20 MINUTES of the Turtles Being Bros πŸ’ͺ (Literally) | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

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rest now my turtles for I fear we will not be able to elude our trackers for long oh you were so cute back then especially me gotta love the freckles can you tell us more about the cool robots you fought Sensei stop interrupting Mikey I'm really into this story yeah this baby rap start kicking butt I can't remember I was so small I actually remember plugging that lamp in man I really was a baby genius whatever pay attention my sons this story has a purpose no I will resume [Music] our days were spent sleeping while nights I would hunt for food and take care of you [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] guys when ninjas are on surveillance they are supposed to be silent sorry Leo I'll scream quieter [Music] um say it rap be quiet not till Mikey says it Raphael is all wise and Powerful and he's better than me in every possible way and I'm a lowly worm beneath his feet who isn't fit to live on the same Planet as him because he's so amazing and I'm a dirt clot and in the history of the universe there's never been I hate enough we're wasting our time the Krang aren't gonna show up have a little patience will ya trust me guys they're gonna break into that lab tonight I have reliable Intel Intel you mean April told you you mean your girlfriend she's not my girlfriend Mikey she's a girl who's a friend whose dad got kidnapped by the same aliens who are gonna break into that lab and we're gonna stop him or we'll sit out on a cold roof all night for no reason what the heck's going on up here [Music] son Mikey has a plan [Music] come and get it [Music] oh [Music] foreign we all do phew the septic tanks down below should hold those creeps at least until I can figure out a retro mutagen to turn him back I'm glad you didn't get flushed little brother you and me both bro everybody who saved the world Mikey we saved the world [Music] get down [Music] Romeo [Music] April are you there she's not gonna answer Leo what do we do we gotta get April out of that band but but dog pounds in there and we're not ready to fight that guy off Splinter was right we should have stayed below can't believe I'm gonna say this get it together Captain you're our leader so act like one you're right Ralph that was the anxiety Ray talking that's it you're not gonna slap yourself let's save April and our home but we'll never catch him on foot we're not going on foot [Music] whoa what happened Donny got beat up by a lab monkey April can you get an ice pack oh Donny you're gonna be okay uh yeah yeah I'll be fine in that case he got beaten up by a monkey in front of your girlfriend she's not my girlfriend and that monkey was a vicious mutant yeah I'm sure he went bananas [Laughter] no no he went eight [Laughter] [Music] no more monkey puns [Music] hurt no we were laughing at him because he was hurt by a monkey [Laughter] I'm serious Mikey you think I joke about the pizza you know me a little better than that Donnie to joke about the pizza you're the culinary expert why don't you just make your own make your own make your own make your own [Music] yes I will make the ultimate Pizza [Music] come on foreign [Music] if you please I'm missing the most important part cheese kid get a kid are they ever gonna stop singing it sickens me oh what is that repulsive smell if I repulsive you mean delicious I agree digging doesn't it look Sublime wow no I'm gonna die for me your loss where are you gonna get better huh um [Music] you're still working on that go-kart it's not a go-kart it's an all-terrain Patrol buggy with detachable side cars dude hasn't Splinter been riding us hard enough you gotta find a way to relax we all deal with stress in different ways Mikey yeah this is how I deal and this is how I deal T [Music] Dr Frankenstein makes house calls and now the kid goes for the world record he will attempt to jump three Mutant Turtles I can't believe he talked us into this foreign how many times have I told you not to skateboard in the lair nonsense eh I shouldn't have to tell you you're right Sensei we definitely should have known better and we deserve to be punished some and what do you think would be a fitting punishment [Music] well we we should clean up our mess and then think about what we did yeah what about being grounded for a week oh I'm not sure that's cool really that's not necessary maybe next time you're grounded for a week [Music] slash hey where'd you go man what happened to you Donny's disappeared he was right behind me when holy chalupa another turtle wait wait no it's Spike I mean slash now he got into the mutagen dude this is too much to process I'm gonna freak it out Raphael you said it yourself we don't need these clowns we gotta hunt that mutagen down now but what about Donny we have to find him sorry slash my brothers come first no matter what how about I make the choice a little easier for you [Music] what are you doing I don't want to fight you Raphael just go leave me to my work your work that mutagen warped your brain Spike this isn't you told you the name slash [Music] we had nowhere left to go so we came to the old farmhouse I grew up in miles away from the city a place we could all be safe in the first thing we did was take care of poor Leonardo this will keep him hydrated help him heal faster Raphael keeps a constant vigil over Leo waiting for him to wake up Michelangelo Goofs around a lot but he does a ton of chores around the house [Laughter] off chickens that's all I got easy easy [Applause] mostly he Goofs around a lot Donatello built a lab in the barn trying to create a mutagenic medicine to heal Leo one last drop and I think I've done it thank you [Music] Mikey [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] yes way more awesome than video games more explosives fire [Music] come on [Music] yeah in your face gravity thanks ref anytime buddy I can't believe it we saved the world yeah that wasn't so hard was it [Music] hahaha [Music] back so soon you just left to patrol the city everything all right definitely needs it's just really amazing to see you whoa dudes this Lair is rocking check out that pinball totally radical what are we tell you guys about waiting outside what is going on here someone explained no wow your Splinter is kind of strict you should be enjoying your Victory you did a great thing tonight Leonardo you saved everyone not everyone I tried to get Karai out of Shredder's control failed sensei I'm sorry we saved her once Leonardo perhaps we can save her again and now you show great gifts as a Healer being at the edge of your life gave you a power that few martial artists can tap I am proud of you my son [Music] um Leo we just wanted to thank you for saving us yeah you kicked football butt stop the poison got us out of there and he did it solo none of us could have done that maybe you're right maybe tonight was a win forever you okay huh sure yeah [Music] [Music] I'm fine I love you he's not fun call Donnie tell him we need an antidote put your left leg up here right leg down here twist your hips and down I go and down I go and down yes I did it when do I get my black belt Donatello Daddy we need help wrap's been bitten by giant poisonous robotic fish that's not possible if he was bitten it's venom not poison interesting interesting hey do you know how to drive you kidding I've been driving an ice cream truck all summer I thought you said you knew how to drive I usually don't go over eight miles an hour you just try to hold it steady okay I gotta mix this antidote for rap quarterly symptoms he keeps telling me I'm the smartest guy he knows okay okay he's delusional [Music] more than usual does he have any nausea nah he doesn't have any I knew you ate my pizza yes oh no rap look at him it's terrible what do you mean he's perfectly normal how about now Mikey whoo yeah way better what the heck is going on uh crazy swamp monster sucked out your mutagen and turned you into a plant dude it was awesome but I used this IV tube to drain all the mutagen out of the creep and back into your body cool right killed off the infection like a bad case of shell acne cool thanks Don so what happened to the monster he got turned back into swamp goo pretty wicked right Donnie worked all night to save you Leo never left your side that's what brothers are for
Channel: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Views: 5,456,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, TMNT, Ninja Turtles, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Rise of the TMNT, Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Mikey, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Shredder, Splinter, Master Splinter, April O’Neil, Nickelodeon, Nick, Pizza, New York, Fight Scenes, Funny Moments, Comics, Cartoon, Cartoons, Turtles, TMNNT Scene, TMNT Clip, Krang, Video Game, Games, TMNT Fights, Mutant Mayhem, Shredder’s Revenge, Martial Arts, Ninja, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie, TMNT Movie
Id: Sj95WqhSLto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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