous then I guess at least I won't be around for them to make fun of me unless something really crazy [Music] happens okay so I've broken these down into different lenses that kind of reflect the things that will affect the way we live in the future or the people that follow us will live in the future uh you guys can feel free to agree or disagree down in the comments please do chime in I think there'll be an interesting conversation around this but let's get started with Communications like what does the internet look like in the year 2100 U especially considering how much change we've seen in just the last 30 years it's it's it's insane when you think about it like to the point that I ran across this Tik Tok the other day hey this is a genuine question to like older people what did you do before you could look something up like if you saw someone and you were like oh they remind me of that actor what was that what's his name and like okay without Google Maps like I know that there was map quests but before that like genuinely what would you do would you just accept not knowing now I'm not sharing that clip to make fun of this Creator or stir up generational hate or anything like that the reason I'm bringing it up is because I catch myself thinking that sometimes like how did we live without smartphones and and I was there I I grew up without the internet like the fact that the internet has gone in only 20 years from being this thing that's just kind of on your computer that you just check every once in a while or that you you know do work on to this thing that is in your pocket every minute of every day providing you with all the information available in human history at all times literally so integrated into every aspect of Our Lives that we seriously don't know how we used to exist without it I think it's safe to assume that the trend is toward more immersion now in the immediate future as I've talked about before I think this leads to things like more virtual and augmented reality through things like smart glasses but there's also another kind of immersion that we've seen with the internet and that's an immersion of opinions and perspectives I mean that's kind of what the internet is it's it's like it's like a giant superorganism of people each with their own views on the world which we're sharing more and more all the time like we found an article on a website called future business Tech which they've got a YouTube channel you can go check it out if you want but they Envision that the internet of the future could be like basically a global hive mind where every human thought and every human feeling is available to access 24/7 also one where you could construct your own virtual reality just based off of your brain data like imagine the way personalized ads work now well in the future you might be able to build personalized realities is if we weren't fractured enough already although it it it could allow for more deeper understanding of other people because if you were able to actually tap in to another person's emotions and actually feel what that other person is feeling it might make you more empathetic toward that person like we have that phrase you know always remember that every person you meet is fighting a battle you don't know about and that's an important piece of wisdom that we should all keep in mind but what if you didn't have to keep it in mind because you could feel it for yourself of course the downside there is that some people are lunatics and some of the things people feel is hatred so this might be something that might make it easier to spread hate and it will be used that way of course if we had the ability to You Know download Emotions and thoughts we'd probably also be able to download skills and knowledge just directly into the brain I know K Fu like they might look back at smartphones the way we look at the telegraph now you know like yeah people were able to communicate but it was really clunky and weird they might be like how did anybody ever understand each other if you couldn't just telepathically share your thoughts with them now of course all of those scenarios are only possible if we were able to figure out how to directly interface with the brain and I know what you're thinking but I actually don't think it's going to be neuralink I'm not trying to be anti- neuralink I actually defend neuralink I think it could be a game Cher for disabled people to give them accessibility but I don't think it's going to be embraced by the general public not if a non-invasive interface comes along which I think AI could make possible so like scientists have been able to read brain waves for decades and we've learned a lot of things like generally about the brain and the different parts of the brain and how they work and whatnot the problem is we've never been able to actually like discern thoughts or memories or anything like that because there's just way too much noise in the signal but AI with its infinitely better pattern recognition could do just that and this isn't just me making some prediction about the future they're doing that right now this was in an article that came out last March in the journal science in the article they talk about a team in Japan who trained an AI on four patients brain scans and then showed them images like a clock tower or a teddy bear or a train and then the AI was able to figure out what they were looking at and recreate it with stunning accuracy now granted they had to do like hundreds of fmri scans and the images were created with stable diffusion so it's really more of an approximation that probably got it wrong more than it got it right of course we're seeing the ones that it got right but still with AI being able to read through the noise it's possible we we might actually just have a cap that we can just wear that'll be able to read what's going on inside our heads but with targeted transcranial stimulation maybe actually be able to input images and sounds memories feelings like if we could do that non-invasively I I just I think that will take off far more than a brain implant I mean again unless we're talking about a disability but you might be saying then we'd all have to wear a cap all the time and nobody's going to want to do that I think you're wrong when you look at it we are actually living in a very hatless time compared to the rest of History kind of it's kind of weird actually it's been the norm to wear hats far more than it has been the norm not to so yeah I could see it coming back into fashion especially if it gives you access to the all-encompassing global Hive M that you need to survive it would be different all right let's talk about transportation and I'm going to start with a very very bold prediction no flying cars I'm sorry I've been hearing that my whole life and we're still no closer to it than we've ever been before so I'm I'm calling it it's dead no flying cars and by that I mean like cars that you would pull out of your driveway or your garage in one way or another it it takes off into the sky I I don't see that now I can't imagine you know uh personal drones little air taxis that everybody could fly around point to point you know almost like like the way rich people have chartered helicopters today but everyone's personal flying car yeah I I don't I don't think it's happening nor do I think that there's going to be flying vehicles that are powered by some kind of Fantastical hover technology like you see in you know Back to the Future Part Two or the fifth element or Star Wars for that matter that would require the discovery of some kind of new exotic form of energy or gravity manipulation something that we can't even fathom right now now that Discovery might be made in the next 80 years but implementing it to the point that everybody's flying around on hoverboards no I I maybe in the far future but I I don't see it happening this Century which sucks I know like this the whole you know levitating flying car thing is such a Sci-Fi convention like I I feel like we'll eventually figure it out just because we love the idea so much um and if we are talking about the year 2200 maybe maybe but I do think cars will still be the predominant form of transportation but in 2100 most of them will be electric like like fuel burning cars will be a niche item at that point point like I mean is somebody in the year 2100 going to want to drive a 1972 Plymouth Barracuda yes of course somebody's going to want to drive that it's a badass car but I imagine electric cars will be cheaper in every way by then cheaper to buy cheaper to own cheaper to maintain it'll probably get over a th000 miles on a charge with solid state batteries and they'll probably be extra taxis ly on you know like fle fuel use and while I really do want more walkable cities and mass transit um I think in the US anyway we're still going to be stuck on cars in the year 2100 I do think autonomous cars are eventually going to be a thing I think it's going to take way longer than we want it to but I think the economic forces behind it will make it happen I know when I'm talking about Transportation different parts of the world have very different transportation modalities and everything so this is a very us-centric thing that I'm talking about here and in the US specifically cars are just such a big part of our identity I just don't see them fully going away I think for a lot of us here in the US cars are really more of an expression of Freedom you know if you if you don't have a car you got to wait on a cab or a bus or a train with a car you wait for nobody you can go anywhere you want at any time and I think for most Americans that's that's pretty important not to mention we kind of treat our cars like mini homes like we keep things in there we eat in them sneak away and take naps in them sometimes but I do think with automation that you know cab rides will be so cheap and ubiquitous that a lot more people might actually go the non-car route you know and and I know this might sound a little crazy but maybe it might actually help spur on more High-Speed Rail between cities cuz like the biggest problem with rail they always say is the last mile problem well if you have a fleet of Robo taxis that can get you from the station to your home you might decide you don't need a car after all and there are several High-Speed Rail projects in the works right now in the US one of them is actually right here in Texas to connect Dallas to Houston it's been very slow going but it is still going so that's something so I think that by the year 2100 cars will be almost entirely electric and autonomous which might lead to Less Car ownership but I still think it'll be the dominant form of transportation I think air taxis will be a thing but it won't take over the skies and planes well planes could go in a couple of different directions so I've covered this before planes are particularly difficult to Electrify because batteries are heavy and normal planes lose Mass along the way because they're burning jet fuel this makes them more efficient so if planes are going to be electrified there there's a couple of different ways that could go one is that we might go to smaller planes that carry smaller amounts of passengers but they're designed for efficiency um like the Solara 500 L I did a video on that a while back by the way at the end of this last year year they announced the Cera 800 that they're developing and it looks like it's Supersonic and super laminer well consider me super interested by the way for the reasons I just mentioned I could actually see hydrogen or maybe even ammonia uh being good fuel sources for electric Aviation because they would lose that mass throughout the flight as they use up the fuel um might be better than batteries because batteries don't get lighter as the electricity comes out of them so yeah airplanes could go that way you know a whole lot more of them but they're a lot smaller a lot green um that would have its own drawbacks though like it would it would over tax our already over taxed air traffic controllers it would need more infrastructure to handle more planes more planes landing on runways means more runways more Runway repair not to even mention Pilots honestly these planes would have to be autonomous there's just no way we'd have enough Pilots for all of them but anyway that's one way that it could go the other way is that planes might stay basically the same as they are right now but just be much more efficient like maybe still using jet fuel but with hybrid electric engines there were actually two big announcements in 2023 one from MIT and one from a company called Duan that both claim to have built electric jet engines so yeah maybe by 2100 we'll have figured out how to run these planes on hybrid electric engines and and Net Zero carbon fuel like possibly made from recaptured carbon from the atmosphere now in a Popular Mechanics article from 2018 they made some predictions about the future of Transportation they predicted autonomous cars and trucks and said it would lead to less traffic and fewer accidents they suggested that most Goods will be delivered by drones or pneumatic tubes I don't know about that they also said there might be fewer Goods going around in general because we'd be able to 3D print whatever we wanted and I don't know how I feel about that I mean to be honest I really thought that 3D printing would have become a lot more popular by now and and the fact that it's not more like just ubiquitous makes me wonder if there's something um I don't know maybe inherent about the way we currently shop for things that might not ever go away I don't know what do you think now this article did mention the possibility of flying cars but thought that the future would mostly lean toward autonomous cars though they suggested that autonomous personal drones flying people around might be common place um after all we're kind of already there with airplanes as flying magazine Steven poke told Popular Mechanics quote creating future autonomous aircraft is actually much easier than doing autonomous cars because there's less of a worry of running into anything in the sky eventually we'll get to the point where Pilots aren't needed at all now another future Transportation option that you may be thinking about is the whole point-to-point travel with the space dech Starship the way they announced that they would do that and um yeah I I don't know I don't see it I mean all of these launching land sites would have to be really far away from cities for noise reasons so by the time you you know travel to the site and Endor security and all that you might not be saving that much time unless it's like a an other side of the world thing and I don't know if that's a big enough market to support it I I don't know I think it'll be technically feasible and I think someone will try it somebody else if not you know SpaceX but I feel like it's going to kind of go the way of the Concord like something that we can do but just never quite got right never the economics never worked out you know not by 2100 anyway I know there will be many naysayers on this naay away in the comments down below but that is a good segue to the next lens that we can look at 2100 through and that's space travel so according to interesting engineering low earth orbit habitats may be common writing quote these habits will consist of pin wheel stations O'Neal cylinders or both they will rotate to provide artificial gravity have functioning biomes that act as regenerative life support systems and accommodate tourists research facilities workers and residents okay I do think that traveling to space is going to be fairly common place by the year 2100 I think there's going to be multiple destinations for people to go to like space hotels I think there'll be multiple space labs and microgravity Manufacturing facilities in space and maybe maybe some kind of spinning artificial gravity space station kind of thing but things like O'Neal cylinders and and like people permanently residing in space face um yeah I'm I'm more shaky on that one like if I'm being honest I think my own criteria kind of breaks down on this because if you look back at the long-term trends there's only been a handful of space stations in the last 50 years most of them have been really small like skyb Salud uh mirr those kinds of things but that is quickly changing when China sent Chiang gong up in 2021 for the first time we had two long-term space stations in orbit at once and last year in 2023 we actually had the most people ever in space at the same time at 17 people between the two space stations although actually technically the most number of people that have been in space at once is 19 and it only lasted for a few minutes it was on uh December 11th 2021 when there were 10 people on ISS three people on tiang gang and then blue origin put six people above the Carmen line in the new Shepherd for a few minutes shut up it counts and on top of the two count them two stations that we currently have up in space there's multiple private space stations and labs in development from people like axim space orbital Reef which is blue origin and Sierra space starlab which is locki Martin and nanorx and India is building their own space station not to mention lunar Gateway which is technically a space station around the moon and then you have people like above space with their Prometheus project that's kind of under the radar right now and there's other more like pie in the sky Concepts but the fact is with massive reusable Rockets like Starship and new Glenn even Neutron on the horizon the cost of putting massive space station modules in orbit will become a lot more feasible I imagine by the 2040s we'll think nothing at all of there being seven or eight space stations in orbit 30 or 40 people in space at a time uh but space tourism at that point I think will still be for the ultra rich but assuming the economics work out and reusability brings the cost of going to space down I could see going to space as being kind of like a bucket list Thing by the year 2100 you know something something really expensive but not Out Of Reach for most people with dozens of space stations where people can live and work maybe even media Studios the interesting engineering article also says that a space elevator could be developed as soon as the 2050s and not just one but three located along the Equator okay I covered space elevators on here a long time ago and I of course love the idea I think it would be amazing but I've got to be honest the more time has progressed the less bullish I am on the idea the less convinced I am that it'll actually happen I don't want to derail this whole video into going into why but uh let's just say that I think that by 2100 the cost of going to space of space flight will have calm down enough that um building in constructing and the risk around a space elevator would just kind of be redundant and I'm not saying it won't happen but I do put the probabilities fairly low the article also says that we'll have permanent settlements on the moon and Mars by 2100 and um okay I I know I'm probably sounding really negative compared to this article right now but uh I do think that if we have settlement on both of those places that they'll they'll still be really small even by 2100 it's not that I don't think we can do it it's really one of those more we'll be technically capable of doing this but I don't know if the economics will work out you know like I think we'll have landed on Mars by 2100 but again it's the economics of it that I could see not working out for both Mars and the moon I think that if we don't find some kind of economic benefit it will struggle and it will take way longer than we think it should um if we do find some kind of resource that we could exploit at a profit then absolutely we'll we'll be all over both places but if not I think by 2100 they might look at the Mars missions the way we look at Apollo you know is this is this amazing inspirational thing that we did that time so to sum all this up being fairly conservative I think that by 201100 people will be shuttling back and forth to the space stations on a regular basis maybe weekly with multiple probably dozens of space stations and hundreds of people living in space at a time but it's still not something that just anybody can afford to do um and I think that we'll have small outposts on Mars and the moon and I think that manufacturing will be a big business in space but back on Earth the UN predicts that the world's population could reach 10.8 billion by 2100 and of course this brings up concerns around resources which is understandable but I think and bear with me on this that the big anxiety people are going to have in the year 2100 around the population is that it's not growing enough I know just let me explain if you look at this chart from the UN population division you can that most experts predict the birth rate to decline and population to level off in the 2070s and 2080s this is because as more people get access to Advanced medicine birth rates will go down because people have access to birth control and family planning so it's expected that by the time 2100 comes around growth rate will actually be in the negative and that sounds like a good thing again because of limited resources and whatnot but economically here's that word again it's kind of bad cuz when you have fewer people entering the workforce supporting a larger aging population it puts some serious constraints on the economy that's something Japan's dealing with right now in fact in September of last year CNN quoted Japan's prime minister famio kashida saying that Japan is quote on the brink of not being able to maintain social functions like some people talk about the prospect of a population decline in almost doomsday terms like global economic collapse and uh I don't know if that's going to happen but I do know that when the growth hits zero it will be the very first time in the history of our species outside of weird genetic bottlenecks that we still don't understand that the population has gone down on this planet it will be a very big deal but Joe you may be saying you keep talking about how the economics of this and that won't work out well what if we're on a completely different economic model by that point like some kind of post scarcity Society sure let's talk about that if you subscribe to the generational Theory like I talked about in my video on accelerationism then you believe that history Works in py CES of big crisis periods every 80 years or so one of which we are approaching if not in right now which would mean that 2100 would be the next Crisis point now whether or not you believe in this Theory and I do have my criticisms of it you have to admit that capitalism does have a pattern of blowing itself up I mean during the Industrial Revolution capitalism was completely out of control working conditions were dangerous people lived in company towns that gouged them to the point that they would be permanently indebted to the company striking workers were mowed down in the streets by the National Guard people were living in some of the worst conditions in human history and yeah there was a backlash it was called communism and today we're living in what a lot of people called late stage capitalism where once again Everything feels unsustainable and I could imagine seeing some kind of backlash in the next 20 years or so now what that looks like is anyone's guess um in the US we didn't like fall to Communism but we did bust up Monopoly strengthen unions and enacted social reforms during that time so it's possible we may go through some kind of kind of you know phase like that again but I don't know if we actually create a new like post capitalist economy not yet but toward the second half of the century I see you know autonomous robotics really starting to have a very real effect on employment and at the very same time that the world population is leveling off and this is when I think they really are going to have to come up with something completely different so my bet is that in the last couple of decades before the end of the century there will need to be some kind of entirely new economic model of some kind Maybe digital currencies and Credit Systems I don't know but it's it's going to be difficult okay a couple of quick angles let's talk about energy yes I think we will crack nuclear fusion by then and so does futurologist Ian Pearson as Pearson said in a bbc.com article in 2012 quote This is likely by 2045 to 2050 and almost certain by 2100 it's widely predicted that we will achieve this what difference it makes will depend on what other Energy Technologies we have we might also see a growth in Shell gas or massive solar energy facilities I don't think that wind power will still be around what's wrong with wind Ian so I do think we'll have wind but when it comes to Fusion again it's it's the economics of it I'm not sure about I mean if the only way to do it is by building like a 20 billion reactor in solar and battery storage continues to get cheaper it it's going to make a lot more sense for people to just do that hell we might be able to do space solar capture and then bounce it down to stations on Earth with microwave beams for Bas load power that might actually be cheaper than doing Fusion at that point the United nation's department of economic and social Affairs estimates that Renewables could make up 65% of the energy sector by 2030 go up to 90% by 2050 that sounds pretty aggressive to me but um definitely the general trend is toward Renewables more than fossil fuels and I'm pretty sure that fossil fuels would be more niche in 2100 if they're being used at all in 2100 the average lifespan should be well into the 80s and we may even be able to extend life to 130 years at least According to some medical predictions I found which by the way will only add to the population of Cline problem I like the idea that we could have bespoke treatments where a doctor just diagnoses your problem and then through some Gene editing and and protein folding a machine can just create a treatment specific for your condition or if aging is caused by epigenetic damage to your genome maybe a doctor can just pull out your genome essentially clean it up with crisper and then just put it back into you with a with a viral vector and then just undo all the Aging damage you've accumulated and the big question of course is will we cure cancer and yes I think we will cure most of them at least keeping in mind of course that cancer is not just one disease it's actually dozens of different kinds of disease and we're actually curing new kinds of Cancer all the time so hopefully by then we'll have most of them licked and the last lens that we can look at the future through I've Sav to the end because um depending on how this one goes it could invalidate every single thing I've said in this video all right do I think that we'll reach AGI by the year 2100 yes I do in fact I think it'll happen before 2050 and some of of you may think that even that is absurdly conservative considering the pace of change over the last few years and you might be right but I'm thinking it might be kind of like what we're seeing in autonomous cars that going from 99.9 to 100% is harder than getting from 1 to 99.9% so to get to where your your computer or your phone is having the exact same mental capabilities as a human being that could be a literal partner with you I'm thinking that could take some time next question do I think that artificial super intelligence will be a thing by 2100 yes yes I do and I think it'll happen pretty quickly after AGI happens and if it does happen well this is where all my predictions break down because it's anyone's guess at that point what a super intelligent AI could think of is literally like by definition outside our ability to comprehend it's it's simultaneously like a God and like an alien life form like maybe we can have cheap fusion power because the AI figured it out maybe we can build space elevators and colonize a solar system and have flying cars and cure cancer and fix the economy and all the things that I had objections to in this video could be figured out by this omnicient being who just takes care of us while we just become like I don't know pets or it could completely wipe us out I'm just saying it could go in different directions now you might be wondering how I went this whole video without mentioning climate change and yeah it's it's been hard because when you search for predictions about the year 2100 almost all of them are about climate change but I didn't want to focus on that because while yes climate change is definitely going to change a lot of things in the world I mostly wanted to focus on how people will live in the year 2100 and depending on where you live your daily life might not be that different at all or it might be a lot worse some places it might actually be better just for some fun numbers though the intergovernmental panel on climate change predicts that the global temperature would rise by 3.3 to 5.7 C I by the end of the century sea levels may also rise up to 1.8 m this could affect cities like Amsterdam Bangkok Dubai and New Orleans among many others also annual rainfall may increase by 6.8% by 2100 compared with the period from 1995 to 2014 and carbon dioxide is predicted to reach 560 parts per million by 2100 according to Business Insider that could destroy more than 9,000 coral reefs around the world I think we'll continue to see stronger storms and more damaging hurricane Seasons which will affect how and where people live and we'll see massive migrations of climate refugees around the world there will be adjustments but as the trend for electrification continues over the next 30 40 years along with mitigation efforts I think we might see a plateauing in CO2 levels as well which could stabilize and trim back downward over time unless we hit some kind of Tipping Point Beyond which the Earth can't recover in which case we as a species will just have to adjust maybe With a Little Help from our Godlike super intelligence so there are a lot of maybe coulds and might in this episode cuz predicting the future is impossible nobody knows how things will go and there's always the possibility some crazy unimaginable disruptive event that can change the course of human history and that course is not yet written because we're the authors and it's our job to write it I know it doesn't feel like it a lot of the time most of the time we feel like we don't really have any control over the things that happen in the world but we actually do and the choices we make and the in the people we surround ourselves with with how we spend our money every single decision we make writes another letter in the grand Choose Your Own Adventure book of the future there's a million different possible future timelines so my advice would be pick one you like and start working toward it and one way you can do that is to get your money in order which by the way a dollar today is predicted to have the same buying power as $864 in 2100 because inflation and all that that so you better hang on to as much of it as possible and I might suggest to help you out with that rocket money did you know most people are paying for a subscription of some kind they don't even know it that's why everything's going to subscriptions these days because you're a lot more likely to just forget about it and just keep paying on accident they aren't doing it because they're making less money off of you well rocket money keeps an eye on your account and finds recurring payments like that and makes them visible to you and they'll cancel any subscriptions you decide you don't need and this works I know this works because I found out that I'm paying twice for HBO Max somehow I was probably doing that for well over a year rocket money found out about it in like five minutes and that's just the start of what rocket money can do they can also set budgets based on analysis of your spending habits you can set up automatic savings deposits you can grow a cushion over time without having to think about it and they can even look at your bills and negotiate better rates for you it's like having an automated Chief Financial Officer for your life that deals with these things so you don't have to Rocket money customers save an average of $720 a year and altogether they saved over $500 million and you can can save too so join the over 5 million members using rocket money today by going to Rocket money.com Scott or click the link in the description it costs nothing to start you can give it a try and there are features that you can unlock with premium subscription but it is free to get started so one more time that's rocket money.com Jo Scott to get started for free it's down in the description go check it out all right big thanks for watching and a huge shout out to the answer files on patreon who have been supporting this channel some of them for like seven years now which is just crazy uh but can't thank you guys enough you keep things going you give a nice cushion so I don't ever have to like worry too much about not being able to pay my team or pay the bills and stuff uh can't thank you enough but there's some new people I need to shout out we've got Dave schi uh Gail McQueen Richard Williams Christa Morgan Nina Lyn uh Peter antil Dennis botel Marcus stubbles Marina stanfa John Donnelly and Lucy some of these guys supported um a while back so it's taken a while for me to get to these because of the the holidays and everything but thank you guys so much if you would like to join them get early access to videos access to exclusive live streams and zoom calls as well as join a community of amazing people just go to patreon.com anwers withj please do share and like this video if you did like it and if this is your first time here and you have no idea who this guy is who talked for however God knows how long this video is and you want to know more about the stuff that I talk about you can look at any of them that are down on the little sidebar of this thing if you're in your browser or uh should have a thing pop up on screen right here that you could go check out and um I invite you to do so and if you enjoy it want to see more I do invite you to subscribe come back at videos every Monday but I think that's it for now you guys go out there have an eye opening rest of the week rest of the century for that matter uh stay safe and I will see you next Monday love you guys take care
Channel: Joe Scott
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Keywords: answers with joe, joe scott
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 46sec (2506 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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