TMNT Scenes Recreated as ROBLOX Video Games! | 20 Minute Compilation | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

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um Leo the robots have learned our moves our crazy has become normal I hate that the only way you can get past me is to use traditional Close Quarters fighting got it hey whatever you say fearless leader let's just get it over [Music] with guys I've got an idea what's up ninja what are you doing Mikey real funny come on H made it h woo oh that's not fair that was not a real fight [Music] okay ow are you kidding me [Music] Donnie ow kick of the mountain baby that's my ninja so what's your trick going to be tricks what are you guys talking about hey ninjas never throw their [Music] weapons huh all right why do you always undermine my training you just want us to fight exactly like you fight but the whole point is to make it to the Dragon Gate any way we can [Music] right you're not mad at us are you Leo I'll give you mutant plus monsters 23 if you're not mad I'm not mad I just think you guys need to be a little better at following my orders a it's too bad I can't play my violin while I drive what's your problem lately Raph you still jealous you're not leading the team stop the shell Riser scanners picked up another mutagen canister we're close guys signals coming from the basement okay let's not make any sudden moves before I give the orders H oh yeah found it go ninja go ninja go don't ha they're just foot soldiers won't even break a [Music] [Music] sweat they armored up or something everybody fall back what we're running away it's not running it's a tactical Retreat move I don't care what Leo says I don't run from the foot this way all our moves are useless they know every move I can make every fighting style skill every wait a sec remember King of the mountain yeah sure what about it [Music] oh I get what you're saying be [Music] unpredictable do our [Music] thing didn't see that coming did you yeah [Music] [Music] boy I never had so much fun following your orders we're even I've never had so much fun giving them um Leo the robots have learned our moves our crazy has become normal I hate that [Music] so how do you suppose we're going to find Rockwell without any leads well maybe we'll know more once we have a look at his flash drive what flash drive the one I swiped off his desk nice yeah well keeping cool under pressure is the Hallmark of a careful Donnie that's a dangerous mutant that makes two of us Donnie are you okay I'm good mon come on hey it's okay everything's going to be all right what what is it guys I think I found something these notes are hard to follow but it looks like Ro Rockwell was able to modify the mutagen why would he do that he thought he could use it to create a neurochemical that would temporarily give someone psychic abilities you mean that monkey was psychic it's more like he was reading our emotions after all he was only hostile when Donnie was hostile yeah well next time I'll be sure to think friendly thoughts while I'm beating a little sunshine into him guys someone just spotted the monkey on weaker I think I'm on his Trail Mikey the monkey is headed your way [Music] watch it anybody see where he went I thought he headed off in that direction I thought it was that way wasn't that here monkey monkey monkey [Music] monkey got you that time great we got the monkey but we're not any closer to finding Dr Rockwell actually we're a lot closer than you think what how I think this is Dr [Music] [Music] Rockwell there that should calm him down a little poor Rockwell Is there any way to get him back to normal I wouldn't even know where to begin but I'll see if there's a way to give him some semblance of a normal life man this asteroid field is tough I just can't beat it pizza's here hey Donnie how come you're not eating what I'm not hungry something's been bothering me Falco said that Rockwell was experimenting on a monkey and well according to these notes he never had a monkey in his lab he was just using samples of monkey DNA we're still not following you if he never had a monkey what broke out of that cage must have been Rockwell which means Falco put him there and he's been lying this whole time all right Falco we've had enough of your do not say monkeying around I wasn't going to yes you were so this was your plan all along of course no man can defeat you when you know his every thought [Music] [Music] [Music] how are we going to defeat him if he can read our minds no problem I'm good at this I just have to fight without thinking wait a minute how do I fight without thinking oh no now I'm thinking about not thinking don't think just do [Music] br [Music] oh waa Donnie nice work H what I tell you about those backflips huh pretty cool now that we have the Ooze let's see what Falon knows about the crank huh fal's gone what do we do about him [Music] [Music] competition is an excellent motivator but not when it turns you against each other so now you will Spar two on two okay I'll take D you will take Raphael yummy oh you were right Sensei working together is fun April what's wrong are you okay I just got mugged by some purple dragons they stole my phone don't worry we'll kick their butts for you yeah we'll teach those punks to mess with April O'Neal guys it's just a phone I'll get another one come on what's the point of being a ninja if you can't help your friends when they get robbed well done my pretties Dexter Stockman it's Baxter Stockman that was close so you're here to stop me again well you don't stand a chance against my mousers mousers mobile offensive underground search excavation and retrieval sentries seems a little forced Ain protect your eyes wait we're fine you're right get him get me no you will be the ones who will be getting got gotten get them ha all gone good thing I made extra [Music] I'm kind of in the middle of something is that Leo tell my operation names what's the matter oh don't tell me the a team needs our help you know checking to see if you guys need any help we got this we followed Fong to the defunct Futon Factory on Fifth say that five times fast anyway we've got an awesome plan to get the phone back how are you guys doing whoops call waiting got to go you were right we've got to beat these things on our own if it kills us uh okay bad choice of words [Music] [Music] told you we didn't need those guys oh come on the turos not so fast dog pound and Dexter spachman backer Stockman how did you escape my mousers we [Music] didn't we're here to save the day as usual oh yeah looks like you guys were doing great you tried fighting off 2,000 robots Mikey keep away wa a gamma camera it detects radioisotopes that must be what he's tagged you with oh how do we get it off you can't it wears off gradually but if someone else got sprayed they'd give off a stronger signal I'll handle this dog man one Spritz and their Mouse [Applause] [Music] hang it up dog pound your call just got dropped hell [Music] yeah nice job guys yeah from here on out you're the a minus team that's probably the best we're going to get out of him no ow hey mhm [Music] okay it got a little out of control but we learned our lesson and at least we got apel's phone back you did [Music] sweet uh the important thing is it didn't end up in the wrong hands gee thanks guys uh don't worry April you can have one of my custombuilt tones cool just don't say tone self-destruct or else that happens
Channel: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Views: 27,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, TMNT, Ninja Turtles, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Rise of the TMNT, Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Mikey, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Shredder, Splinter, Master Splinter, April Oโ€™Neil, Nickelodeon, Nick, Pizza, New York, Fight Scenes, Funny Moments, Comics, Cartoon, Cartoons, Turtles, TMNNT Scene, TMNT Clip, Krang, Video Game, Games, TMNT Fights, Mutant Mayhem, Shredderโ€™s Revenge, Martial Arts, Ninja, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie, TMNT Movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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