AWESOME CLAY PHYSICS PUZZLE GAME! - Claybook Gameplay - First Look

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let's go this I was this water oh oh this is so tricky all this slippery Oh No okay don't break the beams don't break the beams don't break the beams oh boy there we go [Music] hello youtube moto getting here Bree you guys a first look at clay but clay book is a physics I would say it's like a physics based puzzle game and everything is based on clay where I like to call it playdough because I used to play at Plato a lot when I was a kid and yeah this is a very very unique game it's really kind of hard to explain without showing you guys the gameplay footage and how everything works but it is absolutely gorgeous this game comes out on the 18th and I do want to thank the developer for sitting me over a key but we're gonna jump right in now we're actually playing with a xbox one remote now the cool thing is the game comes with all these preset levels or they call them books but once the game comes out people are gonna be able to edit their own levels and put them up on the workshop so I think that's gonna be pretty cool so we're gonna jump right in we're gonna play book right here we've got two chapters here and get in the woods and we got Bob in the Chocolate Factory and let's just go and just jump into one of these and just see what this is all about alright so we're gonna start off here with the tutorial levels we got a couple levels we're gonna go through here today and kind of show you guys what this game is all about I must say visually like I said it is absolutely stunning you start off in like a kid's room and he's got this big clay sittin oh there's the kid he's just kind of staring at us but anyways well we do have like a I think it's a time limit or maybe like a goal time limit I don't know if it actually ends the level but we're this little cube of clay we can change shapes here let's go and change into a ball and you'll see as you bounce off everything you'll get bigger you'll kind of affect all the world around you so it's good bounce up against this alright so we need to rewind here now this is a cool little feature so we're gonna rewind and we're gonna go ahead we're gonna add you can add whatever shape you were and you can add it to the world so we're gonna use ourselves as like a little prop here so go and start back and shoot over boom there we go all right possess the cube on the ledge so do that I guess we need to go down here why is he playing with a joystick with cubes or with play-doh this seems kind of weird let's go down here and what's our next objective remove the water from the yellow tank how do we do that gonna oh we can carve through obstacles okay let's go ahead I'm gonna hold the trigger here oh look at this look at all this this water or I guess it's more I guess it's still clay I guess we need to keep running into this thing it's just go ahead and carve out the side the physics it's just so amazing watching the clay like move around and form into all the little cracks did you can see as the see as the cube here goes through it we can actually affect everything and oh there we go chapter complete there's actually your leaderboards there I know this has a split screen on it but yeah that's a really pretty cool let's go ahead and go to the next level I'm kind of curious as to what other puzzles we're gonna have here all right so it seems like we have unlocked three levels here we've got stampede we've got water management we have sand box of chocolate eat all the chocolate you can find is that like play-doh chocolate or is it real chocolate because Plato tastes nasty every normal kid has tried play-doh it's really salty I do not suggest ever doing that but let's go to Water Management I like these water levels so let's go and click into here let's go straight to this I'm assuming ah there we go so we've got the play-doh water it's gonna fill up this container we need to destroy the sides and fill up the other containers all right we can do this let's go ahead you know it's carve a path right here alright see where this is gonna be a bit of an issue so it's carve a path right there let's go ahead and carve into the side here and get this water flowing there we go look at the glorious physics of the play-doh water let's go over here we're gonna cut in it's cut another lip right about that's probably good there we're gonna cut into the side here there we go get the play-doh water filling oh that's so cool looking all right so let's run over here cut another one I feel like I know what I'm doing here I mean maybe I'm like a play-doh expert or something now come on I'm kind of curious as to what the editor looks like like what can you do with all this play-doh oh I've got a couple extra grooves in there hopefully that starts to fill up all right so that's flowing so is it just the three tanks or do we have anything else we need to fill up here feel like the flowing is actually stopped or it slowed down we need to carve into here a little bit more it's get this flowing see you can see the waters going in places it probably shouldn't be going so the new objective well you got a new one okay reach the goal or it's a end of the level objective here what's the point of being that shape let's go and cut a little bit more here we're gonna get this water flowing so it's cut in now want to cut too much of it out here and oh the camera run went really close that's 60 oh it's starting to flow quite nice there sixty-seven percent over here let's see if we get some more of this water to flow out so we're gonna cut into this there we go should start flowing is there a way to like add clay I feel like well I guess you can do it with the rewind function so safer to make a let's go ahead pause time here it's going to add a little piece here try to get the clay actually flowing actually let's go back back back there we go now there we go maybe it creates like a little wall for the clay to float it's go and dig in some more here all right so this tanks basically full oak red we need to get out of this tank alright here we go and this one's almost there let's go ahead dig a little bit more so you can get a little bit more space flow in there or did we hurt it at 97 it's getting closer it's a hundred percent over here so it's just this tank right here hmmm alright let's go and dig in here still some water left inside of this so let's dig dig dig dig dig come on come on water flow there we go 100% we are done so what do we do now reach the goal at the end of the level I guess it's what over here okay cool and here we go 93 stars oh wow somebody has really got some good times here a minute and 32 seconds that's pretty ridiculous alright so let's see what else do we have to move on here does unlock more levels rep to complete okay so oh it actually unlocked a whole new set of levels see there's a lot of freedom here now there is another book called blob in the Chocolate Factory and oh this seems like another tutorial we need more stars for this so we have to stay in the woods here what else do we have we have whoo there's a race rad racer it looks like we have something with trees transport objects across treetops looks like a little Corsair and then a tricky puzzle I'm not very good with puzzles so let's go to the race now you guys seem to like races a lot on my channel so oh this looks cool okay so what are we doing here we just go just reach all the way points oh I don't want to be this I want to be a the ball seems to be one of the easiest things to be so let's go up to this oh this is so cool could you imagine having this much play-doh as a kid like this kid is probably like an artist here he's doing a very good job my play-doh all got mixed together and it turned gray let's go this I was this water oh oh this is so tricky all this slippery Oh No okay don't break the beam don't break the beams don't break the beams oh boy there we go alright here we go up the stairs we're gonna go bloop bloop that almost worked oh it is gonna work no it's not okay we need to pause add some play-doh here actually let's start up here there we go alright here we go oh we got like a little banked section stay up on it stay up on it oh yeah I strongly suggest using a remote with this I can't imagine doing this with a mouse I don't know maybe I could be wrong and all we need to change shapes here uh no this how do you get up on your side I need to go through them like a coin here alright you know we're gonna dig oh no we don't dig too much we're gonna dig a hole in the bottom okay there we go cool let's go back into the ball shape water alright we're to come down this there we go oh boy alright there is one more objective let's go and just fly off this make a big splat right there oh we did it the ball let's kind of roll it back up so it looks like we'll kind of reform here if we keep rolling and collecting some more play clay I'm gonna said play there we go and set it chapter completed three stars hey I'm number four I mean I don't know how many people have played this game whoever this Sebastian guys he's a maniac 47 seconds maybe he's a developer or something alright so we've unlocked even more levels there's another one of the water management levels it seems like it's a complex one you got that what else do we have we have el clay oh that is a stampmanage water there's a lot of these water levels I kind of like them what else do we have there's a tree fort one transport a cylinder to higher ground I'm assuming this is kind of like the race except for maybe a little more tricky let's go to the tree fort here and see what this looks like and oh there's a lot of clay here okay move the cylinder okay there's a cylinder or something up there how do we move it do we just push on it and move it when that kind of destroy the object or maybe it's not a actually here it is alright so we just had to move this piece this seems like a bigger cylinder than we were before okay so this is just like a like an obstacle course here so when I go up this one come on form the play or clay I keep saying play I don't know how I'm doing that there's that one alright where do you go Oh crud right over there so I'm assuming we actually need to go down this I think so you know this might actually work better than the ball I was using the ball last level to get over these little beams but it seems like the the square here actually it's quite a bit better so let's do that don't want to fall on the cracks because it's just so unique because every time you're passing over something you're deforming it just a little bit more actually think I took the I think I took a different path than I was supposed to there that's cool let's just go down here I'm gonna drop right into here there we go and we're kind of this this or is that hundred percent all we just need to reach the end goal here which we're just a big cylinder in theory we should just be able to pass over come on into the goal there we go hey I'm third oh 33 seconds are you kidding me oh that's crazy okay so we are there now on this level feels good to be really high up in the leaderboards just knowing that you had the advantage because you got the game early but as soon as this game comes out I'm gonna get wiped clean so anyways I guess we were ready to go on to the next level alright so we've completed quite a few chapters here complete it four of these in the first book I kind of want to check the second book out just to see what it's like so it's another tutorial but the level looks completely different it looks like candy or something so let's go into this let's see what this is exactly and all this is beautiful with all the water at the bottom and oh there's chocolate eat the bridge okay we can do this actually don't we need to eat the cherries on top okay so we need parts of the chocolate bridge here I'm assuming or is this even a no this doesn't look like an objective oh maybe it's this chocolate bridge here alright so let's eat into this is this what we're supposed to be doing I notice we'll see two cherries no it's turning to something bigger here feel like oh there we go okay the chocolate bridge is going do I need this bridge to cross I don't know if I need this bridge or maybe we should go eat the cherries first see even in this a little bit let's go eat those cherries real quick just in case and oh we can form into something even bigger here so this down here come on actually this might be used to be like a little platform here there we go let's go let's go ball mode see if that works I never go seems like this might work a little bit better no this isn't working at all okay we need to need to keep moving here let's try launching ourselves up here maybe this book is intended to be harder and I probably should have stayed in the first book here we go let's get to this cherry let's go in form into the cube here eat into the cherry ah this is amazing alright come on does this cherry drop if you okay it's still suspended in air let's say I need something bigger so I need to actually let's go ahead stop here keep I've got to build the clay back up to get up to the cherry again there we go so let's eat into the cherry I need to get the stem are you kidding me that's formed more clay more clay there we go I wish someone dead stim it's just right there it's taunting me all right it's a hundred percent okay so there's a ball or something over on that side let's go back down here up this keep that momentum up don't wonder I would like to jump this actually let's move this over I don't know if this is what we're supposed to be using or not let's move this right about let's move this about halfway and see if we can get up this so would be kind of cool and split-screen to try this out and see what it's like if you both have to kind of guess work together there we go actually no no no stay up there stamp there okay when you get you back up here we need to add and there we go ah we're almost there okay eat into it I'm doing a bad job now I felt like I was actually doing good and I feel like this times gonna be terrible gonna add a couple more here we are just we've kind of got ourselves in a bad situation here with this little cherry we're trying to get alright well let's let's go ahead I don't like wasting too much time here so we're gonna run over to this side and see if we can get this objective real quick this is kind of an another awkward spot is it not can we get from over here to here come on dig your way up there we go alright we're good it's gonna get to this cherry start eating into it eat the cherry I kind of want to start hitting the top of it here that way I don't have to build up onto it or anything so let's keep eating keep eating you know where this side num-num-num almost there okay let's go ahead and build up some of the clay around here there we go and it's eat our way out and try to climb up on top of this I probably spam that a little too much when I start placing new clay again but uh there we go come on yeah I'm on eighty-three percent six no oh no it's the one we fall out oh there's a big ball over here hold on let's take this thing out real quick oh this is a huge ball of clay oh you know this thing this might be the way to do this levels with this I wish I'd have known this was down or old we should have known that it was this big I kind of saw it there we go this is definitely why you're gonna eat the bridge width let's go ahead and go back over on this side here cross the bridge no time's running out oh this is bad come on get up this you know let's go for the bridge let's just go for the bridge here I wasted a lot of time in this level all right we need to stay up on top of it that way we don't collapse the bridge that you want to try to get a star here there we go there's a goal all right where is the goal at we need to get up that oh we are not gonna get up that with a UH there's a saying uh you don't want to what do you know we're gonna try to go up the the big we're gonna try to take the ball up this this is probably not gonna work come on come on get to the goal get to the goal there we go that was one an us one in a quarter star that was terrible Wow I really didn't know what I was doing there I kind of feel bad yeah it's going to continue yeah there's not really much more to unlock I'm pretty sure when the game releases we're gonna get some more books but the big thing about this is the whole fact there's gonna be a lot of replayability once you get in and people start creating stuff so you've got like your books over here so we can create a book you can name it and do all that what is it what does it look like what do we do here how do we we need to go in here I'm gonna kind of explore the editor real quick oh look at this this is cool okay ho oh this is gonna be something I have to learn here this is really weird okay so it looks like can we do this with the remote is this okay you can move the camera around with the remote and it looks like you can create obstacles so you can create the levels probably almost exactly like they do in the campaign mode so you have like a transform mode what is this so we can oh this is way above my skill level here there's a transform rotation transform scale action in axis ooh this is a lot of stuff here so is there just like a hey can I grab the clay and like form something button looks like you can add this is a really advanced so it's like you can add like say water sources you can see little water droplet up here so maybe you'll create like a bucket around it kind of like to do in the main campaign the kid is still staring at me and it really creeps me out so yeah properties this is gonna take a whole lot to learn here as far as what I'm doing but there's a lot of stuff here so you've got different modes what's the action center yeah there's a lot of controls here I do look forward to the people that are actually able to do stuff like this and create because we're probably gonna get some really unique levels once the game is fully released but we'll have to kind of wait until then I like said I do want to thank the developer for sending me over a key it does come out on the 18th so if you want to check this game out it is cool a book you can follow the link in the description to the steam page and check it out there but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this little first look of clay book let me know if you want to see more of this in the future maybe hit that like button subscribe comments do whatever you need to do there to let me know and inform me that you want to see more of this hope you guys have a great day and we will see you guys next time thank you [Music]
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 545,323
Rating: 4.8452139 out of 5
Keywords: claybook, claybook game, claybook gameplay, claybook campaign, claybook review, claybook early access, claybook book, claybook first look, claybook puzzles, claybook download, claybook workshop, claybook lets play, claybook clay game, physics game, claybook funny, puzzle game, indie game, camodo, camodo gaming, kid games, kid gaming, family friendly, clay, play doh, play doh videos, play doh kids, playdoh, playdough, kid friendly videos
Id: vZcwD5LGglE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2017
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