Tissue - Multi Components Tessellation (for Hard Surface modelling)

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hello everyone this is Alison temporarily and in this tutorial I want to show you how I created this helmet here is sci-fi helmet here starting from these and those before starting this tutorial is not really about modeling techniques it's more about how to use tissue in particular way desolation' tool that we have in tissue in order to automatically generate this assembly here starting from the different pieces and are driving topology that gives me information on how to apply each component in the different part of a geometry so I'm not really focusing on modeling tools so if you are looking for something more basic probably this could be a bit advanced and the idea was to keep the workflow of creating this object non-destructive so basically if we make any change in one of those element and we refresh this we should be see we should see the change applied automatically from this object here so just for giving you an idea if I change something here for example so if I go to edit mode and let's say I want to change the element that I have here I want to give a different shape for example one just to keep it smooth I can just select this loop and then I can assign a different material that we call a different object so how it works as you can see I have many materials on this object each color basically is a different material and the name of the materials that I have here is matching exactly the name of the object that they have here so as you can see I have some components here and the name is the same of the material so if here I use this solid material it's gonna be using this one instead of this so now I can refresh this in this specific moment the settings are quite high because they want to keep a very nice and smooth curvature so it's gonna take a while so we can press refresh and it should take around 20 seconds at the moment because I have also some modifier on the object so at the end of a desolation I'm also using an additional subdivision surface that make everything more even more smooth so to mean 20 seconds it should refresh and reload the changes here so this is the helmet with different components assigned and the nice thing of this particular approach to the modeling of this object is that you can easily change the different part and without the need of remodeling again we object you can easily really update it and also another important feature is that if we check the curvature of the object is quite nice while usually when you work with mesh modeling and you have a very nice smooth geometry when you start editing some specific areas if you can easily get something that is not really smooth as this one so let's see how I did those so I can delete that object because we are gonna to recreate from scratch so let me return here so we can see the materials and something important let me use again the original read the component about this object here as you can see the topology of the faces how they are oriented how they are connected by loops that we are creating is quite important in order to have a specific shape in the final element in the final object so in order to have a smooth and nice geometry I'm using this technique of projecting this shape here on top of a basic shape that I have here so let me hide this topology object so this very smooth geometry if I go to edit mode you will see that is actually very low poly so if I hide my subdivision surface of course I'm using a mirror so this is a very fully gonan shape and usually I like to keep in that way because we've a subdivision surface on top of that you have very nice and smooth shapes of course if you want more detail more sharp parts you can increase the number of phases of this object so I use this for giving the general shape and then a habit apology that is used for let me return to object mode that is used for articulating the component and makes basically the drawings on top of that shape so in this case I'm using a lot of levels of subdivision because I need them for having a nice result that we end but for the moment we can keep it more low poly okay so the number of subdivision that I have here is gonna factor so how slow is gonna be the tessellation so let's try to say okay I have some components as you can see which shapes are really simple really easy to to make and in this case there are a couple of things that you have to keep in mind for making those component and it's more clear if I go to maybe if I activate with white friend okay so if you give a look to the number of subdivision that we have here you should see that they all kind of match so usually for each side I have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 faces and this for example that is with solid the panel with solid component have eight subdivisions in both direction and it's better if you keep the same amount of subdivision in all the components so they are gonna match always so for example this one is made for match this one in one specific direction so if I move here you see that the number of polygons is the same and may always match of course this one is made for having another one in that direction so in this direction it's gonna match only itself for another component that have the same shape the same thing for this one on one side is gonna match the glass material the last component that is this one 8 subdivisions always and if we have a direction have a different shape because the other component that should find in their direction is itself basically the same thing for this tube component we have this tube shape inside on this side is matching their eight faces in the other side just have a different shape why eight eight faces there is no a specific reason just depend on how much smoothness you want to get at the end and depend just basically on the quality of the final result that you want will you see how it looks in that way but you can also try to work with less faces is depending on the number of elements and articulation that you want to add so it's probably better to make some tests and see how it works so let's hide their wireframe and let's return here okay so how can we make better selection on top of this object we can select for example any one of those components they take just be solid then we can add to the selection this surface here and I can use my desolator tool here and for the moment just press ok and let's see what happened we will find all those settings also in another panel that have a nicer layout and we'll make it more easy to interact with them so if I just press ok this is the result that we automatically get okay not really the helmet that we were hoping for of course because now we are just using one component and really flat because it's using basically this shape here without the subdivision surface and without the shrink-wrap so we are tessellating on this object here so this looks like an Evangelion helmet but if we want to use the nicer and smooth component that has followed nicely this shape instead of using backward tessellation we can go here to object data and see all the settings for the tessellation here that we can still interact with instead of using the quad tessellation I want to use the patch how does patch work patch works with the quarter faces only the quad faces so it's not allowed to work with triangles or any other polygons but quad and with those quad faces it's gonna see how they are smooth according to the subdivision surface or some other modifiers that are working on top of this object so as you can see the modifier that we have we have a mirror then we have a subdivision surface that is defining basically those patches that we see here and we have also shrink-wrap machine web is an allowed modifier that you can have the after subdivision surface because it's not changing the indexes of the vertices of the object so remember that he used the subdivision surface in order to understand how are distributing the patches and which are the vertices of each patch and after this subdivision surface modifier you can only have modifiers that doesn't change the topology of the mesh so all the modifier that are under the form are allowed because they doesn't change the indexes we just move the vertices of a mesh so we are allowed everything that is inside generator is gonna be a problem because if you use one of those you're gonna change my indexes of the vertices and the tissue doesn't recognize anymore but patches so this is quite important you can use a displace you can use two things but the important thing is that you don't have to change the topology of a mesh after this guy here so let's see how it works I select my object here I go to build tessellate settings and the instead of quad I'm using patch okay it's up to the following misshaped it's consider also the mirror because it's needs to use the modifier of the object and as you can see they are banded and we are following this shape how can we use now the different component according to the material that you have here we have seen that it's important that we have a name of the material that match the name of the component and the only thing that we need to do is to use an option that is called gr sorry it's called the multi component it's kind of hidden because it's inside selectively here multi component just press this and now we see that is using different component according to the different parts hmm doesn't look so good but the thing is we have to fix a couple of other things one thing that we have to fix is the thickness of course as you can see they are quite flat in this case I prefer especially when I have many components I prefer to use an option that is called align to origins because you can see that here this component for example is made to be quite taller compared to the other while here they all have the same thickness and that's actually not nice especially if you want to keep some alignment because you want the part that are connected and welded together so we need to find a very precise way to align the different component and in this case if you use the option that is called aligned to origins here is gonna use the local coordinator in busy direction only busy direction in order to find the proper way to match them in the thickness so if I use this option here it's gonna use has thickness for the component exactly the thickness that we have here aligned to origins okay okay the alignment of the component themself is better but we are still short so an option is just to change the scale here but in this case we have to consider that by default the tessellation change basicness according to the areas of the faces but in this specific case because we want to have exactly the thickness that we have here and in order to prevent also other issues that may occur especially in the patch tessellation I want to use the constant thickness so it will use exactly the coordinate that we have here so for example if I check the coordinate of this phase is 1.45 this one is zero centimeter this is one centimeter point forty five so if I use the constant it with thickness of this part should work hopefully to the same amount so let's check constant okay well looks quite taller let me check the thickness yes exactly what kind of the thickness that I was looking for now the thickness and the alignment between the component should be correct and so we did we did use the constant thickness and also align two origins here okay now irritation of a component it's of course wrong it's not correct there is an option in a tissue that allows you to manually rotate some components so let's say that those are fine this one is not right we can select oops let me remove this and this and this we can select the face that we want to rotate so for example this one should be and in tissue we can use rotate left or right so if I rotate you have to recompute the whole tessellation now it's correct but of course this one should be rotated 180 degrees but the problem happened here in the mirrored part because the rotation is different but because I'm using a mirror modifier I'm not allowed to change the rotation of this compared to this one so this is actually an issue and usually if you work with a mirror and you don't want to apply the mirror this can be an issue so what I want to use its another technique that it's also quite faster because you don't have to rotate manually each face according to the rotation of the others we can use a different technique that is based on the UV mapping of the geometry so the idea is that if I for example check Bay UV of this object here let's say that we have this face I want to reset across you reset may you be so tissue is gonna check according to the X&Y in by UV after it's U and V it's gonna check which is the closest rotation to X & Y here so according to this rotation is gonna find the correct rotation for the component and this is actually simple here to make all them consistent because I can just select the entire loop and at the end I can select this face here and I can press you fall of active quad we can use even is fine okay actually I already had a UV mapping here that was made up positively for working correctly here so I'm gonna delete the UV mapping that I have here I'm gonna create a new one so let's regen so I select one face of a look though that should be consistent I pressed you for reset this face then the entire loop keeping this one as active phase oppress you and they use full of active okay it's not a problem if they go outside to the boundary the only things that is important is that the rotation of all those faces is consistent so now here I can try to refresh this object using the rotation instead of default I can use active UV okay this is now nice continues and sounds good we can choose between two different rotation for example now it's more you have we have a slope here and it's more sharp here if we want to change the rotation in the other way we can go to the UV editing we can select just this loop we can select all the faces with a here rotate 180 degrees and now if i refresh we should see the different rotation okay so we can keep in this way and for example we can fix the grid as well this grid that should be along the side maybe I can hide the wife and for this object okay so I can make all of them this loop consistent so basically for each loop I have to make all the phases consistent so we can for example select this preset or we can just select directive a loop press Q and reset and you fall of active quad okay and we can do the same maybe it's better to check what happened here Oh J I also for this referred we have a rotation so if we want to rotate we can go here are 180 okay and now we make this loop consistent this loop in this case is the transition between the solid part and bagless so you see that we have this here so this is made for continued this one or this one or this one or this one or this one so you can match all the basically all the solid component in this direction and the create the glass in the other direction and for in this side is gonna match this one so we need to make all of them consistent select the loop you reset you fall of active quad okay let's see if it's correct okay the direction is good but should be rotated 180 degrees because this part supposed to be on that side so I select again this guy I select all the faces are 180 and the three freshness okay same thing for this loop here so I select this loop you reset you follow after quad okay actually I already see that the direction is vertical why is supposed to be a rosante in this case because the connection between the other similar pieces should be in the X direction you see the X here so for sure this direction is gonna be wrong so I can rotate 90 and now I can refresh this and of course is it okay no it's not it's not the wrong direction so again rotate 180 okay let's check okay yes that's correct okay those for example we are not consistent so I can select those six you reset you follow up active quad refresh we can choose between two different direction one option is to have them in this direction the other option is to rotate 90 degrees and see how it looks with rotation in the other way okay I don't mind both looks nice to me and the grid for the grid we can with the Russian in this case is not important because we grid is symmetrical so we just need to make sure that the loop is gonna be right you reset you follow the active quad okay should be fine let's check and working with a UV it's easier because you can automatically make all the part consistent and also works with a mirror as you can see also for the grid actually we can choose between two different direction before it was in the other way but we can also see how it looks at the end with this direction here so when I think of this approach is that you can experiment quite easily it's just you can just change the rotation you can just change my material and you're gonna see different effect and the result the tubes here we are definitely going in the wrong direction so here as well I can select this loop this is representing where with tube you reset you fall off active quad okay should be fine because it's on its own time and that's good also what else here on the back this loop should be consistent you reset you fall off active quad okay okay it's Horizonte that's good of course horizontal vertical depends on how you created the component I just gave to me the rule to keep the connection horizontal into this direction so okay that's good this part here that I called shield is not consistent also for this one we can choose between two different direction and the result is going to be different because before I kept in that direction I prefer to see how it looks in this direction here so I can select here is six paces you reset you follow active quad and in this case let me check with orientation so those are going a resultant so it's gonna be okay exactly as I wanted let me double check refresh okay yes this part here as well should be fixed so you reset you followed active quad okay should be fine yes and this one as well oops you reset you follow active what okay Rosanna it's good this one I have to reset this one as well so they're gonna match the two sides let me check now oh this one no it's not correct okay that sounds good for me and also this border here between the glass and the shield where the solid part so I can select this loop and you reset you follow of active quad okay let's see if so before that I can start I'm wrapping those as well you reset you follow that import okay the direction is good let me refresh this don't know whether action is not the one that they wanted the one that they wanted but for this one is I know it's not fine with the other side so let me rotate the border of 118 and this one I want to rotate just 90 degrees okay perfect so good good good this one okay last part and you reset you fall of active quad okay Direction is good and for them you reset you followed active quad and okay let's see okay prefer to rotate this one maybe okay and okay let's keep in that way okay now actually we have a problem because some of the component have the modifiers on top of them some other doesn't for example this doesn't have a modifier because I wanted to manually extrude some pieces this one have a subdivision surface modifier in simple mode because I wanted to increase the number of subdivisions so if you want to see a niven number of subdivisions in all of them that we should be consistent remember and need to use the modifiers of the component so instead of manually applying the modifiers in the component in various settings with tessellate settings i can use for the components weight modifiers just enough to activate this branch icon for modifiers here it's gonna take some more time because now we have more polygons but the quality is definitely better now all the pieces are not really connected to each other so it's important in this kind of object in this kind of connection between Bay components it's important to activate the merge option and also if we want to see a smooth shading oh wait now it's not merging nicely because as you can see it's merging some pieces that are too close to each other so probably we can reduce the distance for the merge okay but yes and if you want to see a smooth shading we can adjust the activate shade mode here but each time that you refresh it's gonna lose that settings for this way for this reason I have this smooth shading here that automatically will set the result as mu okay so I think we did that and now we can see how it looks okay the material are the same is using exactly the same material that we have here in the component so it's not gonna lose them so you can play with the material and then you can refresh and you can see different result applied here and in pin check also the curvature here probably with a markup like this one okay it's nice but it could be even nicer if we add a subdivision surface on top of this object before doing that I want actually to close this part let me activate the face orientation you can see with the face orientation that some parts okay this is because it's transparent but here in particular it's open of course because the component are had openings on the side because we should allow the connectivity with the other pieces without having faces in between but at the end when you create an object and you have a naked edge like here we are getting our nothing for that reason where is the settings also for that kimba tessellation setting when you use merge for closing an object you have some option for closing automatically bash this works only specific cases for example here what you what we need to do is just basically a bridge between this loop and the other one so if you have a look that have the same amount of polygons that's the ideal condition in this case if I use cloth mesh bridge looks it should close them yes good so at the end this object is actually closed and also because of how I created the component this part is separated so for example if you want to 3d print an object with this kind of subdivisions in different elements different plates you can easily generate all of them at once so we are gonna match and we're gonna create this nice continuity between the part and then you can separate them because we are separated object this one as well and you have for example this nice border that means use alt being you have this nice border the support the glass for example and for 3d printing a thing can be a nice feature a nice way to achieve this kind of feature in very smooth and complex chocolate like this now the idea was to add an extra subdivision surface on top of this just for adding more smoothness and make it even nicer okay but very something drunk so if we check with subdivisions here this is probably not super nice because the number of subdivisions that we have here so the subdivision of this and the subdivision of these are actually different this one in particular have a bigger face contour to this one it's better in order to have a nicer quality here to have more subdivisions here in order to give enough point enough vortices in order to interpolate between them and having a business of a surface so this is gonna make the desolation of slower but it's actually better if you keep a higher value I think I use four before so the density is higher than the one that we are getting here so if i refresh now it's better when you refresh if you hide the modifier it's not creative gonna create a problem but it's gonna make it as lower so now I want to refresh it's gonna take more time probably okay and now if I add the subdivision surface okay definitely better okay sounds good we can put the helmet from the head of our guy here okay so now that we have defined everything it's gonna be much easier for us to just experiment with that so let's say that here I don't want these tube geometry but instead of that I want this light element here and I want to add another grid here you can easily play with that and change it or maybe we want our glass here not gonna be a problem the loop are already consistent between them well let me hide the wireframe yes an optimal display here much better so for example here I can use me my border that is the transition between solid and the glass and here I can use my reinforced grab bless that I called the solar panel here okay so if i refresh it's gonna take a while because I have all the settings if you want to just experiment maybe it's better to keep it it's lower and lower and they activate a subdivision surface so if we want experiment it's better to keep the lower setting okay the border is in wrong direction so I need to update those 118 very fresh this one yes the border class have the disc glass part that is doesn't have those additional element so if I want to reduce this gap I should play with the topology here so probably I should scale that like this maybe move some vertices here I use the crease in order to have some more roundness around here but if I remove that shift e minus 1 for example I can have more sharp corners so usually I use some crease sometimes in the topology only if I want more roundness in some part that have some connection that are not orthogonal at some point so now you can see that the deformation is proportional to the sides of faces so now it's maybe a bit better and here I want the light here okay no problem can select this assign the different material that is the ribbon and I can refresh here and they can easily generate a different version experiment with that can make some variation and of course those component that I created here maybe I can use them for other part of the armor of this guy or maybe to use the same static of some element also for the spaceship that is going to use for traveling space I don't know and we can put the shield part here for example as well for maybe we can yeah you can try that so we didn't manage the UV rotation for this one we can you know you reset you all electric quads ok and here I want to apply the shield yes good and this works quite fine for the utter element of course where it's always a deformation so the thickness of this part is not gonna be always the same because it's squeezed and stretched according to my phases so if you want to keep it more regular you should keep your topology more regular if you want to dis move and nice around the deformation do you have to accept that this is gonna change the thickness accordingly and for example I created a couple of component like this one for a for instance just foresee what happened when you have for example our component with some circular element like this so this component is called the glass tool so I can for example try to apply in some part of the my class this one I have the material at sea glass - you can assign here and assign here and you want to see what happened okay this is a clear example of how the deformation works sometime if you want to have very regular and rounded element or just keeping some part fixed it's not possible at the moment at least with this with the tessellation because you always have a deformation according to their faces I mean it should match this one because you have to combine all the faces and we should recreate this shape so if you have to fit this component here is gonna squeeze the circle in that way so sometimes it's something that you can accept some other time you want to do that differently in that case probably it's gonna it's gonna work better to just interact with the final object with some boolean operation or some other technique that you may use for hard surface modeling so let me remove them for example I wanted to experiment also what is the glass here I want to experiment also with some spot element so I have a component that is written at the moment this one so I want to try to apply it on some spots not here sorry here here for example so I have the material c-spot and let's refresh and we have some spot light here of course in this case as well the shape was perfectly rounded but at the end because of the deformation that we have here is gonna change its shape I have an Indian future to allow us to keep for example some part fix maybe according to a vertex group but I mean this is a plan for the future but it's not yet a feature that you can use now if you have things to experiment with your shape and you're ready for making the final version of that we can increase again the number of subdivisions that we have here or was it good number and now it can refresh it and add an extra subdivision surface on the final object okay and that's nice let's check where the surface the quality of a surface we can use some zebras and it's not that bad I mean considering that we are working with mesh modeling that we are working with sharp seams along the very nice a smooth curvature this is I think it's not a bad result I hope that you enjoyed this tutorial and I hope that it was clear how to use all these settings that maybe we can just recap briefly the main important when you work with this specific case I see that in the tessellation settings there are a lot of settings some of them are also closed and hidden there are more but in future we would like to consider this as kind of kernel for the tessellation and maybe I'm gonna add some buttons for just automatically sets all the things that you need for the most use cases for example I think this may be one of the most used cases so probably I will try to add a new function just for automatically make with oscillation with all the settings that we have seen together but before that let's see again which settings we use so from the top if you want to use the modifier of your component remember to activate the modifiers from here otherwise if you have some modifier is gonna keep all the bear original - of the object if you want to follow nicely with shape as we are doing as we are doing we want to use the subdivision surface on this object here we can't use modifier that change the number of vertices the faces of a topology after that but we can use ship rat we can use display so we can even use a multi resolution and play with vertices they they are allowed and in this case with us relation we need to use patch if you want to shade it activate a smooth shading and for the thickness in this case I wanted to keep exactly by thickness that was planning to have so for that reason I use constant that is a uniform no matter which is the area of the faces otherwise when you use a relative is gonna make them shorter when you have smaller face and taller when you have bigger faces so the scale is for incrementing the thickness of all of them one if just if you want to keep the value that we have here in Bejing and and here of the rotation active UV because makes life easier if you're working with loops in this case and it's also necessary if you are working with the mirror otherwise you're gonna have always a different rotation on the other side when you have a mirror with activity you can keep everything consistent and merge if you want to combine all the pieces together like we did here and if you add some loops that you want to close you can use close mesh bridge loops there is also an option for cap cause some cases where you have like just loop that you want to cut and of course the most important if you want to assign different component according to the name of the material that you have here we have to use multi component multi component is inside selectively because this small piece of a panel here is made for changing the tessellation according to some criterias for example to make them only on the selected faces or maybe to make them only on some specific material idea in this case when you use multi component actually it's not important anymore which is very component that you are using here because no matter which one is the component is going to use them according to the material and I think that's all one last trick is okay this is maybe our I mean this looks to me a nice technique for making these complex geometries but sometime you want just to add a specific feature only on some faces or maybe only on some loops though some loops so another approach is for example to select this loop here just one part and select for example this component and select this tessellate patch constant here aligned origins here smooth shading it's not important and merge okay and also just on selected faces and you can see that now it created this thing here only on the faces that were selected of course this is the regular tessellation we can change the active UV for rotation and also we can use in iteration we can combine iteration let's see that this is an iteration of my tessellation I can combine with the unused face so basically all the faces that we didn't use for this desolation we're gonna be combined with this one okay of course babe doesn't match in terms of subdivisions so in this case you should use the same amount of subdivisions that we have here for example if we want to reach 8 we're gonna use three subdivisions and here we are using the modifier so we can use here the modifiers of my component okay now they match of course there is a gap but let's try to make it different so let's say that I have a special version of this component that is aligned to be origin origin is here now so I can select this piece move here delete those faces that they don't need okay this is very busy row zero one so I can still change my component from here rib zero zero one okay and now we have this of the merge it's calibrated not properly for this case okay now we add just this feature on this object here this continuous is moved we can add a subdivision surface on this or maybe we can reduce one subdivision here and another one here so we always match I can try to refresh okay so now we can add some subdivision surface and they just added a feature in this specific part of my object together with a selection you can work with material or as a as an alternative so let's say that we don't want to use on selected faces now I'm gonna change some setting and if you want to prevent the desolation to refresh automatically time let you touch something from here you can just lock it now it's locked so we can change the settings without refreshing it so for example let's say that I want to add this element here on the material that are gripped so 0 1 2 this is very index of this material here so from via in the tessellation setting I can use material ID index 2 now you can refresh it okay so you don't need to make component for all the faces for example in this case I may want just to add the feature here automatically instead of making manual extrusion and now I can continue to work with these objects yet I can still change this one so let's say that they want to move those change a little bit with shape maybe move this this one I can refresh it and instead of making a manual extrusion that are gonna be problematic if you want to change it I can just refresh this one so what are different approaches this one this is I think it's quite nice especially if you can work always at the same level of detail but of course this one is gonna be good for example if you want to continue to interact with other modeling technique that you may already know for example for hard surface modeling and remember that tissue is already shipped with blender but at the moment it's not the most updated version of tissue that you can use so usually I recommend to go to my github page where you can find a tissue and from here you can find the master branch or usually the most updated version is the development branch so I usually suggest to use this one here because I often update it and I may have fixed some bugs so I suggest to download from here and if you want to support me in my work in making better commentation and continue to develop new feature for the tissue addon you may consider to subscribe to my pattern page where i share some special tricks or just some tutorials or just if you want to support the work that I'm doing thank you and keep blending
Channel: Alessandro Zomparelli
Views: 28,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 57min 30sec (3450 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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