To Tell the Truth - Jackie Gleason's secretary; PANEL: Hume Cronyn (Jan 8, 1957)

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[Music] what is your name please my name is Ricky star what is your name please my name is Ricky star what is your name please my name is Ricky star two of these people are imposters only one of them is the real Ricky star and is the only one sworn to tell the truth zerman the important new advance for relief of common romatic and arthritic like pains presents to tell the truth and now here is our host and dealer in fact and fiction Bud [Music] CER thank you and good evening this is a game as you know by now of deliberate misrepresentation wherein four presumably smart people try to find out which one of three Challengers is sworn to tell the truth and uh now as our first order of business let's meet our cross-examiners what is your name please my name is Polly Bergen my name is Hil croman my name is Hildy Parks my name is Dick Van djk and I can attest that these people are telling nothing but the truth now standing right up here are three people all of whom claim to be the same person by name Ricky star to tell the truth only one of these people is the real Ricky star the other two have assumed that identity in an attempt to fool our cross-examiners and of course they don't have to stick to the truth now panel if you'll open the envelope in front of each of you you'll find a photostatic copy of an affidavit will you please listen while I read it I Ricky star am a professional wrestler with a current string of 136 consecutive wins as a professional ballet dancer I once appeared as a soloist with the St Louis Municipal Opera and I have also danced with the ballet Rose De mon Carlo my hobby is cooking and I have a library of more than 500 books on the subject I swear that the above statement is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth signed Ricky star to play our game panel these three people all claim to be Rick Ricky star professional wrestler and remember panel only the real Ricky star is required to answer your questions truthfully each of you as before will question for just 30 seconds at a clip for a total of 5 minutes at the end of that time you'll be asked to register your vote for the one person who in your opinion is the real Ricky star and let's give our first opportunity to question for 30 seconds to Polly Bergen Polly number one uh it saids that you worked at the St Louis mun IAL Opera uh what kind of a theater is that the midwestern Opera Company uh is it a uh uh regular theater yes number two do you agree is that just a regular theater oh very definitely I see number three uh what kind of a theater is the St Louis Municipal Opera St Louis Municipal Opera is one of the largest outdoor theaters in the world I see number one uh you say you're a professional wrestler hate to stop you Polly you and number three what is an enta number three an enta is uh well in French meaning an Ana means to weave and uh what is a that's a dance for two uh what is leen's first name Lin or M Lin L David what is ay's first name Andre I've run out of saved by the valve H me number two uh when you were with the uh ballet Roost De Monte Carlo and you were warming up how long a bar did you do every day or at least 20 minutes and uh what would you start with generally well first the basic five positions and then adaptations of those into the other steps I see and uh you have been you are now currently a professional wrestler yes um what is the uh what do you have to do to win a wrestling match well you have to accomplish out of three Falls and is there something about um yes there is take I would finish it if I knew what it was um number one um what is an Arabesque Arabesque is a to raise right uh what did you do with the uh St Louis Municipal opera did you dance I dance as a as a ballet dancer yes uh it's a the dream of almost every young uh potential ballet dancer to dance with arusa monic Carlo how did you have to dance with them I made an audition an audition yes for uh one performance or for a tour for a tour I see number uh two who recognize have to hold you there dick sorry back to ply number one is the um wrestling champion of the world an amateur or a professional a professional and number two uh do you agree with number one oh very definitely number three is the uh wrestling champion of the world a professional very definitely a professional a professional uh number one could you tell me is a hammerlock uh legal yes number two do you agree with that yes number three yes uh number three um when you're wrestler uh wrestling uh so glad you stopped me I didn't know what I was going to say there know way you were going Polly you number three who is Mrs Beaton Mrs who Beaton Beaton I don't know that number two Mrs beat uh wife of cesil beon I'm sorry I didn't hear you wife of cesil beon well number one who is Mrs beon I think is the wife of Arthur Beaton I beg you pardon the wife of Arthur Beaton uh number three who is Peggy Harvey Peggy Harvey Harvey Peggy Harvey I don't know that either number two no I'm afraid I don't Kelly who is Mrs be you're asking the wrong person number one uh who wrote The Joy of Cooking I don't remember exactly number two do you know no I don't I just bought it under that title oh really well I was about to tell you I lost my head um number three what is the exact meaning of the word soé so means it's a small jump uh in cooking so now wait are you referring to cooking or ballet I never realized it had both I'm also on cooking [Music] I see we're back in the kitchen what's the meaning of so come on to leave it I'm sorry I have to leave it in the kitchen hilly dick number one U what is sauté number number one sauté is something but you do it in the skillet you do it in the skillet that's right uh number one were you ever a singer I like to sing in the bathtub not you're not a professional no who's recognized as as possibly the greatest male ballet dancer today uh well no in the history of ballet number two who would you back we come again to Polly third crack you've had at it Polly bye uh number two uh what is the definition of sauté to fry and butter to fry and butter uh number two uh how long have you been a professional wrestler oh about 4 years I guess what made you go into it well I had been dancing and was very friendly with a wrestler who showed me a few holes i' like to buy money one way to go [Music] in obviously we need your friend up here um you have 500 books on cooking number two see I've done that all wrong I have to say number two have you 00 books on cooking approximately name a couple of them well I have The Fanny Farmer cookbook which I'm sure you probably have too and then I have made a given's uh Encyclopedia of cooking and one by a scoffier it brings us to the end of our questioning period panel it's time to separate fact from fiction now remember the amount of money which our Challengers can win will depend on the accuracy of your individual selection and while you're making up your minds here's one last opport Unity for you to look at the team of Challengers so that you and the people at home can make up their minds whether the real Ricky star is number one number two or number three okay now remember there will be four votes cast one vote from each member of our panel a team of challenges will get $250 for every incorrect vote if they're all incorrect that's a total of $1,000 panel are you ready to vote no all right how about it are you poly Bergen what is your vote um I don't know who it is so I'll vote for number three y Cronin for whom do you vote I vote for number three hly parks for whom do you cast your vote well his pleasure and Company I vote for number three Nick Van Dyke I'll make my wild guess number two all right quick recapitulation for number one no votes for number two one vote for number three three votes okay panel are we ready to see if we did as well as last week when we got nobody you're very funny all right get set now here we go will the real Ricky star please stand up [Applause] [Music] Ricky you made them all feel very good I don't know whether to call number one a uh a good liar or a bad one but nobody voted for poor number one suppose you tell us who you really are and what you do my name is Nica moscona BS of the Metropolitan Opera and number two you squeak through with Dick Van dijk's one vote what do you do and who are you my name is Barbara Terry I live in New York City and I'm an Avon sales lady and you don't have to ref no that was a pretty successful start panel you have any other quick questions you'd like to ask now yes it I thought beginning number one was a singer uh sir could you prove that you really sing base with a met Metropolitan why don't believe in me [Applause] Pro is there something else you yes if we can have proof I want to see number three do a tour a t well or an Arabesque or one of those things they call it in a frying pan come on come on do something one quick question for me do you ever do that in the ring when you're wrestling always it's my trademark ah we know more now Hume I'll send you a copy of Mrs Beaton and Peggy Harvey in the morning poly one quick one time is I'm only sorry that it wasn't number two because I wanted to ask her to wrestle thank you wow congratulations to our our team of challenges now let's find out on another recapitulation just how you stand we had exactly uh 1 2 3 correct votes only one incorrect vote that means from zaraman you receive $250 and our congratulations for being a SW team thank you very much and now may we have our next team of Challengers [Music] please what is your name please my name is Patricia staan what is your name please my name is Patricia statan what is your name please my name is Patricia statan and two of these people are imposters only one of them is the real patricius fatlan and is the only one sworn to tell the truth okay there we have panel our second problem for the evening these three people all claim to be Patricia stadlan and as you know only the real patrici stadlman has sworn to tell the truth so if you look in front of you again and follow along I'll read this d i Patricia stadlan am the receptionist in Jackie Gleason's office I am also secretary to all Jackie's fan clubs and as such read and answer all of his fan mail I was a beauty contest winner at one time in my career I was a professional dancer and I have appeared in three Motion Pictures I am an Ardent New York Yankee fan incidentally I have an identical twin sister I swear that the above statement is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth signed Patricia stadlan goes to work again now once more we have a game ahead of us and these three people all claim to be Patricia Stan she is receptionist in Jackie Gleason's office now remember panel again only the real Patricia stadlan is sworn to tell you nothing but the truth each of you will question again 30 seconds at a clip total of 5 minutes at which time you'll be asked to register your opinion by vote as to which one is the real jous Stan this time we'll give the first 30 seconds to dick vany dick uh number one what is your name Patricia stadlan and what is your sister's name Jean number two e jeene stadlan my name is Patricia staan what is your sister's name an no number one where were you born Syracuse New York up to this end Polly Bergen number three uh do you also have an identical twin yes ma'am that seemed reasonable um number three could you tell me uh who is the producer of The Jackie gleen show Jack hurdle I beg you pardon Jack hurdle Jack hurdle number two who is the producer of The Jackie gleon show Jack hurdle number one who is the producer of The Jackie gleon show Jack hurdle and who is Jackie Gleason's personal manager wellet Duram number two could you tell me who uh Jackie Gleason's director is Frank santen Stein oh these girls really know the the truth don't they uh Cronin sorry Pa uh number three you've appeared in Motion Pictures yes sir where did you make your pictures in New York at what studio paramont um who was your cameraman well I was only 5 years old at the time I really don't remember sorry I brought it up um are you uh have you got an agent no sir well I the Bell isn't Hy uh number three where was this beauty content it was in New York City and how long ago was it when I was five oh and that's what led you into the motion picture field huh yes I see number one uh where was your beauty contest uh mcconnellsville New York where in New York mcconnellsville oh uh where was Jean my sister yes she was also in mcconnellsville uh was she in the same beauty contest yes she was well how did the judges figure that one out how come they picked you um I don't know tell you the truth number two good answer to tell the truth dick number two who directed Jackie gleon show last Saturday night Frank satenstein number three who directed the gleon show last Saturday I don't know number one who direct who directed the show last Saturday Frank sandstein number two where were you born Bayside Long Island where was Anne [Music] born you'd have to ask her she's not here couldn't tell you I could qu Place really poly I want to know where Anne is number two number two yes couldn't tell you why couldn't you tell me don't know you don't know where your sister is is this a true answer because I'm trying to learn you know from your ant couldn't tell you oh you couldn't tell me do you have a a a sister named an number two that's right number one um do you have a sister named an no you're lucky cuz I was going to ask you where she was um number one uh who is Jackie Gleason's agent number three who is Jackie Gleason's agent you number three who is Jackie gle's agent you mean the a agency yes and no who represents him bullet sturum is his personal personal manager music Corporation of America Jerry cat uh where is Mr Gleason's office the Park Sheridan Hotel and you work there yes sir what are your office hours and what are you doing later 9:30 to 5:30 do you get a coffee break yes sir H number three who sponsors the Jackie gon show boua and O go boua watches and uh what is the name of the poodle of Jackie Gleason's secretary mopet mopet and how many floors in your office how many floors yeah two uh number two uh would you tell me um where the motion pictures were made that you appeared in in Hollywood all and that's it panel I think you've had enough time now so you should be able to successfully separate fact from fiction once again and also once again a final look at the team of Challengers so that you and the people at home can decide whether the real Patricia stadlan is number one number two or number three again of course there will be four votes cast one for each member of our panel and the team of Challengers will get $250 for every incorrect vote so if the team has fooled the entire panel $1,000 is waiting there panel are you are you right ready to vote you are okay dick looks like he's still mulling things over there but if you're all set here we go now poly Bergen is your a vote for the first time I'm positive so I'm probably wrong I vote for number three you Cronin for whom do you cast your vote I vote for number three Ellie Parks your vote is for shouldn't be a total loss number three Dick Van djk rugged individualist before that's right Bud number three all right a quick recap as you can see now for number one no votes for number two no votes for number three the unanimous Choice four votes well you've gone right down the line for this one panel are you ready okay will the real Patricia stadlan please stand up [Applause] than thank you very much Pat what is your twin sister's name Janet Janet and where is she tonight in Ohio in Ohio well now let's find out about the other two you got no votes either one of you two pretty twins there uh number one what is your real name and what do you do Anne Harden I'm the housewife from mcconnellsville newk New York and a happy when I can see that number two Jean kelman a housewife from Bayside Long Island anybody want to find out where an is yeah she's here Hilda you have a question what do you want are number one and two twins are number one and two twins they well I just wanted to be absolutely certain CU some of the questions confused me well don't forget they weren't supposed to be telling the truth they can oh that's right I keep forget at one point there I forget who it was oh I think it it was me I telling me theth I not angry I wanted you know I didn't want to be fooled around J did you have a question you want to ask no not one are are you really are you twins or triplets there's not a third one no just two oh boy that is confusing well I want to say you did a mighty good job there uh Challengers you did successful lying and you weren't lying half the time which made it even more deceptive I would like to ask number three or um um um you know but I don't I can't remember a real name I'm so used to saying number three a pat styling uh was your sister in the beauty contest with you no oh because when they said that I thought if it was I wanted how they did pick the one that would be a very interesting uh problem H did you really make movies when you were 5 years old yes what were they like our gang comedies or what all right well you did a good job believe me it was awfully nice having the three of you here a little quick recapitulation shows that it was a unanimous vote in which case of course you didn't fool anybody and so this still will be a consolation prize for each one of you of $50 and we thank you very much for being with us tonight good night and good luck now now it's time to say good night to our esteemed panel whose names in case you have forgotten are my name is Sheena Queen of the Jungle my name is Jessica Tami I'm Anastasia I think I'm Mickey Maguire and to tell the truth my name is Bud card saying goodbye until next week good night [Applause] everybody travel arrangements or to tell the truth are made to American Airlines American airlines flies our contestants in luxurious comfort of dc7 Flagship to tell the truth is Mark Goodson Bill Todman production an association with the CBS television network [Music] h
Channel: To Tell the Truth (CBS)
Views: 47,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: To Tell The Truth (1956) (TV Program), Bud Collyer (TV Actor), Polly Bergen (Theater Actor), Game Show (TV Genre), Episodes (TV Program), Television Pilot (TV Genre), Dick Van Dyke (Film Actor), Hildy Parks, Hume Cronyn (Film Actor), Jackie Gleason (Film Actor)
Id: BlIvf6AV3X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2015
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