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my friends and I have found out a really cool way to craft better armor in Minecraft I'm not even kidding we can make a dirt armor we can make a deity armor be careful all these pieces do different things now there's so many of them that I'm gonna make multiple videos about this which is amazing I want to see at least seventy five thousand likes also make sure you wear your real life armor to tell Easter calm guys let's be careful don't open the door you sleep random guards again jelly those aren't gods those almonds it's just almost a jelly more armor what's this brain right now Josh we can make arm out of any blocks in this okay that's really really cool yes has a different ability so we come out okay so let's start with the dirt one I want to know what this does okay grab set out from the lines almost boots your spooks your spell's why is it taking you so long to get armor we're just special boys okay leave us a like when I got the armor in my hands I'm gonna put it on okay okay oh I look whoa whoa I have an idea you can't see me like a person oh yeah I can't see you oh yeah oh yeah I I just hate you hood space armor has regrowth ability repairs durability wait so they give you like a million will get is health damage so wait everyone wait oh I'd already be grew mine isn't going up yet no it definitely is it's just very slow guys just grow wait really it did it sharing your being pairing it whoa my boots are fully repaired now yeah this is amazing exactly right yoku pairs Oh guys I'm sorry I'm not really that impressed all right yes and that was trash guys if you think that suit was boring then you should check out some of the other ones they're really cool no no oh my god I'll only be cool great yeah I mean we are guys wait so what does this do it's both snow and snowballs and provides Frost walking so you know what cross walking oh we're killing the squids underwater oh it's all breaking oh okay the water's coming back comes back oh there we go okay sure yeah oh it creates snow above you Oh be funny in a dancer we could go there and like look at this I got snow boys why is it snow for me oh they're ghosts oh yeah job snowballs to just kind of stand here and make soon are we hold on jelly jelly guys it'll melt it'll melt alright well that was a cool suit but yeah a lot more other things too so worried don't worry we saw is the cactus success activity why that sounds dangerous cactus alright so everyone grab a set of cactus and shine look this way body I've heard it's prickly oh it's prickly do it to each other however then let's go to see the cow I'm okay I don't see I'm sure he's gonna be out here we're gonna kill it'll die you stupid cow surround him guys surround I'm killing the wrong neighberhood sheep to the wrong neighborhood Brooke jelly punch me take off the armor then punch me Oh No what else do we have guys wait is this a sponge yeah that's the sponge Alma grab wait oh we both make the same joke jelly okay so put that on I'm pretty short wait I'm missing some trousers it's really odd oh there we go it's yes oh wait no I need shoes can we shoes back Oh who stole his shoes did you steal I'm sorry I'm sorry was it's absorbing oh that's pretty good I can do that she's really helpful I'm pretty sure if we jump in the water she's gonna absorb it wait already let me make this roommates die what happened oh wait no we're fine it's working whoa this is like this is like a baby Trevor it's acting a little strange it's Moby kress ah dude oh yeah forgot about that wait why don't we all press at the same time what are you doing hey come here come all together three two one whoa guys we got to do it to the squids oh wow jelly I don't know okay I am a walking sponge guys we got to make these squids die oh yeah let's see if we can kill a squid along the square to get more oh you might get the guy at the bar away from him when we absorb the water you become wet and then it lets it go after it times out its weight so we know everybody's now and it becomes wet and then you've got water on you how do I get rid of it I went to peers yeah very cool okay get him get re squiddy okay guys hi guys asleep the squids alone okay please furnace oh oh I mean it's pretty obvious look at the front it's not obvious looks like just any cobblestone thing ever okay you know it's what all toasty melts autos we have pickaxes but wait guys if I break soft like iron is gonna toast about Oh furnace we yeah okay let's let's try it out so if we do was it whoa that is see watch stone come just get stone wait guys that is a lion come on touch though that's like sometimes we go iron right there oh my god that's literally anointing it that is so good that is that a neck sciencing this is my favorite so life is two very useful this is so cool I won't ever works on state oh if we kill a boy too bad we killed a cow before her don't watch it yeah we have she pees you can't really smell that all right I'm excited to check out with the next for the game really cool that would also looked similar to the first one yeah I thought it just looked like a nice one what is that dispensary Oh Spencer but it shoots swear oaths usually our supplier arrows out well he could dispense anything really hang on there's a bow in here as well I'm gonna grab it okay fire arrows outwards okay we're gonna check out this way oh my what a bad you broke everything don't press on here guys oh I thought that we was the fire arrows each other and then it oh wow you find this is insane hold on if I shoot capital jellia you're almost hitting the things in there yeah they're going in the house oh my goodness guys let's go shoot some villagers check this out guys hello oh she bees buh-bye Oh guys I need the to house out with an arrow I'm like if you go up to a villager like that prices you just shoot it hey guys how's it go for Angry Men willing to try to sell me oh okay yeah it's not working there were powers everywhere oh my god this is actually insanely bad but at the same time I don't know it's you've got a ton of arrows in us as well Oh guys check this off Wow like we wear that's so cool hey guys guys look at this whoa slow down look over here actually go up like down that's so cool I love this okay this is my favorite so vodka oh I know it's like oh yeah no click oh okay next up is obsidian obsidian wait how can you even make oh it's supposed to be like super oh okay this sounds cool out at all and I got so many whole extra health balls give me something I need to stack up some house real quick Josh you don't look very smart with all those arrows yeah a few okay so should we test out I mean we've got full help now oh not really still no pressing on nothing is happening wait wait wait crane it puts me whoa I don't move wait yeah was losing any help yeah you've got pretty big like armor we've got my face piece and toughness and doing it but it also says something about fire protection guys oh yeah go in love or subway let's go let's go look for some way no we're not jumping in lava yeah I know where there's some little over please you see anything jelly oh I'm like taking maybe hop aha every to be honest I mean it's gonna burn for a while I stopped burning before I jump in the water I mean that's a good that's great guys that was that those two coolest was awesome okay you guys not seen what's next though honest it wait wait wait it's that CD I'll read it but it doesn't really say owed us AT&T explosive okay do not use that in here do not yes enough pressure or anything no jelly don't do it okay well we look great first of all okay really far away from the house okay I'm wondering though I don't know when you explode you die okay sure question great hey guys I'm about to find out three two oh my god whoa oh gosh I'm oh you killed me guys I'm just my mouth that may keep damaging me do we can lady I'm just we can fine so I don't think any damage from my own explosion this is oh my goodness you guys are you're really without I'm going all the way down boys okay I guess I'll come down to what my arm is breaking as well jelly the bedrock ha that's can you spy my old I might be coming on top of you soon Karina I'm actually kind of scared I'm not dared Josh did you hear me he stole my house my huh it's getting pretty dark now I can't see anything if you have to bring water in here jelly all of this water is jellies fault I only come back attack joy I didn't die okay only made a jelly bond okay hang on I'll be that back in a second okay I'm back okay so much armor we got some really cool stuff you know what we should check the rest of them out in another video um you guys want to see that video you have to leave a like on this one at 75,000 likes I will upload a video where I show you the rest of the armor if you want to watch another video click right over here in between my beautiful fingers that's right do it now before I use my TNT armor to blow this thing at the bases okay [Music]
Channel: Jelly
Views: 5,303,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, jelly, minecraft, armor, modded, mods, modded armor, tnt armor, funny, game, games, gaming, mine craft, minecraft mods, friends, TNT ARMOR TROLL In MINECRAFT
Id: V6bTJzCT31M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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